Has anime lost its magic for anyone else? I feel like the love has died

Has anime lost its magic for anyone else? I feel like the love has died.

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Stop watching seasonal shit

Probably because you grow older.

Some of it yeah, but on the whole it's still one of the few things I look forward to in a week.

Unironically this
It helps if you leave Yea Forums for a while and just watch the shows without the threads' influence

Rewatch the good shows again.

sounds like you're depressed, user. last season was pretty damn good

Go through your backlog.
Make threads about decent (read: non-seasonal) shows.

Eventually all the joy and passion will be drained from your life.

I go in phases between games and anime I feel like. However whenever Im out of an anime mood I go rewatch some of my favorites including Shirobako and I get back into it. For me its fun shows that bring me back.

I truly believe it's because cel animation died out. Now everything's about making animation cost effective and getting shows out as fast as possible, rather than making what shows are produced as good as possible. This doesn't mean there weren't those kind of shows before now, but the average 80's OVA looks better and more unique than the average seasonal show. Oh, and the colors got more dull over time for some reason.

It's now made for and consumed by normies

Upgrade to WNs and LNs.

Do you guys force yourselves to watch anime or something? I don't know how you can kill the enjoyment of a medium unless you do something l ike that.
then again I'm slowly finding less joy for the things in life I like for some reason

Try manga, It's where I drifted after burning out from anime. There's a lot of great stuff that hasn't been adapted yet/ever.

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The average 80s OVA only had one episode and was fucking ass

Stop watching anime and start reading more manga and LN

>the average 80's OVA looks better and more unique than the average seasonal show
talk about some rose tinted glass

manga is good to fall back to, and once the release/translate are getting slower time to go deeper into light novels and web novels.

or just play games. that's good too

this plus idol/variety shows

Try getting a real hobby. Media consumption isn't a substitution for a personality. Then you won't feel like you "have" to watch anime anymore.

Because anime is entry level
It's pretty much the shounenshit of weeb media

You should have moved on to manga and VNs at the least, maybe LNs if you can stand them.
Until you hit a wall there and you start learning japanese instead. And then you realize learning japanese in impossible and by that time anime is fun again

normally yeah but zombieland saga caught my heart something fierce
s2 soon

>every season I try to watch 7-8 shows just so I can browse the threads
>halfway through I get busy or bored
>end up 4 episodes behind in almost everything
>spend hours trying to catch up to shows I don't really find that entertaining
Maybe I should restrain myself to 2-3 shows every season. This shit wears you out.

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Same except I dont catch up a lot of the time. Even on 2-3 shows a season.

I just take the shows I'm interested in, watch an episode or two and then drop the ones I disliked/leave the ones I'm not too invested in on my backlog. Normally I end up watching like 3 or 4 shows of different genres currently airing and a show or two on my backlog so I don't get too burnt out and leave the rest for later.
Though somehow I managed to watch the entirety of Amazing Stranger of all fucking shows this season.

I only watch CGDCT anymore because it's the one of few genres that knows what it is, knows what it's good at, and doesn't pretend to be any smarter than it actually is.

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They always die with 1 reply or less.

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Stop browsing Yea Forums for a while
Only watch completed shit
Take a break from anime in general for a few months

Breaks are the best because you get to come back and binge a bunch of new completed shows after skipping a season or two

You guys gave me the final push to drop most of the stuff I was watching, thanks!
I watch a couple of episodes of some 70's anime to detoxify myself whenever I'm done catching up to seasonal trash, so that helps a lot.

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Just started seriously watching through all of AKBingo, it basically feels like the closest thing live action gets to CGDCT shows.

I prefer the look of hand-drawn animation to the weird motion capture and cheap cgi that seems really prevalent these days. But, the main issue with modern anime are the recycled character tropes that exist in 90% of shows and the blank slate main characters meant to ease self-insert. You've basically been watching the same few characters put in slightly different settings over and over again.

Anime is the only thing I still like. You should probably take a break from Yea Forums, the r/anime tourists, nostalgiafags, and jaded wannabe critics tend to drain the fun out of things if you surround yourself in their banter.
Either that or anime isn't your thing, or you have a crippling depression coming on. Best of luck to you user.

I love it when someone types all that shit to appear knowledgeable and they end up accidentally proving they only watched one or two things from [insert cherrypicked decade here].
I love a lot of older anime but nostalgic retards will never stop being insufferable.

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Watching 2 ep a day will let you finish a 1 cour anime in a week.
Now fuck off to and kill yourselves.

At a certain point, you just kind of burn out because the few nuggets of uniqueness and creativity just aren't worth sifting through hours of stuff you've seen before.

Eh, it went away for me about two years ago, and it came back recently. It's just a different kind of fiction man. I never really stopped liking manga/anime (much more into manga), but I went through rotating phases of more gaming, more books, comics, manga, anime, etc. and various mixtures of all that shit. I've now taken a break from MMOs for a bit, and in the last few months I've steadily come back to reading manga, binge read a bunch of series, then started looking into this isekai LN/WN trend that's blown up hilariously. It's just as trashy and poorly written as Yea Forums leads on, but hell, nothing wrong with enjoying something so rudimentary and basic sometimes.

You do you man. If you want to abandon anime/manga and move on to other things (I've seen some real hardcore fans go full normie once they got a girl), do whatever the hell makes you happy.

have sexual intercourse

>used to get the gang together and watch 4-6 shows weekly before playing a D&D session or sometimes marathon an entire show
>anime night never happens anymore
>D&D is lucky to happen every other month or so
>work sucks and all I want to do on my days off is sit still or sleep
With the 20'teens about to end people keep goinng on about aotd and I keep saying Madoka, not because it's really any better than anything else that's come out, but because it was one of the last shows where I was able to sit down every week with all my friends and go 'HOLY SHIT WHAT!?'

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Honestly I find I enjoy shows a lot more if i binge watch them over a couple of days and ignore this hellhole completely.
I'm just here to argue about things I watched ages ago.

Time to start the slow descent into kyoani... and then emerge again with new perspective

Get to work on that backlog.

But yes, there are some things that lose their charm after seeing it over and over and over. Moeshit / slice of life anime are the first things to go. Then you start to notice all the cheap production values of it. You start to notice the abundance of QUALITY shots in every single episode. You start to notice the poor sound design (i.e., a character's voice has the same volume whether they're having a close-up scene or are far away at the back of a room). You start to see the same cast of girls recycled again and again, each with the requisite 1-dimensional personality.

'Another fucking isekai anime, great. Oh boy, this obtuse real life thing, but anthropomorphized with cute girls instead. Whoopee, another self-insert male MC with the personality of a traffic cone.'

Get used to it and keep digging, there's always a nugget or two out there every other season. You're not supposed to take in every fucking show every season and understand it so well that you can have shitfights with people on the internet about it. And lastly, get to work on that fucking backlog.

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>"anime was never good"

Happy Sugar Life might be one of the most beautifully directed anime ever, stop being a faggot.

Post your face when you still enjoy anime as much as you did 20 years ago.

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Go watch the Karna vs Sieg fight from FATE Apocrypha on YT or something. It's always entertaining

I wasn't even alive 20 years ago.

nothing can live up to the hype days of TTGL, Code Geass, DtB S2 and Madoka

You would think any fellow DtB 2 fans would still be into the hobby a ton, that's a pretty obscure and contrarian to show to like only to suggest your not really into anime as a whole anymore

>started watching anime in 2003
I actually like it more now, but I'm also more knowledgeable about it so the novelty isn't there anymore.
I think I need to go to more cons. That shit always makes me enjoy watching stuff more.

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>DtB S2
What a goddamn disappointment that was. The threads were pretty much the only entertaining thing about it.

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I didn't really thought that post thoroughly huh.

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wow im actually enjoying this thank you user

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I still like to see well animated stuff. What's died for me is fandom and anime discussion, especially here. I hate the people that post here.

Nope. You're just burning out is all. Happens to most people who watch anime while they are young. You will gradually watch less and less anime and be left behind by the industry and this board, at which point you can either move on with your life or keep posting here to complain about how anime is shit now.

>the hype days
To be fair that's mostly because the current userbase shits on ANY sort of hype about ANYTHING here, is ok to like things and is ok to let people like things, back in the day people might have been assholes but they knew when to stop and join the fun, because at the end everything was about the fun.

in the end everyone just waited for the OST to show up and even that turned out to be a shitty one

To be fair, DtB S1's OST was damn good. I still have some of that stuff in my playlist. How they dropped the ball so hard on S2 confuses me.

I actually enjoy anime more than I did 20 years ago. At this point I just enjoy anime for itself than for any particular reason. I love the entire anime package, warts and all.

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>been on a good one since 1989 Akira home VHS release

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>moe, isekai, ecchi, QUALITY, lame shows but small comfy threads
I love them all, Yea Forumsermin are ruining this place.

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>Every hobby board on Yea Forums
>"X hobby no longer fills the void"
It's called do something different, maybe it's time to migrate to Yea Forums for a bit until that gets boring then come back to anime.

Everything was different then though. Back then if you were watching 5 shows in a season chances are you were watching at least 1 show that everybody else on Yea Forums was watching. Anime production was ramping up in the 00s but hadn't yet reached the insane levels we have now, there were fewer shows airing. Plus, simulcasts were very new at the time, not as much stuff was available, and fansubs were generally faster. But fansubbers didn't pick up everything, just the stuff they liked, and tended to pile onto the most popular shows to compete for downloads and epeen. The result of all this was that there was a lot of overlap in what shows the majority of anons on Yea Forums were watching in the mid to late 00s. This is why the most popular shows could take over the entire board.

The last anime where we really saw this happen was KLK, and it produced such a stink from people who had grown comfortable to the more segregated way the board had started to talk about shows. With the proliferation of simulcasts and increase in anime per season, an user could now watch 5 anime each season and have nothing in common with most of the rest of the board. The community fragmented, and now today you don't have as much cross pollination between shows. I still see it, just not nearly to the degree that it used to happen.

Was in the same boat, got stuck in a rut of just watching a few seasonal shows. Decided to finally give manga/vn's a try and I am really happy. Just completed my first VN and had a blast, it felt like I was sort of watching an anime except there was time for actual character development. Manga I'm still not completely sold on, the action just doesn't do it for me, I've never been a big comics guy. I think I just need to see actual movement to enjoy that kind of thing. But I'm enjoying the drama and slower paced stuff. Starting to miss anime now though so I'm kind of going in cycles.

I don't even watch anime, I just save random screengrabs and pretend I'm watching it.

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Yup, just like everything else in the modern ages it's all bogged down by the constant war between the SJWs and the Based and redpilled idiots and political bullshit.

You HAVE to pick a side, you HAVE to fight and die for people you'll never even see to advance agenda's that are ultimately just scams the rich put out to keep control of the masses

Don't watch anything that isn't completed. Otherwise you'll keep watching whatever shitty seasonal show Yea Forums latches onto, let the discussion trick you into thinking it's good, then afterward be left with a lingering feeling that you didn't really enjoy it even though you felt like you did. Once you stop watching shit as it comes out, you'll very quickly realize how much shit you've been consuming for the sake of keeping "up to date".

>anime is just for advertising
>manga milks its own series until the publishers axes the thing and the story just abruptly ends
>LN either losses translation or enter in a state of hiatus
>WN spirals into a continuous consumptions because almost everything is incomplete and you want more
Are Visual Novels the only medium that gives us a complete narrative storytelling especially for romance?

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Not if you speak Japanese

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stop watching seasonal stuff. ive been enjoying my rewatch of CCS desu

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Lets you read the completed LN's, which are by far the worst of the four things user listed. Doesn't actually help that much

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>>Are Visual Novels the only medium that gives us a complete narrative storytelling especially for romance?
Too bad Visual Novels are fucking dying.

As someone who isn't in the know, can you tell me why that is?

I feel the same way. I think it's because we internalized it. It used to be something that's "outside" of us that was novel and fun. But then we absorbed the novelty and it became part part of the way we look at anime or at life in general. I remember watching Lucky Star for the first time and I was awed by it. The art style, the voice acting, and just the general format was like a new world and that in itself had a certain pleasure attached to it. I can compare it to playing that first Flood level from Halo 1. The excitement of stepping into something alien and unknown and finding the horror contained within that facility makes it into something far greater than a mediocre video game level in a normalfaggy FPS game could ever be. I still love moe and anime in general but novelty has a power that quality can't replace.

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What's the point of pretending to be better than your fellow anons while doling out normalfag wisdom that's barely related to the question posed by the OP? Is it the (You)?

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Personally I blame Gainax's decline, they elevated the medium in their prime.

I just smoke weed and/or drink if i get bored of one of my hobbies

Take a break. Watch some jojo when you come back. The feeling will return in time.

Yeah, CGDCT SOLs are usually pretty good. But it's certainly interesting when you actually manage to find one that fucks even that up, and end up being really shit.

I used to watch an asburd number of shows each season (25+), but I've slowed down quite a bit in recent years, only watching maybe 8-12. But that's still a lot by most people's standards.

I think there is almost always some enjoyment you can derive out of any series, even the really fucking bad ones. But I've grown tired of some of the extremely generic shit. There are only so many times you can watch some super generic "action fantasy" or "action adventure" series and not just get bored with it. There are certain genres I just don't even bother with now.

>You will never be 15 again and discover anime for the first time, binge watching show after show, enjoying every moment of this new world

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Dont do this to me man

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The average lifespan of an anime fan is 2 years

Fuck off.

People have been saying this since at least the early 90s.

An anime is not going to be any less seasonal ten years from now. The year is organized into seasons.

Anime has always been about cost effectiveness.

Manga is more popular in Japan than anime, and even where I live in Europe manga is more popular than anime. And none of this is weeb media, because Japanese things are already Japanese and thus can't be wannabe Japanese.

Almost all anime is hand-drawn today.

>But, the main issue with modern anime are the recycled character tropes that exist in 90% of shows and the blank slate main characters meant to ease self-insert.
Tropes are universal to fiction and self-insertion is a Western problem, not a Japanese one.

Moeshit doesn't exist.

>anime is just for advertising
It isn't.

Fuck off back to and >>>/reddit/.

I don't get hos this isn't what everyone does.

I feel you. Until recently, I was able to finish a 2-cour series in two to three days, now it takes me 3 months to finally get to it, even if I still kinda enjoy watching it.
I don't get it myself

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Recent anime has had garbage production schedules to the point of everything feeling rushed, soulless and generally just bad compared to 5+ years ago.
Not to mention how bad the outsourcing is and work environment in some studios.
Just look at OPM s1 compared to s2. it makes sense to feel apathy to current seasonal anime.


Soulless is NPC speak and doesn't mean anything.

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Gosh I wish I was that pure at any point in my life

I decided to start watching more seasonal shit after getting a bit bored of anime, and I'm enjoying anime more than ever as a result..

>tfw sprite only just released two VNs before before getting bankrupt
Just off me to a new timeline already.

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>but the average 80's OVA looks better and more unique than the average seasonal show
Oh, you're one of those people.
The average 80s OVA looked better and more unique than the average 80s seasonal show too.

Regardless, the whole "cel animation" argument is pointless since the majority of pre-2000s TV anime was lazy and used shortcuts to churn stuff out faster, especially in the 60s and 70s when anime was mostly toy commercials.

You fuck off. Is that not a common sentiment?

No. I didn't care much about anime until I was college aged.

Just limit yourself to an episode a day for backlog + seasonal.
also don't watch shit you know you won't enjoy, I love CGDCT and can never gen enough of it, so I only watch seasonal CGDCT and the backlog can be there for other niches and genres.

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That's because you're an ironic weeb faggot. Half of the "fun" for you lot is watching seasonal shit to get wrangled along on the "hype", shitposting and "discussion". The real question is whether or not you were really into anime to begin with, or was it just because it's the thing everyone else is doing.

It's not pretending. I am better.
People like OP put all their eggs in this anime basket and it stresses them out when they realize they don't have anything really going for them.

You're so cool user kun.

I know.

Not at all. If anything, I feel like I enjoy anime more today than I did back when I started watching things as they are 11 or so years ago.
This post is dedicated to you. Suck a dick.