Why do harems, and to a lesser extent isekai, keep trying to reinvent the male MC? Aren't you supposed watch these shows for the girls, not the guy?
Why do harems, and to a lesser extent isekai, keep trying to reinvent the male MC...
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>let's have the same MC's for all harem/romcom
Why? I think it's a good thing there isn't clones of Okabe, Hachiman and Shirou.
Why is Satou in there?
>Aren't you supposed watch these shows for the girls, not the guy?
This is what I hate about harem anime.
Many of the MC need to be reinvented, they just keep forgetting to change the worst parts.
More like trying to make MCs more and more self insertable
You're absolutely right, no matter how likeable, smart and cool a MC is the show will be shit if the love interests are the same shit as always, that's why rakudai no kishi and toradora are great, not everything in a relationship must be an effort from the male partner
Because a relationship is about two people, and cool male leads are more fun than milquetoast ones. If a crap show like Valvrave had Lelouch as the lead, constantly bouncing off Saki and L-Elf, it would have been an even wilder ride.
Well, Ikki was an important part of Rakudai.
>rakudai no kishi
>generic dandere and tsundere as lead heroines with no personality at all other than as tropes
Are you serious? That show was garbage.
>More like trying to make MCs more and more self insertable
Pretty much
I'm not glad you're here asteriskfag
>Shows socially dysfunctional MCs
Watch CGDCT if you love girls so much.
If you want a show with an MC that does all that stuff, Kaze no Stigma is one of the shows.
Best harem show coming through
>no matter how likeable, smart and cool a MC is the show will be shit
I don't get it
Started off watching that expecting Red to be best girl, but Green really grew on me. Her having a bunny tail just cemented her place at the top for me.
Don't butcher my reply with your shitty paraphrasing
I just copypasted the part I don't understand
I meant to say that regardless of all the good and interesting traits the protagonist might have, an anime can be shit if the other characters are bad
Because in order for a romance story to be good, the love interest(s) have to have meaningful interactions with MC, and that's kind of difficult to portray when MC is an uninteresting doormat with no personality. If you just want to watch cute girls with no guy involved, then just watch one of the million "cute girls doing cute things" or yuri anime/manga.
Because while the girls are a large part of the reason I watch these shows, that doesn't mean the male main character isn't a factor at all. If all we ever get is the same kind of inoffensive bland passive non-entity, that gets real old real quick. If all the variation from that we get is the same kind of minor changes to that pattern, it gets just as old just as quick.
purple was actually the best rgill
you picked a bunch of random anime characters and hoped for the best
You have to make the MC compelling in order to carry readers through scenes with girls that they don't like. Because the girls are arranged according to type, it's natural that every reader has preferences. If you don't cover a variety of types, you can't appeal to a wider audience. If your MC is garbage, you'll drop readers when their preferred type isn't getting focus.
Or ya know, because you aren't a hack and want to try writing something decent with a meaningful character arc for the MC.
>meaningful character arc for the MC
Shouldn't the 'Main Character' be the focus of a story?
>implying it can't be done
Nice reinvention
I bet you dropped it after 4 episodes since you found it boring.
Truly a pleb filter.
Most of those are coming-of-age shows, at worst disguised as harem.
>Fuck yeah Tenchi Mu-
Who the fuck is that in the lower right?
Huh. I knew Tenchi had an SNES game, but not a PC98 choose-your-own-adventure one, too: mobygames.com
They watch for the girls because the male character is always the worst aspect of haremshit and isekai. Either get rid of them completely or make it believable that people would be attracted and impressed by them. None of that plain looking, easily flustered virgin who has everyone sucking their dick for no reason bullshit.
You have CGDCTs and yuri for that. I like seeing the girls interact with the MC
wish there was a second season, there was a lack of purple.
every anime is a harem show
The hermeneutic circle.
If it doesn't have both good girls and MC, you're wasting your time.
>bunny girl
Fuck off OP, more than one girl liking MC does not equate to harem
what about more than two girls?
Why would I want my self insert removed or realistic aspects of 3dpd female “attraction” added to my escapism media? Fuck off roastie.
Watch Monogatari.
What animu?
Fuck off rakudaicuck, Asterisk is the better harem and got 2 cour when your trash got 1.
Asterisk has better setting, music, girls, worldbuilding, animation, everything BUT the MC.
The male MC is unironically the most important character in harems/romcoms. Bland blank-state MCs are the worst and can ruin a series even if the girls are great. Only castrated low-T faggots whine about and are threatened by strong or individual male MCs.
>everything BUT the MC
I liked the MC though
t. 3dpd roastie pretending to be chad or faggot
t. herbivore "man"
>wanting to stick your dick in literal animals
t. normalfag
Because the male MC can make or break a harem. Nobody wants that guy from Infinite Stratos but another Araragi or Kyon who I consider the stars of their respective series would be a welcome. If you want to to watch it only for the girls then you should just watch CGDCT instead.
Why would I want to watch yurishit?
>being an incel
>being a 3D rl bestialityfag
I hope for your sake you’re just a roastie larping
MC is important though, more important than the female cast who are supposed to like the MC.
>mentally ill incel blinded by bitter rage seething
Okay which would you rather watch, an anime where the mc is based but the girls are all ugly as shit and whores or an anime where the mc is a “beta” but the girls are all perfect and pure
Because you could just continue living real life if you want to watch the first one
Unironically the former. I don't watch anime with my dick but with my mind and heart
> Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
So I’m assuming you’re a faggot then? Because imagine giving your mind and heart to disgusting 3dpd whores.
everything in a story is made out of tropes
t. incel fapping to trannies
Normal functioning characters are literally the blandest of self inserts
Anime where female cast is ugly and not virgins is rare, almost impossible. So that hypothetical is stupid. A "based" MC with attractive female cast is something to strive for.
>real life reference
don't do this, self-inserting is unhealthy.
There is difference of stories having references and tropes, and characters being a trope and that being their entire identity. A character absolutely must stand on their own.
I can't stand anime girls anymore
>s/he isn’t a virgin
>on Yea Forums
You have to go back
>main character is a complete nobody who just vapidly coexists with generic anime girls who have no character beyond tropes and stereotypes
You should try get your LN published user I'm sure we'd all appreciate it
I was just throwing that example out to show which one was more important user.
>not self inserting
So you just watch harem to watch a faggot cuck you?
Thanks user I’m glad you finally realized that the writing literally does not fucking matter and it’s all about how well the illustrator can draw cute 2d girls.
We need more Purple.
The male MC is the worst part of harem shows. If someone can fix that, they might actually be watchable.
This would explain why oregairu/saekano/5toubun threads on Yea Forums are so awful. People here only care about their favorite cute girl winning and not the story and character arcs the characters are going through.
The worst part of haremshit is the constant pandering to walking trope characters, not the MC.
I care about those things but I care about the cute girls and illustrations at least equally so.
That is the very purpose of romance/harem series. To pander to idiots either self-inserting as the MC and wanting their girl to win or just have their girl winning to rub the victory in everyone's else faces.
But I self insert user and I want harem endings.
What is a trope and what is a non-trope?
Then you should join any of those series threads. You would fit just fine.
Oregairu wasn't like that until volume 12 and 13 came along the author sold to pander to animeonlyfags. Some romance stories have a story the author wants to tell and people only get drawn to the series because of cute girls.
Yeah, no. Even if the that wasn't the author's intention, which I doubt it wasn't, the fanbase it attracted was just as bad as in any other romance/harem series.
As someone who enjoys harems and reads/watches as many harem as time allows, the real problem with the harem genre isn't the MC or the girls; it's the writers. They keep rewriting the same stories, and keep ending them the same way. Very rarely do you have a writer who steps off the beaten path and deliver a harem ending or write a story where the tsundere eats up the lion's share of screentime or someone is a long-forgotten childhood friend etc. They just shuffle around a few cliches and say it's new.
MCs should be different; otherwise you just end up with faceless MCs who have no purpose at all than to be a camera.
Oregairu was always like that. It's why Yukino has always been the designated waifu. It was just good because 8man wasn't a typical MC who only cared about killing his libido for whatever reason, but was struggling with his own teenage issues.
Most MCs don't even have a libido and it's hard to care about a teenage who seems to have a decent family, is surrounded by beautiful girls, seems to be in friendly or at least speaking terms with several people, etc. I sure wouldn't read the series for its "realism".
>It's why Yukino has always been the designated waifu.
Yeah, that's wrong, because Yukino is an actual fleshed out character in the series.
>I sure wouldn't read the series for its "realism"
Good, because you’re in the wrong medium if you want that garbage.
Everything is a trope. Think of a character and it'll be listed somewhere on TVTropes.
Hey, don't blame. That is one the main arguments given by Yaharifags back then.
If everything is a trope, then why are people complaining about tropes? Is it about how tropes are "composed"?
Realism is the wrong word, but the series has more complexity and care than the latest shitty Sakurasau author's garbage or latest seasonal haremshit.
Being better and more complex than your usual haremshit isn't a big achivement but I wouldn't use "care" when this shit should have ended years ago and like someone mentioned before, it's being milked for the girls.
>an anime where the mc is based but the girls are all ugly as shit and whores
Sounds fun. Or is the only reason you watch anime self-inserting?
Watari at one point did actually show attention for the series before season 2 killed it with the bad adaptation. The series had an interesting story with characters with issues and struggles, the author just decided to sell out when Iroha became popular. The author and publishers twitter page is sad and pathetic now (literally filled with oregairu girls on dakis).
I'm not too sure about that, even back in season 1 the fanbase was a different kind of cancer with blog spamming and /r9k/. If the writing was decent enough then it shouldn't attract people like that.
Mostly it's the writers fault for putting in MC's that women won't fall for and would shun IRL. Oh wait a minute...
Here's actually a man who can take charge and get some pussy!
This is just bland shit though.
If this is bland for you, I'm sad and disappointed that your brain has been rotted by the overexposure to hentai and other similar mediums. You can fight this addiction, user! I believe in you (or just get a gf)
All the power and pheromones in the world can't save a boring personality. Just because some writers solve the surface problem with male leads (muh sex repulsion, muh passive washboard) doesn't mean that they've solved the actual problem, which is making them sympathetic and compelling to the audience as much as his girls.
Yeah, the pheromones was a shit idea though I'd just write it down to japs being japs. I never said harem shows were any good, just that he was better of the bunch of washboards, inserts and spineless twats who fled from a bare titty as the French did Germans in WW2. Have a (you) for pointing out the most serious problem of the show.
Or maybe you should learn to expand your tastes beyond just pseudo hentai shit if you think sex makes a series magically better.
absolutely based and redpilled
>why are writers trying to make characters more interesting than the rest instead of making the same shit as everyone else
I don't know how this is even a legit question
Who said that I can't enjoy series without sex? In this case we're arguing harems, where sex and waifus are the main selling point. Different series have different focus on sex, most harem shows focus a spineless, sexless mc that would jump at a chance to have girls throw themselves at him, if real life is an indicator. Also sex mostly makes harem series better. What are you even doing in this thread? Whatever is your fetish, I'd wager that you don't really belong in this thread. :~)
Most harem series don't even have sex in it so that is hardly the selling point. It's the girls but the genre is so oversaturated with the same stereotypes that even the girls are barely enough reason to watch them. If that is what you came for then good for you but don't try to excuse your shitty taste saying sex is that much of an improvement. That is what hentai, doujins and even eroges are for.
Not anime but I read the entirety of Mushoku Tensei because of the MC and the world, while the majority of the people hated the guy. Yes the girls were ok and had great significance to the story but after marriage it was kinda meh with the relationship itself. This was one of the few harem stories that didn’t rely on the harem to carry it I feel like and was just shoehorned there very crudely.
>the hachiman smutt
Forget the harem