>Old anime was so much bett...
Old anime was so much bett
90s was peak
how was this ugly art style allowed to exist
Stop that.
Why do we make fun of the how to draw anime books again when they were actually correct and accurate?
SMJ is fucking amazing, are you a newfag, son?
>being a furry
The 90's at least had a certain level of creativity.
>posting a good anime
you didn't think this through, zoomer OP
It's funny how you people keep saying that, but you never demonstrate how.
At least there wasn't shitton of isekai (and those that were actually fun), we've got stuff like Outlaw Star and there were no sudden bursts of light that disallowed people to see the full glory of the female body.
There's other girls
>no fur
>no snout
You keep using that word. I don't think you know what it means.
>At least there wasn't isekai
*blocks your path*
Also the one you posted is actually good.
*blocks your path*
Compared these days, there weren't shitton of them. And back then the quality of them was better.
>the quality of them was better
Not that user, but Inuyasha, Magic Knight Rayearth, Escaflowne, Those who Hunt Elves, Hack series, are all isekai
And that's not only from the top of my head, but also just the ones my shitty country's cable TV was airing.
Only difference is that now we get the full spectrum of absolute shit the japanese put out every season.
Also nostalgia googles
InuYasha doesn't count. It's Dragon Ball for girls.
I'd say there was a shitton of anime nin the past, we just have like even more of a shitton now, which is the problem.
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Faggy little zoom-zooms.
>more anime is a bad thing
>being 13
>on Yea Forums(nel) dot ORG
/fa/ as fuck
>Naga's magical tracts of land
There is a lot of hypnotic stuff around them.
This is a double-edged sword. There are good ones bound to be found, but there is a high probability of shitty ones appearing.
The difference is that those isekai were actual stories
More anime is actually a terrible thing especially for the animators
Plus, do you even watch half the shows in a season? Because there's something like 60 shows airing in total right now
>there's something like 60 shows airing in total right now
That's a good thing. It means a wider selection to suit each individuals taste.
Old anime was 100% sweaty muscular men wrestling each other in gritty cyberpunk dystopias while debating the meaning of god. Animated always at 24 FPS with five tone shading. The animators wore suits, smoked pipes and sat in leather chairs.
>Things change over time, me no like
Don't forget that although there used to be less series, they generally had much longer length than current ones. Most shows had at least 26 episodes, with many getting to 50.
(Although I guess there were the OVAs too with often only 1-4 episodes, and there used to be tons of original OVA series back in the 80s-90s, rather than just OVAs tied to longer anime)
I love slayers
I like when they act like if older anime didnt have fanservice or complain about inconsistencies and characters acting like braindeads (as if it were something unique of recent anime)
Complaining about fanservice in general is dumb seeing as it doesn't detract from a show's quality.
B-But if anime does something lewd or weird I can't show it to my normalfag friends! Anime needs to be normal so they take it seriously!
Yes, old anime was better.