What really killed CLAMP? Too many series on hiatus or 2deep4everybody pretentiousness?

What really killed CLAMP? Too many series on hiatus or 2deep4everybody pretentiousness?

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They went full Nagai

Asspulls meant for shock value or their artstyle got crazier?

Noodle people.

They need to do something original. Right now they're doing Clear Card, the xxxHolic sequel is on hiatus I think, plus they did another Tsubasa arc. I really liked Kobato but that was a while ago.

Not that some of their stuff doesn't have that but sometimes the anime adaptations exaggerate it. Clear Card for instance pretty much adds noodle people in the anime when it's not in the manga at all.

What about Blood-C? That show started their dark age until Clear Card

Xxxholic and Tsubasa

Too crazy and overconvoluted. Only Nagai can deal with being Nagai but when others try, shit like Tsubasa happen.

Blood-C was Clamp's cry for help. They couldn't deal anymore with writing about the same characters doing the same shit in the same situations so they put all their cutesy archetypes and brutally kill them.

Redpill me on Blood-C. Why does it suck? I never got around to watching it but the megane girl looks cute.

Blood-C can't be described, it can only be experimented by yourself

But xxxHolic was their only good manga.

They are just old and busted artistically. The structure of their manga is obsolete.

I hated Blood+ more. They set up a love interest and made him a turbocuck.

Suki. Dakara Suki
RG Veda

xxxholic banked too much on fujopandering
Then there's that weird shit at the end where the original love interest has her husband's permission to visit once a year

They were doing Gate 7, but then they went "Fuck this shit, hiatus time, we're milking our old manga again".

How can it bank on fujopandering when everyone ended up in het relationships?

Honestly, I feel like Blood-C is not only their fault, but also Mizushima(director) not understanding what the fuck he was doing either. There were some cool Truman Show-esque concepts in B-C, but they were executed so fucking bad, with so little to no foreshadowing for it.

And it was a snorefest too

Wasn't there a weird relationship with the friend? I forget, its been a long time and I totally skimmed a lot.

For me the real crime was making Saya's butler more capable than Saya herself. I guess girls prefer to be rescued than taking charge but still

Come on, Mizushima saved the show. He understand the script was fucking ridiculous and turned it into a comedy.

I wished they'd just told me to root for the butler in the beginning but he totally just appears out of nowhere like some NTRguy dracula.