Why do redditors hate Goku's english VA now? Spoonfeed about this whole Vic Mignona debacle that is shaking to its core the american dub industry.
Why do redditors hate Goku's english VA now...
He's a rapist or something. I don't know.
That's not goku's VA...
he said dragonball fans are cancer and that they OWE the voice actors, not the other way around.
How exactly does he tie into the whole Vic scandal? I've been out of the loop on this. I was under the impression that most dub fans love Sean Schemmel?
>How exactly does he tie into the whole Vic scandal?
He smeared Vic and shat on all the dragonball fans that dared questioned a women.
I thought he sued Funimation for some shit first?
Getting accused of something like rape of sexual assault instantly makes you guilty in the eyes of the public.
>Caring about dubs
Sounds like you should be the one fucking back off to reddit.
why should Yea Forums care about what reddit thinks?
Touching your fans no matter how pure your intent is sexual assault or rape. Hugs, and hands on hips/shoulders are a no-no. No wonder men are afraid to be physical in public gatherings.
From what I've gathered all the accusations were made up and his accusers are now in full retreat.
I thought they hated him because he doesn't like team four star
It still ruined his career getting #metoo'd.
>not hating after the Peter Kelamis thing
I see. Yeah he can be a hothead sometimes. I remember him getting mad about some con that happened to invite both him and one of Goku's previous voice actors, like it was some kind of grave insult. This was probably a year ago now.
t. redditor
I dont care about dubs, I want to know what all this fuss is about.
That was just some spice to introduce the issue at hand, which is to spoonfeed me.
No, they are still doubling down. He's in the process of suing them though and they are freaking out because they know they'll lose.
This thread would honestly be better off on Yea Forums if you want someone to spoonfeed you drama. But tl;dr Sean has always been a massive nigger with a cancerous twitter feed that makes your eyes burn, he was always known as an asshole on the dub team while Sabbat was ironically pretty chill, and he was quick to join in the accusations with pieces of human garbage like Monica Rial without knowing shit about the situation. I still like his performance more than the granny, but the only reason I bother to watch some of the dbs dub highlights is for britbong Frieza, he's 10/10.
He was only good as gaston
i hope he will never voice in Smash again
Was Vic ever found guilty of sexually harassing people, or is it just a stupid jellybean joke that went too far? Who was in the right here: KickVic or StandwithVic?
Yeah, Sean is surprisingly egotistical and arrogant for Goku's voice actor. When people on Reddit were criticizing Sean's decision to give Goku Black a British accent when he transformed into Rose, Sean was pretty much attacking his critics. Sean claimed that when Goku Black became Rose, more of Zamasu's essence and spirit flowed into him, and that's why Goku Black had to sound like Zamasu. Which is fucking retarded as Rose is an application of god ki that is only a different color because an actual god used it. Zamasu's spirit doesn't come out more profoundly when he transforms. (In the original version, Goku Black's voice never changed when he transformed.)
Facebook tier image
Yep, it's a neo-Yea Forums thread.
What happened? I heard a few people have dropped dubs because of some drama going on with VAs going hostile on people.
>caring about english VAs
Go back.
I kind of like the idea of Goku Black having a British accent considering Zamasu had one. He wouldn't just magically start speaking differently just because he was in somebody else's body.
there was also that some somebody asked him about team fourstar at a q&a and Sean blew a fuse and almost skipped the guy asking the question
>pls spoonfeed
>visits reddit
but Im not a redditor guise!!!
>Was Vic ever found guilty of sexually harassing people
No, there is absolutely no evidence and no matter how much kickvic folls insist there is, it never materializes, no one has any literal proof, it's pure twitter frenzy
Every time a dub """actor""" loses their job, I smile.
Probably just butthurt how TFS Goku is actually more accurate to the original than his earlier work, aka a high pitched non-moralfag retard. That or TFS merch is taking away 0.5% of his paycheck.
Not really, he literally just attended another convention, afaik he lost the roles of Broly and Qrow Branwen but that's about it so far
All incarnations of Goku are trash.
Only in the eyes of leftists with no respect for legal institutions and concepts like innocent Until proven guilty. That believe women shit was the biggest line of garbage I've ever seen, when you make an accusation you have to prove it that's a key difference between living in a free society and living in a fascist state but then again most Americans don't even know what the actual definition of fascism is.
Who fucking cares about amerifat voice actors.
Sub will always be superior to dub.
Depends on which one. If it was Kelamis he shouldn't have anything to worry about. If was Corlett he can get fucked
I dont visit reddit, I saw this shit spilling on youtube comments, and they may as well be redditors. If I cared about dubs I would already know about this, you retards. I will admit asking to be sponfeeded was pretty reddit-y, though.
Vic's been known to be kinda creepy and dodgy for at least 15 years. It goes way back to weird shit he got up to leveraging the fact that Edward Elric was popular with teenage girls. For the longest time the conventional wisdom was "be careful around that bloke." I heard it from convention goers way back then and I don't even live in the states. This shit was always going to blow up at some point and it finally did, nearly everyone that's ever worked with him says the same thing too.
Check out Nick Rekeita on YouTube, he's a lawyer that has been following the story for months now. Pretty interesting stuff.
Don't tell me you seriously watch this guy's shit.
because redditors like you insist that english va is good when he is only subpar.
>It's true 'cos everyone says it is
>Multiple people, going back over a decade are all just lying!
>uuuuh, they hate him! yeah! lets ignore the fact that the first people to talk about this shit were like 13 year old girls in full metal alchemist fanclubs back in the mid 2000s.
literally judging a book by its cover. Do or Don't, but it is comprehensive.
The filth that regularly goes to anime cons is one of the last groups of people I would ever trust.
being "Creepy" and "Dodgy" isn't enough. There's literally no proof from any of the allegations brought forth.
>believing women in any year
lmao go dilate
Mentioned this shit to someone who hasn't worked cons in over half a decade and is majorly out of the loop now and it was like "Oh, Vic? Big fucking surprise there"
He gave his phone numbers to multiple underage girls he described as sexy. That's not acceptable behaviour. It's not okay for a 45 year old man to just be like "yo you're hot lemme give you my number."
Like, I don't think he's satan or anything, but this kind of thing isn't okay.
I have to imagine, it's mostly people too young to remember the drama around the risembool rangers back in the day that are defending him. He's been a known pest about this for so fucking long.
>Basing sexual assault allegations off fucking rumor
Oh wow. A piece of paper with Vic's phone number on it.
lol no you've giving way too much credit to these fucking cocknuggets
Does this fall under off-topic, extremely low quality or this user is underage?
Why do Western voice actors take themselves so seriously?
It's the same with David Hayter and Metal Gear Solid lmao kid, nobody cares about you. Kill yourselves Americucks.
low quality. It is vaguely on-topic to dragon ball and no-one's said anything definitively underage.
>15 years
>not a fucking shred of evidence
>they are all going to get btfo in the lawsuit
Believe women, trust women. Hopefully this gay thread dies any minute now.
Only underage people call others underage
I dont see any discussion about dbs plot, characters, themes, art or animation
and caring about dubs is quintessential underage and/or newfaggotry
>Why yes. I do believe women. How could you tell?
Go hug your sister right now, or you don't deserve to have a sister
>believing Yea Forums in any year
Fuck off retard
Reminder that word of mouth is not evidence. No matter the year. No matter how many people.
Granny Goku is best Goku.
> pic
imagine being so mad about Chadku you actually spend your time drawing this selfie
The only times she was ever good were for Goku Black and UI, both forced her to shut the fuck up and rely on something other than aids ATATATATATATATATATATA spam.
Testimony is a kind of proof though.
Probably. But the fact is that he was having parties in his hotel room with underage fans since like what, 2004? and the fact he's buddy buddy with people high up in Funi protected him for that long. And he cultivated a group of actual children to complain to any cons that even considered not giving him a panel, then used that as a method of strong-arming con staff/organisers. So much well known fuckery behind closed doors.
Dude, the other VA's he's worked with have said he's been doing this shit for years, but when asked for proof they have produced ZERO pieces of it. All the 'proof' they've actually shown was fucking debunked by the congoers in the photos with Vic.
>In the law, testimony is a form of evidence
There's a reason that anyone that knows anything about the law tells you "don't speak to the police without legal council"