Post your tier list of this because fuck it I can't find anything else better to do:
Post your tier list of this because fuck it I can't find anything else better to do:
Actually kill yourself
Also, OP, your selection is pretty shit
I'm only just fucking with Pingu. But S-B are set in stone.
Get better fucking taste
>hunterfag is a redditor
Imagine my shock
But Evangelion's in A.
hating popular things doesnt make you an interesting person
But good shit is in low tiers and bad shit is in high tiers
liking popular things doesnt make you an interesting person
Back to twitter retard
I disagree with most everything on this list but the fact that Hxh is A and BnHA is in Trash makes me forgive you
What was even the point of filling a section with the anime you didn't watch
Why does reddit assume people dislike things on purpose
this is an odd list
i actually like anime
>Yawn Yawn Hakusho
You're a huge fucking faggot
Atrocious taste. kys
I can't even tell what some of these are the images are too small
Where the fuck is Fate/Zero OP?
>tier list threads
Is this not essentially the same as MAL list threads, which aren't allowed. Somebody explain to me how this is any different.
ERASED is right where it fucking belongs, the rest is retarded
Im something of an intellectual also OP is yikes tier
Oh and evangelion would probably be like B
You don't belong here
>shonenshit anywhere near the top
Miss me with that gay shit.
Disliking shonen doesn't make you mature user.
What's the point of this? I arbitrarily pick a small sample of the anime I've watched and put them into a tier list? This is basically a glorified 3x3 circlejerk.
>monster C
>planetes D
>spirited away D
>totoro D
>countless other flaws Im not even gonna bother pointing out because of how many there are
Anything you will ever say about anime/manga is now completely invalidated you disgusting philistine.
>S-B are set in stone
So you are just baiting with the rest and Saiki isn't trash, right? RIGHT?
>Somebody explain to me how this is any different.
It isn't. But mods are fags and keep the threads up, because most of these are for baiting, and they work pretty well. More replies, more traffic, more money.
This takes more time and has no social aspect
>disgusting philistine
psycho-pass should probably be lower, but I can't be arsed to extend this
>Code Geass and FMAB in B
Both are trash tier.
What the fuck why is this unanimously low tier? Either everyone is going for le ebin bait images or these rank threads just attract the cream crop of retards begging for justification
post your then
>Posting tier lists at all
No, I'm not begging for affirmation, I'm wondering why the consensus here is it's a bad movie since he only related threads I see are usually postive
Couldn't be bothered making a haven't seen section so I left them outside
No you don't
It's kind of pointless and boring
Gay taste.
Deep in your heart you know that this is correct.
Keep in mind that this rates the entire series if it has multiple seasons, not just the one being pictured
Name one good thing about Tatami Galaxy
Because while it‘s fun it‘s not really that good. I like it, but compared to stuff like Eva of Myazaki movies it is unquestionably low tier.
Inventive use of animation to underline the point that a scene is trying to make
It's not inventive, it's Yuasa's whole shtick and it loses most of its effectiveness when the designs are abstracted in the way they are here
>Director directs in a similar style in all of his works
>this means it doesn‘t count
If he'd already been doing it for a decade, and based it on the styles of others, it isn't inventive, so yes
>it‘s not entirely unique
>this means it‘s bad
I‘m not here to argue that Yuasa is some godly director, I think Miyasaki and Kon are far better than him, but you can‘t tell me his directing isn‘t far superior than that of 99% of anime.
Then again the animation direction is just one of the reasons why I fucking love Tatami Galaxy
noice bate.
but check deez dubs
>>it‘s not entirely unique
>>this means it‘s bad
You were the one who said it was good because it was inventive and underlined the point of each scene, to which I replied that it wasn't and it's ineffective respectively
>I‘m not here to argue that Yuasa is some godly director, I think Miyasaki and Kon are far better than him, but you can‘t tell me his directing isn‘t far superior than that of 99% of anime.
It isn't. Everything (the designs, animation, compostion) consistently has a wonkiness to it, which is obviously intentional but it's not good. It's more immediately aesthetically pleasing than Ping Pong or Crybaby (mostly because of its colors) but that's not saying much.
>Then again the animation direction is just one of the reasons why I fucking love Tatami Galaxy
Name another.
>Psycho Pass, including that botched abortion second season, in A-tier
>Nichijou below far inferior nu-Kyoani shit like Koi no Katachi and Violet Evergarden
What is this, a list of every anime you've ever seen?
I don't recognise about half the images in the tierlist. Like, I'll know what a show is or if I've dropped it, but if you show me a tiny image of one waifu from episode 46 then I don't know what show you're referencing. Or having the japanese cinematic poster version, I can't read moonrunes, so I don't know what movies they are referencing.
I bet a lot of them I will know and have seen and really enjoyed, like Howl's Moving Castle, Kiki's Deliveroo, Garden of Words, Evangelion, but I don't know which image is meant to represent each of them because the image list decides "EVA? Let's not have a picture of the MCs, or the giant robots, or even Nerv, let's use a fucking cicada instead." "Haruhi? Let's not have a picture actually of Haruhi, let's use a video camera to represent that one episode." The spice and wolf image does this, I had to zoom way in to the square to realise that that's fucking Holo in the image.
It took me a good couple minutes to find GitS:SAC2ndG, couldn't find GitS:SAC or GitS 1997 or Eva or EoE or Akira
Yeah, I just kinda forgot Psycho Pass Season 2 existed. I don‘t consider it canon anyway, the rating was only for S1 and the movie.
Nichijou is just not funny for me and I dropped it after 2 episodes, then again so are most anime comedies, I don‘t like Konosuba, Nichibros or Fast Food Maou either.
watch more anime
You must be incredibly retarded because most of them are fairly easy to recognise.
>all these people that rank rainbow lower than A tier
loving that soý?
>implying Rainbow isn't soi
>I can't find anything else better to do
rainbow is for high test people, something that the average Yea Forumsnon is lacking
I've seen just over 400 at this point and I have almost 700 downloaded in my backlog. The order I watch stuff just isn't dictated by popularity lists. Last year I watched a lot of 70s and 80s stuff. This year I've just been watching whatever. Monster took me a while to finish.
the only truly high test anime is School Days
there is not even close to enough animu on your list op to rank mine. get 700 or 800 more and I will rank them.
>all adults are evil rapists, we teenagers need to band together and beat them with our friendship.
>Your Name and AOT above Made in Abyss and Haruhi
You deserve a rope around your neck
>code geass in b tier
>higher than mononoke
Explain yourself
This thread certainly won't become a landfill fire, nosiree.
Not him but at the very least they're more exciting.
Where did Totoro touch you, user?
Koe no katachi that low
No, apparently you don't.
I don‘t get people who love Ping Pong, but not Yuasa‘s other works. They are all fairly similar in style, direction and quality
Give one good reason why one piece isn't the best show ever. Be sides its to long . I me theres literally a video of some guy that's saying one piece sucks like when is luffy going to take a L and then he uploads a video like 3 months later and he says the show is ok but not as good as Dragon ball and then he uploads one more video 6 months later and he says.....
OP Manga is good. The anime has tons of filler, episodes that are 2/3 flashbacks of previous episodes, extended OP and ED so you have to animate less per episode, tons of reused footage, extremely shit animation and art quality all the time, basically no animation outside of fights etc.
The anime production beyond maybe episode 100 is a shitstorm. The last 300 or so are pure garbage production wise.
i got this far before i decided to go do something more productive
Your Name was excellent in its presentation, and while the plot is nothing new, its characters and artwork were brilliant, and the music top notch.
AoT is pure hype, although its production schedule has meant that the pacing is a little uneven and the work incomplete, so it isn't quite S tier for me (yet), but it very well could be given an ending as strong as the rest of the series.
MiA I really liked, but while its atmosphere (oh god the OST) was superb, I didn't enjoy the rewatch as much as my first watch, so I'm a bit concerned about how it will hold up. The Bonedaddy plot should be good come S2 (when?), but like most mystery work, MiA's plot is heavily reliant on novelty.
Haruhi movie was again excellent production (as expected for a movie), but the plot felt more like a two/three-episode arc than a full movie. Also, the departure from the established Yuki into the movie Yuki was a bit jarring given the previous 24 episodes. It might just be me though, I'm not a fan of 'alternate dimension/timeline/reality' media (with the exception of Steins;Gate, which turned the concept into a thriller)
hope this satisfies your nooselust lul
Give me one good reason why one piece isn't the best show ever.( Besides that it's really long) i mean there's literally a video of some guy saying that one piece is not that good like when is luffy going to take a L and then he uploads one more video like 6 months later and says........
Bonedaddy plot is a movie. Coming Winter 2020.
>characters were brilliant
What the fuck, they were cardboards, none of them had more than maybe 2 personality traits. The characters were the weakest part of the movie alongside the plot
So I don't understand why you all hating on one piece ??
Can we start permabanning tier list posting?
Good try
Have a (you)
>It isn't. Everything (the designs, animation, compostion) consistently has a wonkiness to it, which is obviously intentional but it's not good.
are you blind? most anime has shit shot composition, full of talking heads and boring "here is thing" shots
even if you hate yuasa's art and animation somehow, his visual direction is obviously way better than most of the medium
>Name another.
not that user but:
>unique and touching mix of humour and sadness
>fun, creative and surprising stories
>approaches some issues in surprisingly human and empathetic ways, like the realdoll episode
>great comedic delivery
I understand it doesn't have to click with everyone, but I will never understand the people who say it's bad
nigger spotted
here is my stat. Okay first i ranked them based of OST, the actual plotline, character design and art style. Monogatari is okay as long as you love interaction with characters. Here is my tier list. Feel free to rate my tier
The fuck is this cancer?
Wonder if pigmentation is proportional to shonenfaggotry
awful taste hxh isn't a literary masterpiece compared to aot.
Might as well
The funny thing is this op reads like its straight from twitter. These tier lists get posted constantly there.
>are you blind? most anime has shit shot composition, full of talking heads and boring "here is thing" shots
"Here is thing" shots, as you call them, are generally better than the average misaligned shot in a Yuasa show. Not that it's entirely his fault, he only storyboarded the first and last episodes (also the worst ones).
>even if you hate yuasa's art and animation somehow, his visual direction is obviously way better than most of the medium
It's not obvious to me
>unique and touching mix of humour and sadness
There's literally nothing to be sad about it in it. Even if there was, uniqueness is not presupposed and it flops all of its emotional reaches.
>fun, creative and surprising stories
I can't think of a single one I thought was fun aside from the film one.
>approaches some issues in surprisingly human and empathetic ways, like the realdoll episode
Watashi is a comical asshole, you can relate to him for sure but he just occupies the opposite side of the shit spectrum from Kirito and the like.
>I understand it doesn't have to click with everyone, but I will never understand the people who say it's bad
It presents you with everything it has to offer from the get-go, uses its repetition as a way of avoiding developing things further;
Terrible character writing;
"Haha they did the thing from the earlier episode" humor;
Half-assed poorly-orchestrated ending that survives on its 2deep4you message of "your life will be boring if you don't do anything about it" that's been recycled in half of the shit that gets pumped out of this industry;
Looks like shit outside of the avant-garde moments (drinking scene etc.);
No stand-out moments except the aforementioned ending;
Absolutely everything is mind-numbingly contrived;
Failed to recapture my interest on a basic level between cycles
This chart makes no sense, anyways I'm bored so here's mine.
There aren't many shows that I saw from this list, but here there are. Note that category D isn't exactly shit - they just weren't as fun as the above ones. And yea, i don't like shounen in general, and i still don't eat dicks.
If anyone is wonder why Monster is a 6 is cause I had read the manga first so I hated the anime's snail pacing.
You motherfuckers and your goddamn tier list!
>disgusting selection of anime
>using eoe image for eva
yeah, who made this shit is dumber than OP
is ashita no joe worth watching if you've read the manga?
Yes, S2 is a masterpiece.
Such edge
do i skip s1?
S1 is buildup to pure kino