He is using THAT.
He is using THAT.
>fatal injury on Aki.
I swear to fucking god, Fujimoto. I'm gonna kick your ass.
>He receives a serious injury
Looks like it's time for Denji to wake up and save him.
ching chong.
Any spoilers in nip? I can read that.
Not yet, nips have the same one.
>to give a very bad blow in autumn(Aki).
Damn Fujimoto
Why chinks and gooks get chapters sooner than nips?
Aki isn't going to have his moment? Dropped
it's only fair that the mafias that use child comics as a money laundering scheme get the leaks first so they can also control the underground mango scene
He uses the contract he has with apparently the curse demon and ultimately wins but the fucking thing revives.
Turn into a mix-up
Chainsaw 24
Brother Chiu's knife is not a nail(?Why do you have the feeling that Qiu brother will be like Hui Hui and like brother Zhuang??The contract is a curse of the devil, stabbed several times after the curse (?) The other feeling, won, but suddenly out of a person, the knife resurrection (?) Give the autumn a very hard blow it might be fatal
Oh, that's alright then. Picked back up
Oh shit; hes fighting shadman?
How is manga even allowed in chink land?
anything is allowed in chink land as long all hands involved get money out of it
>fatal blow
Maybe Aki can actually become the swordman for real then. Design is too cool for some Yakuza fodder
Nobody noticed he's drawing it wrong?
Bros I don't want this to be axed. I DON'T FUCKING WANT THIS TO BE AXED GODDAMNIT.
Well the thing might be a nail and not a sword it seems, so
Stop forcing that shit, axefag
Axe Devil > Gun fucker
Why are you afraid of this A word, my fellow?
You're better than that, senpai.
I fear anal, it scares me.
Anaru devil.
It's retarded, for sure, but you still can use it.
>chinese bullshit
Where's the japanese leak? Fuck
Nips are pussies. Gooks and chinks are the new overlords.
Japanese pipes don't leak they are sturongu.
all I see is this
六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
The Хinjiang Uyghur Αutοnοmοus Region 新疆维吾尔自治区
H-he is going to be fine.
RIP chain chad man awakening incoming
I can't believe Aki is fucking dead.
>the first 20 chapters were just a setup for Power to become the protagonist
He will become a something something man won't he.
Right in the heart
Ffs First kobeni and now this. Aki should stay away from sharp objects
Just a flesh wound, he'll be fine.
It looks fatal 2bh
Power, dump Himeno's ass and get into healing this.
Pull Denji's cord first.
this is not ok
every character is dead
the axe was real
>they defeat Sword Man, take Sword Devil from him and now Denji and Power should choose who to save: Aki or Himeno.
>guy who fed us
>girl who liked
Isn't that the easiest decision ever
I mean pukes but that's what I get for phonepost.
lame trope
Aki hates devils, no way he'd let them stick one inside him.
But that's the best part, he doesn't get to choose.
>Aki uses the sword that shortens his lifespan
>it actually shortens it and he dies
This, fujimoto would do something like swap out aki for a random animal on the street.
Eyepatch club with Denji though. And i don't believe that Fujimoto can resist drawing glorious devil tits.
Himeno will refuse like Erwin.
Someone resurrected Sword, maybe there's two hybrids. Denji&Power tag team match next chapter.
Maybe Zombie devil is still around.
They share him like siamese twins. Himeno drem comes true.
based shadman fucking everyone up
No info about deaths, so one more week to vote
Aki fuses with Kon and gets fluffy ears and crazy eyes.
Eternity devil for 188888888 get
Damn you, shad!
Denji: Show me your dream, Aki.
Yeah but he hates Gun Devil more, not to mention he was the only one against killing Denji since he need his help to kill gun
Blade devil looks fucking sick
forgot image
How strong would be Trypophobia devil?
I'm not going to say he is cool. I'm ANGRY
Or the holocaust devil
Inb4 he kills everyone and becomes the protag.
>”that” didn’t work.
It did actually but something revived Swordfucker.
>teleports behind you
>cuts you down
>draws r34 of your pathetic corpse
Nothing personnel kid
They're watching a horror movie right?
Next week Fujimoto will have a special collaboration with the author of Jigokuraku.
fujimoto really just loves ripping people's hearts out huh
>not jinmen
Fucking shonenfags go away
So, no chapter next week?
There will probably be a chapter, I'm assuming the collaborate is just an illustration.
Chapter this week?
If somehow everyone manages to stsy alive, i hope every arc has the same stake where we don't know if everyone will leave the battlefield unharmed
like the one with Jujutsu kaisen?
Next issue.
Probably, or maybe Yuuji Kaku will draw an illustration for Chainsaw Man.
Fuck, i hate this uncertainty with Jump manga.
I just want to know for sure that i'll be able to witness these characters develompent in next few years.
There's nothing to worry about now when it has cushions like Kamio and Saiyuki. SnS is ending soon also. This new round of series seems like axe-fodders, too.
Despite what Axefags say I wouldn't worry about it, unless new volumes start selling less than the previous, which is not the case so far.
they are all dead idiot
Raising the stakes and proving the power of our newly introduced main antagonists it seems
that's super EPIC my dude xD
Anyone else think that Power actually really wise and just having fun because she's bored?
I don't know about being wise, but she is not a complete dumbass either. It's just that most of the time she doesn't give a shit about things.
Unless she lied about her backstory then she's just dumb.
she's not dumb, just socially inept for obvious reasons
>kills your favorite fetish
>kills your threads
>kills best boy
Who will stand up for what is just and true? You all know there's only one person we can count on, Powerbros.
Everyone becomes a devilman or dies I guess
>based Fuji is a Powerbro
Will the sun ever set on our Empire, fellow Powerchads?
He already has the Fox devil. Can you put two devils in someone? WIll that make him explode a la One Piece? Do two co-exist? Does it force the Fox devil out which makes him pissed at Aki which makes Fox team up with Gun?
Oh no, fujoshit's gonna freak.
I think she is more like a toned down (or even levelled up) female version of denji. a no-nonsense, gotta do what I got told to do-type character. She's not necessarily smart or cunning, but she will get the job done. And that's a good thing.
It's a miracle this man is even alive to this point.
There is a huge difference between being in contract with a devil and literally having one brainfuck your corpse.
Devil replaces your brain - fiend
Devil replaces your heart - hybrid
Devil replaces your dick - ?
She's neither smart nor dumb. She just operates in her own way.
I actually don't want it and I fear it. What's wrong with that? Last chapter made me fucking jump with the sword devilman and everyone getting shot. I'm fucking hyped I swear.
a cute, she is.
>have to wait yet another week to see how the team is faring against the assassinations
Checked. Pawa a cute.
1-2 chapters for Denji vs Sword, 1 for team status, 1 for Makima status.
Possibly 2 months without confirmation of her fate.
Not even THAT is strong enough to face >shadman
It's not over yet for Aki. It's his volume I swear.
> stomped on the balls.
Being Aki is truly knowing suffering.
I think a status on everyone after the fight with sword guy is more likely.
Daiz to end it all?
Hnnnng, we need more Aki’s suffering.
1 700 000 copies of WSJ in circulation, Fujimoto's twitter gained only 200 subs after being posted in previous chapter.
Fuuuuck, 90% of the nips didn't even read anything besides OP.
Damn, must mean One Piece is getting axed too since his official Twitter only has 350k followers.
>acts like an irritated yet caring older brother
>family gets blown up
>tells the newbie to fuck off (for his own good) and smoke a cig
>gets kicked in the balls
>save a teammate from being stabbed
>gets stabbed instead
>tries to use THAT
>gets Zoro'ed
Is it just me or does Aki gets hurt everytime he tries to do something cool?
Fujimoto really gotta throw in a comfy chapter about Aki's apartment shenanigans.
Aki x Suffering is OTP.
He never get his way no matter what. That's why he will become a human-demon freak.
Since it's pretty late in gookland now, expect the scans in 12~15 hours or so.
> Uses THAT
> still jobs
Is Aki the biggest jobber in shonen. What is the point of the power up if its not going to do shit.
Aki is quickly becoming the Joey Wheeler of CSM.
Don't tell me these threads will start having this shit now. Fucking hell.
Fujimoto barely posts and never uploads any sketches, THere's no reason to follow him
This has to be an illusion or something else. I refuse to believe he used the sword and lost.
He used the sword and won. Shadman was revived by either something or someone.
>inb4 the zombie devil is still alive
>Himeno dead
>Makima dead
>Aki dead
>Kobeni dead
>Arai dead
Who the FUCK is still alive?
oh my god I can't believe Power is a literal, textbook maniac
Tumbling down tumbling down tumbling dowwwwn
Not my soul.
Power. The only girl that matters.
dude was probably full of fox devil blood so he could regen just like denji
she is okay right?
The spoiler says there is someone else who did it. So it's probably really going to be Zombie devil.
It all makes sense now
Duh, why do you think she's so great
>no one but Makima actually died on screen
Watch them all asspull something.
the axe man
>Everyone fucking dies and it's barely the second volume
Himeno's the only one dying in this arc.
Himeno's the only one becoming titty devil in this arc.
here, fixed
Who the everloving fuck is afraid of titties?
Do we all think he'll actually die? Because I just have the feeling he won't.
>most relatable character and that manipulative whore Makima's only real rival is the only one dying in this arc
Himeno noooo
Angelina Jolie
Doubt it. I think he will become something like Denji.
When will the Axe Devil everyone's hyping up show up? What will he look like?
Can't tell if joking or retarded
Axe devil = Shueisha editor
Jokes aside I would love to see an actual Axe Devil. Aside from being used as a tool, axes have been associated with executions, bloody murders, etc. Hell it might as well be the grandfather of all horror themed weapons.
Denji also uses an axe too so that'd be kinda neat
I doubt both Kobeni and Arai are dead
My bet is Kobeni survived since there is a mistery in her devil's contract
Probably other demon hunter survived
Arai is done since fox already died
Sit your ass down boy!
Nah Makima has been made out to be a really evil bitch by the others and ruthless. We haven't seen that at all yet
So she's fine
she's fineshe's fineshe's fineshe's fineshe's fine
Oh I just noticed him floating
Holocaust devil
atom bomb devil
Gaijin devil
Should all be able to fight the gun devil
>atom bomb devil
Just call it the Atomic Devil.
Or just Atom Devil and have it look like Astro Boy
>atom bomb devil
That's just Godzilla
Not dead
Not dead
Not dead
>Fushi and Big guy
Not dead
>Glasses and Tomboy
>Not dead
She's dead as a doornail, son
How would Axe Cop fare in the world of Chainsaw Man?
>Makima not dead
>Himeno dead
If he maintains all his benefits in the transition he continues to be unstoppable
I don't want it but is the one option that makes the most sense. Then again because it makes the most sense it might not happen.
In any case we won't know for a while
>the underground mango scene
Dutch, shut up and read yer damn japanese comic books, me and the bois went through too much trouble fer this already.
The wait is even worse with that single page spoiled.
why would it make sense for an apparently normal girl who showed no real sign of being fused with a devil to stay alive (or come back from the dead) after being shot point blank to the head and the chest?
Unusual pupils, aura of fear and respect, ability to determine devil human or other by smell
There's enough breadcrumbs there to make a case
She is shady as hell, seems to have her own agenda, a shitty personality we never saw and has a superior position than Himeno which it means she should have a contract with some devil too if she is not one herself, a hybrid or whatever.
Axeman soon
I recently read another one of his works, fire punch. This guy is fucking insane, he very well might kill everyone
>fear it
That is the thing, it is doing well, there is nothing to fear, beside everybody dying.
it looks like a gunshot wound to the left lung. she might make it out alive. There are stories of people getting shot multiple times center of mass only to kill the shooter and escape to die later on.
the debiru devil
So if Aki does become a hybrid what would it be
>Zombie can be too I guess.
How are you supposed to attack as a fox human devil anyway.
>The KickInBallsman
Claws and bitting? Mauling demons would be nice.
Just no Denji is a fucking myth of a creature being both human and devil some type of Demonman
Can't just create new ones unless Lucifer appears
We literally have another hybrid already. Denji is not the only one anymore.
What do you think shadman is?
Still waiting for an explanation what the hell devils are, where they come from, etc.
Not user but I would also be kinda interested in knowing. Like we know they grow with fear but where do they come from? Do they just randomly appear?
will Aki make a deal with the devil to avoid death?
Devils come from hell. Read the bible you heathen fuck.
Why are angels not fighting them then. Those lazy shitters.
It's not like he is the only one, basicaly all human are jobber
Based Christfag
Because the world is clearly in the end times in this story, during the years of satan's reign on earth.
Honestly not sure if I want Aki to become a hybrid, though I also don't want him to die.
We're going from cold and kind of edgy to full blown crawling in my skin (but literally)
nah it's most clearly just a scratch, give her a minute and she'll be up on her feet losing her shit like the previous time
Sauce? I tought I had read everything from fujimoto.
That's a character from Jujutsu. Basically a fanart from Fujimoto.
Nigga you clearly didn't even read the conversation, this was an illustration he did for JJK.
You think I'm literate? There's a reason I read japanese comics.
Do we know where Fujimoto publishes his art? I can't find his social media anywhere.
last try for a bump until the scans hit hopefully soon
I wouldn't get my hopes up, leakers are probably still asleep.
Usual schedule is in like 10-9 hours.
When will this garbage be axed?
>tfw no comfy sitcom about Power and Himeno
We were about to have comfy shenanigans, blame the Yakuza.
When Denji kills the Gun Devil
>a chaotic blur of crimson blood!
this and the white line makes me think aki is about to win then sword nothing personals aki
If we do get any new fiends I hope it's something sexually confusing like Aki/Power or Himeno/Fox for improved Denji bullying.
Why would Denji get bullied with Himeno/Fox.
I'll bet a fiend can't just become another fiend, just seems like a rule that would make sense.
>Fox gets Himeno's body.
>nothing changes, is still trying to fuck Aki.
>power and himeno
based as fuck
If Fujimoto wants to kill Himeno he should at least wait before doujinshi start appearing.
His characters are too precious, they feel warm and real.
But Himeno has the blond personality while Powah is more that Czech woman who is disgusting,
Axe never
How long until scans?
Around 6 hours.
Even worse is knowing that page was the last page of this chapter. Goddamn it.
aw fuck you I just noticed the chapter ender box in the page scan
fuck now even when the chapter releases I know there's another agonizing wait to see how it turns out.
Power has high INT low WIS. Denji has high WIS low INT.
>Power has high INT
She's a genius. She'll win a Nobel prize
Shut the fuck up, Power. Go heal Aki already.
Fujimoto characters see no problem with fucking lookalikes.
His characters are the reason I love his long works. I've never seen characters like them before. I love them so much
Translated spoilers:
Chainsawman 24
Aki's weapon isn't a sword but a nail (? Why does Aki sometimes feel like 惠 and sometimes like 薔-aniki??) Contract is curse devil, needs a couple stabs before it can be cursed to death (?) The other side feels like they won, but a person suddenly emerges, revives the knife(?) and gives Aki a brutal strike, it might even be fatal.
t. chinaman
The two untranslated chinese words probably refer to anime/manga characters but I've no idea who they are. I'm guessing "the other side" means Aki and friends.
Where do these spoilers even come from? They're written in the most vague and confusing way possible.
Baidu. The funny thing is that most of the other series spoilers are actually kind of readable, it seems spoiler dude has a stroke everytime he writes these ones.
we bleach now
That's their schtick to evade spoilers police.
She's dumb, she just knows what she wants and has no shame in getting it. I guess you could consider it a sense of wisdom in that she's mostly figured herself out, like Denji.
needs a couple stabs before the opponent is cursed to death (?)
I see, thanks.
I couldn't write something harder to MTL if I tried.
How that shit even ejects? They made the A1 for a reason.
Fujimoto curses him?
>Fujimoto shortened his lifespan to summon curse devil and curse filthy leakers.
I wonder if Fujimoto knows that there are people reading his work on the other side of the world.
wanpiss dropped
It stands to reason.
It's officially simulpublished, of course he'd be aware
Togata was his self-insert, she loves movies and speaks English. I wouldn't be surprised if he makes AMA on reddit in a few years if Chainsaw Man becomes really popular.
I guess this will be the first doujin. I'm sure you will all like it.
Anywhere to view it I am morbidly curious, Google, Yandex, and SauceNao don't have anything.
what a fucking disappointment
i really like this manga's art but the story is pretty meh so far
I don't think it's out, I just found that on Twitter while looking for fanart.
I agree somewhat, this is a lot more 'conventional' than Fire Punch so I have to agree. With FP after a while you expected the story to go off wildly. Chainsaw Man isn't set-up to do that as well. If it goes off the wall it won't work in quite as well of a manner.
Because this story can't go insane in the same way, the base plot has to be strong. While its good so far I don't know how much longevity there is to it.
Fire punch wasnt even off the walls 20 chapters in though. Can you all stop judging chainsaw man so early?
Fuck off to reddit
where's my power lewds damnit
I read this for SoL shenanigans. I don't really mind if it stays that way.
Naw they'd already introduced the moviebroad and that she was setting the whole story up by this point. Chapter 20 was Agni's freeing of the slaves and his adoption of being the hero.
By this point you could tell that the story was going to be either a trainwreck or a work of modern art. Chainsaw Man has that weirdness to it, but it feels more 'set' in what it is, in a way that Fire Punch dodged every 5 chapters.
I don't want the tits to die
This is in jump so those subversions you saw will happen more slowly and after longer periods of time than fire punch. Shounen tards wouldnt be able to handle the crazy speed of fujimotos train so it had to be slowed down
I hope that Fujimoto is playing the long-con and is going to 'pull the rug out from underneath us', half just to see the reactions and half because its fucking great when he does it.
There was that short comic on pixiv where someone skullfucks Denji.
Fujoshit is CSM's best bet right now, it makes manga take off, look at JJK.
KOREAN SCANS OUT manamoa.net
It's out.
dump it.
That's fucking cheating reeeeee
That was one cool demon.
What a load of bullshit. Aki won that shit fair and square
enjoy your scat
Sword is a fucking faggot that got owned the whole fight. Fuck that random bitch.
Aight. Let's see if I can do it with my shitty ISP having a stroke.
First chapter without Denji.
Based user.
>Makima ded
>Aki ded
>even fuckin denji ded
what.. what will happen bros?
That shit with the hands coming from off panel was fucking sick. Great use of the medium.
Poor Aki tho. That sucks for him. Hope he lives, but I am cynical.
Nobel prize happens
this is too much for me
Wew, damn.
Any ideas on what the fuck happened? I'm guessing the girl can manipulate time and returned machete man to a previous state and also made him move faster or stopped time for him to attack
Just started it, on chapter 15. Give it to me straight anons. Does this have a chance of getting the axe any time soon cause I'm really liking it.
And how exactly Curse devil should've killed Eternity?
So far no, it sells decently for a new manga and has some cushions.
probably would have eaten him whole
For a second I thought that was Fujimoto's finger.
Apparently you stab a certain amount of times and whoever the devil gets cursed to death or something. Maybe it has different ways of killing.
It's honestly really well done, panneling-wise.
holy fuck. forget storytelling for a second here. these fucking panels are fucking next level the disparity between light and dark. fucking depth. the simplistic yet compelling phase between moments of motion and contact and the fucking imagery that reinforces each turn of events. this stuff makes even the most highly regarded shonen artists look like utter shit
take a step back to realize that whoever cleaned this probably fucking butchered light/dark tones
user, you're reaching the level of that Rick and Morty pasta.
can't butcher what was already unsalvageable
Fucking cat devil. Or lizard.
I can't wait to see what this looks like when scanned by someone that is competent. You can already see some fuck-ups on page 4.
Sounds like hunterchadtardation.
>Fags tripping ITT
Clearly haven't read Fire Punch.
Fujimoto the Dan & Dave of manga. Expect to have your expectations subverted. So Kubo but less characters and more people actually dying.
>dem legs
New best girl. Damn it fujimoto, stop introducing cute girls.
What the fuck is this bitch's problem
I honestly liked the needle "twist" this chapter, literaly everyone thought it'd be a katana or similar and it's a cursing needle for a huge demon.
you won't, because mangastream will either just use these or their in house "cleaners" will do an even worse job
I'm talking MangaPlus scans. Mangastream probably uses these scans anyhow.
>dumping user died
Press F for this noble man.
>black stuff on the head (Power hair for example always looks white, so no shading)
> "|" puppils, while Power has "+"
She's Power's cousin Powerlessness
La hermana de Power
I can take over if the other user can't.
u ded son?
I like how no cares if Denji's is ok or not.
Next chapter: tag team match Power & Denji vs Blonde BItch & Sword Man
He isn't dead, so no need to worry.
Power is a healer.
so is new girl
Since the other user is dead. I'll be continuing dump.
I wonder if there's an inertia demon somewhere. Some Devil user comes out of nowhere going full JUGGERNAUT
Man, I normally don't like that *teleports behind you* *you explode* thing but that last panel is cool enough to sell it
I don't think Aki should be consorting with this level of Demon. This is some heavy shit.
Thank you
Fuckin metal
Would listen to if this was an album cover
Is that the demon of drawing disgusting pornography?
It looks like Aki's pretty fucking terrified of whatever demon that is. Makina's?
What kind of devil is this? A Curse Devil? Death Devil?
t. Jealous Kon.
Fuck me. My connection literally died and just got back. Want a help?
Pretty sure he just remembered Himeno is dying.
where do you sign up to get a giga death curse nail? asking for a friend.
It's all good.
Not just the shadman, but the shadwoman and shadchildren too
doujinshi when
fuckin thot invalidating aki's reaper death summoning seal reee
Alright then.
Don't post images during a dump, baka.
I want to seize power!
And that's it for this week.
This lad is too handsome, it's distracting.
there will be no problem if dumpers learn to refer previous page
Aki will never kill his tomodachis.
Unless Pochita is about the chestburst out of Denji in his ultimate war mode, it looks like the only able body on hand to deal with Machete and Thighs is Powa.
>that last panel
Fucking Ichika
So basically they just need to force the bitch to bring back Aki.
>teleports behind you
>resurrect her ally
>he oneshot you in the most clique way
>it still makes it look cool
N-nothin personal kiddo
that's not fucking fair
Fuck no. Some people use gallery mode to read dump images. Also
>what are filenames
>Why did you lose?
>I-i-i was nervous
What a fucking pussy, Aki was robbed.
This was a banger of a chapter. Short but good fight, Aki lost but came out looking stronger and the enemies seem more dangerous now.
Excellent paneling and great art.
Good set-up for the rest of the arc.
Thank God. In even like the comedy in this series, which I usually don't enjoy in Shonen.
>kills a bunch of characters
>instantly introduces a character who can resurrect
Any other mangaka would've been called a "hack" for doing this.
I want to be brought back to life by her.
what a bullshit
>draws a girl, calls it a boy
Pls, tell me she has a dick.
Easy job for Denji, just rape her to submission
>causally undoes your sword inflicted curse that you paid for with your life span
*teleports behind u*
nothin personnel, kid.
Fucking based
Fucking bullshit
after reading fire punch i don't really hold fujimoto to regular standards, i don't know how you can write such a clusterfuck and keep it entertaining
Don't die Aki, everyone loves you!
bullshit girl is cute
>get sweet release of death.
>random girl that pretty much killed you brings you back to life.
we don't really know what's happening yet, calm down
I'm actually fucking angry.
So other people should do more work because you are an spastic that can't stop for 10 minutes?
The out of pannel finger is bretty amazing.
Linking previous page really makes it easier to navigate. Instead of arguing about your ruined dumping experience, you just can use foolproof method and link pages. It's not "do more work", it's "i need a reason to bark on someone".
*bark at someone
fucking retard
Or just don't interrupt you fucking autist.
Yeah, fuck off.
Link previous pages guys, don't be stupid like this guy.
The Boku no Pico devil.
So from what we have gathered
>Aki's THAT is a super devil of sort that can only be summoned by drawing his sword
>Said devil seems to influence "flow" of sorts. (the way how it flicked Aki's sword so that it becomes a stab immediately from just positioning)
>countdown that ends with immediate instant kill (may not have friendly-fire on considering how Himeno was not willing to let him use it)
God now I fucking want to know what this devil's name is.
Fuckboy could've given him a bullet devil fragment to enable the hax. That's one way to not introduce ressurection powers.
At some point we are gonna have some mad brawl where each hybrid devil keeps on going at each other only to be revived by their respective parties whenever they fall ain't we?
That's a cool stand.
Araki colab when?
It's a curse demon. The sword is a nail. It's like a voodoo doll, and after three stabs with the nail the curse demon kills the victim, likely with a heavy cost to aki (I assume part of his own lifespan)
>Denji dies
>only needs someone to pull his cord to revive him
>Shadman dies
>only needs a girl to tag him back into life
The fight between two of them is going to renact hell it self.
You can still have a series with high stakes and revival.
Because some Chinese and Koreans living in Japan for illegal translation.
Here is your (you).
fuck, Fujimoto is too good for jump
Jew devil
This is straight some Hayashida Q shit
No wonder the demon is THAT strong, there's a shitload of supersticious people even now.
Thats why he's a chad, he can do no wrong while he sits on his throne drawing manga while everyone else sits on a $3 stool
This character exist so that Aki can kill himself over & over again. Perpetual Curse Machine
Aki was real lucky swordguy was nervous, otherwise this would've happened
If being unkillable is a basic ability of all the hybrids, then they are just too OP.
we /dorohedoro/ now
Any confirmation if there's one devil for each concept or no? Blood devil should be ultra powerful.
This series is so fuckin cool
Power said she was widely feared before turning to a fiend. Maybe they all just figured she was too cute to fear now and she’ll get a power up by teaching devils to fear her again
>it might be the way the "half-devil" ressurects rather than the ability of the new character, just like how Denji gets up if you pull his trigger
>aki is turned into one to live
>his Rez button is kicking or stomping his balls hard as possible
Maybe fear of blood being taken translates on Syringe Devil. But still, hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people faint on the first sight of blood.
You will obviously have to pull from his topknot.
maybe blondy unsheaths sword on his belt
this serum bowl all over again
His dick?
God I fucking LOVE these pages, holy shit. Fujimoto has been on a roll these past few chapters.
When are we going to meet the Devil Devil?
After human devil.
>psh, nothing personell, kid
Felt some legit frustration at the revival, but if denji can do it, then it's only fair.
She'll probably end up as a high ranking yakuza or someone's sister.
The finger flick was rad as hell and so was the demon and nail reveal.
It's clear Aki will survive somehow imo
Now we suffer and wait for next chapter.
To be fair I don't think Shadman's revive is the same as Denji's since it seems to need a specific person to revive him. Denji on the other hand can have his cord pulled by just about anyone to bring him back.
Reminder that this is all Makima's "dream". She foresaw everything with her demon powers
The LIVE devil
She's Wet Dreams Devil?
Blonde boy is brother of Power's body. He's in it for the same reason as Sword - revenge. Power becoming fiend flashback incoming.
maybe she is the zombie devil in fiend form
>using your ultimate technique so powerful that it cut your lifespan in a half
>random kid touches the guy and revives him like its nothing
Dammit Shad you can't keep getting away with it
Man, what a great manga.
I miss Caiman ;_;
dont you the K word here you fucking crossboarding trash
>life devil is actually the strongest because what we fear most is the pain of continuing on
New reactpics for Aki's wall of suffering.
thats bullshit but i believe it
I-it's a boy?
Fujimoto, please, don't kill my girl. She deserves to experience true love.
with whom?
Power of course.
yeah Aki everybody loves you, so don't you die!
I mean Himeno loves you at least
likes you would maybe me more realistic
yeah she may like you as well somehow, I mean she probably doesn't dislike you y know
come on Aki almost everyone loves you, sort of, so you gotta live!
I would preffer if this pathetic human stays alive, Denji can't cook for shit.
Oh baby. Shadman always wins.
My exact reaction, I assumed it was a girl but now i'm confused.
There's almost no dialogue this chapter and yet Niggerstream never.
I'm 100% sure he is going to pull some time travel shenanigans or something. You can't just kill 90% of the cast.
>Nail curse sword
That's so fucking COOL. Fujimoto you better not fucking throw this away
Curse devil should refund Aki's lifespan if condition is death of enemy.
Why does it even want lifespan for, such a meanie.
that would be a good condition for a nen ability
That's too simple. You can't drag that out for 3 pages of explanation
I guess its a price to pay for a guaranteed kill on pretty much anything
Kon is best devil. You pay with some random skin, it bantz with you and tells you you are handsome. What more can you ask for.
Given the presence of another individual who appears to have merged with a devil along with the earlier questions posed about how curious such a thing is, I'm wondering if maybe what happened is something that is normally bequeathed by another source (e.g. the Gun Devil or whoever is pulling the strings) suddenly wound up becoming voluntary between a seemingly normal human and a devil. It might explain the curiosity that is Denji's current existence, as well as suggest that this merging of beings grants power beyond what humans can normally get from devils.
Is Mad Holy Fujimoto's editor?
>Guess I didn't kill this guy so you get your lifespan back
>But the guy killed you anyway so who cares dude
Lifespan can't be less than zero > when Curse returns it Aki revives.
>Huuh, I let you die so you get three free uses. Don't sue me.
>fox devil jobs
>curse devil jobs
Aki got himself the shittiest devils.
>curse devil
U what m8.
They are plus minus like blood?
Isn't the one who breaches contract dies? Would be funny if Curse was insta killed when Sword was revived.
It could also be that Sword Guy technically died so Curse Devil did fulfill his part.
We really need some fucking devil contract lawyer to clear up these details.
Can explain why Power not end boss level strong.
AB+, AB-, A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O- blood devils.
Also it corresponds with their boobs sizes.
Guess it depends on what kind of contract they have, maybe it just allows the use of its powers and not necessarily the death of the opponent.
Can't wait for Power to defeat all 7 of her blood devil sisters and absorb their powers.
>he doesn't know about Rin-san
He also editor of spy×family
he frequently answers questions in twitter, may be fun to send him link to one of the threads.
>Linking a Jump editor to a website with pirated Jump content
*to thread with a link to mangaplus
Then just send him a tweet saying people from the west are enjoying the series, in the mangaplus(tm) website of course.
Where's the user that summons Niggerstream.
Here. I don't trust those niggas to upload the chapter any time soon.
When are we going to get an English print? I wanna give Fujimoto my money so this doesn't get the axe
How should this be animated and who should do it?
Not at all, and no one
>I wanna give Fujimoto my money
>English print
It's just soi-fon, but with less lesbian.
If you really want to you can just buy the japanese volumes, i'm sure people do it.
I like having physical prints for manga I really like, what of it
He probably means that with english release Fujimoto gets no money.
I'm talking about the finger flicking the nail in not the "I hit you this many time and ur fuckin dead kiddo"
If you really want to support the series so it doesn't get axed, buy the japanese volumes instead.
>well its pretty clear you were going you where going to die in like 2 minutes anyway, so don't go getting pissy with me because I halved it. Dude still died man. If anything I'M the one who got screwed over. Maybe don't rush to shorten your lifespan when facing certain death.
>Lifespan can't be less than zero
Delightfully Devilish, Aki.
Tuo sretpahc
Lies devil.
Sonuvabitch, made me check.
Sorry but can you guys give me a quick run down on how mangaka get paid? How much does jump pay? And what does the mangaka get from tankobon, merch, foreign sell or anime?
>literally got robbed of his victory
I'm not enterely sure but I remember Gintama's author saying he mostly got money from tankobons and nothing for things like the anime or merch.
Don't really know when it comes to foreign market but incomes are probably going to both the foreign editorial and shueisha.
That's fine, it's just that any english language print is going to have a reduced cut of royalties to the author compared to what the original volumes bring
Not entirely sure but if you buy a Barnes and Nobles book, you're paying Barnes and Nobles, not the mangaka. Jump sells licenses to foreign companies but they make the most money from tankobon and merch. Basically, you have to live in Japan if you want to support your mangaka or otherwise you barely show support indirectly.
It's interesting how anime works absolutely different from western tv shows: original creator gets nothing, except for advertisment of manga volumes. And studios pay tv channels to show their anime, not the other way around.
Niggerstream is too busy ebegging on their site to pump out the new chapter.
Shadman is a pussy, he doesn't have balls.