How do I stop falling asleep in the middle of this?
How do I stop falling asleep in the middle of this?
If your attention span is this low, I can't imagine how bad it would be with you watching something like Whisper of the Heart or Marnie.
By not being such a fucking faggoted faggot.
miyazaki films are trash, don't waste your time watching them
OP is on to something, this was one of Miyazaki's and Ghibli weakest works.
>But muh Oscar winner
Did you see the nominees of that year? They were all trash. SA was just the least filthy turd.
They're not trash. They just have trash characters. The art and animation is great, but his characters are fucking cardboard cutouts.
That and the message/morals of them are bland because the movies are for children.
In what ways? I've always thought Miyazaki was into le gray characters.
Caffeine? Cocaine? Crystal meth?
>In what ways
>My Neighbor Torkiro is literally just "look at the big fuzzy guy do magic tricks" the film.
Come on now, how couldn't you tell most of his films were for children?
I was talking about the morals not the target demo. Also Mononoke wasn't for children.
Having a character be morally grey doesn't make them deep. Eboshi is still a good character, for example, but not particularly deep.
While I generally agree, picking out one of the two shows he's made that is explicitly made for children isn't exactly the strongest argument.
Drink a 5 Hour Energy shot and some water.
Amphetamines and coffee.
Remember that it's an allegory for child prostitution. That should keep you interested.
that's an interesting cherrypick you made, user-kun
>Literally a story for kids
>Hey guys you see what I am implying? Hehe am too mature for spirited away
It's just not a good movie
>having a attention span lower than a kid
Take some ritalin or just stop watching movies for children.
You need to have sex. If you have never had sex you will be so obssesed you won't be able to watch anything that is not porn or waifufaggotry.
By having sex that issue will go away and you regain once again your attention.
Don't you dare diss Lilo and Stitch.
Try watching it after a good night's rest.
If you're still unable to stay awake after that, you may have a medical problem and should go see a doctor.
Watch Porco Rosso instead
Hope you don't watch Miyazakis other flicks. They are even less engaging. I am still surprised that I've actually managed to make it through Laputa. Such an uninspired and insipid film, unbelievable.
stop being a prancing flaming homosexual la-la man with zero taste
I put on Totoro and Spirited Away specifically to have something comfy to fall asleep to in bed. Comfy ost, visuals, etc.
If I were watching to be engaged I would watch Princess Mononoke, Nausicca, Porco Rosso.
laputa is the best one you pleb
>artistic creativity abount 10 levels below Nausicaa
>the most insipide adventure story ever written, even by his standards
>the most cardboard cutout cast, supported by a bunch of comedy relief characters who aren't any better
>b-b-but muh British industrialism
I wonder who's behind this post. Laputa is trash.
it's a legit touching love story that's very gripping while not overly cinematic; very cathartic
you sound like autistic, elitist Yea Forums trash
i like nausicaa and mononoke too obviously; to each their own
naff off poofter
a child in a whorehouse =/= child prostitution.
Hahahaha you fucking pleb, where do you think you are that you're complaining about elitism? [a/ has always been elitist and never considered that a bad thing.
Not enough flashy justu for you, huh? Maybe it needs some explosions or something?
Miyazaki's ability to speak to the human soul is on the level of a 6 year old. This clown, who always makes fun of otaku for never venturing past their comfortzone, accusing them of an inability to properly convey genuine emotion, is the most incompetent director at all of Ghibli. As far as humanity and catharsis are concerned, even Yonebayashi blows him the fuck out. Let's not even start on other directors. If anything you're autistic for thinking that any of his flicks are emotionally stimulating beyond the most superficial levels.
>always been
>implying you're not just some summer newfag shitting on what you think are 'popular' series for bait
fucking mong
>directs a show who only literal spergs from high school are fans of
yeah, sure, you keep thinking that, while i plan my next trip to the ghibli museum in mitaka, japan (you have to buy the tickets way in advance too!)
where's the yonebayashi museum btw?
>directs a show
>where's the yonebayashi museum
Not sure if genuinely retarded or very poor troll.
>complains about trolling
>all his posts have been shitty bait about miyazaki
whether you personally are a fan of ghibli movies or not there is no denying their impact and the fact that they stand apart from the rest of the derivative, over-produced trash from kyoanus or shit like 'your name' as cinematic masterpieces.
this is not up for debate.
also, laputa came out in something lik '85 right?
for its time it was incredible.
i bet you don't like akira either lol.
go to bed earlier stupid user
By waiting enough years for you to be able to post legally on this board.
>muh character development.
Are you mentally retarded or just underage? All I pointed out was that [a/ has always been elitist, never saying anything about the actual quality of Ghibli films, yet somehow you can't tell the difference between different posters, even when one of them is a fucking tripfag.
>summer newfag
o i am laffin
Shit sucks.
>all three like a true chad
have sex
acquire taste
>no real plot
>no real evilness or conflict
>Chihiro never learn anything
if only there were Ghibli movies that were not only specifically for waste my time
You’ve been here for over a decade? Yeah, man, we gotta revere your opinion since you’ve been browsing this shithole for that long. I bet you always love the negative attention you get from online weirdos you mentally ill faggot.
bend over.
Get treated for your ADHD.