Yea Forums sings triple threat round 2

It's tea time:

Don't forget you have until the 8th of June to deliver for ping pong and Gochi usa, all info in this video: get submitting.

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How many autists submitted for that atrocity OP? I like it.

thanks for mixing OP!

35 was the final vocal total + the 4 instrumentalists

pure unfiltered autismo, excellent work all


Best of the newer Yea Forums Sings, I can actually listen to this more than once

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If it weren't for the talking parts you could fool me that this is an actual cover, good job anons

instrumentfags carrying hard, major props

Good job on not getting that horrible dissonance when everyone's singing, mix for more of these kei chan

Wow it’s amazing, actually. And girls

The band actually sounds... good?!
unironically good work everyone

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OP can mix audio but doesn't know how to copy youtube links.

oh my

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Why’s the thread dead? This might be the best Yea Forums sings yet.

Might have something to do with the fact that it's fucking 3-5AM in the murica.

Very nice, wish I submitted as well.

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Based. The talking parts are pure autistic cacophony but the actual singing and the instruments are legit good. Good work, everyone. I feel bad that my instrument is louder than the others though.

Also, am I hearing one or two anons singing in harmony? Fucking based.

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A couple of anons submitted the harmony line

Posting in a cringe thread.

Pretty damn good anons, by far one of the best Yea Forums sings. Love the fun autism too, wish I had the time to be able to join this when I had the chance.

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The background band could be mixed a little better but honestly it's not bad.

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I love it, it's so loud that I can't hear myself.
the instruments are exellent too, with the audio on top I wouldnt be able to tell the difference.

Wake the fuck up burgers and appreciate this m/a/ster piece.

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Reminded me of Furu Guy, I miss him


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I guess we did something.

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Based Kei chan

That's great, man. Thanks for making it happen.

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Truly, fun things are fun.

The mix is pretty shit but good job everyone!

You don't like it?I think it's one of the better Yea Forums sings mixes.

Well yeah. It sounds like a bunch of recordings pasted on top of each other, not really like music.

>a bunch of recordings pasted on top of each other
user how do you think these things are put together?

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I see you have both tabs up as well

Any other mixers submit frames?

I did__

That's not what I mean. Literally every mix, including the ones you hear on the radio and your favorite albums, starts as a bunch of recordings pasted on top of each other, but most of them end up sounding like a coherent song where everything fits together by the time the mix is finished. Whereas this still sounds like it's just a bunch of recordings pasted on top of each other. The balance is off, the dynamics is all over the place, there are frequency buildups in the mid and high range, a lot of low end and low mid headroom is being taken up by things that don't contribute anything meaningful to the song, and the stereo image is off-putting.

Sure, I've heard worse, but I think it's super disappointing that it ends up like this after we had two apparently professional mixing engineers volunteer to do it and neither of us was given a chance.

I wouldn't know about the other mixers, but I joined almost every one I could while they happened. I forgot how I did this frame in paint. Mainly because I blacked out drunk afterwards.

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I meant this one, though that other one is also pretty stupid. This was too clean of a paint job but I have no explanation other than leaving myself to my tools.

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Hey that's was pretty decent.

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I'm sorry if people aren't happy with how it turned out, I didn't want to bother you when you offerd because I'd said that I'd do it so forcing the responsibility on someone else seems uncommitted.At the end of the day though, I like how it turned out,fun things are fun

Fuck off this is the best Yea Forums sings we've had in a long time,if you're that concerned make your own.

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Well, now that Fuwa time is finished I guess I will go back to learn the lyrics from Ping Pong, and record GochiUsa op.

Aw fuck yeah, thank you very much!

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Seems like a miscommunication issue then. I was under the impression that you turned the offer down because you were confident that you could do a better job yourself, which I was pretty stoked about and that's why I didn't insist to do it. Doing it wouldn't have bothered me, as I really cared about having this turn out great.

If kei user sends me the files, I'll do it, but it's up to her.

Not that guy but honestly it sounds fine, I'm mostly bothered by how the backing instruments are too behind the vocals like basically every other Yea Forums sings, I get it the singing is the point but still.

My issue for something like Zombieland and Bunny Girl not everyone was loud enough, or had decent audio in their submissions. I had to keep it low enough so I didn't lap over certain anons, which I did requested on several occasions if they could speak up. On the other hand, some anons had good vocals, but if you were to so much as turn their volume up, it would just so sound like harsh mic popping for 3 minutes.

She left the instrumental and acapella in the description

Not a bad day at all.

Are we, dare I say, witnessing the beginnings of a little renaissance of sorts for Yea Forums?

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I mean each individual vocal and instrument track as its own file.

Hope so,I've missed them.On the topic of other Yea Forums sings, is the gate of steiner one happening?It was discussed a few threads ago and someone said they'd do it.Pretty sure it doesn't have a karaoke though so maybe not.

Then we make one.

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I find the mix acceptable enough considering it's better than 90% of Yea Forums sings, most of which being a distorted mess and lacking any stereo imaging, but for the sake of the argument, I'll list my (minor) problems with it:
>some instruments are too loud/soft
>bass volume is not consistent, probably needs compression
>song starts too abruptly (probably needs silence at the beginning or pre-song banter *before* the guitar starts)
>general EQ problems (bass sounds muddy, frequency overlaps, vocals & instruments lack clarity, drums lack punch)
>people seem to interrupt each other or talk at the same time when it supposed to seem like they're taking turns talking

Again, considering most Yea Forums sings have terrible mixing, I'm fine with the current mix, but I'm personally interested in how can do it better. Needing to have a second version sucks because it splits people's attention and opinions between two versions, but if it turns out to be so much better than the current mix, why not? This is just my opinion though.

Why do we need another mix? Like you said this is already above the bar as far as Yea Forums sings goes, it's not supposed to be all that professional.

Given that I didn't upset kei user too badly, it's happening some time in the future. I can make the karaoke if shit hits the fan but obviously if we can get a bunch of musicians from Yea Forums to perform it again, that'll be a lot more fun.

Is it okay to be proud?

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Actually, you're right, we don't need another mix. It's just that a part of me wishes to listen to a professional-tier mix, but it's probably not worth the risk of splitting the community. I'm kinda half-asleep, so feel free to disregard the last sentence in

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I don't mind the critique at all, it'll hopefully make things better in the future.
Hopefully we will be starting Gate of Steiner soon, glad to see some interest.

On the sending the files over, since audition saves the effects to the original file, I only have the vocals with reverb and some EQ on, but if you can work with that I don't mind sending them thought it might take a while since my internet is shit and there's a fair few wav files.

Forgot my trip but you get the picture

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>I only have the vocals with reverb and some EQ on, but if you can work with that I don't mind sending them thought it might take a while since my internet is shit and there's a fair few wav files.

Yes, that's all fine.

This just made me think, all Yea Forums projects should really be uploaded to Vimeo if only for the option to switch out files in the same url, especially with the workflow any given OP would follow when organizing.

Listen to and , we don't need another mix, the one we have is plenty fine

>option to switch out files in the same url, especially with the workflow any given OP would follow when organizing
Yeah, that's my biggest problem with jewtube because you can't fix a minor mistake without reuploading it in a different URL. It just happened to Yea Forums draws Soramimi Cake too. Fuck that shit.

>35 submissions
how many of them were girls?

9 by my count

I think I'm joining in for Ping Pong


bassfag here, while I am blown away by how good this sounds, I will take full responsibility for the inconsistent bass volume. I had to write up the part, learn it, and record it all within about 3 days on top of my other unfortunately non-NEET responsibilities.
I would have loved to have taken more time to do a few more takes and balance out my audio properly but I really didn't want to stress keianon or anyone else out by not delivering or forcing the submission date back. I know that it is a bit of a rush job, but imo it's leaps and bounds above what we had before.
All I can promise is that next time, it will be even better!
You really did a great job, keianon.

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Thanks, user.

mix way better than zls and bunny

This one is the best but none of them are bad

Bump for pyon pyon machi

zet here, I'm the one who made everyone lose the game. also did the gendo at the end

>can hear myself in the chaos
I'm so happy

>not only can i hear myself twice but both times it's in harmony with an incredibly cute voice

better than i deserve, thank you kei user!


so comfy. good job Yea Forums

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Nah man, I think you played well. Your playing has nothing to do with the need for a compressor, whether it is a real-time effect or post-processing effect. Plus while your tone may have sounded good alone, it most likely requires EQ to be able to sit well in the mix, which isn't the player's responsibility. Given the amount of intricacies needed to make everything sound perfect together, I think kei user did a good job. Sorry if my previous post was a bit harsh on her. I like her mix better than cee's mixes.

>the girls at the second verse
>the rap girl

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