Fumita promised it'd be back in May. T-There's still time, right bros...?
tomo's fucking dead and buried
fumita should just release one last page with carol getting her kiss from misuzu with tanabe hanging himself in the background then make it's cancellation official
How much of hack do you have to be to fuck up something so simple?
I need it
It's time to let go. The series was good at the start, but it went downhill. It's not worth fretting over.
Imagine if the last page is just that with a small note "And then Jun and Tomo broke up, Fin".
It'll never happen, but it'd be fun if it went full Gal Cleaning.
Why would Carol get a kiss from Misuzu when she has a boyfriend?
The story has been over for a while.
Fumita just needs to grow some balls and actually end it already.
Today is the 29th in the US, the 30th in Japan
Twi yon always give a full days notice for any updates, and they also give updates when a previous resume date changes, like they did last month in the 29th
Today there should have been something
There was nothing
Fumita is a jerk.
wasn't it supposed to be back in april?
Yes it was.
and mousou telepathy was supposed to be back in less than six months
So I dropped both Tomo and Mousou a while back and apparently they both have the same publisher? That can't be a coincidence right?
Yeah deca-dubbarus.
There's only one publisher they does page-a-day comics in Japan, afaik
Based quints
The fun alternative is that he is thinking how to implement hentai in this series without braking it....
The other is to resolve some little things... like the fact that tomo and jun still aren't dating or that misuzu hasn't hooked up with jun's akward friend yet.
Finding ways to cockblock Tomo that haven't been tried in previous chapters is hard.
I just want him to release the last page and be done with it.
C'mon, I need my soul back.
This still going?
Your soul is gone forever user, Misuzu took it, and she's not giving it back.
It's hard to say something is still going when the only reason it hasn't ended is because of spending so much time on hiatus.
Jesus Christ, if Fumita just implied that Jun and Tomo did have sex last time he cock blocked her and then had epilogue chapter it would've been fine, just end it already. I don't even want to fuck Misuzu anymore.
They aren't even cryptic, one just says she has bigger dick at the high school Game of Thrones they are having, the other smiles menacingly.
I need to see the ending. I don't want these past few years to be for naught.
>I don't even want to fuck Misuzu anymore.
I... I can't believe the Tomo threads are fucking dead.
pls gib QT big tiddie tomboy gf
Go lift bro.
Misuzu is going to be DEAD and my soul is going to be FREE once this clusterfuck is over.
Like I said when he announced he'd update in April, you have to expect he actually starts updating at least two months after whatever he said. Wait until sometime in June or July.
Her boyfriend is a fag
ask her
Quints confirm Tomo will be back tomorrow.
>they thought he meant may this year
Heh, you're like a baby
Remember this was the peak.
Fumita will defy your quints. See you in September
At least we're seeing more translations of Alien Days, right?
it's right here
And it will be another month with chapters about nothing every day
nice quints tombro. unfortunately the hiatus never ends.
Hopefully it actually won't end. This way we are free of hackmita at least