Send us your stand ideas
Jojo BA
Other urls found in this thread:
>Persona ripoff
>Hokuto No Ken ripoff
>Stand battles are literal Pokemon battles
Jojo died when Kars was launched into outer space, after that it's just a retarded monster of the week show.
A stand that makes every thread I start hit the 500 post limit. I would be UNSTOPABBLE.
>Yeah, part 2 is our favorite one. How did you know?
rate my stand
>Persona ripoff
>Pokemon battles
>Persona Ripp-off
Based retard.
(Jojo part 3 came out before these two, you moron)
rip eardrums
cause y'all look gay
The episode will probably end on Secco manhandling Doppio.
Yikes and cringepilled. Have sex autist.
>Persona ripoff
this is some next level bait
iron man
metallica but red
dies within first volume/10
im invulnerable if i dont have a dramatic death
Please r8, gonna be at least two posts though
『Country Roads』
Ability: Manipulating plant fibers (Plants, Trees, and by extension, most clothing)
In order to begin manipulation of plant fibers, the stand user must come into contact with it. (Meaning that their clothing is always ready to be used.) Material will stay primed and ready to be used for 5 minutes following contact or until the user is 20 meters away.
The stand, like 『The Fool』also lacks an incorporeal form and the stands form is created from manipulating the materials the user can work with. The stand takes on a different form depending on if it was summoned using Clothing, Wood, or Plants. This also means that damage to the stand doesn't redirect back to the user. The stand and its combat abilities have a short range, but some undemanding abilities can remain activated for quite a long time. Certain materials are harder to work with than others (IE, a cloth shirt is very malleable in a very short time but wood and jeans can't be altered instantaneously).
>『Clothing』: Fast and delicate stand. The pattern on the fabric turns into a design that heavily incorporates the Kanji for the "Ora" stand cry. Usually only a fist or two stretches out from the fabric, but when enough is present the stand's clothing form looks very similar to a silhouette of Star Platinum. Like every other form the stand takes on, it is silent.
>『Plant』: Typically speaking, the stand only manipulates plant matter and doesn't take on a physical form out of it. If it does, it's on a case by case basis.
>『Wood』: Wood is the slowest material to work with, coupled with the requirement of having enough wood to work with, this form of the stand is incredibly hard to summon, which is made up for with it's incredible durability and strength.
『Based Hairposter』
your mom is
>Very big
>potential to grow bigger
>range increases because of increasing diameter
i dig it blueberry
Wood form continued: The stand is incredible durable and strong but is also very slow. The stands appearance is that of a slow lumbering creature with arms that are so long they reach down to the ground, once it emerges from the wood it immediately takes on the look of petrified wood, it also pulls in plant matter from nearby to adorn it's legs by absolutely covering them in friendship bracelets like those pictured here , as well as two large ones that cross it's chest. Haven't nailed down the details of the appearance beyond that, though.
『Paper Boats』: The stand user can give others a friendship bracelet, the friendship bracelet can pick up the vibrations of speech and other sounds and transmit the sounds between that bracelet and another in possession of the stand user. Allows for long distance (several miles) communication.
『Spike in a Rail』: Ability of wood form, it grabs a small sapling and debranches it, or simply pulls a straight pole of wood out of a building or tree, then proceeds to make a splinter shoot out of it and act as an axe head. Far and away the quickest thing that can be done with wood. Stand user can also use 『Spike in a Rail』without the wood form stand present but without any personal combat prowess it won't be particularly effective.
『Sneakman』: The stand user can change the colors of fabric and use this to blend it into it's surroundings to either camouflage themselves or their attack.
Ideas for applications:
Making fabric elastic to create a slingshot and launch yourself
Turning blades of grass razor sharp
Covering your body in a poisonous spiky plant
Laying a trap with a welcome mat that will punchghost the shit out of somebody
Countering an attack by condensing a bunch of fabric on top of the point of impact, cushioning the user from the blow
r8 me faggots
How strong will a stand that freely control air be, just like Magician Red control fire?
There is so much versatility with air like you can make bubbles like Stray Cat, create sandstorms or go invisible like Wamuu or seperate gases to create a fire or suffocate people.
wood form appearance sounds funny and more jojo-like in design than the other two
your comment about how the Spike in a Rail ability's benefit is altered by the user's personal combat prowess doesn't make much sense because stands are an extension of the soul so it either shouldn't apply or should only ever be useful to the stand user
applications sound good for making it a malleable ability
all in all i'd wonder what the user of a stand like this has to be like in order for his/her ability to end up like that in such splintered abilities (get it), cant do like a number score for that
Wow look at all of Diavoloa tattoos and his mesh shirt underneath that sweater! Oh wait....
It’s almost like Araki changed his design after he already drew Doppio.
>your comment about how the Spike in a Rail ability's benefit is altered by the user's personal combat prowess doesn't make much sense because stands are an extension of the soul so it either shouldn't apply or should only ever be useful to the stand user
I probably wasn't clear on what I meant by that, let me clarify
It's a bunch of heavy ass wood, if the user isn't physically strong they can't swing it around well+The long arms of 『Country Roads』make wielding the makeshift axe more effective.
>such splintered abilities
he also manages to apply a bunch of hair extensions in that single transformation sequence making his hair twice as long
obviously he's supermanning his costume through timeskip
Also for the stand user the image I have in mind is somebody who works with children and is super outgoing, friendly and a bit of a pushover with them, but has an out-of-work personality that is more subdued and rude and doesn't fit anyone's typical idea of a child-care worker at all, doesn't remotely act like a role model except when kids are around, and then goes full stoic and murder ready if a stand user ever puts a kid in danger or harms one.
Working base-concept for a part he'd fit into right now is primarily focused on working with children that have stand abilities, and defending them from a group of terrorist stand users who want to basically raise a child army.
So you'd have interactions where they just brutally murdered a stand user trying to steal a kid or weaponize their power or some shit full and got angry as fuck in the process, and then turn around and begin reassuring and checking on the kid who was in danger completely happy and friendly while apologizing for them needing to see all that without missing a beat.
This is the type of person who will whine about anything.
Ability: Stand can be formed by rays of light, light shining through a window, light coming from a flame, can be manifested only once per light source, Power of stand depends on how powerful and wide light source is.
as an example, a spotlight would be perfect for the stand, a laser pointer would only be useful if shined directly at an opponent.
Stand user always carries a few lighters.
was messing with the randomize feature on this, I have no fucking clue how an ability would end up looking like this on a chart, filename related
Different power based on the day of the week
anons provide power for each day
This doesn't seem very super
Tuesday: Guaranteed rolls of 6 on dice
i bet you don't have any friends
Stand name: You Can't Always Get What You Want.
Ability: Builds walls. The people inside the walls have access to whatever they desire. The people outside the walls slowly rot away.
Stand user: Pic related.
>Max potential
What does this mean?
What about a main villain who's Stand can cure people within a certain radius and whatever town they are in becomes a hotbed for people who have different diseases so they go there seeking a miracle cure from them.
then the ones calling him a villain are blasphemous, obviously
Looks Like We Have the Same Kind of Stand!
I think it could be a morally interesting part especially what type of motive the main villain with this ability would have and why the main characters would have to eventually kill them in the end.
in this situation why are we rooting for the main characters trying to kill them? are they using their miracle cure powers on iraqi insurgents or something
If someone's making public miracles someone's going to contact them for private favors too
Can I beat King Crimson?
What if the abillility is the essence of nothingness, and it slowly spreads by small tracking unkillable bugs homing in on every living thing around you. When the bug bites something, they are infected by nothingness they lose any stand abillity they have. People already without stand abillities become suicidal. There are 100 bugs in total. Killing all 100 would kill the user, but they are extremely durable and only attacks from A rank stands can kill them
Maybe some type of fake or psuedo-Stand. Has Araki ever done such a thing in the series before?
in part 7, Pocoloco's stand does nothing. It just cheers him on.
I'll make one real quick:
The stand's user has the power to sprout small angelic wings wherever he touches (like a person's arm or a brick wall). The wings can flutter but only light items like a phone or a shoe would be able to fly. The wings can shoot their feathers, which are sharp and can pierce skin. An attack you could probably do is to throw a bunch of small objects in the air, have them grow wings, and then shoot myriad feathers at your target. The wings will slowly grow as they are exposed to light, and the bigger they grow the person they're attached to grows more lightheaded.
This works brilliantly as both Stone Ocean and Steel Ball Run's ending but which one would be the better fit?
Small World (like the huey lewis album)
The stand has a crystal ball for a head, and the overall aesthetic of a wizard. The orb is a perfectly scaled version of the area surrounding the user, meaning whatever the user does to the orb happens in reality. Let's say the user pours a soda onto Small World, the effect would be a torrent of coke falling from the sky and flooding the surroundings.
What if the Jojo Openings+Canzoni Preferite (The Torture Dance Song) were stands?
I think The Great Curve is a better ED for Stone Ocean, really matches that chaotic energy.
I Fought the Law fits Steel Ball Run more I guess. I think Jojolion should go with a Bowie song but I'm not sure which one. Either of these I guess.
pretty cool, my dear user
imagine the recursive potential
Since stands are based on mental power, the recursive potential would be directly tied to the users intelligence; meaning unless they have the solid intention for each "layer" of scaling, simply nothing would happen.
well duh, still, he could throw a steel ball through the head, and keep catching it to magnify the speed. Hell, this is such a fun concept
how do you catch a steel ball that's size is magnified?
aint the head somewhat intangible?
「Boys Don't Cry」
Anyone hit by this stand's punches begins to slowly lose the will to go on, to the point that they become suicidal
A stand Idea I had rolling in my head for awhile.
[Rosetta stoned] The stand itself manafests itself as a twenty inch long ten inch wide block of solid stone covered with old or dead language markers. When in use it opens up to look like a 1980ty's style boom box.
Its use is sound manipulation (Abit like Eccos 1-2) by getting a good fourty to eighty yards within the target and altering what people hear when other people speak, hear voices that are not there and even feel powerful soundwaves.
It can be considered an automatic stand as any damage to it will not hurt the stand user. It is not very useful for open areas but can be considered deadly within a building.
I think of it as a pretty 'meh' stand overall but im pretty pleased with my idea.
I think it'd be better if it worked like Grateful Dead and made everyone in a radius turn more and more suicidal, except for people who meet some arbitrary condition
Give it an ability called Subterfuge
「This Corrosion」
A stand that manifests through song. Anyone within range of the user's singing will begin to rust.
The song I was refrencing was from Tool, part of the song itself was the first discordent chord in the begining and overall tone of it was my insperation. Though now hearing this band and song I kind of want to do that now. Thanks 'Non
stand acts simply as another body that can complete random tasks for you with a high degree of accuracy/competence. No special ability. Moves and behaves at the level of a regular human. Like a personal handyman. Or a sidekick. Yes that's it. it's called 'super'stand because it's your sidekick and you are the "super" hero.
A stand with the ability to cause the target to experience hallucinations of their worst, most horrifying memories. The effect lasts until the target is rendered unconscious or if the target simply has no such memories or fears of memories.
Am I a joke to you?
Turbo Lover, a stand that can turn into any vehicle in existence (it will always be black and full of heavy metal studs though), or remain in its default form of a supernaturally fast Harley-Davidson
Mr Blue Sky
Can appear remotely from areas under good weather conditions without clouds (like Black Sabbath)
Upon contact with a person or their stand, will simulate extreme sun expose at 1000x speed (so like an incredibly bad sun burn in a few seconds, and death within 10 or so seconds)
Boss Tier right here boys or JoJo healer bu the name really fits a villain
A stand bound to my dick
If someone makes fun of my dick they instantly die.
If someone refuses to have sex with me because of my dick they instantly die.
If someone brags about their dick within my range they instantly die.
If someone compares their dick to mine, and they're bigger, they instantly die. If they're smaller, I instantly die and the stand transfers to their dick.
Big in Japan
Only activates in Japan I can remote control nips to do what ever I say.has a final failsafe where I actually turn huge like a kaiju.
MC level stand here, though I couldn't find a song/band named THE Head.
I think it just takes parts of different stand names and adds them together
fair enough
「King of Limbs」
A stand resembling a ghost, can summon up to eight whip-like tendrils from its body that extend up to 80 yards. Each tendril is capable of lifting objects up to 8 tons on its own.
「King of Limbs」effectively behaves like a poltergeist, making use objects it can lift as weapons to pummel opponents.
Owing up to it's ghost like nature, 「King of Limbs」 can not be harmed or even touched through conventional means, being unable to be touched by other stands in the traditional sense while being unable to physically manipulate other stands itself. However, Stands with abilities that represent traditional means of dealing with spirits such as exorcisms are capable of harming it.
「King of Limbs」 has a range limit of manifesting up to 8 yards from it's user, however King of Limbs is capable of being "unleashed" with it's secondary ability, 「Give up the Ghost」. This ability sacrifices the users control of 「King of Limbs」 in exchange for an infinite manifestation range. 「King of Limbs」 while "given up" will behave like an enraged spirit and will wildly toss around nearby objects in a torrent of destruction; it will not discriminate between friend or foe and will even attack its user.
fuck this is can mass produce any object it touches and control them or some shit. so it could touch a knife and do dio's knife move with its powers.
>high stats in everything other than precision
It can materialize and shoot jets of water, strong enough to cut steel, but it only works when I close my eyes. No special super hearing or some other tricks, literally just blind potshots
Moves through art, sits inside a painting and pulls people in, takes control of statues.
Can someone explain to me how Emporio was able to beat Pucci in Part 6? I reread it but didn't quite get what happened, Stairway To Heaven was supposed to be unbeatable right? How did he do it?
Pucci was the only one who could change fate, so Emporio positioned Weather Report so that Pucci would push it into his head. This meant that literally anything could happen because in Pucci could no longer determine fate from his knowledge of the original universe.
Emporio used Weather Report to give Pucci oxygen poisoning while his stand continued to accelerate time, but this time into an unknown future. This resulted in the birth of a new universe that was vastly different to the original because fate had been changed.
Where did you find my naming sheet?
Okay that makes sense. I thought I had misunderstood how Stairway to Heaven works but Emporio just bullshit his way around its ability, not bad.
「Lonely Hearts Club」
This stand renders the target entirely unable to perceive anybody else in the world, leading them to believe that they are entirely alone.
「Telling Lies」
Can make someone believe something wholeheartedly that isn't true, can effect one person with a very big lie Example: You're in a simulation, Or multiple people with a little lie Example: Someone's behind you.
「Razorblade Sigh」
Can cut through anything, and can then paste what it cut onto whatever the user sees fit.
For example, it could slice Gold Experience's arm off, paste it onto itself, and then life shot Giorno.
>Power: A
>Durability: D
>Speed: B
>Range: D
>Precision: A
>Learning: E
my stand idea, bodysnatchers allows the user to produce amoebas (that take the form of hands and melt onto the target) that infiltrate the pores and change a targets perceptions of something, for example changing the feeling of wind to that of being stabbed, or intense burning. it can also nullify their senses making them unfeeling but still breathing.
>Stand Name: Speed Reader
>Let's the user read entire manga in one hour
>The disadvantage is that the user loses 20% reading comprehension
Umm, ok?
Name: Sigue Sigue
Stand: [WE MARCH]
An ex-soldier almost a century old, his ability to "extend" terrain with his Stand helped stonewall the Nazi invasion of Russia during World War 2. However, when the Soviets attempted to have him us his ability to increase the size of farmlands and quarries, they found that resources accumulated from [WE MARCH] vanished over time or all together if recalled by Sigue. He was then stuck in a meaningless manager position in GRU and gradually forgotten about until the fall of the USSR whereupon he was unceremoniously sacked. Nowadays he makes his modest living as a professional bowler. His skills are mediocre, but the balls of his opponents always seem to take forever to hit the pins, losing speed before impact. Also of note, is that while its physical parameters are meagre, [WE MARCH]'s combat potential is bolstered by Sigue's hand-to-hand combat experience from his violent youth. His muscles might have weakened with time, but those of his Stand haven't.
>Purple Haze 2: Electric Boogaloo
>You're definitely strong, but you finally made a fatal mistake... YOU JUST WALKED INTO THE RANGE OF MY [ BLUE TUSK ], JOJO!
I don't have a name for these two
1) A big spider that the user can ride and go inside the Internet as long as they have an Internet connection
>Range:C, A+ inside the Internet
2) A punch ghost that turn the ground into quicksand. Any living tissue that comes in contact with the sand turns into sand
Just name number 2 quicksand
>Ability: Going fast
>Speed: 1
『Sweet Little Lies』
>Its ability is that can delude everyone into believing its user's lies, no matter how delusional. A person with a strong will can resist this ability which shatters the illusion, making it a weakness.
>Requiem: Can you send into an infinite loop of playing Skyrim everywhere you go, just tripping will find you suddenly waking up in a cart on your way to your execution.
it's a dude that punches
Are you Rohan?
>Nine Inch Nails
Stand is actually the user's spine (which is the same as a regular spine except green). There is a huge hole in the user's back that can open up when they use their stand's ability. The stand can produce a near infinite amount (4 per 5 seconds) of arms that cut off at the elbow (think The Thing from the Addams family). These hands have very sharp nails and can crawl around like a spider using their fingers. They can also attach themselves (using their end that is cut off) to any surface and stick there.
『Fat Bottom Girl』
>Body kind of looks like Golden Experience, but EXTRA THICC. Peanut butter color.
>Think like Heavy from TF2, so not necessarily amerilard thicc but big boned
>CQC stand, range of 2 meters in normal form
Main ability: 『Rockin' World』
>Can increase the density of objects near it, extending to other people and even the user if it wishes
>as people or mechanisms become more dense they generally also increase in strength to compensate, so it's not like Echoes where you can just instantly disable someone
>As the power is used, the stand gradually gets thinner and and faster, but weaker
>to make a human-sized object the density of steel, the stand shrinks to somewhere around SP size, probably a good bit weaker/slower. 4 meter range
>At max a human is as dense as lead and much harder than steel, basically invincible
>however, a person will have a hard time with inertia and the ground below them at that point, especially in buildings
>at max the stand is also nearly to the point of a stick figure, weak punches but hits at light-speed. 6 meter range.
>can also "trade" density, by giving density to one thing and taking some from another. However, the stand starts with max "stored" density in its thicc form, so it must give before it takes
Ultimate ability: 『Black Hole Sun』
>Stand shrinks to the size of The Lovers
>Stand now goes full White Album and affects the very air around it
>anyone not given extra strength starts to choke on the VERY heavy air now filling their lungs, unable to exhale the mass of hyperdense gas
>this field is basically bulletproof as the air (now rapidly rushing down under its own weight) is like shooting into water
>any inanimate object entering the field will also slowly increase in density as long as it stays near
>of course, it greatly drains the user's stamina
[Chain Bones]
Song: Them Bones - Alice and Chains
Slowly convinces an individual to relinquish control of their body and mind. Once in control, Chain Bones will act as said individual until it becomes bored. It then forces the enslaved individual to commit a gruesome and graphic suicide. This is the method Chain Bones uses to exit the body quickly as leaving the while the enslaved is alive takes longer and is more difficult.
Stand Name:『Smooth Criminal』
Ability: The user of this Stand can steel the speed of any type of body that it touches, turning them practically motionless. He can them transfer the stolen speed to himself or transform it into pure kinect energy and apply to any object, giving it a boost.
>Stand is a swarm of tiny little robots that can inflict "disease" on anything it comes into contact with.
>Metals will rust, skin will develop boils, etc etc
>Does not work on stone or rock
its ability saves a thread!
Instead of bumping, rate people's stand ideas
How about this?
Stand Name: A Soapbox Opera
Ability: Once the user activates their ability, a storm appears. Anyone who touches the rain will be subject to the effects of Soapbox Opera. Here is how it works: if they hear a lie, they will, against their will, distance themselves from their friends and headed to the nearest church. It does not matter how far away said church is. If they hear another lie on the way there they will kill themselves. But here is the catch: the stand user can't, himself, speak lies, and he also can't have friends, else his ability won't work. This ability will also not work if there is a living creature significantly bigger than the stand user himself. And by the way, if the targets are siblings, the stand user needs three lies instead of two for suicide. If one of the siblings is female, it's four lies for the woman and just one lie for the male, because he will kill himself as soon as he distances himself from the girl.
If a target reaches a church, they will pray and lift the Soapbox Opera curse. This does not make them immune to further uses of the same ability though.
what the fuck
Also to add to this, they will distance themselves from their friends because, inside their mind, their friends have actually wandered away from them out of disgust. This means they are caught in an illusion of sorts during this ability's use, but I don't really like to think of it as an illusion, it's more like a false perception of reality.
Is there anything you don't understand?
theyre all literally terrible
a stand that instantly kills whoever looks at it
>Read the entirety of The Promised Neverland in one evening
I got such a headache
I thought the suicidal one would be pretty good if it had an AoE effect
why the fuck are there so many arbitrary rules?
like the number of lies changing if there are simblings, or "significantly larger creatures" making the ability useless
Because recent parts have unnecessarily convoluted stands, so I designed mine accordingly. Araki would not take it in otherwise.
So, Light's Death Note just works like a Stand?
It's like Cream Starter where it's "his" stand but anyone can use it and it'll exist without him.
Fuck, with this ability and range I don't even care that my stand is made of glass and feathers, I can avoid fights entirely with random vice addictions to a random general area of people
Another nu-jojo stand
Stand Name: Fear Of The Dark
Ability: The stand may only be summoned in dark environments in which temperature is lower than that of the user's eyes. As soon as any of these conditions disappears the stand will start melting, which will cause great harm upon the user, which is why they should avoid summoning it anywhere else. When summoned in the proper environment, it will wander around autonomously, seeking nearby light sources and heart sources to extinguish. If the stand is already summoned, it has psychokinesis powers capable of extinguishing any flame and interfering with the electric circuits of any lamp, thus making it flicker and eventually explode.
That's all it does, but there is a catch. If anyone looks at Fear Of The Dark, it immediately kills them while screaming. This will not happen in full darkness, because you can't actually see FOTD in that condition, but it will happen if the environment is very dark, but not dark enough to make it pitch black, so that one's eyes, if properly adapted to the darkness, can still catch a glimpse of FOTD. Touching FOTD in any way will also provoke it into instantly killing you.
Additionally, FOTD will occasionally scream and groan while wandering around. Those who hear its screams will begin hallucinating as long as they are in the dark, making them unable to effectively tell FOTD's location. But the screams will have no effect if the target affected by them manages to look at the original FOTD. Of course this only gives some fraction of seconds before that person dies.
Namesake John Lennon's song.
Turns a target into a 145cm 40kg loli.
「Kooky Spooky」 or 「Scream team」- a weak suit stand with a slightly Halloween-y look that allows the user to pass through walls. It grows in power and starts looking scarier when the user is able to scare people, making it extremely powerful if it appears in a Halloween special
>stand ability is literally just hamon
Hey thanks I stole this meme and put it on reddit and got like 4000 upvotes
Idea for a stand
>New Corpse (A song from the 90's metal group Acid Bath)
>Suit stand like White Album
>User wears the stand like a suit but can take on the form of whatever it chooses. Animals, Plants, inanimate objects it can transformation into whatever the user wants to
user... That power already exists...
Perfect fetish stand
oh... well shit.
stand name: house of pain
the stand manifests as a house and once you enter it you cant get out until you find and destroy the core (a little trinket that represents the stand user) the house tries to kill you full on poltergeist
On what episode will we be by july 5 OI need to know
Do you self insert as someone in jojo?
not sure how it would work, but it's alright I guess.
yeah as Joshu Higashikata
Lightning fast 100% accurate jew hands snatch anything valuable off the person in question in the blink of an eye
>speed C
probably not that fast
Protip: calling it b8 deosn't mean you didn't get b8'd
>Stand Name: Baby Blue
>Power: None
>Speed: E
>Range: Infinite
>Durability: A
>Precision: None
>Potential: E
>Appearance: A giant, heavy armored sperm. That's it.
>Ability 1: Infection
>If a women swallows Baby Blue(doesn't work on males) then Baby Blue will start traveling towards her stomach and create a bunch of clones of itself.
>Ability 2: Magnetism
>User can turn this ability on and off as they wish. When it's activated all affected women and unffected women towards will attract each other, like a magnet, while all affected women will move away from each other. If an affected women and an unaffected women touch then one of Baby Blue's clones will infect the unaffected women too.
>Ability 3: Impregnation
>Baby Blue will eventually make it's way to the women's womb and impregnate her, the baby will grow 6 months in a 10 minutes and develop a stand of it's own, that stand's ability is situational but it will always be created from the will of killing it's enemies or protecting itself.
My stand is held together by tape, but it would make for a good villain tho.
Oh, and to everyone who is even remotely close to where i am: you're all fucked.