I liked it. Did you?
>my based succubus thread gets trashed
>this shit thread gets to live
fucking hell
It kind of sucked.
I liked it
I don't think about the anime anymore but I still listen to the opening occasionally
I enjoyed it
Gender Dysphoric Lesbian Fights Female to Male Vicious Archetype using the power of panties
I liked it. Apparently the game is now out on Steam. I'm tempted to pick it up.
Apparently I don't have a punchline
i got bored of it
MC was best girl.
I watched it because I was waiting for Zero Escape 3
I don't have a punchline.
looked really nice. good charcters, really entertaining to see the insane premise come together and kinda make sense. solid 8/10
I watched it the day before yesterday and liked it a lot. I love these sorts of anime that have frenetic tones (Kekkai Sensen aired the same season and is one of my favourites), though since it was set in the one location for the entire show it also had a sort of comfy element to it. Some of the comedy in the early episodes especially was uproarious.
Yuta deserved a better end.
more Ghost Trick is always good
I love it. Probably in my top 20.
Mikatan best girl
There's only one route, which is exactly the same as the anime except the last 5 minutes.
This. Sucks that she got a body downgrade at the end though.
cute butt
>exactly the same as the anime except the last 5 minutes.
What happens in those 5 minutes?
Pine gets his body back, Guri dies
Oh. So he doesn't have to complete the time loop anymore? Does he get to live with the girls again?
pretty underrated fun show
It was really good until the ending which wasn’t bad just kinda disappointing since I doubt the video game was ever even translated.
> I doubt the video game was ever even translated.
Try actually reading the thread.
Ghost Yuuta still goes back to complete the loop. The difference is instead of Miyazawa Kenji swapping with Mikan and letting Guriko keep the Teraoka body to atone, they do a 3-way swap back to their original bodies. He stays in the dorm and everyone joins Strange Juice to fight crime.
Sounds kind of supremely happy and peaceful.
There is also this sequel manga for the anime that's still untranslated, not sure if there are even raws for it. Hopefully we can read it one day, though at this point I guess learning nip would be a safer bet.
Anyone have the webm of the seiyuu looking horrified after seeing the lewd cut-out?
I guess so, but it was pretty bad.