Buyfag thread

Bunny with a gun

Attached: 1559154231352.jpg (1859x3214, 1.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Read the guide

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Those eye deals look weird. They could use some gloss or something.

Swimsuit Akagi by Wave.

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Cute bunny. I'm still tempted, creeping closer to buying. Only held back because it'd be my first bunny and I fear the slippery slope.
I wonder if it's a bit washed out because of the lighting? In other images they look a little different.

Attached: Kaneel1534475894.jpg (550x820, 151K)

Yeah, that's it. The sclera were way too close in color to the skin.

i want this but i just know its gonna be terrible
fuck man....

Tessa is pretty big at 1/7, and well detailed. Worth the price? Of course not, but they had fixed the IV animation for the BD release so they can have my money.

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I miss nami

Pretty tough to lewd a girl wearing a flowing smock but where there's a will, there's a way.

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Thank you, Japan.

Yes, you do know. It's hard sometimes, but it's better to use the brain in your skull this time.

Here's a shitty pic of two figs I picked up in Ottawa.
I've been looking for a Hazuki Figure for a while now.

Attached: 20190529_203400.jpg (3424x3008, 2.98M)

Kouhai-chan arrived a week ago, but I wasn't able to pick her up until today. She looks fantastic and I love the see-through shirt and detailed wine bottle. Why GSC didn't preglue the wine pieces (or make them adhesives) is beyond me.

Attached: Tawawa Spill.png (703x937, 816K)

nice prize figgie

Also recently snagged a BOME recolor. I was keeping an eye out for the original, but changed my mind (I still may buy it when available). She pairs up well with Misty May.

Attached: Bome Bunnies.png (1130x934, 1.12M)

Nice spam.

>she sees your dick.png

Attached: jackbbrd1559158059.jpg (2048x1536, 454K)

nice damage control, old fag.

Don't be too hard on user, he couldn't make it through the day if he didn't shitpost the exact same thing every time that figure is posted.

I remember those were everywhere +10 years ago but most haven't aged well especially their faces, strange that someone still collects them.


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>delayed to July
Fucking chinks. The initial release date was January. I just want WA-chan.

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To the guy looking for artbooks: I have 200+ artbooks. What would you like to get?

>That detailed hair
Thoughts? I'm not sure he could do a decent job, they should have hired a better sculptor.

Attached: 847518.jpg (600x849, 160K)

Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to glue down something that small? A small fuckup and there would be glue spillover.
It's far easier doing it the way they've done it and allows for different options. I and other anons have mentioned the boob wine looks shit and haven't even used it.

Nigga are you retarded? What's the point? It holds in just fine and won't leave residue.

I'm not particularly interested in this one. I'll wait on the Parsley F elf and Brown Asanagi girl

Its not about being good or bad sculptor, the guy makes good models but he knows little to nothing about actual mass production.

Also the hair will look like crap, look at his first mass produced figure, the hair was awful.

Funny proportions but not something I'd want to buy

>Why GSC didn't preglue the wine pieces (or make them adhesives) is beyond me.
you're a fucking idiot.

shame about the joints

not him but high quality 3d printing exists, stupid fuckface

And no decent company uses it as a MASS PRODUCTION METHOD, retard.

>high quality 3d printing exists
Not this meme again.

Attached: 3D print.jpg (930x523, 105K)

There isn't a single good manufacturer that uses it for production, you know.

Oh not this crap again, your shitty 3d printing meme is not a viable mass production method and will never be

Not him, but
Vampire Hunter D
Lotte no Omocha
Orange - by Koji Morimoto
Anything kinda gross and cyberish like the Animatrix or involving motorcycles or vehicles in general.
I'm also looking for recommendations.

That wave pattern thing look cool, too many imperfection though

no fucking dimwit who the fuck said that? they can print a 3d prototype plus lots of extra work like the 2B guy did, then they can make molds of those parts like usual.

>3d printing meme is not a viable mass production
Fots uses 3d print as a mass production method.

You are aware that its not just about printing a master and using it to cast a mold right? There's actual physics and engineering involved on molding design, draft angles and whatnot to make something viable to be casted on a rigid mold.

You mean mass production to print their 20 copies in 3 months? Oh , how massive.

>There's actual physics and engineering involved
Oh not this crap again.

The guy who made the 2B had to go through 200+ hours of detailing, he even mentioned that, the original 3D printed model was nowhere near the final results he got.

It's not done to "look cool" retard, it's an inherent limitation of 3D printing.

That's not how mold manufacture works, retard. Not every single geometry is viable.

Attached: hurr durr.jpg (274x321, 26K)

years ago there was a company that released some model of a milk chocolate mascot for people to 3D print or something. does anyone remember the name of this character?

Fair point. Sans pieces it is, then.

not true, 3d printing nowadays can get to a really high quality without needing much after work, not viable at all for mass production tho

FOTS uses it to produce just a few figures, since there aren't enough retards buying their shit, they can't even pay for the mold fixtures.

Not him, but why? It’s better than losing the pieces in 5 minutes. See .

>kinda gross and cyberish like the Animatrix or involving motorcycles
Maybe some Intron Depot/Masamune Shirow art books would be up your alley?

Attached: 01005212982.jpg (2569x3966, 3.85M)

>3d printing nowadays can get to a really high quality without needing much after work
Show literally any proof of this, you 3D printing faggots never do.

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just head on down to /toy/

fuck you

Attached: sandpaper textures.jpg (1248x1024, 672K)

Is this bait? That looks awful and isn't even comparable to even prize figures.

Not him but this was made with a 12 grand 3D printer.

Attached: D4U5CFYX4AE8zFX.jpg (664x800, 75K)

>posts FDM prints after acetone vapor bath
>not SLA or SLS prints
Shit nigger what are you doing

So it can make mcdonalds toys?


Attached: 3d printing figure.jpg (1800x664, 681K)

I've seen garage kits that look better

Attached: img_0_m.jpg (560x315, 37K)

And later detailed for dozens to hundreds of hours, that's far from " not needing much after work"

How the fuck is that "really high quality"?
Once again, even shitty prize figures have smoother skin.

baiting for replies so I can see what you know about 3d printing. seems it costs 12 grand for what a regular garage kitter at wonfes can produce

I'm not that poster, dumb user.

Even popular circles who use 3d modeling as base dont sell their models as they come out of the printer, they still detail it for quite a while just to make some temporal silicone molds and produce a few dozens of them.

Damn that looks awesome.

Attached: shirow_introndepot_rejcover.jpg (800x1041, 259K)

Never said you were, dumbdumb

>it's another "clueless newfags shill 3d printing" episode

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how much does that cost, when compared to making a simple skeleton out of wire and clay?

Insight, I don't feel so good...

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>t. poortard user who doesn't own a nice quality 3D-printer

True, but there’s always someone who’s into vintage figures. The quality is up and down, and you have to look closely if you really want it.

Ya, it's pretty annoying. At least it's keeping the thread alive I guess.

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nice cherry picking

Its more expensive to print it than use clay and wire.

I too am proud of being retarded.

Not him but you dont have to cherrypick from insight/fots and all variants. most of their shit comes like that

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I guess some anons should 3d print a brain before anything else

I heard that recently they have started to use plastic clamshell as every other manufacturer

post your printer. post your work

This imouto is sex

That's too expensive for them.

Its funny how its usually retards who have never used an actual good printer who think they can just replace plastic injection methods .

unusual plamo!

Attached: Agon1559184096.jpg (600x900, 112K)

I-Is it over?

Attached: Marmorie1558250591.jpg (1613x1352, 332K)

>Posting Buyfag's thread favourite figure.

Attached: Selvaria1558758874.jpg (800x1200, 185K)

Heads up. Tomorrow TOM will have a period of time when both their 20% off coupon and 30x points back promo overlap. It's not the best promo they've had but it's pretty good if you've been looking to get something.
>inb4 TOM shill
I just wanna share a chance for people to save money.



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To all newfriends, TOM is utter shit and you shouldn't use them.

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Oh you, sly fox

Attached: Agon1559184094.jpg (600x900, 98K)

>character has no sexualization in the series it comes from
>its fig is hypersexualized and has pronounced nips

why do they do this to my daughter

Attached: D7Yd17SV4AEn2Ot.jpg (600x800, 68K)

It's adult kagura which was specifically made to be sexualized you homo.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Gintama - 278 [720p].mkv snapshot 14.46 [2015.07.05 14.28.45].jpg (1280x720, 120K)

I'm expecting a figure of this migu

Attached: g13.jpg (545x741, 177K)

No thats the adult kagura from the actual real timeskip, one they make jokes about sexualizing but then show granny tits

Ya I remember reading the synopsis and it sounded interesting.
" In the year 20XX, insects have become immune to all pesticides. To combat the rising plague of cockroaches and other household pests, the tiny, doll-like extermination gynoids known as "Hoihoi-san" were created. They can hunt down insects and kill them with such miniaturized weapons as minuscule machine guns and tiny combat knives. They can also (and at the same time) be treated as dolls, by dressing them up in costumes and buying accessories for them."
I also ordered the charging dock from Ami-Ami

Attached: ichigeki_sacchu_hoihoi-san_v01_-_160-161.jpg (1683x1200, 318K)

End of the month.
What's in the mail?

Attached: PREORDER TIME!.jpg (600x731, 96K)

Nothing, everything I had ordered this month got delayed.

Nothing, already got my May orders, Manda is processing two orders for some porn though so that should be next.

Attached: lorddralnu1549912550.jpg (1200x1800, 334K)

Same here. Guess I'll see Shuten and Kurumi later.

Just this little guy.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1537345717.jpg (661x671, 61K)

>casual hard nipples

Depends on why they’re hard, though.

That's not Sonico

Just got the Amico email that my May order was delayed, now my July order looks fucked i think


Attached: 1543887477064.jpg (1400x2100, 1.62M)

Such an enticing figure.

Mine came in today. Besides the Tessa earlier I got the clearance priced Jyuden-kuns, and $40 worth of patches that I must have ordered while inebriated. No idea what I was planning for them.

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Attached: 1556676641533.jpg (851x479, 70K)

I ordered the same Jyuden-kuns.
I put the patches on my motorcycle jacket, but they look good on backpacks too. I prefer the velcro kind, though they stick out a bit if what you're attaching them to isn't black.

>the boob wine looks shit
It really does, and the glass wine isn't that hard to put in. It's easy enough to display without using either one, without affecting the look much.

I've yet to even bother trying to put in the boob wine. The fact that it's optional makes for a much better figure.

>Fox tails
>Bunny/Horse ears.

Uh wat.

Does anyone else here keep some of their collection beneath their bed? I have a few wide narrow tubs I fit beneath. It's a real bitch to get any of them out, I just finished shifting them around and vacuuming, it was a real pain in the ass.

Akari + one nendo, which should be here soon. Everything else got delayed.

Those are just stylized fox ears dummy. People generally draw foxgirls with taller ears to differentiate them from catgirls, wolfgirls, etc. Fennics have super long ears anyway

Attached: googled shit.jpg (891x700, 104K)

I seriously hope you just mean you're keeping empty figure boxes there.

horse ears are smaller than that though

Depends why. If you are waiting until you have more room that makes sense. If you're hiding them from normies thats fine. If you're just keeping them there for no reason then you probably don't like them that much. I would sell them.

this looks terrible...

Attached: 61741693_2218043698278937_8170071139037478912_n.jpg (859x550, 124K)

I have some tubs under my bed but they slide in and out extremely easily. What exactly is the problem you're having?

There's character art, assets from the production studio including character reference sheets and original painted cells/genga, empty boxes for sets of trading figures I have on display, duplicate items that I do keep on display, the remaining set from a handful of other things (for instance boxed tea that goes with a themed cup, pot, and spoon), several clocks that have died and thus can't be properly displayed, the boxed set of the show, character drama cds, fanmade art, towels, posters, puzzles, keychains, phone cases, ipod cases, candles, posters, acrylic stands, wallets, glasses cases, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, rings, it's largely atypical items. All of my figures, plushes, and scales are on display, I just don't have enough room to keep every little thing out without drowning in clutter.

Attached: kek.png (1370x373, 150K)

You know, part of me is impressed at how pointlessly complete you made that list of things under your bed.

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I have a wide plastic tub under my bed yeah. I keep model kits I have yet to build + tackle boxes with figure parts in it in there, plus random trading figs and shit from when I first started collecting.

Just guns and cats under the bed.
Figure boxes have taken an entire closet though.


Attached: Siona1559105261.jpg (900x900, 208K)

Ha, didn't realize the other girl was Kaga. A brunette miko just like 80% of other kancolles.

Attached: BadWolfVindici1535163563.jpg (800x1200, 91K)

post pussy

I concur. anons, post your cattos with figures

Attached: _3c9.jpg (635x469, 49K)

I have gigantic posters under my bed, some signed. I don't know why I keep collecting them when I never hang them.

Ugh, Jesus Christ. Hell of a lot of stupid jointshit, I'll tell you that.
>nendo Pooh
>nendo Steamboat Willie
>nendo Megumeme
>nendo Ereshkigal
>nendo Ishtar (preowned)
>nendo Homura (preowned)
>figma Inklings
>Kurumi 1/7 from Koto with the big ass

Kurumi ended up being my only scale because of delays. I was supposed to have Steph and the lingerie Kurumi as well. Fucking shitty birthday this is going to be, what with all the goddamn Nendos. It's my fault for adding Ishtar and Homuhomu, I guess

Gourai (sylphy color ver), magia blade, and the really cool playing base so I can do all the dumb floaty bits.

Why are bunny figures so damn expensive

because you will pay

I wish a woman would care enough about me to stab me to death.

>Buying anything but Nendos and figma

Why are you so damn poor

Looks good.

When he inspects the next delivery.

>tfw still no payment request
cmon amico its released

3D Printing is literally the reason why Pulchra and FOTS are ass

Usually 1/4

would a 1/1 be 4x the cost of a 1/4

Attached: just_these_for_now.jpg (800x1236, 609K)

The ones by Freeing are 21k(with discounts), wouldn't call that expensive given that they're 1/4

>You guys buy plenty of figmas, poseables and nendos but you never have the decency to post funny pics with them. Thats why this is the worst general. All that wasted potential.

Attached: Operatin' 1.jpg (750x1000, 400K)

Attached: Laura w Patch.jpg (2397x2463, 2.4M)

No, 1/1 scales have been sold before, and those go for at least $10k.

nope, for an 1/2 you'll need 8 1/4 it's a very crude estimate though.

Doesn't work that way.
1/1 scales are around $15,000.

>Gourai (sylphy color ver)
Could I get pics and/or a listing for this version? Having trouble finding it

>Goblin Slayer rpg book
I'm curious, even if just to compare it to the DnD rules.

For a 1/1 you would need 64 1/4 scales, only if those 1/1 were solid but they're usually hollow.

American McGee's Alice cu-poche when?

I guess Japan does have good taste sometimes.

Attached: best grill wins.png (269x255, 83K)

Nice GLT patches.

Attached: Potatoes for Life.jpg (3200x2400, 2.9M)

>expedition unit
I'm sad now.

Why? 2hu still have both the expedition unit and the nuko patches still in stock

Attached: I have a patch collecting Problem.jpg (972x2205, 986K)

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big fat cat tats

Attached: sorry anon.png (817x280, 147K)

DTA Gourai Sylphy Color ver

Attached: file.png (1200x1200, 1.03M)

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Frozen potatoes, dummy.

I don't know why I assumed english would also have jap sales

So is Florida safe for lewd figures of questionable age, or no? I'm trying to buy something from this dude in Yurop but I don't want to get the van because of nopan + DFC

Nice underage slave

>American McGee's Alice cu-poche
ah I see that you are a man of culture

Attached: 0750.jpg (1060x1500, 1.34M)

Free shipping on orders above 3000 yen on Toranoana for the next 7 days. Too bad I placed my order yesterday.

>"Wawawa," said the Wafag.

I'm still waiting on slutterfly Luka.

can i use a prepaid card for mandarake r18 items?

They aren't sales. They're views.

As long as it's from either Visa, MasterCard or JCB, yes.

tanlines muh!

Finally !!

Attached: 1559197427998.jpg (4032x3024, 2.26M)

>that shit quality figure
>that long ass neck.

Here we go!

Attached: 1559197564589.jpg (3024x4032, 2.26M)

can't believe there is actually a club at MFC for SoF, if you don't believe just read the comments

Look at her go

Attached: 1559197676562.gif (1000x1000, 1.5M)

What kind of printer?

I hate heterochromia
glad I can skip this my wallet is dying as is

Testing new phone camera with new figure. I know a phone isn't replacement for an actual camera but I actually use a phone for a ton of things.

Attached: IMG_20190530_005211.jpg (2000x1500, 1.15M)

I like how these photos turned out. I don't even have proper light (I have yellow light bulb on ceiling) but the camera app still autocorrected itself.

Attached: IMG_20190530_005251.jpg (1500x2000, 1.44M)

Perfect for hotglue

Definitely my favorite cast off until now, the accessories make her very dynamic, you can pose her upside down or sitting on the bean bag.

Attached: IMG_20190530_001020.jpg (2000x1500, 1.16M)

oh okay

Attached: 1559198492373.jpg (960x1280, 1.15M)

Lifting her pantsu.

I think this is the most risque I'll be posting for now. I still need to learn how to not get shitty photos with this as some turned out grainier or with different exposures than the others.

Attached: IMG_20190530_002303.jpg (1500x2000, 1.33M)

>I hate heterochromia
I'm glad I'm not alone

Junkland figure got delayed till July.

You're definitely not alone.


Attached: 39082091_461157477722608_3386150326380789760_n.jpg (1080x677, 148K)

Not either of them, but any more like this? I already have almost all of Shirow's stuff including the cards.

I think I may have that original AM Ailce figure in a box somewhere sealed. Wonder if it's worth anything now.

>prize figure quality hair
glad I didn't preorder

>dumb faggot keep posting the same shit over and over
kys retard

bloody hell, mate

>arrived in Sydney at 5:30PM
>in customs
For the love of God, please get processed by tonight so I don't have to wait until Monday to get her.

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Anyone elses shipped yet? Says may but there's not much left in may now, I'm getting worried

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Rude, I just want WA-chan. But I'm actually a meidofag.

Attached: 1536180315512.png (930x1428, 1.22M)

It got delayed two weeks ago.

flat eyes

Attached: GOODS-00291369.jpg (600x600, 38K)

Getting Ai for sure, but won't really mind collecting all three.

>not using the buyfag thread edition

Attached: hurr_durr.jpg (274x309, 31K)


Attached: FIGURE-042245_01.jpg (643x800, 71K)

Wtf for how long?

Not them but the other one is /buyfag/ traditional culture.


>figure that disappears because you didn't finish your hotglue fast enough.

That's not too bad then I suppose

> Haven't been paying attention to delays on my pre-orders
> Amiami sends a payment request today and decide to check Pre-orders
> Check orders
> Everything except for 2 figures has been pushed to June
> Oh no
> Check my native Pre-order
> It's been pushed to June as well
> OH no
> Check my Domestic pre-orders they are in June as well
> Have $1,000 in pre-orders before shipping in June

If I combine orders on Amiami does that mean I get charged when the last item comes in or the first item comes in?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x280, 980K)

Huh? If something gets delayed does that mean that you don't set aside the money for the next month? I mean, you were already going to spend it this month, that doesn't mean you HAVE to spend it this month on something else. You aren't that retarded, right?

Why would they charge you if they haven't received stock for the product yet? You can assume that some things will get delayed.

Nothing yet by shit is backordered

I have the money set aside, I'm just panicking because I've never spent $1k in a month on plastic butts so it's freaking me out to spend that much money. Hell just seeing the AmiAmi price of nearly 70k yen is freaking me out.

Thank you for answering my question.

Wow shit taste.

This is how my June order got to $500 fuck.

I'm going to see if I can order one if they're available somewhere!


Attached: 1558465919383.jpg (1200x1600, 1005K)

You've never had a credit card lock into fraud protection on you from legitimate purchases before? It really annoying.

Not him but my bank has been using 2FA for fraud protection for a few years now, even if a charge gets flagged as dubious I just have to allow/confirm it from my phone or email.

And the mobile app allows to lock/unlock the card at any time in just a couple of seconds.

I don't want to order one nendo from amiami, advise some good prize.

Prize or price?



>hundreds of hours to put together a figure

gks must be terrifying for you

What in the absolute fuck is MegaHouse doing these days
Have they lost their goddamn minds?

Attached: FIGURE-049258_08.jpg (800x800, 60K)

Wait, as far as I know, pre-order aren't even up right?

it's exclusive & limited so no discount (with discount it would cost 15k)

If mediocre manufacturers like Phat and Bellfine can get 14-16k for garbage then the people at MH figure they can as well.

What emotion is that expression trying to convey?

eating is hard without teeth so he is kinda angry

>that mouth

I want to stick a penny in it.

I remember the last time I didn't pay attention to my pre-orders, got a $900 month. To make it worse I bought like 3 figures beforehand since I noticed I hadn't gotten a figure in a while.

a grand is hardly a large sum anymore, a single good quality figure costs ~200us$ for me including shipping

You make me realise that with Jeannu Alter delay, I'm gonna spend something like 500€ in July, fuck.

>Implying Jeannu Alter will be released in July
You're a fucking retard.

someone took a shit in your cereal ?

Well, gathering from context, it looks like his monthly order will only have one nendoroid and he feels like international shipping would be a waste for a single figure.
What he probably doesn't realize is that Amico now has shipping boxes for singular nendoroids.

Doesn't look mad to me.
Did you hear that insult somewhere and thought this might be the right time to use it?
Because it isn't.

Why is this shitty figma so expensive?
(I know it's made by native but you get my point: same size and with joints )

Attached: ddd.jpg (650x534, 110K)

btw it's 20k.

forgot to add
>opened, cigarette smell

Azuki looks cutter.

anyone ordering that figure? for some reason NY is asking immediate payment, strange maybe too many people cancelled their previous nekopara binding scales.

Balljointed tits.

I love asking this.
Why not order from Native directly?

not that user but Native doesn't ship to certain countries

Finally out

Attached: 5ED049E9-CAA4-4755-8D75-CE90E7005C65.jpg (575x559, 271K)

Probably because Native figures are limited only to the Native store and NY is pretty much acting as a proxy which explains why they need payment up front.

Which figma?

The one in the picture?
He's just being obtuse with language.

That's not a figma, just an articulated figure.

Congratulations on figuring at least that much out.

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WHOA what the fuck, no one said this jew is actually cast-off!

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Hestia was cast-off. It was expected.

It's was obvious from the promo pics.

That's true, but she wasn't a bunny.

But figma is the japasese word for figure

>t. Self proclaimed weeb

What do you think, about it?

Attached: jj.jpg (1080x1586, 262K)

Will get a re release most likely

That fucking face lmao

Epic dude.

Anyone else miffed with Vertex for making the signature elf of elf village into a cast-off? I don't normally cast-off my figures but to know that I have a version that's missing features makes me miffed.


Wait for season 2.

If she gets re-released I'm instantly preordering

What the matter, user? You poor or something?

>figuring out
I see what you did there.

this is worth buying only for ass

Attached: c41837c2.jpg (598x800, 110K)

Meh the Amakuni was better

those legs are 2km long

Nah, its hardly visibe. You can't do much with it. Avoid buying figures for features you can't regularly enjoy

No such thing as too long legs
T. Leg fag

>Leg fag
Strange fetish you got there, I'll give you that.
t. thighsman

Thighs are a critical part of great legs
You'll join me soon enough

F for my delayed Schwi

Attached: May Collage.png (960x960, 1010K)

through dick, unity.

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oh man, you are so fucked up now.

Like detolf is just a swedish word for glass case?

Very soon

Attached: FIGURE-046469.jpg (600x600, 77K)

>12 grand 3D printer for a chinese doll that would cost $100

Attached: 1535717196584.png (210x436, 21K)

how much cost the furnace that allow baker to make 50cent bread ?

The dream is to make any figure you want, even ones that aren't for sale. Besides, I could see somebody making more than 200 figures with this.

You would still have to somehow get a hold of a 3d model and if it's fanmade, its probably gonna be shitty or locked behind a paywall.

You'd still have to pay up for the filament somewhat frequently, and that can be expensive depending on the colour.

There are already at least decent ones available (can't determine the quality on the file alone), and piracy is still a thing.
Which is why I said 200 instead of 120, buffer of 8000$ for filament and whatnot.

The furnace is an investment for the baker, he bakes thousand breads daily, he can easily turn all that into profit.


Attached: Screenshot_20190530-125059_Chrome.jpg (543x734, 171K)

I wonder what the rarest figures owned in these threads is.

I have this. Pretty sure she's rare considering her price.

Attached: 823648729342.jpg (1860x1860, 1.76M)


Attached: 10598663.jpg (300x300, 22K)

that's going to be a no

>tfw seen her like a year ago for 22k A/B
>didn't buy it
It's fine ;_;

I wish I bought a KnJ daki when they were selling them on kickstarter

Nippon Yassan and their Parcel-tier price for a Small-Packet with shitty padding. I'm surprised they still bothered to stuff some old newspapers in.

Attached: DSC_0272-2.jpg (1000x821, 764K)

Does hot gluing feel better the more the figure is worth?

Box ended up a bit crushed to the side but otherwise the figure was fine.

Attached: DSC_0279.jpg (676x1000, 637K)


Silly question.

That 1/6 protection(assuming nothing is on the bottom) looks pretty lazy.


Attached: DSC_0281.jpg (1000x844, 514K)

Probably, but I wouldn't risk it.

Oh, it's another Percivalfag. She goes for around, what, 30K nowadays? I don't think she's my rarest figure though.

Attached: 1537471566008.jpg (1632x2449, 210K)

Have you ever considered hotgluing that ass? serious

I hate packing like this, basically any pressure on the sides will be transferred directly onto the box. I hate receiving new figures pre-squished.

Attached: 1456357939732.gif (640x360, 2.72M)

No, I'm not degenerate enough to do that. And even if I did, cleaning those fishnet stockings would be a nightmare.

Attached: 1536986472992.jpg (2449x1632, 323K)

Wait, the fig came with a little card?


There's a few on mandarake, but the ones on amiami are gone.

There's nothing on the bottom. I find it amusing they stuffed some newspapers in on what little space remaining in the box. They usually just send me packages with just the bubble wrapping. Of course the figure's box ended slightly squished on the top and on the left corner.
Yes, two in fact. The other one is with the torpedo dildo shoved in. Skytube Premium always comes with a postcard although their regular releases seem to start having one too since I got a card on my Saitom bunny.

Nothing, I'm leaving Gold in my private warehouse until May releases so I can mail them together.

does anyone know if devil Homura and ultimate Madoka can fit on the same detolf shelf? I feel like they're bigger than they look

No way.

Oh man, I just checked my box, the letter was covered by the manual perfectly, thanks for the tip. My first Skytube purchase so I didn't know.

yea but think about over time retard

over time garbage is better than single purchase garbage?

What about opportunity cost?

Holy shit.
Instant buy.
And then I will need to buy the rest.
Fuck you Japan.


Florda is safe for anything, I once chugged a bottle of vodka while driving from the liquor store to my house and waved at the cop next door as I stumbled out of the car.
No one cares

I got one off of amiami. Damaged box, but still A rating for the product itself.

"damaged box" someone gave it a mean look once.

>mean look once
Have you seen the weaponized glaring nips are capable of?

Attached: That Girl is Just Not Cute.png (1405x1309, 1.53M)

Is SolarisJapan legit? There’s some Kyoukai Senjou No Horizon figures that I want and they’re the only place that has them.

Seems kinda shady that they’ve still got these figures years after production.

read the guide

The guide doesn’t give a very good answer. It just says your shit might be fucked or not.

Is it a site worth buying from if it’s the only place I can find the figures?

I hope she comes with an illustration card

Attached: 006wqSGZgy1fjj73uu4e5j30g00sgx5b2.jpg (562x1000, 189K)

>It just says your shit might be fucked or not.
That's all the information anyone can give you. Of you order from them, you may or may not get what you paid for. Only you can decide if the risk is worth it to you.

meant for

I've ordered 3 preowned figures from them, and they were all fine. That's as much experience as I have.

I fucking love how fast DHL is.

Attached: IMG_20190530_145842.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

I continue to love plamo too fast.

Attached: IMG_20190530_150038.jpg (1280x720, 292K)

Box damaged, oh the humanity!

Attached: IMG_20190530_150452.jpg (720x1280, 196K)

>that guy who's crushing his figures by stepping on them on xhamster
lmao, that's some new kind of retardation.

Attached: 28736472389.jpg (600x584, 269K)

>he didn't wait for the Unlimited Edge Works combo pack

Attached: frame-arms-girl-weapon-set-jinrai-ver-583843.24[1].jpg (1500x1500, 219K)


>He doesn't know that I'm getting that AND the pale blue SE as well as the edge MSE and lance
Magic is everything.

It worth keeping all the boxes of my figures? Have a decent sized collection now and they are starting to take up a lot of room. Dont really have any intent of reselling anything.

Do you plan to live here forever too ?

I throw out the interior plastic and unfold the boxes flat.

Please take p[cs of your Desktop Gourai, just ordered one and I'm excited to see it!

>when user's dad responds to him on 4channel

Attached: 1512858979062.jpg (720x720, 44K)

is it actually likely this'll be delayed or it just doesn't have a date yet?
I've been waiting for so long

Why bother keeping the boxes then?
The plastic shells are the important part of the packaging.

Too many variables to properly respond to you, best answer I can give is:
If you never plan on moving/reselling and lack space throw them out. But I don't think you can as there's no guarantee that you'll love the same thing forever.
Otherwise keep them, I live in a two bedroom apartment and only hang up pants and dress shirts so my closet space is huge for boxes.

Some of the gates are in weird positions, and you'll likely need to sand the feet pieces where they attach to the treads, but cute cute cute!

Attached: IMG_20190530_155552.jpg (720x1280, 250K)

I got a big box
I got a big box
yes I do!

Attached: 1545254209475.png (611x938, 1.13M)

I got a big box
I got a big box
how about you?

Attached: 1551486789526.png (1724x932, 3.83M)

I can't believe they made a keychain of me

May was the first amico card I've gotten without a crease in it for months

Attached: 1545996854159.png (677x783, 902K)

what 3d printer is this
i want it

where do you guys order from?


I usually order from the guide


Attached: 1557972128821.png (800x1000, 186K)

cute lilith

Attached: fe803399adda498891c5381efa2135f1.jpg (1200x1600, 204K)

Most likely will get a figure

Most likely won't have a big fat dick

Attached: IMG_20190530_081627.jpg (500x707, 77K)

>ops guide: Bunny with a gun

eat shit niggers

they will fuck up the hair

at least give it a strap-on

user please don't be retarded

bros i bought many figures (about 10) nendroid, figmas and smal shit in 2013
after that i keep looking at new products but never found something i really wanted to buy or pay much for it plus tax plus shipping

figmas costed around 3000 yen back then
now the most boring starts at 6000 yen
fuck this shit

i am not
Yea Forums is

What is this, baby's first troll?

Attached: 1553009903335.png (340x301, 58K)

>not rakuten
>paying fullprice for used shit

eat shit Yea Forumscancer

>i bought many figures (about 10)

Full retard

Is this ban and with actual realistic proportions? I might actually get it then.

That ass looks delicious.

Best girl.


Attached: 1558527290.jpg (2048x819, 372K)

fuck off brainlet

>didn't think I'd move
>tossed boxes
>missed boxes
Most figures can be taken apart and survive in bubble wrap.
Rory cannot.
Stocking is also a small trouble.

Attached: small rories.jpg (1000x750, 240K)

Who is that on the far right?

I'm the only one on MFC with this and it's part of a numbered batch, but there's probably still someone with something rarer.

Attached: 2.jpg (1167x778, 276K)

Says the retard who can't capitalize, doesn't use proper punctuation, can't spell Nendoroid and thinks 10 figures are "many".

turns out Akari's skirt doesn't need to be cut off thats why they did her purple pantsu

Lilith will get her own shelf after I go to ikea next weekend

Attached: 1551665632270.png (760x965, 1.73M)


send nudes



Let me guess, you're retarded?

Donate to my patreon

>proper punctuation
>proper spelling
this is the most redit post i have ever read
when did Yea Forums fall this low?

Attached: 9ad.jpg (579x324, 27K)

Says the faggot posting knowyourmeme images.

your mom is faggot


Just how new are you? Decent English has been enforced in Yea Forums since the days of meximoot.

When you started posting, that's the lowest we go.

nah Yea Forums is the worst cancer board of Yea Forums since even because of subhumans like this

>Expecting people to not type like retards

Oh wow.

>Proper English is "subhuman"

Please go back to whatever shithole you crawled from.

>Yea Forums is the worst cancer board
You can fix that quick by leaving and never coming back.

i came from Yea Forums which is a shithole

Yeah no, you didn't. At least not from these threads, maybe from a neo-Yea Forums thread where you retards hang around.

Fuck I think they finally removed the ''currency exchange calculator'' page I was using with paypal. Is there another way to calculate the rates or am I fucked now and do I have to upload a random amount and hope it it will be enough?

Attached: 1504672056436.png (522x518, 327K)

why the fuck are you guys replying to that guy?

also why doesn't ryouko fit on her base?

Attached: 1548085527825.png (803x898, 1.38M)

Just link your card to PayPal and use your card's exchange rates.

Sorry you didnt capitalize and you didnt use proper punctuation, your post has been discarded.

you are not worth proper writing

I wouldn't be using paypal if I had a card to begin with. I only used it because that was one of the only ways I as a poor eurofag would be able to buy shit on AmiAmi.

>I as a poor eurofag would be able to buy shit on AmiAmi.

I don't think this hobby is for you if you can't afford to put a few extra dollars in advance to account for a minor exchange rate difference.

Link Paypal to your bank account, so it withdraws the exact amount you need. That's what I did as a fellow eurofag.

I used to do that back in 2012. You can just select "Pay using vendor currency (JPY)" and make sure you have selected "Use my card's exchange rate".

I can't fathom why anyone would want to use PayPal's exchange rate, It is abysmally bad.

Unless you NEED to know exactly how much you're spending, PayPay always shows first how much I'm going to spend if I use THEIR currency, I'm not stupid so I always select the option "Use my card's exchange rate", after that it stops saying how much you'll spend in your currency and will just display how much you'll pay in JPY and I use that as basis to approximately calculate how much I'm spending because obviously my card's exchange rate will be lower than PayPal's.

It's foot fetish, don't question it.

I was forced to use Paypal recently. The difference between their rate and my bank's was about 6 leaf dollars.

I don't even know who is this or from what show but I want it

Attached: FIGURE-049339_01.jpg (598x800, 78K)

I like that smug looking cat.

and what I did as a burger, its been great

Just get a god damn debit card. I use my debit card to buy directly from any Japanese store and it has never been rejected, just make sure to look for a bank with good rates.

Guess I'll do this then. and hope it makes it on time before the deadline on 6/6.

Paypal's fee or the forex rate they use (most likely both) is worse than visa's spot rate +3.5% from my bank. Yea most non travel cards are 2.5 or less but my bank went full jewish sometime last year and paypal still has them beat.

She's from some chink mecha game

Attached: 3659.jpg (1000x1661, 1.43M)

Is Buyee the best option when buying from Yahoo Auctions?


>from a chink game
like that momohime copypasta'd figure? I bought that one and goddamn was I surprised by how good it actually is

Is that a fucking shot glass?

Yes, your Sakura Yae is from a chink game

Attached: 66878720072923.jpg (2480x3507, 1.77M)

You seem easily baited.

Those are some nice looking heels.
Nice eyes too.

the face is what made me like it

Attached: FIGURE-049339_06.jpg (598x800, 86K)

So I just did this as well but does amiami consider it payed or something? My bank hasn't been charged yet but the status already shows its been paid so everything should be all right now right?

Attached: 1553692357929.png (200x204, 57K)

>i just want to discus animes
You wouldn't still be metaposting if that were true.

Is the cat removable?

Yeah, it should withdraw from your account in a couple of days, maximum.

>castoff cat

>not liking the cat
you fucking monster!

why would you remove pussy

Is myethos good? I liked this figure.

I don't have anything by them, but people seem to like what they've put out. They're the only Chinese company I'm even mildly familiar with.
They're making a Senko figure, and if it looks great, I might get it as my first one from them.

Attached: 3in1_fyjb.jpg (600x600, 251K)

I know >conventions but I got a bunch of signatures from VAs/animators/anisong singers. Asaka the singer of the Yuru Camp OP speaks fluent english. Was pretty cool to actually have a conversation with her since I was the last one through the line.

Attached: Signatures.jpg (1485x1107, 660K)

>notice that there actually is a Kimura art book for Steam Boy
>hard cover background art book with like 300 pages
>never got a reprint, so sales start at $250 for a used copy

>I just did this
Don't tell me you've been charging your paypal manually every single time user

I fucking want it. How do I avoid feeling bad because I don't know shit about her?

Fuck NipponYassan. Sent them an email a month ago and they still haven't replied. Sent a few followup emails and they just keep dogging me.


I just unboxed mine. How the fuck did you get the one under her hand off? Also, why is there no stand?

>feeling bad for buying something without knowing its origin
I bought that Sakura Yae figure and I still don't know shit about the chink game she is supposed to come from

Attached: 1490118026459.jpg (310x314, 26K)

Nice door

Attached: D88E9CD6-83F4-4058-96CB-6D4A889EE9B5.jpg (1485x3922, 1.07M)

Never mind, I finally got it. My fingers are fucking numb though, and Jesus Christ that snap sound. I didn't realize the hand was attached to it.


this looks like on of those images made by ai

>close door
>tapestry swings and starts knocking against it
This shit drives me nuts after a while.

God I love ASK's designs. Hoping his Azur Lane designs get figures in the future.

Attached: b06.png (1602x1405, 1.54M)

You can't contain her.

The actual character is bland as fuck

>caring about the personality
Yea I'm just here for her designs

Attached: 8a.jpg (800x1088, 847K)

>buying just for looks
You're one of those retards who have ruined figure collecting for everyone else, for instance the huge and increasing number of lewd figs about made up characters who nobody knows or gaves a shit about.

>made up characters who nobody knows or gaves a shit about
Are you referring to artist originals like Ban?


Attached: ko.jpg (987x567, 173K)

blah blah I don't care.

comfy VN to play in December

And this is how the full poster looks

Attached: 837689.jpg (600x521, 107K)

You think the casual collector is the one rushing out to buy figures costing upwards of 20k yen? I really don't think so.

I just got my lilith from them today, I'm very pleased with her.
they cheaped out on the base under the skeleton but you can only tell when you feel it

Would be good for it to be a fluff blanket also

Should I feel ashamed to spend over $1000 on trash figures just because they're a limited set and are the only existing collectibles of my favourite series?

Ask yourself

Me too.
It costs so much money but the guarantee is her, you get it the day after aall safe and with no hassle from customs.

pics or gtfo

I need a pass to post pics and this retarded board keeps telling me that its in use by another ip.

these two know how to keep cool in the summer

Attached: 1553016741567.png (1317x907, 2.58M)

why none of you have rooms only intended to put your anime merch? every room I have seem is a bedroom filled with anime figures

Attached: Tiamat261559265766.jpg (2048x1536, 788K)

how do you expect to live with your wife and kids in this, later on?

Everything I own fits inside my bedroom including my vehicle.

I like being around my figures to begin with, I have figures on both my bedroom and studio.

I throw away my boxes because I know storage is needed and boxes are not gonna last a decade.
As much as I like collecting I don't plan on having so much stuff and ruin myself over anime figures, and I keep selling figures that I had for some time in order to get a new one.

What con? Also yeah Asaka grew up in America. Really wanna see her perform.

You could probably sell figure boxes.

Those are some nice tanlines, I also like the color of the nipples.

Kinda want a Jannu(w/ flag). Which one should I get?

Attached: 6e6d47c20d44455481c3483f83ff0ce8.jpg (350x336, 34K)

>Lotte no Omocha
I have them. My friend in Japan tried sending it to me all volumes signed by Haga Yui but they were lost on the sea.

Attached: 20181229_125934.jpg (1024x810, 436K)

I don't see any reason not to go for the one you posted.

Quit with that BS, I have 34 and never had a gf and probably never will, same as many people here.

At my house, will most likely post all the things I got when I get back.

aye ik that lewd figures are unexcusable but I'ma have to litsen to my dick for once in my life

>aye ik that lewd figures are unexcusable
Says who?

Excuse this
*whips out dick*

My bedroom is very bland. Basically dresser, bed, tv, and consoles.
Same with the rest of the house really.
You'd think I was normal until you see the office.

Don't use Trude to shitpost

Attached: Just end it already.jpg (604x470, 133K)

A surprising amount of people on here have SOs- was that on the survey? Would be interesting to know.

this is the figure.

Attached: binding-mahou-shoujo-erika-kuramoto-bunny-ver.jpg (800x800, 305K)

I don't see anything inexcusable about this

what if I hotglue it

it's because it shows nipples by default plus her pose.

stfu, you aren't me.

Dickbuying is completely fine. If you're unsure, just make sure to jerk off before making a purchase.

Moments ago I came across this auction that ended earlier this month.

The historical data shows me he's sold a lot of anime statues over the year, all at a tremendous loss since he never kept the boxes. None of them are obvious bootlegs, and in fact look legitimate. I feel sad thinking about this person.

His username is from Gundam Wing and his account was established in 2000. I have no doubt he's 30 years old or so. Maybe he passed away and someone else is selling them on his behalf? I hope I never have to sell any of mine.

Please where do you buy them from? I can't find them anywhere, I grew up with the cat's eye girls I can't miss them.

Attached: img_catseye.jpg (1020x574, 161K)


Xinhao bootlegs do exist, many times you can't tell if they aren't legit or not with those shitty photos.

I've always wondered if people kept the tiny bits of plastic wrap that come with figures, which help prevent paint transfer during shipping. Do you guys normally throw them away or do you autistically keep them like me?

then put up mfc links

Those specifically I don't keep. Everything else though

Any advice for keeping an oppai mousepad nice and clean other than keeping my hands/wrist clean as well? I don't intend on putting it on display, but I'd like for it to last as long as possible nonetheless.

those are so uncomfortable user, how do you use those without destroying your wrist

they're needed to prevent plastic transfer as you said plus to avoid scratches, I try to keep them but end up losing quite a few.

This is actually my first one, so I'll let ya know how I fare. I know some people find them really fucking comfortable, while other people can't stand 'em though.


Attached: 806316.jpg (600x839, 118K)

I love YD so yes

Not the thread for it but since you're open about it I don't know who else to ask.
How did you finally end up coping with this truth?
No matter how I try I can't become a socially fit individual and I never had a girlfriend at 29yo now.
I lost my virginity to a hooker and I live in shame every day of my life.
I think of commiting suicide all the time, already tried twice before ending up in the hospital, I just don't see the point of living if its just working and anime 24/7 with out ever growing up socially, marrying or having a kid.

So how do you get at 34 with this?

If youre using it just occasionally to shitpost and browse its fine
if you actually play games or do anything productive it starts to hurt

>they were lost on the sea

I would be so fucking pissed.

Attached: 1347708508552.png (1280x720, 1015K)

There's a set of 5 senran kagura oppai mousepads for sale. I've narrowed it down to these two characters which I love. Which one is best?

Attached: asDSzsdv.png (1001x668, 899K)

Right one

She's cute. Buying will depend on the sculpt and paint, of course. I want to see her butt.

I love Ryona, but half the time the dumb face she makes is a little too silly. That aside, I still think she's the better choice.

Also, what size are those fuckin' tits? They look way bigger than normal.

I don't know what I expected but Haibara's pretty disappointing. None of the faces capture her all that well.

Attached: Ai.jpg (600x800, 54K)

There's 5 in the set, and they're all equally stacked except Murasaki who has slightly larger cans and since she uses more material is slightly more expensive.

Attached: NIJ276-4_2.jpg (1092x800, 59K)

I try and keep the major ones. There have been times I've put a figure back in a box after keeping all of the plastic, and I forgot what the smaller pieces were supposed to cover.

I like how the glare falls square on the nips

Honestly I used to feel pretty bad about it but never to the point of seriously thinking to commit suicide, I try to keep myself occupied as much as possible with pseudo friends(from college where I teach some classes/work) hobbies and family, 4/5 years ago I came to accept that I'll probably never marry or have a gf ever but that doesn't mean I'm living a worthless life, since I accepted that fact a big big burden left my chest, now I don't even care much about women I even try not to look at them when possible, I'm not salty or gay just have not much interest on them for the last two/three years, neither long for romance much not even in 2D form.

Some Xinhao bootlegs

Attached: XIANHAO1.jpg (800x800, 83K)

Attached: 02.jpg (800x533, 83K)

Theres no point on comparing them, bootleg manufacturers pick the best copies they can produce, final product is not what they show. Also, pics are usually tiny like those, so you cant actually see the details.

Attached: 03.jpg (800x533, 93K)

Attached: 1559187026669.jpg (938x1280, 1.02M)

How about photos of the actual finished product that are not that tiny?

bootlegs from others manufacturers don't even look close to most Xianhao bootlegs, ofc there will be usually some small QA isssues(or not if you're lucky) but usually they're minor, also you're paying a fraction of the original price.

No bootleg manufacturer does that, probably just to cover their asses, still Xinhao is probably the closest to WYSIWYG, you can check reviews in chinese bootlegs forums, they're far from perfect but many times they do a pretty decent job.

Attached: 05.jpg (800x533, 121K)

All those claims but I have yet to see a good picture of the actual product and not the stock ones they use.

Made for hotglue

You can also find good reviews of horrible bootlegs on ebay, reviews on random chinese sites are no better than those, and again, no one posts actual good pictures that are not made for ants.

>small QA isssues(or not if you're lucky)
I seriously doubt that.

I keep them, and I would recommend that you do too, just because there's no real reason not to. Just toss them all into the box, either at the bottom or in the cavity where the figure was. Pretty convenient for them to be right there when you want to box it up again.

Attached: 04.jpg (800x1200, 202K)

>mobage games
>character depth


I should have said in comparison with other bootlegs to be more precise but notice that I also said > they're far from perfect but many times they do a pretty decent job

What are the prices on something like this?

Kancolle girls have some depth unlike your chink fapbait bootlegs.

Pretty sad that chinkshitters have to make posts like this to make KC fans look bad

I haven't checked but probably 40-45us$, I think it's only an option if the item's price skyrocketed too much or you just could never afford to buy the real thing because you live in a terrible 3rd world country.

not him aren't even most japanese salty about the failure of their franchise?

For those that missed this little homo on his first run, he's back.

Attached: d314aa949fb640e795eacfc2f6b3beb5.jpg (350x526, 44K)

You could get it opened like new for as low as 18k sometimes, why didn't you get him before?

I don't play mobage games, at all...

Oh I already have him. Just thought some others would want a shot at him.

ACen? A great concert. A shame that Hinata didn't do an autograph session.

Yeah ACEN, I got a great set at the concert like 4th row in middle right. You can blame bushiroad for that, they don't like giving out free signatures. I wasn't gonna spend $30 just to get a signed post card at their booth. Pretty sure they pulled the same crap at CharaExpo last year.

Does he have a bulge? I was interested in the casual wear figure but I was unsure if I wanted a bulge under the skirt or not. May as well ask for this one too

there's a bulge, yes