Why is FSN a bunch of horny awkward kids with servants compared to an actually interesting cast like Zero?

Why is FSN a bunch of horny awkward kids with servants compared to an actually interesting cast like Zero?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because it tries to appeal to the lowest common denominator

Because Nasu is a hack who wrote a bunch of H chuunige and stumbled upon a very interest system in the meanwhile

Because FSN came first and Zero didn't come till later? God what a moron.

Who reads VNs? There's your answer.

theres like one interesting character in Zero and that's Kotomine who is more interesting in FSN

If you're like 15

>it's a zero secondary
Oh no, he's retarded

You know there were plenty of horny fuckers in Zero as well right?

Because Kotomine fucked everything up at the end of Zero and the HGW came earlier than intended. How do you miss that?

Because the MC is designed as a self-insert

I refuse to believe anyone can self insert into the rich athletic dude.

>zerobabbies are still a thing

Name 5 characters that didn't act like horny awkward kids with servants in zero

Zero did a lot okay and very little great.

Urobutcher hasn't done anything original and good since Saya no Uta

OP is a secondary and a faggot. That's how.

>Kotomine fucked everything up
Whatever you say Kiritsugu

Don't bother OP, the moment you call out FSN for being the garbage it is you'll get branded a secondary by incels with no arguments

OP's argument is that Zero is any amount better.

which it isn't

Who cares, both are shit compared to FGO

You have to go back

>no arguments
I'm willing to bet during the history of this board there has been a fucking books worth of walls of text about why F/SN is better

pfft ahahahahahaha

If FGO is so great, tell me where is LB4 then?

OP's point is that Zero has a more interesting cast than highschool kids, which is hardly debatable.


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This. The amount of all the anons' character analysises over the last 15 years would fill a fucking tome.

Zero is just pretty and edgy

Because FSN was made for selfinsertfaggotry

half of Zero's cast is literally already in F/SN

The only interesting characters in Zero is Kiritsugu, Kotomine and Waver, and two of them were in F/SN first.

All of the servants didn't have servants, except for Gil and Alex.

Have sex

After hunting quest 5

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nasu is such a fucking joke

as always

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what does this image mean

You can make the headcanon of the war coming out of nowhere because last war wasn't that long ago so there weren't many prepared people. True reason is that FSN is written by a hack while Fate Zero is written by someone competent

It's shonen
Zero is far superior

>interesting characters
>literally every interesting character was invented by nasu and set up in F/SN
Every zerobabby thread

maybe we're going to get Ganesha pseudo-servant with Jinako in LB4...
Jinako is Karna's master in CCC, btw.

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anyone can come up with characters
but it takes a great writer to make the characters good
urobutcher is a god

Most of Zero's important characters were already established in Fate/Stay Night, which is why they are in Zero at all, to provide backstory to their role in F/SN. Because it's a prequel. Almost nothing these characters do, nor anything about their personality, is new or surprising, because it's just a more detailed version of what we find out in Fate/Stay Night.

Also you say it's "about high school kids" yet the only high school kid who gets any real amount of focus is Shirou because the story is told in first person from his perspective. And you get way more insight into Shirou than you do into every character in F/Z combined, because F/Z is an ensemble story that constantly jumps from character to character and never gives any character any real depth.

Indeed, not just Kotomine but even Kiritsugu had both his heartless self and his post-4th war self already in FSN. I remember Kotomine's description of Kerry in HF. Much of Zero was already pre-written.

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>muh suffering porn

The only pre-existing characters Uro actually made interesting was Gil

This is incredibly stupid and I very much want it to happen.

Uro is mostly a decent writer but he has ten or so fatal flaws, and Lancelot embodies like fucking seven of them. He's an excuse of a character that only exists to fulfill Uro's need for edge, guns, and a way to make Saber suffer. All his traits and abilities were made with that purpose in mind, and as such break down under the basic logic of the setting because Uro never considered making it fit, only making it "cool".

F/Z is good but LB3 is fucking bad, even when it takes place in China. It makes me feel somewhat disappointed, like Urobuchi can't write anything good nowadays.

Urobucchi didn't really add much besides dialogue and drama. The characters, basically everything about them: their history, their personality, their development arcs, all of that came from Nasu, a lot of it was even already in F/SN. Zero was basically just a way to turn the 4th Holy Grail War from a dry background event into a story in its own right, and it literally didn't matter who wrote it since all the main details and plot developments were already set in stone.

Ufotable's anime doesn't really go over the parts where Kotomine/Saber explain the events of the previous HGW to Shirou, so secondaries assume that the entire plot of Zero was invented by Urobutcher when he simply padded it out into a prequel novel.

I'm a huge fan of Urobuchi and enjoyed Zero but the people acting like it's some kind of masterpiece and SN is shit clearly don't know what they are talking about.

F/SN and Zero are both great on their own merits. Just don't expect them to be the same.
In Zero, the characters are mature and have already developed their ideals and finished their hero's journey. Here, we see their ideologies and methods put to the test. It's the brutal conflict that's expected of the HGW. As a result, the story is framed as a tragedy.
In SN, the characters are young and are just developing their ideals as well as skills. They are still growing as people. We follow their journey as they develop and understand themselves and each other better. It's a classic coming of age story and the nature of this HGW reflects it.
They're fundamentally different stories where the only thing in common is the lore and setting. I personally enjoyed both.

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an inexperienced magus forced into a war she obviously isn't ready for
PTSD victim with warped hero complex
'nuff said
better than his Zero counterpart as he served a twist reflection of Shirou himself
Ehh, I will give you that
A former assassin turned teacher
huh duh why am I so unfeeling, wait I like tormenting people, thanks for pointing that out Gil
muh ideal, muh few vs many, muh childish world peace
arrogant magus archetype, purposely summon a servant famous for cucking his lord, as his servant, while bring his fucking wife with him
Only good one out of the cast
>Worm dude
beta nice guy obviously pining for his lost flame through saving his daughter
what even was his purpose in all this shit?
>Implying edgy COOOOOOOOOOOOOOL guy even had any depth

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Sakura so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I read Fate/Stay Night I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Sakura. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Sakura's tight kouhai pussy. God I wish I was Shirou because I fucking know for a fact that Sakura drains his balls daily. I want her to suck all of my humanity out and ride me to death. Anyways, do you guys relate to this?

>In Zero, the characters are mature and have already developed their ideals and finished their hero's journey. Here, we see their ideologies and methods put to the test. It's the brutal conflict that's expected of the HGW. As a result, the story is framed as a tragedy.
Except in Zero, every characters didn't act with maturity. They acted like some dumb liberal college kids turned terrorists

>ignoring gil, saber, and iskandar

They did.
You probably not mature yet, user.

>interesting cast like Zero
when will it end

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Taking your waifu into a warzone with a servant famous for cucking his lord isn't mature. Nor is Kerry's deals of world peace, erasing conflicts and sleeping with his partner to numb his guilt of killing his wife. Nor is Tokiomi giving his daughter to a shady rival magus family. Nor is KUUUURUUUU.

>that reading comprehension
Just check the OP's post user. Servants are also a whole lot more stupid in Zero as well.

Do I actually have to READ if I want to get into the anime?

Fucking this. I'm willing to bet even Urobuchi's shit looks like the same cookie cutter shit as someone else's.

He's a one trick pony but also his most successful works were other people's ideas

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Nasu can't write.

Kayneth and Tokiomi aren't "immature," they're just stupid and/or blinded by their pride as a magus
Kiritsugu is immature because he's an emotionally stunted manchild living his whole life based on ideals he formed and hasn't challenged since his traumatic childhood.
Contrast with Shirou who has a more pragmatic view of his ideal even in Fate route, is able to defend his position against Archer's criticism in UBW, and is able to honestly re-evaluate his values when they lead him down a path he knows is wrong in Heaven's Feel.

When is El-Melloi Case Files airing?

It's gonna be a trainwreck though

July 6th (Saturday) at 24:00 JST

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>girly moe waifu bait saber is better than stoic mature zero saber

F/SN's girly moe waifu bait Saber who almost cuts another Servant in half the first night she's summoned and Zero's stoic mature Saber who banters with her enemies and disadvantages herself for "muh chivalry"

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Kiritsugu is PTSD victim with warped hero complex
FSN Kirei should actually counterpart himself with Kiritsugu, but since Kerry is ded, he had to do it with his son.
Zero Kirei is good in that being more mature and mature as things come.
He literally accepted himself by the end of FZ.

>generic moralfag saber made to just get shit on ideologically by assholes
>badass knight king who nearly slaughters a defenseless high schooler twice (rin in the main, Shirou in a bad end)
Urobutcher is a fucking hack. We've been over this.

>F/SN Saber
>Not above taunting her opponents about her invisible sword.
>Ready to backstab Shirou if he's in the way of her getting the grail
>nearly chopping off Archer and Rin unannounced
>starving a whole village of innocents to gain advantages in a war
>Zero Saber
>muh chivalry
>muh duel

Hell, IIRC, the original VN even has lines about how similar Saber and Kiritsugu is, personality wise.

There isn't a Saberfag alive who thinks she's better represented as a character in Zero.

Kiritsugu wasn't really a character in SN though.

Kirei is the only interesting one in zero

Is this a joke? nasu is a hack while urobuchi is clearly the better writer

Because it's an erotic VN.

>urobuchi is clearly the better writer
^used to be
If you don't understand then just go read his LB3

I can't believe this is even a discussion, honestly. Urobuchi is a legendary writer while Nasu has never written anything more than edgy shit filled with waifu bait.


But F S/N was porn.


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Literally a teenager who would fit right into FSN
meme character with zero personality
>Tokiomi, Hotwheels
Plot devices who only exist to die and show off how cool and sociopathic other characters are
Probably the only interesting new adult character in Zero who still gets written down into horny retard plot device
Literally just Archer with guns instead of swords
Nowhere near as interesting as he is in FSN because all he has going for him is his negative character development

Narita is better than both.

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>literally only known for edgy waifushit like SnU and Madoka

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He would be if he ever released the next volume

>Muh edgy storyline for "smart people"
It is comparably bad to FSN

>Another Aoi Yuuki servant.
I'm fine with that.

Most recent volume, volume 5 just came out last month.

Wait what?
How the fuck did I miss that?
Thanks for letting me know user.

You can call Zero edgy, but it definitely has more characters with depth and what we could call a clash of morals.
FSN doesn't even pretend to be anything like that and is blatantly obvious self-insert shounen-shit with waifu-pandering.
You're free to like whatever, but at least recognize them both properly.

Nice try secondary


spotted the narutard

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Here's that reply you wanted

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He's a berserker with an obsession to kill Arthur, his former superior, because he didn't allow the happiness of him and the woman he loved, and who actually tried to kill her after finding out that Guinevere and her had an affair, causing him to snap and rebel against the authority.

There are clear paralels between his legend and Kariya's story. His narrative purpose is to embody what Kariya is doomed to become by the and of the series: an empty husk consumed by hatred. The guns and suffering of Saber are just some bonuses.

>Taking your waifu into a warzone
Because she will provide magical energy for your servant allowing you to fight more freely.
>servant famous for cucking his lord
You didn't know he was last minute replacement for Iskandar?

This thread is the reason I will never watch FS/N. Holy kek, you are awful, and your anime is unappealling.


>He's a berserker with an obsession to kill Arthur, his former superior, because he didn't allow the happiness of him and the woman he loved, and who actually tried to kill her after finding out that Guinevere and her had an affair, causing him to snap and rebel against the authority.
Yeah, no. Lancelot wanted Arthur to kill him cause he believed he wasn't punished enough. That's how retarded Urobuchi's writing is.

>buh what if x was hoomanz
Ah yes, legendary writing right here

Zero is embarrassing rubbish for shonentards

Why is she so comfortable?

there are only like 3 important characters in zero

vnspergs can suck my dick
cast alone zero was better. i couldnt give two shits about ubw rider, assassin, berserker and their masters. shinji felt like a gag character for the entire series, kozuki and casters backstory was boring and barely fleshed out, the only worth mentioning illya did was dying a gruesome death for cheap shock value. kirei was barely a character and died pathetically, ubw lancer and zero lancer are basically the same character but diarmuid had a more pitiful and infuriating death.
compare that to iskandar and waver, ryunosuke and gilles, kayneth and diarmuid, zouken and kariya; all of them had better backstories and were either charming, sorrowful or greatly despicable, they make you feel strongly about them one way or another.

not a single master in ubw besides shiro and rin were worth winning the grail, unlike zero where no matter who won the grail it would have been a satisfying ending.
character interactions were better too. saber had better and more meaningful interactions with iskandar, gilgamesh, lancer, kiritsugu and irisviel than she ever had in fate with shirou, rin or any of the other non characters.
zero gilgamesh was also more entertaining to watch and had more chemistry with the cast, and the plot didnt force him to job at the end, even kotomine with his edgy and negative character development was better than his shallow version in ubw.

the only boring characters in zero were berserker (whose past was left for the very end) and tokiomi, tho most characters in zero mention how boring tokiomi is.

Because an extremely talented writer was given the reigns to do whatever he wanted with the script of zero. The original FSN was a porno VN made by a horny otaku.

Shirou alone is 10 times more interesting than the entire cast of F/Z. Only Gil and Kirei were the saving grace of F/Z.

The H-scene dialogue in FSN is amusing

have sex

have sex

100% correct
vntards should fuck off to /fgog/

have sex


have sex

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have sex

Hang yourself secondary shitter

Fate is shit in general. The only good things this franchise has ever spawned are spinoff. Prillya and Welcome to Emiya-sans Kitchen of Joy.

Only with you.

>Prillya and Welcome to Emiya-sans Kitchen of Joy.
Imagine being part of the problem

ETERNAL reminder:

>Uro: Unlike Fate/Zero, where all the main characters are older, this one has lots of cute heroines! Fate/stay night was originally conceptualized as a bishojo game, so the very individual theme of "romance" was placed at the core. It had to be written from Shirou's point of view. So then I thought, I have this really powerful core idea of all these Eiyuu (heroic spirits) engaged in a Battle Royale, so why not draw their story from multiple point of views? That's why I tried to work more main characters into Fate/Zero other than simply Kiritsugu and Kirei.

>Nasu: I had no other choice but to make Fate/stay night the way I did for that bishojo game format. That was one of the reasons why I once said to Urobuchi, "I don't think I can make bishojo games anymore." The more you pour both what the author wants to draw and romance elements that will excite the users into a work, the more distant they get from each other... that was my dilemma. I think Fate/stay night does lack that "battle royale" atmosphere, but I really wanted to make it a work that would make the users want to get to know Saber and Rin better, or cuddle with Sakura.

Tell what it's like.

>cuddle with Sakura
Jesus fuck his shit taste

>pedo shonenshit apologist
Prilya is unadulterated garbage

>That Bingo
His Magnum Opus has hardly any of that, though. Also Gaim.

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>Reading Fate at all and not reading Tsukihime

Fucking fags. When will you learn that Arc > Saber?

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FSN story >>>>>>>>>>>> Tsukihime story, not to mention FSN has voices + better illustrations than Tsuki

>FSN story >>>>>>>>>>>> Tsukihime story

That's so incorrect it almost pains me, user.

Also better voices and art doesn't mean shit if the story and characters aren't as good. Hell, I don't think you've even read Tsukihime considering you just implied it was a voiced vn (It is not)

God same.

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>I don't think you've even read Tsukihime considering you just implied it was a voiced vn (It is not)
I mean, one of the reason why FSN is more enjoyable than Tsukihime is because it does have voice-acting though.
For the story, each person has different taste but personally i think FSN is far better than Tsukihime especially in terms of antagonists and the way Nasu portrayed the main theme of the story (to be fair not just FSN but FGO is also better than Tsukihime in this aspect. Typing this post makes me remember to that FGO story vs Tsuki story between an user in /tmg/ and /fgog/ before btw)

>He likes FGO's "story"
Yikes, next you're going to tell me you think Fate:Extra us better.

Not him but the EXverse is the best thing in all the nasuverse

So could you point out how Tsukihime is better than FGO at portraying the main theme of the story ?


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Yeah Kotomine was really boring compared to F/SN where he was a very defined character. Learning more about him through HF was a ride.

>known for Madoka
Yes that's what I said, legendary.

>with depth and what we could call a clash of morals.
But that's the entire purpose of F/SN, you silly secondary. The holy grail war in F/SN is just a method to explore morality and the "what it means to be a hero".

Fate/Zero is more of an explanation of past events than it is a stand-alone piece with themes and ideas, although I appreciate Urobuchi's attempt to make /Zero stand out on it's own and not just "the prequel" by making some really unique characters. It doesn't have the same depth F/SN is loved for, however.

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Reminder that Nasu also calls Sakura the only heroine that represents true love in that interview.

I prefer nu-TYPEMOON to leave Tsukihime as it is.

Fuck 20th annoversaries

I enjoyed FSN before the voice patch was a thing

>an actually interesting cast like Zero

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Zero is an edgefest with no redeeming quality considering the shitty secondary fanbase it brought in to fate. The fact it was spun off as an alternative universe by to FSN by Nasu tells you how OOC people like Saber act. Urobutcher is a hack who fools people with his edgy writing that has everyone suffer and die and dumbass secondaries fall for that as mature writing. Lancer's fucking death in UBW was more impactful and meaningful than all the deaths of zero cast besides iskandar. Waver and Iskandar were the only two redeeming characters.


I wouldn't say /Zero is terrible, just that it's priorities were on "battle royale suffering time" rather than making each death a point about heroism, self-sacrifice or selflessness in some way, shape or form.

The one you posted is FHA though.

zerobabbies idea of maturity is violence and gore and throwing a tantrum when as an old man

>saber had better and more meaningful interactions with iskandar, gilgamesh, lancer, kiritsugu and irisviel than she ever had in fate with shirou,
Everything up to this point was acceptable for someone with autism, as it all is subjective nonsense. But saying that Saber had better character interactions with people in Zero is just plain fucking wrong. I'm 99% sure you are the type of tard who actually watched Zero first "because it looked cool".

Saber and Shirou had possibly the most dynamic relationship in the whole VN. They grew together and changed together through their stubbornness and pride. They learned to trust each other and eventually were able to start learning to understand each other through their dreams. The quarrel between the two was of who could be the more self sacrificing for the other between the two and they both learned that this mindset is unhealthy. Shirou and Saber both allow each other to be redeemed of their pasts. For Saber it's learning yo accept her inevitable mistakes as a King, and for Shirou its to accept the fact he was the lone survivor of the great fire.

Nothing remotely as complex as the romantic struggles in FSN appear in Zero

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how will the self-insert vnfags recover?

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This but he was still way better in FSN

Kiritsugu might be interesting but he is just a even dumber version than archer.

>Saber and Shirou had possibly the most dynamic relationship in the whole VN.
I really adore their parallels that Ufotable went out of their way to put into plain visuals.
Sadly it seems /zero babies are too mentally handicapped to appreciate that.

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The problem is that all that happened through incredibly tired anime tropes, repetition ad nauseam, and generally telegraphed 'anime moments' between the two of them.
It didn't feel like growth as much as it felt like playing through the motions.
The only time in the whole VN where I didn't feel like I was reading through a trope flowchart was the last third of Heaven's Feel, and even there it's not like Saber was the focus anyway.

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>It's another "Let's pretend pretend Zero is bad out of pure contrarianism because secondaries usually like it more" episode

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Sasuga Zerotards. They actually believe Saber being talked down to as a dumbass of a naive girl by every guy she came across without responding back to defend herself and being an obsessive honorfag with Lancer(something she wasn't going by her characterization in FSN) is meaningful or better. What was the meaningful interactions she had with irisviel other than being her babysitter? Only yurifags find that remotely intersting for their yuri fantasies

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don't change anything brainlet

Saber with shirou is way more interesting than anyone in FZ, The way both are connected thematicly and how they changed each other point of view is something that Urobucher have never done her shitty zero counterpart was garbage and non canon

This one is better

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people watch zero because gen is not a hack you fucking mongoloid as evidenced by him constantly referencing one of the greatest pieces of literature to ever walk the earth TITUS ANDRONICUS

fucking same I litteraly have every pic of sakura in my fap folder, She is just so fucking hot I can't wait for the H scenes in the HF manga

What the bloody fuck is Mordred doing there?

>gen is not a hack
He only knows how to write tragedy and suffering, which is really fucking easy. I'd call him a hack.

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This. Fate isn't even my most favorite route in FSN but those interactions between Saber and Shirou are truly enjoyable to be honest.

Left scene is from Apo

This is during her vision where she sees where her wish would have been fulfilled and understands what Artoria meant when she told Mordred she didn't have the qualifications to be King.

It gives Mordred the catharsis over what she didn't understand and helps her understand that her actual wish was to help bear the burden of leadership in order to let her father be able to smile.

Its surrounded by all the action at the end of Apocrapha, but it remains one of my favorite scenes from the show.

That still begs the question, or is it just an illusion she's seeing?

Why are people complaining about people dying in Zero? This especially doesn’t make sense if you played the VN as should be able to tell who lives and dies from the moment they’re introduced. The only thing that struck me as needlessly edgy was Caster. To be honest a lot of the good parts of FSN if you take a step back and look at it, or more specifically Shirou and his ideals and relationships, as a whole. I read the VN first and only ended up liking it months after finishing it.

>maybe more
Why does Fate have a lot of bad fathers? Like, Zepia is the only good dad or what?

The biggest disappointment of Fate is that grand order isn't an eroge, and that saber wasn't a fucking ripped wildebeast of a woman who was completely unshaven, per rules of british groooming standards at the time, and her own statements- which are contradictory to the notion that her sword was supposed to stop her aging- but not the physical effects of her actually putting the work in to get /fit/ with her military buddies.

Also- saber has probably pissed in unison with her fellow military men using her futa cock whilst engaging in hte most sacred of male conversations during urination.

Kiritsugu is unironically a good father fucked over by bad circumstances. Both Illya and Shirou completely adored him

Magi are cunts

Nasu had daddy issues..jokes aside magus are not greats examples of fatherhood. I think it's served as a warning to people who try to dabble with mystery. Nothing good comes out of it except for obsession.,

Even in Mahoyo the grandpa of Aoko and Touko seems kinda shitty, its just that they're mage.

Same for Makihisa he was just fucking insane (fucked up by circumstances but still the thing he did were completely unforgivable)

The way Kiritsugu taught Shirou how to use magecraft doesn't sound really good but besides that i think he is still a good papa

Zepia is a magus too tho

Is he the greatest TM Father? Quit his line of work for his son because he wanted him to be born into a free world

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Primaries BTFO

Zero had some of these too, but the problem with Zero is that the tropes are shadowed by edgy dark moments.

Zero is great, SN ranges from mediocre (Fate route) to amazing (HF). As a whole I would say they‘re on the same level, both are very good.

>everyone acts like "but Nasu wrote them in FSN lol get fucked Butcher" is an actual valid defense against the criticisms toward the cast of characters
You'd have to be an absolute moron if you think this makes for a decent argument. The irony of this is that no one actually mentioned the respective authors between F/Z and FSN, yet FSNfags have been ingrained wih years shitflinging to the point that they end up arguing with themselves over nothing.

Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai were better anyway.

where is your successful anime adaptation user kun?

>Zepia is the only good dad

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reminder all sn primaries are still virgins

Don't bully him. Redman is probably too red from embarrassment of his own two failed anime adaptations.

But Fate is the best route, only edgy teens think that HF is good

anime and manga board not the VN board you incels. zero > ubw
>b-but muh vn fsn is better!
have sex

>only edgy teens think that HF is good
Not that user, but HF is my most favorite route eventhough im not a big fan of edgy story. It still has a bittersweet (Normal End) and a heartwarming (True End) conclusion after all those dark stuff, which is one of many reasons why i like HF the most.

>shirou and saber yadayada shirou and saber yada
yeah retard i know your shitty dating sim has good interactions between the MC and the waifubait. ill take a character having good interactions with many other characters instead of only one
>learning to accept her inevitable mistakes as a king
also happens in zero, not complex.
>accept the fact he was the lone survivor of the great fire
ptsd victim getting over his traumas, not complex
>muh romance
yeah its a great dating sim

zerofags once again BTFO. Do they never learn?

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GOfags always win

If I remember right, Kiritsugu didn't teach Shirou magic at all. He only explained magic as a concept so Shirou would know how the security system worked and would sometimes answer questions about it since he figured it was harmless. Shirou just picked up enough about it to start teaching himself (which is why he fundamentally misunderstood what a magic circuit was).

Zero is fucking garbage and should never have been written and especially shouldn't have been animated, stay mad contrarian edge-kiddies

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But you're mad too

Damn right

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kiritsugu was a bad man but he was a decent father for a broken man. shirou ending up with ptsd wasnt really all his fault. and the einzbern family head put a magic barrier so kiritsugu couldnt see illya
what choices he had? the grail was corrupted

Stay Nightfags and Zerobabbies BTFO.

FGO reigns supreme over their shitty niche entries in the franchise.

Bros, they are laughing at us...

mature and deep
childish and shallow

Based and sonypilled

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Let them enjoy their waifushit harem wish fulfillment MC

have sex

You're too high, Holmes.

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>Zero has Kiritsugu be a married man, make out with his bland side assassin, have a loli and a young Taiga interested in him. Also has the Saber servant lonely begging for his attention
>not a waifushit harem wish fulfillment MC

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But GO doesn't have any sex scene/marriage system (like other mobage) with cringe text and illustration for fanservice purpose

kiritsugu flatout admits being a badman doing horrible shit for the sake of ending it whereas shirou thinks that whatever action he takes is right and just and can never be wrong, kiritsugu banked everything on that grail and set everything aside
shirou had no stakes and had no reason to participate and won it because of school drama setting

>shirou thinks that whatever action he takes is right and just and can never be wrong
The opinion of a secondary is not canon

>the opinion of a pretend primary is of less consequence

>muh fate is better than your fate
glorified dating sim. have sex


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And all opinions of oldfags have nothing against the juggernaut that is FGO. Face it, you might have been useful once but now you're obsolete.

Continuously fucking Iri would have made Kiritsugu a repeat offender though.

But I love FGO too

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>whereas shirou thinks that whatever action he takes is right and just and can never be wrong
How can someone misunderstand a character this badly

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Fuck the King

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>She is just so fucking hot I can't wait for the H scenes in the HF manga