This is SakuHima

This is SakuHima

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All the english translations for Himegoto flowers are deleted from sadpanda.

Go do your homework, brat.

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she'll take homework home with her.

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you should be ashamed for not having it downloaded yet



SakuHima-chan is cute! CUTE!

Posting the best couple in all of anime and manga history makes the the best thread on Yea Forums at the moment.
>tsundere x tsundere
Who could have guessed this would be the best possible combination?

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>page 10

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2 cute

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This show was so much better before everyone was just paired off to do blushing yuri boring shit.

Are you stupid or just a troll?

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Kaede is the cutest little pudgeball in the universe.

but user,
that's AyaHima

I wish I was a little girl

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I'm just glad to be wrong.

Some anons don't see loli on panda. It's one of the ponyfuckers stupid hide and seek games.