You are now on a date with Rikka.
You are now on a date with Rikka
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uhh..yea you look nice but can we skip to the sex part?
cringe incel
I want to lick that foot.
*Rikka farts*
i'm so lucky
Where’s my Yakisoba?! The waiter was supposed to be here with it 30 minutes ago!
Yr 3 mins is overed already, look again the color timer.
P-please let me drink your pee
Time to wake up
I don't like the way she's staring at me
Why is she willing to date me
Because you're yourself.
I'd be extremely nervous being on a date with such a pretty girl. Also I'm not Japanese nor do I speak it so we'd have limited communication.
youre the heir to a bank
Lmao haha
Thanks user
Last time I checked I'm poor
Pretty sure I'm actually in my room eating instant ramen
You cannot order it at 茶屋, impossible.
Eat this.
How did I become Akane?
Am I Yuta?
No worry.
now its time to eat her ass
Let's go swimming
fuck you yuta
Akane is the best, for the night.
I already paid might as well fuck now
You are now a little baby to Rikka.
My shota self would be so clingy with her.
So when is he going to show up?
What's the source of these images? I've seen them around lately.
>Dating a 30 year old man
What a slut, I like that.
They're from a phone alarm clock app where Akane and Rikka have a sleep over.
There's events and voice acting to the app as well.
The sleep over scenes have been subbed.
Rilla loves Yuta so that not possible.
I'll have to decline. I wouldn't want to disturb Yuta and Rikka date.
It would be great to be Yuta child!
I want a date with crab!
Thanks user.
That would be cool.
I tell her I'm going to get drinks and then never return
user, I am neither Akane nor a girl. Dating her *would* be nice, but please... Don't get my hopes up for nothing. Give me one good reason why she'd date me without breaking character?