Who is the real monster? Is it humanity, who war all the time, or animals, who coexist peacefully?
Who is the real monster? Is it humanity, who war all the time, or animals, who coexist peacefully?
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Animals don't coexist peacefully. Watch some documents or some shit. Good and evil are the sides of one coin, you can't have one without the other.
>only humans have wa-
>They don't know cats are planning world domination
What if the coin lands on its side
What the fuck are you talking about? Animals fight and kill each other all the time. Not only that, but Humans ARE Animals. So if Animals coexist peacefully so do Humans.
>animals, who coexist peacefully?
Tge only difference between animals and humans are that humans can >Good and evil are the sides of one coin, you can't have one without the other.
>implying good and evil aren't just made up thing by humans
Though animals are far from peaceful.
then everyone dies
>humanity is the real monster
Yeah, I somehow doubt that she didn't anthropomorphize and exaggerate most of that to make a name of herself
Metal gear
Good and evil are just spooks.
We as a civilization let a currupt system rule over us. We as living creatures have subconsciously accepted the phenomenon of life and death. You see user without such moral ideas as good and evil the human mind has considerably unfair amount of options to pick from. What I mean to say is these irrational ideas are only meant to contain our mind so that we can emulate a civilized society.
Animals kill each other every moment of every fucking day. People who say shit like this are beyond retarded.
I'm pretty sure the chimera ants weren't really intent on peaceful co-existence
Probably would have had a promised neverland situation going on if Meruem won.
my cat tortured and killed bugs and small animals for fun all the time
it even got some snakes now and then
Way to miss the point.
>hurr durr humans are evil
>but Meruem, who represents wisdom wishes to be human at the end
Reminder that only brainlets think this was the message.
Based. We can only measure things in gains and loss.
>animals, who coexist peacefully
this just reminds me of that video of a bear eating half of a deer alive
Black people
>coexist peacefully
>animals, who coexist peacefully?
You need to be 18 and above to post here kid. Lion King isn't real.
Most animals are territorial as fuck. Even in herds they literally have herd mentality against any outsiders.
The only exception are capybaras/carpinchos.
>Dragging that motherfucker by plunging his fangs into its brain
Nature is based and savage as fuck. I love it. Fuck peace, and fuck harmony.
t. would be first to die in a state of societal collapse
You cant kill me if you cant find me
Speed reader. Future studies confirmed they regularly engage in wars. Highly social and territorial animals (like humans) will at some point with high enough density get into wars to compete for resources. We have just moved from millions of direct deaths in physical war to economic war with trillions of dollars at stake and millions of lives indirectly lost over time. And of course once you play out the economic wars you drop into real war.
They are not engaging in massive world wars but two territorial groups fighting is widely accepted and observed in the animal.
Humans are animals, dipshit. Other intelligent creatures, like dolphins, are far worse than us. They HUNT and DEVOUR other baby dolphins for fun on the regular.
>animals coexist peacefully
how wrong you are
You don't even need to go into highly evolved mammals. Literally every living organism down to primitive bacteria engage in some form of competition and/or predatory behavior.
>The fucking gorillas in the most lady made this up
You are fucking retarded. She’s one of the most widely regarded animal conservationists in the world
Even if she didn’t speak about this, her work saving other species of apes stands on its own and holds her legacy up
I'd rate simple bacteria as true monsters unwittingly and unthinkingly starting the very first mass extinction event that was so extreme earth was never the same after it. The Oxygen Catastrophe wiped out massive amounts of life that couldn't deal with the toxic oxygen build up and subsequent ice ages. Of course at the same time it was critical to the development of life as we know it today.
based and egopilled
>who coexist peacefully
Except when they have to eat or defend their territory amiright?
Life itself is kinda like an eldritch abomination it took a random planet and effectively gray gooed it with a green dye and it is basically impossible to wipe out after it gets going.
When's your next game coming out Kain?
I'd watch a anime too
I was watching the dub and man the narrator really killed it when he explained Miniature Rose
>animals, who coexist peacefully?
>Meruem represents wisdom
Phillip Fry
Animals suck dick
Humans > animals
To be fair, a society without sadpanda is a society not worth living in
True that
We live in a society where a man cannot say the N word anymore. Such limitations to free speech dont exist in the animal kingdom.
>animals, who coexist peacefully
animals spread as wide and far as they possibly can, to the point where they run out of food and start dying or killing each other. There is no mercy, nobody gives a zero fuck about the survival of other species. The only reason there are animals and nature still left on this planet is because a species with consciousness happened to become the apex predator
Retard. Animals have existed way before humans.
No, we were created first.
humans are animals m8
An interesting reflecton on the actions of the characters, or maybe Toagashi's reflection on his own lack of planning for future events. The Hunters looked for an opportunity to reduce mass casualties, but had no evacuation plan for the civilians or soldiers in whom's midst they would fight. While they couldn't have considered radiation poisoning as a possible outcome any more than a flash flood or an earthquake, they never took steps to remove the civilians from danger, even though Knov had the means to do so and could have done so while the King and his guard were occupied.
How childish.
Would you say the same if you stood unarmed face to face with a hungry lion?
Look at me! There is nothing in my heart. I don't feel pain any longer. There is no need to feel guilty, user. This hole was opened up by this world of hell. I only had pain inside here before, but really, what's the meaning in that? So, I've abandoned it all. Meanwhile, you have suffered all this time. user, it's okay now. You don't need to suffer anymore. Your waifu is right here. Along with your ideal version of me. Wish for whatever you want, anything is possible in this genjutsu world. That hole in your heart can be filled immediately.
> animals, who coexist peacefully?
You mean like eat each other or each other's food in a relentless race to out evolve each other and dominate the planet for their species?
Evolution is war. Survival of the fittest is war. War is good. War makes us strong. War weeds out the weak. War is Evolution.
Too bad the 2011 anime failed to mention this.