Anime characters are pretty Japanese(asian) and pretty white people.
Anime characters are not ugly Japanese(asian) and ugly white people.
Anime face=flat skull.
Non anime face=bent skull.
Anime characters are pretty Japanese(asian) and pretty white person
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what kind of autism is this?
They are actually cats
Haven't seen this for a while
You are retarded.
Actually almost all asians have a flat face compared to caucasics/hispanics/niggers.
You just have 0 clue about race traits.
>anime characters are unusually good looking
We've sold the riddle, guys. Only took us 10+ years.
this window will close in 3...
Gimme slime
And phrenology is deemed useless and retarded nowadays, so OP is a faggot.
Imagine whites projecting themselves so hard that they think Japanese anime characters are white
Perfect size for my dick
it's not about flat its about how forward their teeth are
>pretty asian
you mean post op?
Anyone who's traveled to Asia will know how obsessed they are with Aryan looks bec it is considered exotic to them. They find white skin, blonde hair, blue eyes, etc really beautiful. And yes, a lot of anime characters are based on good-looking Aryans.
Asia is not a country and you are insecure.
animes arent peoples
Rolling for lonery
>traveled to Asia
>traveled to the largest continent with over 60% the population of the world and countless cultures and peoples
You're pathetic
just how retarded will Yea Forums become?
Why are these threads never deleted?
This is a troll image that's been around on Yea Forums and Yea Forums for a while. Though it gets more traction on Yea Forums since Yea Forums is practically a klan rally at this point
oh, it's this thread again.
roooooolling staaaaaaaaaart
delete this thread.
stop bumping.
use sage.
just want to see who got it
OP is correct, ugly people have no representation in anime. however he will be loathed for stating the truth.
still asian people are ugly without surgery, but all of them get surgery so its a non issue
Great stuff as always autismo. Jannies, please banish this thread to the shadow realm.
why hasn't this been deleted yet? Second time i've seen a roll post today
here to be ronery
I'm Asian and can confirm this. I you get a tan you have the status of a field worker and are generally poor. Everyone hate poor people.
Looks pretty cherry-picked to me.
Anime characters are Japanese(asian) of small nose and cute white people of small nose.
Japanese are honorary whites.
Global rule 7 asshole
Japs have good taste.
matt damon is better looking than the right guy though
dumb ESL whisperfag, of course you are retarded
The Japanese woman in this image does not have plastic surgery.
>rolling nigger deleted
>thread still up
hahahaha based jannies
t. low IQ caucasic