What was the actual point of this little bitch?

>never meaningfully contributes to the journey
>just stows away, nearly drowns, and almost gets raped by a monkey
>probably has a thing for Jotaro
>isn't even the useless female necessary for continuing the Joestar line despite being present and useless like Irina and Suzi-Q, disappears halfway into Part 3 and is never seen again while Jotaro hooks up with some nameless girl off-screen

Literally Rule 63 Smokey, holy shit she's useless

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Jojo is poorly written with a bunch of superfluous characters

Nips didn't want Jotaro passing on glorious Nip genes to a filthy chink from Hong Kong

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I thought she was southeast asian.

At first, she just played the same role as any other random innocent bystander character. Things only got weird when Araki brought her back into the story for the Wheel of Fortune arc and then sent her away again.

Chocolate ass cheeks.

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The funny thing is that I see people all the time saying there should be more Jojo characters that don't have stands but most of them would end up like her, not really doing much because they really can't.

She's not NEARLY as bad as Smokey, man.

It's not the best writing to have a tag along kid that wants to prove themselves never actually do so, or ever have a purpose in the story besides being a burden on the whole journey, but it's an interesting change of pace.

Makes it worthwhile when Kira's stepson ends up being fucking based in part 4.


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That's even worse

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Okay, I'll give you that. I thought Hayato was going to be some pussy cuck loser who's just there for a view into Kira's new life. Him actually being one of the most useful and resourceful characters of the part surprised the shit out of me, and he's still one of my favorite Jojo characters to this day for it.

Funny thing about that is how the little shit from Phantom Blood actually ended up being useful when he looked like he was just going to be a burden, so it's more like the gears shifted back on that one. Emporio was hyper competent as well

Emporio had a stand but most importantly a gun

>Nips didn't want Jotaro passing on glorious Nip genes to a filthy chink from Hong Kong

Just because Japan hates china and Korea doesn't mean they hate the rest of asia.
Hell, they love Saiam and Hawaii

Also noteworthy for being a major and pivotal character in the story who isn't a stand user and never develops one or pulls one out of his ass to save the day. In fact Kira is the one who bullshat a third stand out of nowhere and Hayato still managed to come out on top, that's one hell of an accomplishment.

Hell yeah, that's my nigga
Cheers, Hayatobro

I wanted to fuck her so bad when that episode was airing. It got worse when I read the manga to save some panels with her.

Fuck why is she so hot

Because you're both a Jojofag and a lolicon. Lolis in Araki's style are hard to come by, so part of your attraction to her is based off of how rare she seems to you.

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>disappears halfway into Part 3
This annoyed me the most.

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Shut up pedo. When you’re on Yea Forums you use loli and lolicon, anything else is cowardice
I’ll also accept cute & funny

Probably was supposed to be jotaro's heroine, but araki being a hack found it hard to shoehorn her into the journey

This. It's pretty fucking undoubtable that she was into Jotaro. Araki probably decided partway that he didn't want Suzi-Q V2 so he just let her run off and do her own thing.

Hayato is the worst character in part 4. No larp.

Nah that's his mom

Calm down there you literal sub-humans.

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but jotaro is already a half-breed.

>Hayato is the worst character in part 4
The worst character in part 4 was Joseph for not using hermit purple to find a serial killer on the loose.

He also had oxygen

One of the best, you mean.
Worse was probably Joseph, who was basically just a useless, feeble old man with Joseph's name. I guess it shows that not even Joseph will be peppy and clever forever, but holy shit, he was useless. If worst wasn't Joseph, it's the pointless yandere bitch whose name I can't even remember. Koichi deserved better than that shit.

Jotaro coudl've impregnated her and it probably would've been legal since they're both minors desu

joseph haddementia.
nah araki just forgot joseph even could find the location and appearance of anyone he wanted.

What was the point of this bitch?

Especially the female characters.

>Nerf Joseph to absolute shit in 3 by giving him the most uselessly specific stand in existence
>Said stand makes part 4's premise entirely irrelevant, because it can solve the mystery from the onset
>Nerf it even further by giving Joseph old man dementia
I think Araki just hates everything prior to part 4, except for Dio. He regrets his masculine men phase.

Also, her name is Anne, assholes. Use it.

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damn bros i'm only on part 4 but she really disappears? I thought he was setting her up to be jotaro's future wife....

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Y-You guys DO realize that he couldn't find Kira because Kira was so good at blending in... Right?

>Hermit purple is purple, the color of dementia
>Joseph gets dementia, but his Hamon allows him have moments of clarity where he must do good (like save the invisibile baby)
>Joseph's dementia was caused by the extended use of Hermit Purple
>Kira blends in and Joseph has no clue who he is, while having DIRECT fucking ties to DIO




why was she even there? I thought she'd develop a stand or be a secret DIO hitman or something but nothing. What gives Araki?

see -

Hurting stands should hurt their owners, unless it's something specific like the undead one or non sentient like the sun and plug
Araki just forgot

Literally nothing since Polpo can barely feel it or control it while far away.

Stands that don't kill their user when they die can revive I imagine. So Polpo could send out Black Sabbath again. Even swarm stands can do this I imagine too. All but one Sex Pistol was killed by Cioccolatta in the last episode but Mista gets all of them back. I don't think we see this happen with an automatic stand though.

gee its almost like by part 4 and 5 stands operate on rules of their own instead of something prior in order to let the story play out further. Also Araki is a hack etc.

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The ligther was Polpos stand tho
I guess his ability is to turn ligthers into black sabbath summon trigger, we just dont know.