ITT: Characters that only women understand

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I guess I'm a woman.

Inferiority complex; she just wants attention but still thinks highly of herself.

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Same here.
It all makes sense now.

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Why are Blondes always depicted as evil in manga/anime?

Reminder that Asuka lacks self-reflection and an inner monologue.

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Extremely based pic.

I love the salt this causes Asukafags

Because they represent westerners

It would be a good image if it didn't use /pol/fag terminology

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Only women will understand this one, guaranteed.

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Damn, I guess I'm a reifag now?

Women and non-autistic males

Based as fuck even though I think Asuka is a good character.


Go back

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Holy shit, just when I think Yea Forums can't get more autistic

As a man, I just want to pound that tight, angry german snatch.

This is actually probably true. As someone with sisters, Asuka is just a flanderized teenage girl. Hell, Asuka at her worst is better than most teenage girls. At least Asuka never broke Shinji's turtle beaches because he muttered "pms" under his breathe.

that's just zoomer lingo now.

the ideological differences of the past get lost as the meme permeates. don't shy away from one just because it was coined by some group you don't like a decade ago.

>rei thinks, therefore she is
You can't make this shit up

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more like characters only non-incels will understand

the fact that she was into mitsuru was made very obvious beforehand. the fact that she didn't reciprocate the fatty's feelings was too. the only people who were shocked by this development are brain dead sociopaths.

I like this pic

Because Asuka was literally perfect except for the fact her mom went insane, when she realized her mom was just inside the Eva she became a perfect lifeform and would've wrecked the mass production if not for plot armor.

Legit one of the greatest things to ever come out of this board.

Rei is the most incredibly ruthless thot to have ever existed

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>Asuka is a bottom

I see no issue here

>would've wrecked the mass production
According to your fanfiction maybe, she jobbed to them so fucking hard she died screaming bloody murder.

9v1'd them and won but SEELE magically invented immortality and wings out of absolutely nowhere despite NERV being their most advanced division that literally invented the Eva.
SEELE has no reason to have technology they they don't. Especially since Kaji had been feeding information to Gendo up until his death.

Try again speedwatcher.

Are you an absolute retard?
Since the very first episode what was established about Evas and Angels? THAT THE S2 ENGINES CAN REGENERATE
Guess what the one thing is that Asuka didn't destroy when charging at the MPEvas like a retard: THE S2 ENGINES

They were heading at her one by one from the beginning, just toying with her. And she didn't even go for the fucking cores like an absolute retard. No one jobbed harder than she did in the entire series.

Based. Rei was always best girl

>asukafags in charge of understanding the show

was that really her mother?

Yes you dummy, did you not watch any of the show?

Is a bad comparison because the characters don't have the same groundbase, Rei is a clone that is immortal for practical purposes and Asuka is a normal human girl that knows it takes a mistake to be done for

She does have those when she is introduced, but gradually lose them after suffering multiple setbacks (the worst being the angel that mindfucks her and drives her insane), she does regain them for a little in EoE but then the poor thing dies.

Rei in change can have a more critical outlook in life and take riskier choices because she knows that no matter what she does she will be brought back from death, she also know better than Shinji or Asuka what are NERV's and Gendo's intent, hence why she betrays him in the end.

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I never watched NGE

Double plus ungood

>reifags are the autists that shout the npc 'meme'
Why am I not surprised

>Have entire episode(s) dedicated to literally sitting her down and spoon feeding her flaws, motivations, true feelings and trauma to the audience
>Still not understood

Gendo did nothing wrong dude. Rei betrayed Gendo because the fickle hoe saw some kid try on glasses.