One Piece


- Drake transforms into Dinosaur form
- Zoro attacks Orochi
- Kyoshirou interferes with Zoro's attack saving Orochi
- Franky block gun shots directed at Zoro
- Ussop, Robin and Nami join the fight
- Orochi escapes
- Luffy is following all the action from the prison

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Kyoshirou interferes with Zoro's attack saving Orochi
DarkShogun bros?


Attached: Zoro getting pissed.png (363x409, 171K)


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I told you all, Kyouchads will rise up.

Attached: Saw_Paing.png (370x303, 137K)

This will be Sanjis arc now. Zoro and zorofags are seething right now

>something happened
Those are fake spoilers right?


It's like hot sweaty sex between two angry jocks, what more could you want

Attached: 55626805_p20_master1200.jpg (811x1200, 940K)

>nothing happens again
god damn this manga is so fucking trash

> Next week OP gets Lead Color page.
> Break.


>- Franky block gun shots directed at Zoro

Attached: F9F93A22-E2E1-45D8-BFB7-E6C5C278E49C.jpg (750x820, 271K)

>Drake vs. Sanji
>Zoro vs. Kyoshiro
>Franky, Robin, Usopp, and Nami also participate
>Chaos in the capital while Luffy, Queen, and Hyogoro watch from prison
>Big Mom still not at the prison yet

Shaping up to be a god-tier Wano chapter, right here! All of that buildup to a just reward!

>TOC confirms One Piece has color cover next week
>This week's chapter is only 2nd of 4 since the last break
Nice try.

It feel good.

Cancer, sanji is terrible fujo material
ZoLu is where its at

You're not ready for Orochi if you cannot even defeat his right-hand man

Attached: 009.jpg (357x261, 65K)

>- Zoro attacks Orochi
>- Kyoshirou interferes with Zoro's attack saving Orochi
>- Orochi escapes
O-Orochi bros...

Attached: Nitoryu Orochi.jpg (1080x792, 101K)


The irrelevant duo!

Attached: jinbecarrot.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

From @siyporg
- King arrest Kamazu and Kidd
~ Kamazu and Kidd are suspended in chains from their feet and their heads are submerged in water He's attacking king, but King is responding with ease. The last page of the pages with a terrifying face has arrived.

Dark Shogun bros...

- King arrest Kamazu and Kidd
~ Kamazu and Kidd are suspended in chains from their feet and their heads are submerged in water He's attacking king, but King is responding with ease. The last page of the pages Big Mom with a terrifying face has arrived.

So Kamazou really was Denjiro then.

>zoro oneshot one of the strongest samurais in Wano

>tfw he's actually Denjirou because of the ponytail

Big Mom has a scary face in the ending.

Kidd's a fucking jobber holy shit Oda give him a moment for once.

I guess Big Mom still 'on her way'.

KEK. Kamazou is Denjiro and Kid is a jobber confirmed

You can't run forever Orochi

Attached: Zoro'd.jpg (640x360, 40K)

>Kid and Kamazou captured
>Luffy vs. King
>Big Mom finally shows up

So Kidd and Kamazu are suspended in water but are attacking? Wtf?

I sleep

Kidfags btfo

Luffy's fighting King. King caught Kamazo and Kid.

It says only his head is submerged.

So Big Mom is there now?

Attached: CUwcZOHUYAAZE2t.jpg (698x565, 178K)

>kamazou isn't denjiro you guys! He's just some random fodder!
we cant stop winning zorogods

Oda included the 944 grave stone not because of a death flag, but because this chapter is so good that we can all die.

Katafags btfo

>Luffy's fighting King
No, that's an error. He's fighting Queen.

>kid actually believed he could escape

Attached: 1503421728873.png (602x452, 212K)



>Lost an arm to Shanks
>Beaten down by Kaido
>Beaten down by Snack
>Got caught by Queen and King
Kid getting BTFO in the New World.

Yeah, saw that.

Spoiler dude made a mistake. Luffy hits Queen not King


Based King

cool to meet zoros dad finally

Keked out loud at that word
But still youre right

I want to see young Orochi. Yasu, Raizo and Shinobu, the big headed people we have seen, had kind of a more proportioned head when they were young. Is there some reason behind that or it's just wacky design™?

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It's awesome that the other SH got into the shit to support Z/S, haven't seen that in a while

>7 straw hats fighting together in the same place
Neat, been so long
>Orochi escaping
Shitter confirmed

>Orochi runs away

Attached: zoro.png (1062x1120, 1.72M)

>orochi uses Nitoryu against Orochi
>Orochi runs away

the question is what will hiyori do

>It's Queen instead of King who captured Kid and Blocked Luffy

So this is how all of Wano’s acts are going to be? Slow and somewhat boaring start, interesting middle and hype endings?

One Piece Episode 944: "The wound on the back is the death of a swordsman"
Sanji and Zoro protect Toko
Orochi suddenly gets angry when I see Zoro
"It's just like trying to do the awful maria at that time ...! The ghosts of the old days come one after another ..."
Zoro turns his back to Orochi and gives Toko to Usopp, but at that moment Orochi shoots Zoro's back
Zoro is helped by Sanji and faints off soon after
22 years ago
Zoro's teacher rides a ship with savage swordsmen
"I am sad to be banished from the country of Wano, but I heard that there is a great treasure at the end of the world! If you get it, you will buy everything from the world, not the country of Wano!
"It's fine, but I can't come up with a new name yet. From now on, I should not name it Ronin Sotojurou."
"Okay, I understand ... Well, what about Roronoa Guymon?"

seems like it

fake and gay spoilers
unlike hiyoris breasts and having sex with hiyori

What's your logic, he's being punished for failure so he must be important?

Attached: O-Lin.png (800x625, 322K)


if he was some random fodder he wouldnt be brought up again
his hairstyle matches up denjiro perfectly
hes much stronger than the other red scabbards weve seen besides Shutenmaru

Leave Orochi to me

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All of One Piece is like that. The beginnings of most long arcs are usually slow to introduce the settings and characters.

>oda trying his damndest to make Franky useful

Why isn't Brook doing anything, he's on the scene.

Much stronger on what basis? The others haven't done much of anything.

>hes much stronger than the other red scabbards weve seen besides Shutenmaru
You know Inu and Neko are the strongest.

Why isn't Hawkins doing anything?

hes trying to look at hiyori's or toko's panties


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Oda wasted all his ideas for him on Whole Cake

He’s looking at Hiyori’s panties, according to Redon.

Watch out Queenlet, BIG MOM is here!

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Nothing happens the chapter
Hackda is washed
Hunterchads and herochads won

they said the strongest three are Ashura Doji, Denjiro, and Kawamatsu. Ashura Doji fucked Jack up easier than the Minks did.

>Roronoa Gaimon
Holy shit.

Attached: gaimon_by_bodskih-dblwfsx.png (438x350, 49K)

>Kingu tasukete !!

Wano is really boring compared to what was going on at Reverie

> Luffy attacks Queen but Queen handles easily.


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Kidd should be the first pirate to retire.

Fucking this. People just assume Orochi always had his goofy looking design, who knows what he actually looked like 20 years ago when he took over Wano. If someone as goofy looking as Yasu was potentially strong, than Orochi could have been too

>King arrest Kamazu and Kidd
>~ Kamazu and Kidd are suspended in chains from

>Kyoshiro saves Orochi and starts to attack Zoro
Who wins this fight? Who does Hiyori leave with?

I am a proud Lawfag

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Imagine mating press this cute little giantess


Brook is sniffing Hiyori panties with his nosehole

wtf is wrong with brook, is he trying to smell zoro's cumstains?

The father of her not child.

Attached: One Happy Family part 3.png (457x365, 143K)

He literally got killed 4 times by zoro on the last encounter. He's shittin his pants of course

>Zorochads and Kyouchads both win

chad recognize chad

every arc is boring compared to reverie

Silly user, you don’t wear panties under a kimono

Big Meme and soba Mask, the only two things that can save this shit show of an arc

Chadji and Chadro vs Chadshiro and Virginrochi

That's how we samurai roll

>characters teleporting all over Wano and BM STILL hasn't gotten to the prison yet

bros... it wasnt supposed to happen this way...

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Reverie/Levely had major plot, character, and worldbuilding reveals in each chapter. I hope we get to go back at some point.


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To the Wano doubters during 930-940: Yes, you're idiots. That wasn't even very long buildup for an arc this massive. Eat shit.

We are in the best timeline

It makes sense for King since we haven't seen him in a while and being able to fly probably means he can get around pretty quick.

He’s literally several snakes in one
He’s an Orochi

There's no "hope", Oda literally confirmed we're going back this year.

He's not worth Orochi's time yet.

>hackfags literally BTFO so hard they cant even make a single post
We won again Odaoverlords.

One for orochi, one for kyoshiro, one for king

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-28-12-22-34-1317056572.png (1020x1059, 870K)

>wake up
>fake spoilers everywhere
My heart is too weak for this

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Lunaniggers btfo once again.

I'm doubting Wano NOW
Just kidding this is hype as fuck.

Reminder that orochi considered hiyori his favourite whore; it’d be only reasonable to assume that the leader of a country only picks one after sampling many other whores, not to mention the fact that hiyori must have proven her worth in an extraordinary way
Wouldn’t be surprised to find out that orochi’s favourite drink is wakame sake directly from hiyori’s thighs/mons pubis

Whatever you say Orochi. You can't run forever.

Attached: Zoro smile.png (782x478, 375K)

I will bite.

Yeah but one is missing.

Zolo rescued again by Franky

thats fine, toko is superior anyway


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Oh they'll come up with something. It'll just be disingenuous.

Virginity is a way of mind, a state of being
If you still act like a virgin even if you’ve had sex, you’re a virgin

>he thinks this is some kind of ebin climactic fight and not just the start of more NIGEROOOOOOOO


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True, as soon as he seperated Zoro from the others he'll fight and win.

fellow kiddfags... why...

I love Nigero moments. Bring it.

>Magnetism powers
>Hung from chains

>yfw you're not a kidfag right now

Attached: CvJxJF8XEAA-jDy.jpg (1200x675, 109K)

>sea prison cuffs


>Still has Seastone cuff.

The absolute state of Kiddfags.

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captain killed more like

K...K-kidd is Luffy level...


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So what was the point of Kidd escaping and being offscreen for like 15 chapters?

KamazoCHADS we can't let them humiliate us like this

>Queen is the good cop, whoever escapes gets the bad cop
Torturefags rejoice

>Zorostars cannot stop winning

I am a proud Lawfag

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This isn't even the hype part of the arc. Everything is really gonna kick off after the fire festival

So he wouldn't be part of the sumo tournament

>Zoro vs Kyoshiro
Hiyori's gonna interfere in some way isn't she?

Attached: Hiyori shocked.png (143x206, 36K)

>Fails to get Orochi
>Gets rescued by Franky
>Probably failing because of the injury he got when he failed earlier
Zorons can't stop losing.

So luffy can save his ass

You just have to shoot them with seastone

Spee D reader attacks again


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>- Ussop, Robin and Nami join the fight
>- Orochi escapes
M-muh emperor first mate level, O-orochichads

h-he's just training guys

Kamazo already recovered from the wound Zoro gave him?

We'll find out in the next chapter
But obviously Kidd isn't characterized as someone who likes to stay put obediently. Luffy himself only stayed behind to train.

She will propose a threesome

By masturbating?


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no spoilers say Orochi sensed Zoro's killing intent and was reminded of Oden

Kamazou is Killer 100%, im convinced now


>orochi needs kyoshiro to protect him
>escapes from zoro like the coward he is
How can Orochifags even defend themselves at this point?

>He wasn't a random jobber he is Denjiro!
Nigga whomst the fuck is Denjiro? seems like a random jobber to me.

We will kick their asses

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Somebody on the same level as Ashura Douji AT LEAST

So that bounty truly is just from him blowing up civilian towns out of spite, what a beast!

>gets proven wrong
>d-denjiro is just weak!!
LMAO @ these fucking virgins resorting to pluto distanced excuses just so they delude themselves from Zoro greatness.

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To friendship

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*prevents 944*

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Can't believe one shotted a shutenmaru level fighter with two swords and gyukimaru interfering

Now do something cool you glorified background character

Kid is such a disappointing character.


Don't make it gay

>stop crying

>People thought Orochi he would oneshot Zoro in 944
>He fucking runs away from him instead
Any Orochifags here? I want to slash your asses.

Attached: 944.png (493x536, 313K)

Is Orochi Kaido illegitimate son?
Why does this jobber rule wano ?

Cyborg Franky rising up, is Sogeking or God Usopp about to make an appearance?

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He's training, you morons. The same way Luffy's training with a seastone cuff on. He's doing this on purpose so when he decides to break out he will stand a chance against Kaidou. He's using the same strategy Luffy is right now. Fucking brainlets actually think he's jobbing.

Oh no no no no no no no no no


Luffy vs Elephant smile

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So 944 is the death of Kidd's pride

Notice how Orochifags are nowhere to be found


>Everyone fighting
>Except Brook
What is he doing bros

They ran away just like he did.
Art imitates life.

Attached: Zoro2.png (749x635, 618K)

-When Zorro pulled his sword to fight Orchi, remember the death of Yasuo and his blood and remember Tuco's feelings.
-Zorro shot a remote attack on Orchi.
~ Full Drake Makeover
- Sanji became the one holding Tuco.
~ Appearance and intervention Frankie more than wonderful
-The followers of Orchi are the ones shooting.

To be honest 944 actually sorta fits with what's happening. The colorspread is zombie focused and we're at a zombie's (hiyori) funeral right now.

Checking out those slutty panties

Getting out of there with Hiyori and Toko I hope.

He's following Orochi undercover

F-first mate level

stealing some shit again

"nami the cat burglar"

Its all brook now

>Full Drake makeover

Orochifags are not loyal
Lawfags are proud
Kidfags are dead

>Sanji became the one holding Tuco.
I want to hold Tuco, too

Some next level cope

>Appearance and intervention Frankie more than wonderful

Attached: 1556279824711.png (97x95, 30K)

Isn't Zoro laughing his ass off while holding a dead man too?

Attached: images (14).jpg (648x473, 106K)

When Zoro holds his sword to fight Orochi he remembers the death of yasu and his blood stream and remember the feelings of Otoko
. ~ Zoro attack for a far distance to injury orochi
~ X-Drake is fully transformed
~ Sanji holds otoko instead of zoro
~ Franky’s appearance and intervention more than wonderful
~ orochi followers are the ones who shoot

>When Zorro pulled his sword to fight Orchi, remember the death of Yasuo and his blood and remember Tuco's feelings.
We're gonna get another pissed Zoro face here

what the fuck you guys said zoro dies this chapter and its just more filler fuck you

>the 944 spread actually connected with this chapter
>we were just wrong in guessing the outcome

Who takes more L's Kidd or Sanji ?

>The prison situation became a promotion yard in front of the display Kid's clear that he's suffering from injuries and blood bleeding from his head and mouth.
>Queen started to dance, causing an outrage to Luffy and trying to hit him, but he failed.
Eustass Kid? More like Just-ass Kid LMAO

Hawkins: Roronoa's probability of winning against Boss Kyoshiro...0%.

The people who said he was going to die were obviously shitposting but this does connect with the colour page.


Attached: oro.png (262x514, 116K)

Kamazo isn't Killer.
But "Kamazo" in this chapter is Killer in disguise to rescue Kid.

Clearly he's not worth Orochi's time yet

plastic chains

No, it really doesn't. You guys are coping hard.


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>Luffy gets to train his armament haki in a sumo gauntlet while Kidd """""""""trains"""""""""" by getting literally dunked on

is he training to be a digestive

Yes, it really does. You're just coping hard.

Kidd should take lessons from Bege and stop embarrassing himself

Oh my god this totally foreshadowed this chapter. X. Drake transformed, but he is actually secretly on the strawhats side and will betray Kaidou. Luffy is sleping because he is in prison and the others are there because they are the ones that helped Sanji and Zoro in his place. See how Franky is missing, but not Brook? It's because he has an even bigger role by saving Zoro's life!!

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>no u

>no argument

TICK TOCK, tick tock fags

Attached: ....png (209x584, 127K)

hahahhaa based

God I want to lick Luffy's rubbery feet


Kid should become a pornstar
> kid in a redheads gangbang: lending a hand to the hakiboys
> kid becoming a sweet snack
> bestiality action part 1: kid rides a dragon
> bestiality action part 2: Chains and tears

Attached: 1549424514824.gif (400x288, 1.49M)

>zorofags are just as gay as zoro

because Nami has small breasts
It's the saddest sub-plot of the story: Nami is trying everything to make her breast grow bigger, eating well, doing the right exercises and dresses revealingly, all in the hopes of making Zoro and Sanji get along well.
It will be the greatest moment in the series, when Zoro smiles and says, "Nami is big." Sanji will be in shock for a moment and then breaks out in tears, "you finally see it". Two page spread of them hugging. After that they'll be best friends until the end of the series.

Attached: 76.jpg (460x3824, 836K)

The absolute state of OPfags.

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You are straight up braindamaged.

Too bad she is not wearing one.

It's not cope. You're just denying the alternative that there wasn't just one 944 poster. So far this guy is right

>proving my point

holy molly zoro vs jack confirmed, kyoshiro is filler

Attached: index.jpg (329x153, 18K)

rather than calling him names like a shitposter why don't you disprove it?

So are the headcanon faggots about to commit mass suicide? That would be a great benefit to humanity.

The most based characters in this whole fucking manga were Johnny and Yosaku

How is it right? It's reaching just as much as , absolute cringe.

What point? You spamming no u's

Zoro fighting Kyoshiro to win Hiyori's freedom confirmed.

I see. Now I understand where they got the bandages from and where the original toad oil comes from

>user's post digits
>Literally 962 forwards and backwards

>disprove my autism
Prove it first.


No one deserves to be killed by Jack.

>what point?
That you have no argument, lol. You aren't even trying to do it. You're the one who saying "ur coping" "no u!" but haven't even made a single post about why I am wrong.
Keep coping.

Lmao Kidd. He is having a worse time than law did in dressrosa

>Kamazou is Killer
Wtf Oda...

>That you have no argument, lol.
Against what? What is your argument?


Attached: 1524458227910.jpg (245x370, 21K)

So Killer is Denjiro ?

headcanonfags are actual aids

Zoro died in an alternative universe were Sanji and Franky weren't there.

Prove what first? Spread has the numbers 944 on it with Zoro laughing and getting friendly with a laughing dead guy, around zombies.
Chapter 944 has Zoro going retarded about everyone laughing and reminiscing about his recent laughing dead friend, with a person that's been declared dead.

I don't really care if I'm wrong. But you fags aren't even disproving me. Good lord.

dammit Oda

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Are you actually calling braindamaged an obvious sarcastic post like the color walk one? The only retard is you here

Is this a common punishment among the Beasts Pirates?

Attached: 17.png (826x1031, 633K)

I never want to see a color page """theory""" ever again, you absolute hacks.

Do you have actual autism? You're the one who replied to me saying I was coping. If you have no backing to your statement, then are you admitting to shitposting?

>Kyoshiro > Zoro

With how One Piece got an influx of new readers, pajeets more specifically, I really can’t tell if this post is a joke or not.

>literally nothing aligns
Great post.

>Kidd jobs again off panel
FUCK Kiddchads.....

Eustass "Captain" Kid, so called because he's not really a captain.

So whats the next color page theory bros ?

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Yeah, because youre coping. You never made any actual argument.

>How is it right? It's reaching just as much as #, absolute cringe.
That was obviously a shitpost (most likely by you) because you cant refute it.

>literally nothing aligns
And how so? You can easily say X is wrong. But proving it is the part. They're not supposed to align 1:1. Sanji called himself Mr. Prince but he wasn't one at the time.

GODA does it again

It does seem so
But again, if Kamazou was working under Orochi why would Queen take him prisoner?

This isnt even adding up, are you ok? Not even as opposites...

>still unable to back his statement

Attached: 1519605108673.png (281x245, 47K)

IIRC he was secretly working for Orochi while publicly he was a criminal

>one autistic post is autistic, but the other, exactly the same is totally foreshadowing

Luffy will beat king queen and kaido and sanji will beat jack.Meanwhile zoro jobs agaist kyoshiro.

Don't bother arguing with this spastic. He knows he can't refute shit so he'll just keep deflecting and making more outlandish claims and you'll just end up wasting your time.

Punished for failure like Sheepshead?

>And how so?
You literally said two sentences that don't align.
>They're not supposed to align 1:1.
So now you're backpedaling? Fuck off.

This is actually true, holy shit.


The way I understand it, the first one is a 944 cope, the color walk one is a 944 mock. Learn to understand sarcasm

>still coping hard

So Kamazo is a Pleasure, right?
He had a permanent smile while fighting Zoro and is now laughing while getting tortured.

Attached: 002.jpg (179x290, 39K)

>this would have been Zoro if not for Hiyori
You're welcome, anti-shipperfags

>You literally said two sentences that don't align.
I said connect from the start, moron.
>So now you're backpedalling
Point out to where I said they do align 1:1? Don't force your paranoia on me, retard.

>on is X
>the other is Y

Is every color page 2deep4u then?

X is a subset of Y unlike other claims. And not every spread outright shows numbers that can be connected to chapter numbers, which is the starting point.

>I said connect from the start, moron.
Then why do you ask
>And how so?
Fucking dumbass.

>Point out to where I said they do align 1:1? Don't force your paranoia on me, retard.
Then what teh fuck is the point of your posts at all? That color pages are related to One Piece. Are you gay?

OH MY GOD I think the strawhats are going to reunite in chapter 56.

I knew it was you jeremy lmao

Attached: jimbo aka Jeremy aka Fajji_Hanji.jpg (424x500, 39K)

Remember when we used to think Kid and Luffy were equals? No?

Attached: Kid is a fun guy.png (894x1300, 649K)

>then why do you ask
>fucking dumbass
CLEARLY the implication is that aligned is used in a connectivity sense. You can't be this fucking braindead.
>then what teh fuck is the point of your posts at all
Reread the post you absolute retard. I literally said it at the start.

Of course, it's the retarded shitposter shitflinging again.

Fuck off

>I never said aligned except when I refered to it
On what level of autism are you right now? Rest of your post is trash too.

Reverie was fucking awesome.

Wano is a disappointment in comparison.

The party didn't even reach dinner time yet before Oda ditched Reverie for Wano.

All the fights were off screened like Sabo trying to rescue Kuma.

dumb jeremy

Attached: 1387630398668.jpg (212x232, 23K)

Who the fuck are you retard?

Possible, but maybe he's just some weirdo. Have to wait and see I guess.

Kidd is Luffy if Luffy wasnt nearly as lucky and had no worthy nakama

>I never said aligned
Why are you forcing this into my post? Im talking about implicative sense, not the directive sense. Did you even go to school? Learn basic english, Pablo.

More details

When Zoro holds his sword to fight Orochi he remembers the death of Yasu and his blood stream and remember the feelings of Toko.
- Zoro attacks from a far distance to Orochi.
- X Drake is fully transformed.
- Sanji holds Toko instead of Zoro.
- Franky’s appearance and intervention more than wonderful.
- Orochi’s followers are the ones who shoot at Zoro.
- The fight between Zoro with Kyoshiro was with the swords.
- Kyoshiro body for Zoro was huge.
- The prison situation became an encouraging arena in front of the screen.
- Kid is clearly suffering from injuries and bleeding blood from his head and mouth.
- Queen started dancing, causing Luffy angry and tried to hit him but failed.

You could make every single color page somehow foreshadowing by this logic.

>the retard bitching about spreads is jeremy after all
Oh well, ignore that shit now I suppose.

>- Kyoshiro body for Zoro was huge.

Why are you damage controlling right now if you try to dismiss it so much? I never said align! But I actually meant it, but not that way! Dumb shit.

Good luck finding a spread that connects this well along with a chapter number.

>implying we wouldn't have liked it

He's a big guy

Again, why are you pretending I said "i never said align"?
You're just shitposting embarrassingly now, Jeremy. I did say align, but you're the one who doesn't understand the implication of it.

>Kyoshiro has his own version of Asura

Attached: kyohuge.png (131x195, 29K)

The point is you're NOT explaining why it's a reach.

I agree with the other user but even if I didn't that wouldn't undermine what he's saying since you're arguing that it's retarded on the basis of another wacky theory Which is arguing on bad faith since it's not his responsibility to try and prove every theory. Only this one Learn to argue. You've been on this site for ten years and you still don't understand anything as simple as that.

So this is your arbitrary rule? There is a number in this spread. Can you find it? What does it foreshadow.

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Attached: YAmqdst.png (490x490, 233K)

>replying to jeremy

>I did say align
>>You literally said two sentences that don't align.
>I said connect from the start, moron.

Do you have a split personality or something?

It's a reach because it's not foreshadowing anything as you said yourself in a previous post.

I think there's nothing more Japanase than a mecha fighting a giant lizard monster. This will basically be Gundam vs Godzilla.

>being this absolutely brain damaged
You're either terrible at baiting, or you're just angry enough to reply without reading my posts.

>seething schizo

Concession accepted, jeremy. Back to your MHAshit threads now.

>The number 1 on Luffy's shirt signifies he will still be alive when Chapter 1 of Buffy: The New Generation drops
>Usopp, Sanji, Chopper and Robin are all holding things with skulls on them, signifying they will die by the end of One Piece
>Brook is holding everyone else's skull cups and his head is flying off, signifying he will die in order to save everyone else

Keep seething, retard.

>all this shit happening
>next week it'll be the SHs deus ex machina out of their situations
Such is the case with wano

I know you're jocking but some youtuber is going to make a video about this exact post soon, bye.

It's not foreshadowing it's obviously an Easter egg for more observant fans but that doesn't mean it's not interconnected.

>Jeremy on the brimk of tears.
Based user

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To be fair Orochi fucks off this chapter, so the fight makes no sense instantly.

Or Kaido comes and they'll all be forced to visit Luffy.

What's up with the boogieman spamming?

basic coping like calling everyone you don't like a hiatusfag in toc threads

i still find it absolutely fucking retarded that the cat fucking burglar wasn't sent to recover luffy and none of them care much about him being imprisoned

Prime Headcanonfags damage controlling.

Jeremy outed himself, as usual on spoiler/chapter days.

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>and none of them care much about him being imprisoned
Morj had a good video on this

They know they are too weak to raid the prison, which is why big mom deux ex machina is incoming.

Oh, him again.

This is what I thought... Kaido was watching. If he decides to make a move yikes

Stop giving this lonely fat autist attention

There is this black clover guy who is butthurt about some autistic anti-black clover guy from twitter I think. So he spams that name in every other shounen thread to derail.

Holy fuck he doesn't even try to hide it

Attached: laughing_pm.jpg (662x814, 398K)

God, you summers need to leave.

I think it was jeremy who was the black clover guy and the anto black clover guy just makes him reee

because he wrote teh instead of the? Sure, it's an older meme, still, it's anything but unique to write this way.

>Come home after a hard night of work
>Oh boy can't wait for them spoilers
>Me after 2 minutes ITT

Attached: 1555315024329.jpg (720x960, 88K)

That's not just it. The fag shitposts shonen generals constantly. He's been known to shitfling his anti sanjifaggotry in WCI and anti zorofaggotry in Wano.

In any other case I'd agree but this is a thread related to a shounen series so I'm also 70% sure that you're jimbo

What a coincidence user this is me ITT

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> doesn't like a zoro chap
No wonder you work a shitty night job, user

Perhaps you've seen my cousin? Here's a pic of him

Attached: koy.jpg (640x853, 39K)

Raizo is a ninja dude

Didn't Zoro say he would never lose again and now he's jobbed to the Yeti Cool Brothers (who rescued Monet) and Kyoshiro?

Yeah, your motherfucking cousin broke up with my sister. Look at what he did to her. You’re gonna pay, asshole!

Attached: C8A70C3E-6220-4B52-AA9F-92E445B618E3.jpg (500x271, 24K)

Maybe, I just remember that one image being spammed everywhere with twiitter (or facebook?) posts saying black clover ripped off seven deadly sins with Meliodas on it or something like that.

That's the face she made when he broke up btw

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Pic of my boy, he and I on our way to your house to kick your ass

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alright, thanks. Was just asking because I don't frequent these threads too much.

And Nami is literally one of Luffy's closest friends. She has the best ability to sneak and everything. Them being content with Luffy getting potentially tortured is dumb.
He never fought against the Yeti Cool Brothers, there was never a fight to begin with. They sniped him alongside Sanji and Brook from far away and all three passed out at the same time even though the rifle should have one bullet per reload. Zoro probably didn't even know he was shot at that time.
the chapter isn't even out, what are you saying

Shut up faggot. Do you really need to bring up the Yeti Cool Brothers thing again?? That was in fucking punk hazard.
Just delete your fucking post asshole

Looks like the real shit poster got his ass banned.

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Yeti Cool Brothers were Yonkou Commander level

Attached: zolo.png (545x369, 44K)

Fastest men in One Piece canon:
1. Lucky Roux (instant teleportation)
2. Kizaru (speed of light)
3. Queen (fat power?)
4. Brook

I really hoped that zoro had killed that guy too. Would have been his 2nd kill on wano after the magistrate

Am not afraid

Attached: chat.jpg (750x750, 44K)

Zoro didn't lose to Kyoshiro. Kyoshiro just blocked some attacks. Their real fight will be at teh end of the arc when Zoro defeats him by using supreme asura: 3 million worlds of parallel pain.

>Maybe, I just remember that one image being spammed everywhere with twiitter (or facebook?) posts saying black clover ripped off seven deadly sins with Meliodas on it or something like that
That's how Jdog got doxxed.

He'd make tweets on twitter, copypaste them on Yea Forums and thought people wouldn't notice even though he'd regularly @ YonkouProductions and several other very popular weebs.

He played himself.

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Here's me and my sister's reaction to all this faggotry

Attached: FILE256.gif (300x210, 494K)

Post more ass.

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Why are Zolo's actual attack names so terrible?

Was it an orgasm?

For her, maybe.



Ok, some sound based in japanese, but reading the translations makes me want to vomit. He says some really retarded shit at times.

It's not that they don't care about Luffy getting tired, they simply act like they had the readers knowledge which is as badly written

Who captured him, King? Also fuck Oda, It's not fair bros.

I like Shishishi sonson


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young kaidou or his brother oden

Are you sure this is even OP?

Its not OP

What the fuck?

isn't this whole ordeal going to screw up with the original Fire Festival plan?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (259x273, 32K)

They read the paper and have his vivre card, don't they?

Flashback time.

>horse zoan


Why did you post this? It's obviously not OP

Skypiea is pretty good though...

Oda shit on killer..

Weird how all the rampant killerfags who have been constantly shitting up the threads just disappeared suddenly

Killer's backstory is getting rejected by a girl and starting a pirate crew with a guy who got rejected by the same girl.
Kidd pirates are incels.

Do any plans with explicit time frames ever work out as intended in this series?

>Zoro one shotted Kid's first mate with only two swords
Based Denjiro has yet to be introduced.

Orochi won’t use his sword to kill a rabbit.

Based Oda turning Denjiro into Kamazou to subvert expectations

I think you mean mgtow, cuck.

>I'm not a nazi, I'm a national socialist

Zoro will die in chapter 1944 GODA

>falls into a coma after one hit
both shit

>Zoro and Kaido one shotting post TS supernova
Yonko level Zoro confirmed

Looks like Zoro is finally at Tama's level now

>chapter 100: Crew enters the Grand Line
>chapter 1000: ?
it'll happen during Wano, what will it be? it could also be something outside of the Strawhats story, like the Reverie

Ch. 944 Nakama

Cover: Hancock blushing after she made a monkey wear a straw hat (The same monkey is wearing a t-shirt with Luffy on it)

Execution ground No.1:

Orochi was furious to see someone stand out and save O-toko. He shouts and orders his retainers to kill anyone who dares to interfere with the execution.
Zoro throws O-toko to Sanji to let him protect her and uses 720 pound hou as an attempt to slash Orochi.
But he was stopped by Kyoushirou.
A dinosaur-like monster opened his big mouth in front of Sanji and O-toko. That dinosaur is Drake of course.
Nami et al joined the chaotic fight as well. Franky shielded Zoro from the bullets and grabbed Yasu's dead body.
Seeing the situation, Orochi rushed into a palanquin and went in the direction of the castle.


Luffy encourages and cheers for his nakamas in front of the screen.
Meanwhile, Kamazou and Kid are escorted back to Udon together.
Kid feels Kamazou's laugh extremely familiar. Kamazou seems to be one of his retainers from before.
Yup, that voice, Kamazou is Killer.
Kid asks Killer what exactly did Kaido do to him so that Killer becomes whatever the f#ck he is now.
Kid growls to those around him: "Who did this to my nakama???"
Killer is shedding tears. He only smiles but doesn't even say a word. It looks like Killer is one of the victims of SMILE.
Queen soaks Kid and Killer into water with their head downwards and deals with Luffy's attack with practically no effort. He tells Luffy that he won't pull these two (Kid&Killer) out of the water before Luffy dies.
Luffy is furious.

Meanwhile, there is a very loud noise outside the mine and Queen's retainers reports that they have lost contact with the guards at the gate.
There comes Big Mom's drooling face.
(There are four words on Big Mom's head: NEXT WEEK COLOR PAGE)

Shanks kisses Im-sama

getting another poneghylp copy

Who's more obsessed? Pudding or Hancock?

>Kamazou is Killer
Why the fuck I didn't expect this

Wow. I genuinely give props to that one guy that insisted Kamazou was Killer. Thought he was crazy. You were right, good job.


Guard confirms that Big Mom has breached the first gate, about a day away from the prison

Will the strawhats grow physically bigger or always stick around the same size?
It seems everyone in the new world with a name is at least 2-3m.
And then you have the manlet crew fucking up the course of nature.

>Killer is shedding tears. He only smiles but doesn't even say a word. It looks like Killer is one of the victims of SMILE.





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Well the giant neck fits.

He's inside you

>Things happening
About fucking time

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Year of Kaidou's Death

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Indeed, I was a firm denier, but now that I think of it the forced smile and the bandages around the beard were a massive giveaway!

Attached: wzHi8Hme_o.jpg (542x519, 131K)

Fuck lads how could we let this happen...

Attached: Killer_Anime_Post_Timeskip_Infobox.png (920x690, 465K)

Because Kamazou came out of nowhere and vanished in the same manner.

He even spinned around using scythes. How could I be so blind

Attached: (212x168, 30K)

Oh fuck
Somebody save him


It's like the reverse of not being able to protect his smile..
Fuck bros....

Attached: 1547726673579.jpg (1199x671, 62K)

what the FUCK?

how is killer kamazou? He was affiliated with Orochi as an assassin.

Attached: damn.png (447x378, 11K)

>Big Mom has arrived
Act 2 is approaching its end.


Damn, serious props to yesterday's user

A lot can happen in 2 years

Will Kid be upset with Zoro?

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we couldn't protect his frown bro...
orochi will pay for this

He was literally with Kidna few weeks ago

I kinda wonder if he had access to spoilers early


We see Blackbeard do something

How did Killer not recognize Zoro? How far was he mindbroken?

Queen broke Killer (like he was suppossed to break Luffy and Kid), and then gave him to Orochi.

Killer was fine before Wano though.
I imagine its something to do with the mask suppressing him

now we know why he wears the mask

Not that user but to be fair, before Kamazou was fully shown he was mentioned as Kamazou 'the Manslayer' - which suits 'Killer' -, and his shadow showed a beard and long hair.
Some anons theorised it was killer back then but discarded it once he made an appearance with Zoro and Hiyori.

Zoro doesn't have a topknot, you're thinking of Zorojuro

To be fair the hadn't met until their confrontation and both of them were disguised

Damn if mindbroken Killer nearly killed Zoro, he must be crazy strong in sound state of mind.

Huh. Like Cavendish going crazy when he's unconscious, then?

>To be fair the hadn't met until their confrontation and both of them were disguised
He saw Zoro almost kill a celestial dragon on Sabaody and knew his face from the wanted posters anyway.


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>before Kamazou was fully shown
He appeared before? You wouldn't happen to remember where, do you?

Most of sword fights in One Piece are finished after one clean hit

Might be too similar but it would give a reason as to why he wears the mask

so who the fuck is denjuro

Attached: 1558890124128.png (2560x1440, 2.15M)

Killer is a smart dude though. He's the who has handling the alliance while Kid was throwing tantrums. He would definitely be familiar with people of the worst generation.

>kamazou is just fodder sent after a kid
>actually its a supernova

>KIller got mindbroken because he's not eating his favourite food, Spaghetti aglio olio e peperoncino

Attached: soba master.png (650x724, 352K)

Poor Killer
It's all trash Caesar fault

Attached: Download (4).jpg (263x191, 18K)

So Orochi is secretly weak, right? Couldn't see an actual strong character run away here.

Oda made the supernovas at once and ran out of creativity when he got to Killer, which is why he didn't get a face or historical namesake

Dont know precisely which chapter was this but this is what I'm referring to

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>It's all trash Caesar fault
Woah hold it.
You wouldn't talk about Carrot like that, so why would you say something like that about another future strawhat?

Huh, wonder why he's all bandaged up now.

he's like wapol

user, do you think it's easy to always remember what someone you only saw once or twice in a poster looks like?
I very much doubt you would be able to recognize an actor you saw in a movie if you saw them in real life alone.


>Killer was about to kill a little girl and a woman
I don't get this chapter, am I supposed to feel bad for him and Kid? Fuck those scumbags, it's karma.

Attached: yeahand.png (384x313, 118K)

Doing this to a character that's not dead in a flashback. Fuck you Oda, every arc keeps getting darker.

Another spoiler image

Attached: WIDEOPEN.png (424x500, 290K)

he was mindbroken into doing it

user I don't even recognize people I know personally if they're wearing different clothing.

He was saving them speedreader, they just misunderstood


Oda doesn't even have the guts to do what he did to Killer to anyone in the strawhat crew.

Nah probably Jimbe is in worse state.

Well she was a prostitute so not a real woman. So really just the little girl counts.

Those were Bege and Bonney, Killer wasnt around when that happened. I dont remember him and Zoro being closeby at the slave auction but I could be wrongly


O SHI RU KO ......

Attached: 8KgwN7fR_o.jpg (601x579, 140K)

Toko is a prostitute in training so she doesn't count either.



well nothing important about Zoro.

Fuck oda, i stop one shit.

>every arc keeps getting darker
It took a while but the New World is living up to the hype

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>No Oda I really don't think you should do that
>Oda, shoving a Nami figurine up his asshole, already writing it:

You are correct, disregard me, I suck cocks.

How many days has Chopper been with O-Lin?

have sex.

>Orochi DEMANDS Vegaphnk as payment for the weapons deal with CP0
>SHs saving the day must eventually solve the Ebisu people/SMILES side effect issue
>The man who researched DFs and the Lineage factor and first made an artificial Zoan is coming to the island
>We will finally get the SHs x Vegapunk meeting this arc
Holy fuck this is shaping up to be the best arc to date


Any Kiddfag here? I want to beat the shit out of you.

Attached: uzOFkDWY_400x400.jpg (326x326, 32K)

Mama vs Queen next chapter?

law is gonna use his immortality fruit thing to save yasu

Yeah people seem to be forgetting that the Kid Pirates were pretty retarded, by their own philosophy they should all be dead.
The guy with fucking piano keys for teeth had more subtlety.

>Strawhats keep finding messes for Vegapunk to clean up

It's still impressive that Killer managed to land a serious blow on Zoro with those scythes. He didn't train with the strongest swordsman in the world for 2 years unlike Zoro

Boring target to reanimate at the cost of Law's life
Yasu has served his dramatic purpose already

Law will not save Yasu on his own and no one will say "LAW KILL YOURSELF TO SAVE THIS PERSON"
So no. Law will die bringing Luffy back to life

No godfather please no I learned my lesson I'll leave the New World!

Attached: Eustass_Kid.png (700x700, 538K)

What was Orochi's leverage for Vegapunk again? I can't remember. Seastone mining rights to the WG or something else?

That results in the DF user's own death, user.

Year of the fucking pig.

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more like Queen getting raped by mama for not sharing his food

>Omitting Gyukimaru intervention
Typical tranjifag

I like that Yea Forums has adopted calling her Mama

FINALLY! Goddamn.

Iirc it was the CP0's arms deals with Doffy after his downfall.
Doflamingo traded weapons from Kaido's factories in exchange for SMILES, and as Doffy's dealing died with his demise the CP0 contacted the source directly.

Ay least a day, day and a half.

Killer had no reason not to aim for Zoro's heart, Zoro was saved by the plot armor

Now I just wanna see Killer with a genuine smile at the end of the arc.
What a sad way to finally show us his real face.

Huh, Kaido is manufacturing weapons?

Caribou's cover story

Oh yeahhhh. Barely features at all, so I didn't realize.

He's cowardly and strong

Kyoshiro is Denjiro, that's the reason why he saved Komurasaki.

Screencap this.

Attached: reimu check'em.png (247x205, 96K)

Luffy and Zoro both doing THE JOB this arc..

>Mom Piece