How are the official translations in your country?
Virgin mexico translation vs chad argentina translation
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Why don't you go post spanish manga on the spanish chans?
The thread topic is not about spanish manga.
It's about the official translations for all countries, even countries that share the same language.
Please read the OP before replying with drivel.
No, the thread is about "virgin mexico translation vs chad argentina translation"
In fact, that's exactly what the "Subject" text box is for. The subject.
Please familiarize yourself with 4channel for 2 years before posting
I don't speak spic
What's the point of making this thread if no one can't read Spanish and spot the differences between the two?
What the fuck. That's a massive difference.
I hate Argentina,not for the people,but for it's horrible words,sure,the speed of speech is really good and the tone is great,but it's wasted on such shitty words,the opposite goes to the rest of SA and Spain,decent wording but horrible pace of speech and gay tones,if i were a translator that knew runes i would 100% take the job and do it better than these faggots
La concha de la lora.
Right is pretty natural but it just takes me out of the story, sounds like something a friend would say.
Ivrea argentina is fucking based.
Sorry my skin isn't shit so you can leave. I won't forget /spa/ which all the shitposting was from leafs and spics.
I hate most of Ivrea translations, I understand having a character that is a delinquent speaking like a delinquent, but a Japanese delinquent using terms so local that you wouldn't even hear them outside of the cities just takes you away from the reading.
>he can't read Spanish
Which Ivrea is best Ivrea?
dumb argentinian nigger. you have to go back
Post translations of your fucking picture for everyone then
t. lazy spic
Vamos los pibes
user inteligente y de buen gusto.
The left one says "As a result of her strange entrance, something tried to get out of my pants" and the right one is fucking gibberish.
>t. spanish 101 student
I'm not poor or a subhuman, so yeah pretty proud I cannot read Spanish. I at least know Russian thanks to my adopted parents.
>you will never be argentinian to get angry at your national soccer team like this
fuck of argienigger
Jesus, I thought people were joking when I was told this is a mexican basket-weaving forum.
Spain is terrible too.
Kill yourself, taco. Argentina is the whitest country in the world.
God, why are their dubs so fucking terrible?
Warcraft III was the only good one.
Spain has always been terrible.
Whatever argies speak, its not fucking spanish.
It's a unholy mess of the worst of spanish and italian.
Fucking Panini a shit. They're the most neutered soulless translations I've ever read.
I fucking miss Viz. Pinche Panini better get whoever edited Love Hina for Viz for their Negima release, or I will fucking riot.
Jesus christ that's on another realm of terrible dubs.
At least they made the best Saint Seiya OP
>using slang words when the character isn't from that country or you aren't just replacing some nip slang that can't be translated literally or adapted
This ruins the whole experience for me.
you should hear chileans spaking user
From what I rememberm, this is just a translation of the OP France made. I may be misremembering, though.
>calling what chileans do speaking
You're a kinder user than most.
>Onda Vital tier
>tfw you hear spain's naruto OP for the first time
Ke wea se creen jiles qliaos
They're like the kansai version of SA. But I agree with . I don't even think chileans speak in spanish.
Nah, Kansai would be venezuelans or colombians, you can still understand what they're saying and it mostly sounds funny.
Chilean is the equivalent of tsugaru accent where it can barely be called spanish
>not a poor subhuman
what does not being white have to do with this?
Not knowing atleast 4 languages makes you subhuman.
As an argie, is there a single worse kind of person in the world than argentiniggers?
>Guardianes de la noche
Damn that's bad, as bad as the saint seiya title localization.
Let me guess you can only speak Romantic and Germanic languages. Not impressive faggot.
>In response to her weird apparition
>something in my pants was fighting to get free
>Suddenly, a really hot chick appeared just like that
>and my dick got hard
>asian scribble languages with a thousand strokes for one sentence
Subhuman as I said.
Nah, you're right. It's a translation from the Bernard Minet opening (for the "Chevaliers du Zodiaque"). Source : Je suis du pays de la Japan-Expo
>In response to her strange entrance... something was struggling to get out of my pants...
>Suddenly, out of nowhere appeared a really hot girl... and my dick got hard...