Why are shotacons more socially accepted than lolicons?

Why are shotacons more socially accepted than lolicons?

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It's okay when women do it. That's it. Double standards. Nothing else to it.

Can't speak for others, but I definitely wanted to fuck Bulma and Botan when I was still a shota

What opposite world do you live in? That hasn't been my experience at all. Even lolifags consider me an outcast.

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The same reason why when a man is raped by a woman, it became a "lucky Guy", double standard

They aren't. Problem is everyone assumes you're lucky. There's tons of reports of female teachers fucking students. and getting fucked over... except if the kid got her pregnant, ruining the life of the kid as if her getting pregnant is his fault.

On a curve young boys want it, young girls don't. Especially since lolicons are usually unwashed and 400lbs

Orlando Bloom banged 14 yr olds. Nobody cared.

I should've raped more female teachers in highschool, nobody would've believed them.

it's hotter

Men aren't manipulated as easily. And even if they are, we don't regret getting our cock slurped by an older woman.

For me it's because when it's shota there's no blood or pain or anything.
And the partner is usually some hot oneesan as well, while for loli it's usually fat ugly sweaty dude.

>It's okay when women do it.
This but unironically.

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Because you're not a woman, you sick fuck.

Nah, you're just gay bro.

That wasn't what the thread was asking. So are female lolicons not accepted?

Power dynamics.

>Orlando Bloom banged 14 yr olds. Nobody cared.
That's interesting, please develop

Because men wish they were molested.

Who knows...

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Pedophiles are always acceptable if the older partner are good looking.

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That doesn't matter, already explained it. Might as well /thread


This pretty much

That's because the females are usually pretty and beautiful unlike those sweaty, fat, and bald males.

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because free pussy isn't bad useless you're a faggot

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If lolicons we're more often portrayed as chisled buff studs they'd probably be on equal footing.

because no matter how you spin it women purpose is to be on the receiving end
lasagna are to get dicked, not take dicks

this isn't even shota

what if the woman is into pegging

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Depends on whether the boy like it.

Because every guy went through a phase when they were ten where they wanted to fuck a sexy woman. Not every guy went through a lolicon phase.

Because man ALWAYS want it. Lierally always. There is absolutely no exception.

Most shotacons are men though.

What about the little boys that fantasized about other little boys or girls? Is it ok for them to have an outlet for their sexual frustration because they want to do it?
Women are incapable of wanting it? This is how they get away with shit, yeah Ill just lust after these children and it's perfectly fine. Oh look Ill entrap this teacher as a girl student because I want power and control over my life (and probably a lawsuit).

I'm a wizard and voluntarily celibate. There's your exception.

i think south park had an episode about that topic.

Men can be shotacon
Women can be lolicon
Anime panders either way
Bad thread

The old saying "Don't stick your dick in crazy" should hold up here because she loco.

god I wish that were me

>anything I don't like is pandering

Okay, incel.

Stating facts doesn't make someone an incel, you dumb leftist.

The consequences of an unexpected pregnancy are less grave for a boy than it is to a girl. Sex is also, regardless of diseases and the pregnancy risk, riskier for a young girl than for a young boy (hemoraghies due to sex are a thing and don't happen to boys unless they are getting stuff inserted in their anus).
I mean, we don't get to have as many orgasms as women and live slightly less but we guys, biologically, still have it easy compared to them.

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Who are you quoting?

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Because women have no agency whatsoever, whether its a little girl who was curious about dick, or an older woman who couldn't help herself from molesting a child. Men are considered adults and responsible for their actions at all times, women are not. That's literally it.

Cause it's hot and not creepy

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We are not on /jp/.

We're not on reddit either, yet here you are.

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Greentexting does not come from reddit and only a redditor would think that it does.

>thinking it's the greentext
Another strike. Automatically thinking pandering is bad is pretty reddit.

Females literally cant be paedophiles. Just like niggers cant be racist.

Pandering is bad, and stating that fact has no relation to reddit. You are a redditor and you are projecting.

dumb and leftist is repetitive

>Pandering is bad
Why? You realize anime panders all the time, right? Being a pseud is pretty reddit, you know.

Something isn't pandering just because you don't like it, redditor.

Jonah has to be gay, right?
There's no way a heterosexual 12 year old would decline Koko's offer to bathe together

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And the best part? It's men who made it so. Good job guys, you let them off the hook because you can fap to it. Literally thinking with your brainless dick first.

Pandering is pandering and there's nothing wrong with it, reddit pseud.

It is a bad thing by definition, redditor. If you are going to claim someone is pandering you must provide evidence that they are guilty of such.

False. There is far more loli material than shota. Hell, there's more gay shotacon than straight shotacon.
Lolita is considered a masterpiece despite the topic, whereas nobody would write about boys.

>It is a bad thing by definition
Say who, redditor?

The dictionary and the way people use the word, redditor. And stop calling me a redditor. You are the one who brought up reddit out of nowhere, and that makes you the redditor. You have zero grounds for calling me a redditor.

>There is far more loli material than shota
That doesn't make them socially acceptable.

This thread will attract the scummiest lowest effort shitposting autists from the terrible boards. Just wait and see

Because NICE.

But seriously, boys can be molested too.

Baited 100

Geez, get on with the times your insular tards. Reddit and redditors is so 2016. These days it's all about discord groups.

What if old hag?
Or this

Yet you will not be shunned by reading Lolita.

>The dictionary
>and the way people use the word
Who, normalfags and reddit pseuds like you? Anime panders to its fans and there's nothing wrong with that. Why are you so thin-skinned and need to pose in front of others? Such a reddit pseud trait.

i won't but normalfags will

I did not bait anywhere.

Because Yea Forums basically is reddit now.

>Who, normalfags and reddit pseuds like you?
Show me evidence that I'm a redditor. I have shown evidence that you are one.

When people complain about pandering they are obviously being angry and condemning whatever it is they are accusing of pandering. It is strictly a negative thing.

Little girls wont suck your dick for free.

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This,We need more atractive,charismatic Male pedophiles.

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>Show me evidence that I'm a redditor.
You've done enough yourself, redditor.
>When people complain about pandering
No one was complaining. Only you got assblasted and assumed that. Shows how weak and uncomfortable you are with your own interests, and no amount of reddit pseudointellectualism will help.

You are a nigger and a faggot and a child molester because I said so.

>No one was complaining.
People complain about it non-stop, you child molesting nigger faggot.

Correct lmfao

>Pedo woman in doujins Hot onesan
>Meanwhile in reality.
Its okay if they are good looking.

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Then what was your point?

You Will need some Candy for that
Interact with children.

Because men don't bitch and whine like women do.

The facts show that children who are raped, who are TRULY raped, the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant in case of girls, or erect when boys. Medical authorities agree that this is a rarity, if ever.

Lucky fucker..

Oh look, another false flagger.

Nope. You'd be considered educated and cultured.

So lolis that become my slave wont get knocked up?

It's true though. Show me a single case where involuntary sex ended with pregnancy. Hell, could you, presumed straight adult man, get hard at gay porn? Assuming you're not a gurofag, could you cum when getting gutted?
It is the same for everyone. The body will refuse to cooperate if you don't want it.

>who are TRULY raped, the juices don't flow
Bullshit, people break under trauma. What matters is whether the person accepts that as their will or not. Most do not.

Female pedos are nice, gentle, and take care of little boys.

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>voluntarily celibate
no you're not add a "in" in front of that voluntarily

>MANY teens struggle with admitting to their families that theya re gay
I fucking burst out laughing, fake or not.

>don't get pregnant in case of girls
DUMBEST SHIT I HAVE EVER READ, 2 fucking seconds of GOOGLE would've saved you this embarrassment

I'm voluntarily celibate. Where's your proof to the contrary?

>literal speed reader
You dumb fuck. There was no rape involved, she actually wanted it and thus her fertility naturally allowed it.

>bohoo an older woman sucked my dick when I was 12

A female molesting a young boy is not the same. Even if an older guy sucks a boys dick isnt that bad. Its about who penetrates who. Nobody thinks deep down that a guy sucking your dick is the same as him raping your ass.


literally the reason the law exist you disgusting, retarded freak !

It's disgusting either way when a man is involved. And in 90% cases, it's elderly people, 40+, fat, balding, old man skin etc.

Fpbp, triggered femcels

So if children can't concent, why is "playing doctor" such a common thing among children? Exploring each others bodies is natural and very common growing up in relative normal circumstances. People just don't talk about it due the adult taboo about sex and children.

But it's the guys who allow it because muh NICE?

>An age of consent statute first appeared in secular law in 1275 in England as part of the rape law. The statute, Westminster 1, made it a misdemeanor to "ravish" a "maiden within age," whether with or without her consent. The phrase "within age" was interpreted by jurist Sir Edward Coke as meaning the age of marriage, which at the time was 12 years of age.
Reminder that without christian feminist,we would still have a world where lolicon and shotacon relationship are still a thing.

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Because in the eyes of men, /ss/ is a scenario we dreamed about as we entered puberty. We all had that one adult woman at that point in our lives we desperately wanted to bone. So most of us it was probably a teacher, a librarian, a fictional character, or some kind of celebrity, while some people were/are degenerates and had these feelings for a sister or their mom.

Lolicon on the other hand would have to play to a current dynamic where you, as you are now, try to bone a little girl. For most of us it's disgusting on a visceral level, because we're not animals and don't want to fuck children, so we look at it with general disdain. While in a vacuum they might both seem equally distasteful, the general roots of these fetishes are different.

And What if i fap to Shotaxloli?

>we all had older woman fantasies
Never happened, that’s disgusting Jeff

Then you still haven't gotten over that one time a girl saw your penis when you were 6, because that was the last time a woman ever came close to interacting with your dick.

Why are /ss/-fags always so full of themselves? Worst posters on Yea Forums.

Also we Men being little boys we too wanted to fuck some girls of our age, why would not carry those fantasies into adulthood?

If that were the case, you'd probably be more into something like

There is nothing like the first time with a little girl of your age,sorry for you that you never will experience it.

Female shotacons are adored by Yea Forums. Male and gay shotacons get the same treatment as real life pedophile criminals.

No one has ever done that.

no since i was a boy i was fapping to lolixold man.

>Male and gay shotacons
You can be a male shotacon without being gay?

>Men aren't manipulated as easily
men are manipulated far more easily

Factually wrong. Kids are curious. Hell I did it too both with girls and boys in kindergarten and early elementary.

Yes newfriend

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>Because women have no agency whatsoever

I think its this, or at least the fact that this is the way people perceive woman. There are probably plenty of woman who got dicked down by a grown man as a teen and have no regrets about it, same as boys. But then you also have boys who regret and are fucked up because some woman diddled him, so its not always a good thing, but certainly if the adult is a man its always perceived as predatory.


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Because people prefer to protect females.

Would Make her wish desu.

because hot girls preying on little boys is hot as fuck

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isn't funny like the majority of these are underage girls either way and then /ss/ normalfags complain about sexualizing underage girls.

I don't really like the fact that most shotacon media portrays horny young women having sex with shy, innocent kids. I would like it a lot more if the kids in shotacon media were pint-sized perverts.
Remember when you were a kid and realized that looking at titties made you feel really good? Well, imagine if, the day after realizing that, you, an 8 or 9 year old boy, were given the opportunity to shower with a beautiful 16 year old girl and grab her firm, young bosom.
That's the kind of /ss/ media I'd like to see more often. That way, I could really identify with the kid. It would bring me back to my early days as a pervert.

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What can I say? Seemed like every school I went to there was at least one hot teacher every dude in the class fantasized about.

Yeah anime boys are always unrealistically disinterested in sex and more into robots and training and shit. By the time I was 12 I was already trying to drink my own cum, little boys are nasty as fuck.

>day 2 of nofap and this shit about to make me break

Straight shotacon (/ss/) is the most pleb-tier, normalfag fetish there is. I absolutely despise it. I even respect scatfags and vorefags more than the subhumans who like this garbage. Normalfags in general believe that there is nothing wrong with a shota having sex with an older woman, but they get mad when it's a loli with an adult man. Why do hags get the special treatment? This society sucks.
inb4 some redditor replies with
>who hurt you?

In my opinion minimum age gap /ss/ is the best kind anyways. The cuteness of loli combined with the sexiness of a naughty onee-san is one hell of a combo.

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Nobody was complaining about araragi,but everybody was complaining about the fatass in gyaru kanojo,so there is double standars here too.

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This, fuck fat hagfags, oneesans are the best

because little boys want to have sex with older women irl and adults wished they had sex with older women when they were boys so none of that "but children can't consent"


That is because There is Not CP available for little boys to see ,so they feed them fantasies about adult woman,when i was a boy i always looking for porn of girls of my age.

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TFW I'm so stupid

>little boys want to have sex
You think that little girls are diffrent?

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beacuse nice


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sorry guys fucked my last reply

it depends on the child really.

What old hag dont want you to see.
14-15 is the prime of women.


You just made the point. We as men had made the things seem like a hot sexual fantasy and wish come true. The element of sex with hot teacher or hot babysitter in stories are made like a hot ,and exotic joke,
sometimes even something to
brag about and some things seems romantic.

Anime also proves this the majority of them feature JC-JK girls because this is what men desire.

Uhh... Just started reading this today because I heard some spanish song about Lolita on radio on a bus. Unreal coincidence to see this book of all things posted here.

Nonsense. Fruit is best when it is ripe.

>Be little boy being atracted to older woman
>Be adult being atracted to little girls
What is this phenomenon?

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>thread about loli/shotacon acceptance
It's not as big a coincidence as you think

And That is 12-16 not when is rotten.

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You got baited

Normality brutally suppressed by moralfags.

Uh hey wait a second

Okay, where is Juju?

Who was the shota who made you realize you are into little boys? Kazuma from Summer Wars to me.

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It was pretty early for me.

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross. Shotas are pure and not for sexual.

No it's not kill yourself cock/ss/uckers

I have to watch this again.

Irl adult male wants fuck little boys you don't have any idea of realitt you microdick

I am not a degenerate just because I want to suck 13yo boy's penis.

That is for degenerates normal men Want to lick cunny.

It absolutely is and I hope you die and kill yourself and eat shit. Unlike disgusting lolis, shotas are actually pure.



XY genes, there's your proof.
As if someone will ever believe you that you'd prefer masturbation if there was some chick willing to fuck you.

You're not loco enough.

Lmfao you've seriously placed pussy on a pedestal if you think that men don't ever masturbate instead of having sex when having the option

For the same reason that males being raped by females isn't a thing. Boys want to fuck. Boys cannot be fucked by a female unless theyre being sodomised and to be honest that isnt real intercourse. Thats just like shoving a tennis racket down someones throat. But the bottom line is that boys want to have sex and cannot even be raped and fucked but girls don t would be fucked by a man would be penerate penetration + rape. This cannot happen to a boy unless sodomized which is not sex. Boys would like to fuck a girl generally l

Forcing someone at gunpoint doesn't count?

> pleb-tier
> normalfag
Muh special snowflake mentality. There there user, of course you're unique and beautiful in your own way.

> when having the option
Thing is - you don't have the option. So that "voluntarily" part is straight bullshit.

You'd also need viagra pills.

this isn't 2008 anymore lad, normies browse this shithole now.

The laws regarding female rape are far broader than your description applied to female rape would be.
You say a female can't rape a male, because a make needs an erection to perform sex, and an erection is supposedly only possible if the male wants it.
But if you'd apply female rape law on male rape, it wouldn't matter whether the male has an erection. Forcing him to do something sexual even though he said no would be rape. Pushing your vagina in his face against his will would be rape. Handling his dick against his will would be rape. Whether he gets a purely physical reaction because of his doesn't matter shit.
Besides, you could always force feed viagra to an unwilling male, or use a penis pump.
I you disagree, keep in mind that all this applies to sexual child abuse as well.


They have a penis

> voluntarily celibate
> normie
Trying to fit in too much?

Purely a social thing, if girls fantasizing about older men was maintained in the cultural consciousness it would be just as accepted but there's still a desire to paint women as pure of mind.

normal people don't fuck like animals every three seconds in an average relationship. what the fuck kind of people do you hang around?

>Straight shotacon (/ss/) is the most pleb-tier, normalfag fetish there is.
That's tomboys, /ss/ is actual pedophilia, no way it is more normalfag than fucking tomboys.

Repeat after me: Women can't be pedophiles.

I originally thought he was a tomboy, and I was pretty bummed when I realized he was a boy.

Good taste in shota!

Women can't be pedophiles

women can't be pedophiles

Women can't be pedophiles.
What next?

Women can be pedophiles

He doesn't look like girl at all. If he was a tomboy he would at least have eyelashes.

Women can't be pedophiles

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I doubt that.

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Men can't be raped

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you guys want to see a cool graph?
don't tell your mods i showed you this ;)

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Lolicon Is Accepted in Japan where is more popular than shotacon because young,inocence and sexuality are seen like atractive is in the western where the double standard happen.

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So 13 is prime

Reddit-tier post.

Do you have any hard evidence to back that up?

>Lolicon Is Accepted in Japan
No, it is not. lolicon hentai is legal and CP used to be legal, but its still a very controversial topic even in Japan.

Little girls develop much quicker than boys and therefore are sexually active at an earlier age. I can confirm this myself.

So, the tomboy hurt you?

boys are cuter so they deserve love and affection

Idol juniors,all the anime and manga around underage girls and all the idol groups.

Why don't you try answering again, but this time please take the effort to type a coherent sentence so we can all understand what you're trying to say.

But do you think male shotacons are considered more acceptable than male lolicons? I think OP’s point was female shotacons vs male lolicons

shit thread

because women have been know to get away with literally murder

No? I'm just stating facts, if you have a more normalfag fetish than tomboy go ahead and bring it up. I guess if they count as fetishes then nurses and maids should be more normalfag than tomboys.

they aren't responsible for their actions. you can even see this in the thread where people compare boys liking adult women to men liking little girls, rather than the equal comparison of men liking little girls to women liking little boys. women no matter how old they are will never truly be considered an adult by society, but boy no matter how young they are, are seen as just young men who need to grow up and become mature, but still a man either way.

You win. Guess I'm a normalfag now.

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The real question is: what are the girl in the OP's name and mental state respectively? I forgot.

There's literally nothing wrong with being a normalfag or having "normalfag tastes".

>those tanlines

Read the filename fag.

Straight Shota is more acceptable because in society’s eyes, females cannot sexually abuse males. It’s only the other way around.

her name is koko she is loco

Yeah, bro. SAO, BnHA, and SnK are the best animu evah. Anyone who disagrees is a hipster contrarian.

Because when im jerking off to shota x milf porn im not jerking off to the shota, im jerking off to the milf. That would be different if it was loli

But I wasn't saying anything about the straightness of liking tomboys?What does that image have to do with anything I was saying? Did you overdose on porn and fry your brain?

>Just don't get an erection dude haha

So why don't you just fap to adults then? Are you a shota-sized manlet?

You can like whatever you want, bro. Being upset because a group of strangers like to waste their time watching a show that you don't like is stupid.

>trying to drink my own cum
You were unsuccessful?

its the fetish of fucking someone more mature then you. If the guy was an adult that would mean he was fucking a granny and i aint into grannies

Would you fap to the Real Stuff?


Based as fuck. Gas shotas now!


Explain astrology lmfao

Can we start with you?

because shota, as in not the shota himself but the act of a shota fucking an older women, is only hot through the abstraction of stylised doujins. Real stuff would be very awkward to me, also illegal

>be believe
Meant to say "believe."

Because /ss/ tends to involve attractive women, lolicon does not tend to involve attractive men.

Probably. Yeah... sorry.

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>fapping to cartoons makes you a pedo
What a fucking retard.

>mfw the only sexual encounters I had was when I was a shota and I have no regrets.

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I too was delusional once.

Then why everyone here fetishize IRL Shota and says that there nothing wrong it?

i'd hope they wouldnt. That sounds like an extreme fujo or a straight up pedo

literally who

I fucking love Jormungand

Koko the best

I'm not delusional. I just not retarded enough to think that reading manga is the same as committing a crime, and I'm not even to much into it.

Read the thread again.

what about them? are you implying a 7 year old boy somehow has "systemic power" over a financially independent grown woman?

Except pedophilia isn't a crime. Grab a dictionary and look up what pedophile means.
Hint: it doesn't mean "child molester."

>literally one person is the whole thread
Okay, it seems I was talking to myself all the time.

found the MAP

>if someone uses a word correctly they're the boogeyman
Come on, you're smarter than this.

I think that the majority of anime Would be MAP for definition.

but pedophilia is morally deplorable and people who are pedos deserve to be ridiculed

you're being pedantic. he means pedophiles have urges that if acted on, are criminal. duh.

Retard, being attracted to a cartoon is not the same as being attracted to a real body. It's like saying you like watching people being hurt because you like watching Tom smash Jerry with a hammer.

Ask me how I know you're American.

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>art symbolizes nothing, I'm just attracted to particular lines drawn in a completely arbitrary way for no particular reason

in your country its ok to jerk off to real kids?

I'm not american. You unironically need to have sex, retard.


Sure user, and watching hentai is the same as having sex as well.

both are degenerate

i want to be shota

>young girls don't
You ever use instagram?

because it's american hours on an american website, so it's a good bet when you need a boogeyman to save your failing argument?

People who fap to gay porn tend in fact to be homosexual.

Or maybe girls, just like males enjoy watching lesbo porn.

CP is illegal, but having thoughts is not.
I don't want to commit a crime, though.

Because Shotacons tend to be female and all societies tend to be gynocentric. Take a look at how The USA reacts to female vs male pedophile teachers sometime


>CP is illegal, but having thoughts is not
so you just lay in your bed thinking about a real kid getting fucked and jerk off to that?

I wasn't talking about kids you dumb.

What anime

i am telling FBI


Masturbating using your imagination isn't illegal in any sane country.

who does that though? Also are you really expecting someone with the mental illness of being attracted to kids to just stop at imagining it. Ofcourse most of them are gonna go look for CP

I know that, still, you need to have sex as soon as possible. You seems desperate.

i imagine even when reading doujin, i think i have ADD

Lovely kek desu

If lolicon is a gateway to CP would not be straight shota another gateway?

>Ofcourse most of them are gonna go look for CP
Not when completely legal (depending on where you live) loli/shota art exists.
Many pedophiles aren't even exclusively into kids, so they just fap to normal porn.

Orlando Bloom looked like a 14 year old troll so I guess he blended in well.

I'm not a shota though.

No, you're the newfag

I said OH NO

>Watching a woman get raped in animated form means you're going to go out and rape a real woman.


But you used to be one, and your brain is that of a shota still, so it counts.

you never know

Terrible comparison. You're comparing sexual preferences to acts.

that's not what I said
you admit that drawing symbolizes a woman. so hopefully you can admit art of a child symbolizes a child. so fapping to shota is probably correlated to pedophilic urges with about 99% accuracy.
so yeah, liking shota does make you a pedophile

This. Females can be lolicons or shotacons and nobody cares. I would say when it comes to men, shotacons are moreso outcast than lolicons though

Attached: straight shota.png (689x1000, 549K)

>so hopefully you can admit art of a child symbolizes a child. so fapping to shota is probably correlated to pedophilic urges with about 99% accuracy.
Under this logic a lolibaba who is literally just a young looking dwarf/someone with a body that doesn't grow past a certain stage = pedophilic urges despite her being a grown woman with a smoll body.

Pretty much this. But is also a factor. An ugly old lady is still considered a big no no.

A woman is more likely to be seen as a temptress than a man, which is why it works so well when it’s woman on boy rather than man on girl.

Man, this whole discussing about shota being pedo/not pedo is fucking retarded. Imagine giving a shit about this stuff. It's all fictional, just watch or read whatever you like and don't mind what others think.

Shota,Straight shota,lolicon.and everything are all pedophilia but They are hot because the taboo around it.

This. I don't get why they have to defend themselves so hard. This isn't reddit or Facebook.

>imagine ever discussing or having a civilised debate about anything on Yea Forums
Yeah lets go back to shitposting and talking about our favourite ships

because it's hot

How this make you feel?

Attached: 1555963168471.jpg (1280x713, 315K)

Watch Rikafag's video on the topic so you can stop being in denial. It's nothing worth getting mad about. More people need to be educated about this subject.

Sorry, but I don't like being labeled as a dumb pedophile. I like shota and I don't waste my time overthinking about the implications, it's all just drawings to me. I still prefer people older than me irl.