He would have made a perfect teammate for Kizame
So why didn’t Akatsuki recruited him?
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Because he died.
Try reading the manga.
Kishi didn't have the Akatsuki planned yet.
Also they probably would have, given that they literally recruited bootleg Zabuza.
Because he's weak as shit. Literally base jonin level. His sword's only power is regrowing with iron from blood which is useless. Only in some filler did his predecessor get in. Peak grown up Haku would have a chance.
So who would have won a Zabuza vs Hidan?
Hidan, what question even is that?
Hidan pales in comparison when it comes to sword skills, but Zabuza wouldn't have the smarts to figure out how Hidan's jutsu works. Neither how to defend his attacks.
He is as strong as Hidan
Probably smartest as well
Hidan hard-counters almost anyone who doesn’t know his gimmick beforehand. As dumb as he is, all he needs to do is land one hit and get some blood and it’s gg. Zabuza’s specialty was silent killing though, so if he went for a decapitation before Hidan was aware of his presence then he’d win in the sense that Hidan would be disabled.
Ultimately, the Akatsuki members are supposed to capture the 9 tailed beasts.
Haku and Zabuza couldn't even take on regular 0 tails kyuubi-chakra Naruto lmfao