Phrases in anime that you are tired of

>it cant be helped!

Attached: Ughhh.jpg (1280x1079, 519K)

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But I don't get tired of those phrases, they're cute.

>reddit live

Attached: bf515813fb60eb5a6846351d84749acd.png (540x345, 102K)


I'll give you a (You) for trying, user. But please, think of something more creative next time.

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You do realise nips actually use this quite often?

I'll never forgive you
Gets on my nerves

reddit has ruined every facet of life at this point.

and? im tired of hearing it.

>If i kill you then that would make me like you

Attached: 15559671004.jpg (556x527, 32K)

What is what they actually say? Is the literal translation "it can't be helped" or something equivalent without a proper literal translation?

I see!

Naruhodo definitely makes me want to stick a nail on my ears, specially because they use it during repetitive or unnecesary exposition

While not a phrase, I've grown to despise the whole closing your eyes and tilting your head when smiling-thing. Who the fuck does that?

Shoganai. It's a common Jap expression and "It can't be helped" is pretty much closest thing you can get to a proper translation of it

>power level
Literally makes zero sense. Even if you had all the mana, it doesn't mean you know how to use all the mana. It makes skills way too simplistic.

Lots of people, you just aren't aware of it in normal discourse because of your autism.

*trembling shock noises"

>*trembling shock noises"
They're my favorite:

More like Autogynephilia Live

Thanks, I imagined it would be something like that

Basically all polite phrases, especially when it takes up more than half a conversation.

Keigo is an important part of Japanese language, far more than honorifics in other languages. It is also realistic, at least when used to address those who would be considered your "social superior".

It makes sense in a modern setting, but not a western style fantasy one.

I like that phrase. It's a very useful concept without a good way of expression in English.

Mhm, true. I think the limiting factor might be the scope of the writers, perhaps they mightn't have much experience with non-Japanese settings.

>Reddit Piece

You go with him.

Either it's because it's not common where I'm from or you're surrounded by autists yourself but I've never seen it happen


>Even if you say that...!

No one does that. If you did that people would think you're autistic

>shonenshit image

Based. Fuck OP and the faggots participating in this leddit thread