Does moeshit turn guys into trannies or is it just a coincidence?

Does moeshit turn guys into trannies or is it just a coincidence?

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>reddit shit
please leave

Are these people not self-aware of how ugly they are? Jesus

If you're already a hideous man why in god's name would you think you'd look any better trying to pass as a woman

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Checked and saved and based and redpilled

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Why are mods such turbo nigger faggots?

They are, but if they don't constantly reassure themselves, then they'll be hanging from a rope within hours.

Cutting off your dick does not make you a woman, you can't even give birth to a child

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It fucks with your hormonal reward cycle.

>ugly guy
>thinks he'll suddenly not be ugly as a "girl"
It's even better when they have male pattern baldness. Emphasis on male.

How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.

itrannies btfo.

No, but it's a big red flag if they consume moeshit exclusively or near exclusively. A person like that exists to escape.

Many aren't because they surround themselves with betas who compliment everything and any negativity gets deleted.

BASED nature taking its course

Because unlike the other boards this thread is going to get deleted before it hits 100 posts

Cool, why don't you back to your social media sht hole ans staying gone?

I guess at the end, it all works out.

Looks like Forneverworld got a sex change.
Also, a literal fucking goblina la creatura.

> Reddit thread
> tranny-obsessed faggots shitting on them in the comments.
Please leave. You can make the same thread on Yea Forums or on /pol/.

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Wow, that vampire ghoul almost passes as a human!

>Does moeshit turn guys into trannies
it does.

it's almost like reinforcement learning has been a well understood part of behavioural science and psychology for about a century now.

Kill yourself you closet-tranny redditors. Don't bring your garbage politics here.

mods care about the board

newfriends aren't really welcome here. it takes a couple of years for them to get conditioned to actually watch anime and by that time they've basically been force-lurked into Yea Forums culture.

Shounenbros are fit and get laid. Moeshitters are ugly gender dysmorphic losers. Who would've thought?

What about women who can't have children? Are they not women anymore?

It's not. The filthy abominations on this anime board were the first to identify themselves as trannies on the internet by calling themselves little girls.

me to the right


Those women have real vaginas not mutilated penises

They might as well not be.

they even think LGBT in anime is just cute yuri stuff so it's not real and due to their ignorance of actual anime that discusses sexuality, they think any discussion of sexuality in anime in a realistic context is political discussion

So should they take steroids and “become” “””men”””?

Makes sense why they're angry all the time telling "shounentards" to leave the board. Hormone imbalance issues.

Are you talking about cock-sleeves?

basically no, as they cannot fulfill their biological goal. same thing with men shooting blanks or can't get it up anymore, it's why its such a crisis as they aren't men anymore

erectile dysfunction is no laughing matter

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>get laid
Sh*unin is the marvel of japan

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>reddit is the most liberal part of the internet
Are they pretending to be retarded

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We had this thread yesterday.

this. Yea Forums requires that you've watched a shitload of anime or read a substantial amount of manga to blend in. This isn't the only board like this mind you, but it's quite different from say Yea Forums or /r9k/ where you can simply hop on and post.

I wonder if this is mostly /pol/, /kgbt/ or Yea Forums shitposting in here.

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since when does gender become so fucking complicated? if you are born with a penis then you are a man and if you are born with a vagina then you are a woman. why does it matter what you do with your genital?

Got an archive link or remember what the title was?

No, it does not. And if it does, it implies homosexuality, pedophilia and whatnot can be cured as well just by feeding people the right media. This has been tried and didn't work.

Why do mentally ill people cling to anime so much?

Asians pull it off better than white guys due to lower testosterone and lots of söy in their diets

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The people who pretended stopped coming long ago. That ridiculous mutt of theirs was the final nail in the coffin.

I wouldn’t be surprised if most yurifags were trannies

because it's the "in" thing right now

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Keep politics out

>typical yuckynofag

Typical Jojofag. All jojofags are trannies.

I don't care what people do to themselves long as they don't shove it in my face.

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>being mad because of the mutt meme
found one

Yeah that wasn’t me, I found this image today

>trans "woman"
well then what's the point of fucking yourself up and becoming a "woman" if you're already normal

It's true


You guys should also look into the genderbender threads that pops up occasionally here. Every single posts and "discussions" contained there makes me want to vomit. Those threads are along the veins of /lgbt/ yet nobody calls them out.

I hate trannies as much of the rest of you all but I have to confess I have alot of shemale JAV and crossdressing cosplay on my hard drive

Please don't post that again.


Fist of the North Star fans lift
Jojotards are closet fag dyels

Sounds like a pretty textbook case of cum hoc ergo propter hoc.
>doom makes you a school shooter
>people interested in shooting up a school are also interested in doom for not at all unrelated underlying reasons
Another classic example is wife beating and alcoholism where the underlying driver of both is poor impulse control.

I think that's an anime called Himouto Umare chan or something

Fuck off, not anime. Faggot.

he should fuck off back to red hot chili peppers already

Fucking disgusting. /pol/ needs to be nuked from orbit.

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>My mother called me a dissapointment
Big words coming from someone who gave a birth to this goblin face in the first place.

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Host faa hl.

When the fuck is Hiro going to make trannyposting a fucking bannable offense? People spam tranny threads on every board 24/7.

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They were already going that direction beforehand. /pol/ should have been deleted as moot's farewell gesture.

Nuke this thread already, nigger mods

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Lmfao this. Is there something lower and more pathetic than these betas?

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Please go back holy shit

>d’vorah wins

What fuck is actually going on here?

He's right though. You'll never pass as female, moenigger. Go rewatch K-On for the 40th and dilate

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Asian men aren't men in the first place, barely counts

>newfriends aren't really welcome here
They actually are and aren't at the time but you retards keep allowing Yea Forums and Tumblr shit here

They want to be in a pure yuri relationship. Too bad that shit doesn't exist in the real world, even for lesbians.

>this thread is going to get deleted before it hits 100 posts
Brave words.

Moe turns boys into manly men
Idk what you're talking about

Post body

This but unironically

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>2619 lifetime karma in drowned out stream vs
>literally cross-pollinating with reddit and board encouraging it
Are you serious or actually this retarded?

it's made even weirder by the fact that they end up dating other mtf trannies. just be feminine gay dudes, no need to fuck up your hormones mates

Moe turns boys into "bois".

Every moenigger I’ve seen is either fat skinny or skinnyfat

One of the few sensible answers here. By the way, this notion was recently kickstarted by some random scientist retweeting an opinionated article on this topic written by "SocialJusticeWizard" and the same people who claim to hate sjws keep regurgitating it over and over, because it happens to conform to their bias.


So you're telling me it counts

That's so upsetting. More than any "transphobia". What's the context?

Fuck off you disgusting mentally ill trannies. Neck yourselves.

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Fucking disgusting. Anti-/pol/ needs to be nuked from orbit.

Is he okay?


>101 and counting

You'd think he would stop shooting after the head exploded.

Get a load of this faggot.

Anime attracts losers. Trannies are one kind of loser, everybody here is a different kind.