>3 episodes left
Are y'all ready to get massively blue-balled these next episodes? Are you ready to buy the manga/LN?
3 episodes left
I ll guess bitch and trash will try to kill the shield hero by using some forbidden magic that can destroy the world.
The EN publisher suck, so it's a no buy from me.
Probably pirate it for free tho.
I'm ready for scythebro
Malty is the avatar of the goddess that created the waves and the cardinal heroes in the first place. i.e. The final boss.
There are 4 episodes left.
Check out these mad shield digits.
Oh shit
Holy shield digits for all.
This is the true power of the shield!
>no guillotine
First 13 LN already available online. That trash/bitch scene plays out similarly overall, but it's completely different as well in the LN.
How do you get more blue-balled than cucked out of punishing the main villains?
But now he'll be able to breed Melty and marry his way into the royal family, the ultimate revenge.
Will Shield Hero lose someone important in his party?
You tell us, devil of the shield
Is it Filo?
You read my post from the last thread huh. Yep no guillotine. Basically the queens pissed and leads malty to the castle where I believe the king is actually still on the throne (though I could be misinterpreting that) and basically what takes place in the anime during the throne scene occurs to some extent along with some other stuff. Spear hero keeps being a faggot and not believing mynes a liar even after the slave crest stuff.
Eventually some of the guillotine scene stuff happens in the throne room, like their nobility being stripped and being reduced to hardwork and named trash/bitch. Naofumi suggests that they be killed prior to this, but the queen then subtlety suggests it would be a bad idea for a plethora of reasons political and personal.
Anyway Naofumi doesn't leave following the resolution either. He get's filo and raphtalia class ups in the following LN.
There's definitely more to it, so I'd suggest reading the LN. The scenes in volume 4 chapter 11 onward.
>Are you ready to buy the manga/LN?
definitely not after the shitshow that was this season
Why is webnovel such a pile of shit?
Because you touch yourself at night