
season 3 is coming, r-right?

Attached: s3.jpg (600x750, 39K)

Yea, as soon as Yuki finishes her sandwich

Attached: yuki_sandwich1.gif (319x533, 2.59M)

July 7. The return of AMD.

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remember that announcement for 2019?

Attached: big announcement 2.jpg (3509x2455, 848K)

last week the 10th and last novel was published with normalfag real life cover.

Attached: novel v10 surprise.jpg (1238x1764, 351K)

next step: real life adaptation. Just like Saki ;_;

right after Panty Stalkings 2


b.. but her mouth is so small, shes never gonna finish that huge chunk of a sandwich

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It's time to move on.


yes it will come out just after half life 3

Isn't this just reprinting old novels?

She's trying her hardest

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I wouldn’t want nu-kyoani to ruin haruhi with all them filters

don't worry, it won't be KyoAni.

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Now now, they'd find some way to fuck the plot up too.

You'll wait until she's ready

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I just finished the first season that aired. Should i expect good things from the rest. For example jC Haruhi. She was God-tier

What does it say I can't read moon runes

Where's this photo from?

BD box set advertisement

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Was kinda hoping it might be a live action as bad as they are

Maybe if you jump timelines there might be one where we got a season 3

Will we ever get to see her other 15,524 outfits?

Attached: yuki_outfits.jpg (1892x1210, 543K)

>real life adaptation
>but this time with Haruhi as a young professional starting up her own company, and Kyon as the new hire desperately trying to make it financially solvent

One of them has to be fully naked.

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>ywn be fucked stupid by a cakeified goddess

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haruhi is crap

Idk, yuki knows not to cause any major incidents that might upset haruhi

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Maybe she somehow got a suggestion to Haruhi that all of them naked could attract something interesting. After a number of loops, she may no longer have cared as much during the process.

no u


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I Got Reincarnated In A World Where Haruhi Volume 12 And Seasons 3 And 4 Came Out

i first read "BD sex bot advertisement"