>Naofumi-sama! Help me, Naofumi-sama! Come on... I'll suck your dick, anything please, Naofumi-sama!
Naofumi-sama! Help me, Naofumi-sama! Come on... I'll suck your dick, anything please, Naofumi-sama!
Do we really need this many threads on the same anime?
Okay, jojofags
Fuck off
>Shield Hero is not revenge porn for edgy teenag-
> incel hero was revenge porn all along
Who would have thunk?
>You wouldn't hit a girl with glasses, right?
If this was revenge porn,it would've surely ended with rape,limb cutting,long periods of pain and a speech of what they've done to him.
Be more pragmatic,for once,you have brains,use it.
Let me suck on your tits and cum inside your vagina, and you may live. Also, you from here on you will be a loyal housewife who shall raise our children(pf which there shall be many) and you must also maintain your current body even through all the pregnancies.
Not the people bitching about it I guess
>implying we have other options
I miss the golden age of fansubs.
dont care if you have any other options, just change the fucking filename
>getting mad over a filename
kys tranny
Waste of a design.
She should be the prize for a played straight fantasy series, not generic bitch in crappy isekai.
Agreed, she's too beautiful to be a villain
Or at least make her a complex or misunderstood villain not what we got
watching nerds seethe makes it all worth it
>"why did you make me do this? all i wanted was to go back home and be a otaku".
Yeah, I just can't reconcile how hateable she's meant to be with how much I want to have sex with her
Hatefucking is a thing
Sure, but Malty looks more like someone I'd want to have pure vanilla intercourse with
Who the fuck names their daughters Malty and Melty?
Malty Heroine spinoff when?
Maybe after they get that Demon out of her
I can forgive the Queen for that because she's hot as hell
She really is lovely
Buttmad feminist detected
I wish she would step on me
I'd have made like, 8 kids with her.
She was probably a bombshell at Malty's age
Sadly Myne is a pretty accurate representation of narcissistic feminists, which is why feminists are so triggered by her representation in this anime because they know they are being 100% exposed.
I want to form a slave pact with Malty and keep her barefoot and pregnant, just imagine that great figure being ruined while her tits and belly get bigger, the look of contempt in her eyes while you knock her up, knowing you own her body..
Yeah but, that's the problem. She could have been a more well thought out villain from the get go. One that has a redeemable side, and maybe could draw us in with the hope Naofumi grows as a person and forgives her.
Instead we got Black and White nonsense with some idiotic grey splattered in.
>Expecting decent storytelling from a fucking escapist web-novel based RPG system magic generic Isekai chinese cartoon
I can only see you in the wrong
red pig is for stabbing and reduce to dust, not only her body but also the soul
I know, but it hurts knowing this design is now relegated to a perma bitch.
She's supposed to be realistic.
Trust me I live in Portland Oregon and have met a few of these cunts. They are fully irredeemable. There are other better written villains in the story, such as The King which will come clear later. But Myne is just the author exposing entitled feminists and triggering them might have even been intentional. Japan has a huge issue right now with a high sentancing rate and a lot of people are realizing that false accusers can get off light, so Mynes character is a political statement.
This is unironically the lowest kind of shameless pandering. Completely pathetic.
From now on, I will rename my anime images before posting to include [HorribleSubs] in hopes of you seeing it.
I'd rather they have kept it as it was in the manga/LN. Naofumi wasn't sympathetic towards Malty and pushed for her execution, but it was the Queen who finessed her way into using that to navigate the outcome that would deflate tensions with her country.
I also liked that Naofumi was so lost in his edge that he disgusted his party members and those present. Fuck making him a moralfag.
Yeah see the problem with that is Japan never listens to it's messages.
So I'm stuck looking at this hot irredeemable bitch while they still work 16 hours a day and have a broken justice system.
>16 hours a day
user, you're underestimating the nip workforce.
Melty would have been sad if they killed her dad, but he totally should have had Bitch executed.
What is it with women from Oregon? I've met two red-haired women specifically from Portland who acted just like Malty, one of them was a serial cheater who lied about me and almost got me kicked out of my house because I turned down her advances, and the other I dated for a month until she tried to coerce me into a threesome with another guy and actually drugged and raped another girl a few months after we broke up
Just be glad they at least made her hot.
In real life they look like this.
She successfully seduced him again, this time in order to save her life. Naofumi's boner was too strong.
I haven't been following the anime/manga. did they go full-on pig-rape-porno or was she given another punishment instead?
Ah yes of course, silly me I forgot their 2-4 hour Unpaid Overtime
Ha ha jokes on you I'd still probably do Malty if she had some pudge
For the 100th time this episode was never supposed to be the /d/ pig, its just the name change which was almost the same except that Naofumi didn't ask for the execution of Myne and the king
I can't believe that the Shield Hero had a brainwashing shield that brainwashed us into thinking he had a brainwashing shield.
see She didn't successfully do anything. This episode was changed for the anime audience in order to make Naofumi a more merciful character which is easier for normies to relate to.
Makes me wonder how the S2 of this anime will handle Mynes soon to come not so pleasant death.
Worst part is IMO they skipped Spear Hero getting mind broken.
His actual reaction to finding out the truth was much more glorious.
cant wait for hmanga
Just because you’re a woman-hating incel doesn’t mean the author is too, you’re just in the idiotic demographic they’re successfully pandering to. Myne’s one-dimensionality is a textbook case of sexist lazy rewriting through and through.
Go larp on your blog, faggot.
Give it a rest already faggot
>Hates lying feminist cunts
Congratulations you win the high IQ post of the thread award.
I'd rather see her get brutally raped and dismembered to death by a pig than put my seed into that.
>gets defensive when called an incel
Every time.
every time
it took me multiple loops before i realised they were cutting away to side boob, and not her stomach or something
Explain how “lying feminist cunts” are even remotely a concern in the real world outside of your pathological and diseased conception of what women are like
Holy fuck, didnt see that coming
pretty realistic and tasteful way to depict false people when facing death charges
Have sex.
If you think psychopath women aren't a thing, you're either a moron or one of them. I'm gonna go with both
>gets defensive when exposed
Every time.
If women are mean to you it’s probably because they sense you’re a beta misogynist.
Why do you bother? Is this really the best use of your time?
But the hmanga I want is kinda niche, I want her interrogated but receiving tickling instead of shocks.
>Still using the "You dislike *specific type of women* therefore you hate all women" logical fallacy
Please do continue your display of this genius level IQ.
You have to let her go. Otherwise you'll be just as bad as her.
Being a white knight seems hard nowadays.
That is some serious misogyny, we are rapists, not actual bad people
Imagine being this big of a faggot. Actually seething over a filename. I guess when all you do is suck penis all day its really easy to be a pissy little bitch.
Raphtalia sure was pretty in this scene.
I want to cum inside her so much
You realize that your logic Implies that all women are the same right?
You realize that this, in fact, makes you the misogynist right?
Like holy shit top kek you are retarded.
Thinking that a poorly written one-dimensional train wreck like Myne represents feminist women in real life is something that only a delusional virgin who’s never had an actual conversation with a woman who wasn’t his mother would think.
Doujin where she is sold as a slave for her punishment to some rich 40 year old guy instead and then slowly brainwashed by the slave crest into a mind broken ahegaoing cumdump when
It doesn’t imply that at all, brainless basement dweller.
Many of us in this thread have met women who are unironically like this.
You are either A: lucky enough to have never met one, B: were too retarded to realize it when you did, or C: You are one of them yourself and are desperately trying to save face.
I want to marry Raphtalia. She's so cute.
Trying to get someone else to feel guilty for your own bullshit is textbook psychopathy
Are there any women who like Myne in real life?
I never have. Incels might say that means I’m “lucky” but to normal people that just means I can actually get along with women because I don’t have shitty views about them.
Imagine being unironically too stupid to understand why saying that all women will act in certain way implies that they are all the same.
Women probably don’t watch shows explicitly written with seething male incels in mind.
>all women will act in certain way
This was never said, retard. Go back and reread what you replied to, carefully so your walnut brain can actually process it.
Again, you are implying that all women are the same.
>Gets along with women who are good people
>Doesn't get along with women who are shit people
Is it really so difficult for the defective piece of meat in your skull to understand this?
Trash has nice hair for an old dude.
Well he is, however, royalty.
Obviously some women are shit people but the point is that Myne is an unrealistic caricature of real women written from a deeply misogynistic perspective, and claiming that she “represents” any particular demographic of actual women is fucking retarded.
There are actually some Naofumi fangirls on twitter and I personally knew a girl who read the manga
You replied to who mentioned that psychopath women exist with "If women are mean to you they will do X" by objective logical necessity your statement only makes sense if you first assert that all women are not psychopaths and will always act in a specific way towards a specific behavior. This of course is bullshit because they wont.
Your problem is that you are too fucking stupid to understand the reasoning behind your own arguments.
I bet you drink onions and grew a beard while looking beta as fuck, am i right?
women with that shitty personality? sure
women who false accuse men? sure
shit, i should tell my imouto to stopwatching this show then
And the point many of us have made in this thread is that she isn't unrealistic at all and plenty of women like this actually exist.
Sure, they are fortunately rare. Most girls wouldn't dream of acting like this. But there absolutely are shitcunts out there who are Myne to the T.
So why are you even here then? To start shit with people? You probably don't enjoy when /pol/fags go and start shitting up threads of whatever anime you might follow
Oh sweet child, you're so innocent... You don't know nothing yet.
>that cunt Christine Ford hit JUSTICE Kavanaugh with some #metoo bullshit
>thousands of men being falsely accused of rape
No, i think it's pretty realistic.
Keep seething, virgin troglodytes.
Fuck off and die, rape apologist.
What manga is this? This looks based as fuck.
Because everyone who enjoys this show is retarded and none of you deserve to have decent threads about it.
Meant to say "look like Myne," not "like", I really fucked that up
To understand the problem, you first need to understand that feminism is Marxism in a skirt. The core thesis of Marxism is that all inequalities in outcome are caused by the haves stealing from the have nots. Do you owe a thief who still has your property any courtesies whatsoever in the quest to reclaim it? Especially one who's stolen from your neighbors, too? If you were raised in a left wing stronghold, the idea that you're a victim of theft and there's some secret club with a secret underground economy that the bourgeoisie use to keep resources from you has been brainwashed into you from all sides since day one, and feminists believe that the aforementioned bourgeoisie are men. It plays on the most spiteful, power hungry, and envy-driven biases of human nature to make people violently pursue incoherent goals built of premises that they would otherwise know to be ridiculous. Former borderline commie born and raised in California speaking from experience here, BTW. I might have been an Antifa member if the movement had taken off five years earlier. I shared their violent fantasies of murdering anyone with a seven digit income.
To make matters worse, these places are cesspits of the single mother households produced by the unholy combination of the family courts and "sexual liberation". These women didn't grow up with a single positive male figure in their lives. Find me a leftist zealot who has a strong, positive relationship with his or her father.
It'd take a series of tomes to cover the complexity of this problem and all of its falsehoods and shortcomings in philosophy, but the gist is that these areas have been hooked by Marxism.
ironically you sound like a very petty person
Why didn't he make her a sex slave? You just know she would've loved being a slut too, living to serve shield dick. Honestly breaks my immersion these stupid decisions
Gonna check this shit out.
>gets logically btfo
>lol i call u virgin
Wow that wasn't a predictable response at all.
Who knows what mutant fantasy version of the clap she's carrying.
You’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, any actual feminist (real feminists, not the fictitious bogeymen you trolls like to imagine) would be just as against false rape accusations if not more than the rest of you.
dilate tranny
You know I enjoy a nice indulgent wank from a show but I hate when shows kind of pretend not to be indulgent wanks. It's like an uncanny valley effect. That's why I hate Shield Hero.
>Being against false rape accusations makes you pro rape
Imagine legitimately being such a fucking retard that you don't realize that calling out fake accusations is actually beneficial to the prosecution of those who truly are guilty of rape.
>calls other incels
>while spending his time arguing about a show that makes him buttmad
Maybe you should have sex and chill
Interesting note for all the people trying to make this show some kind of commentary on gender or some shit like that.
Malty is LITERALLY the only female character in the entire series that Naofumi hates and the series shows no real inclination towards making any commentary about gender relations or genders at all.
So basically you're all full of shit and just using this as an opportunity to soapbox about your own views on these topics, whether you're calling the show muh soggy knees or posting paragraphs of garbage about how feminism is evil either fucking way YOU ARE WRONG AND THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FUCKING SERIES BEYOND ONE OF THE VILLAINS BEING FEMALE.
Do we even ever see a non possessed Malty anywhere in any form of media this series got?
And what evidence is there to believe that Ford’s accusations were fake, again? Fucking idiot.
>he treats the queen like shit
>he treats every girl including Raph like objects instead of people
>he treats Filo like an animal
>any actual feminist (real feminists, not the fictitious bogeymen you trolls like to imagine) would be just as against false rape accusations if not more than the rest of you.
Oh you poor naive soul.
What evidence is there to believe they were legitimate? Innocent until proven guilty.
So, what went wrong? Are the king and queen just shitty parents? Why did Myne end up as such a fuckup?
Kavanaugh might be an entitled rich faggot who probably molested women during his life, he was at least a legal appointment. One day McConnell will get his for what he did to Merrick Garland. And seeing as he’s the top judge in the dc court all these trump cases keep showing up in, it’s starting to feel karmic already.
Confirmed buttmad feminist.
Confirmed to have falsely accused some random guy of harassing you in the past.
Confirmed that your posts here are just a shitty projection of your guilt.
Enjoy your life as a petty loser.
I believe Melty is actually born with the same general personality of the evil goddess and she grew up to be the same way as her just without the powers a god has.
Even if they were good parents, it would've ended the same way.
Man, Yea Forums is so shit now, people respond to such poor, low-hanging bait. I see Yea Forums terminology everywhere too.
Lacy Lennon
>he treats objects as things
and thats a good thing
>he treats the queen like shit
No more than he does literally anyone else regardless of gender. Naofumi's just kind of an asshole.
>he treats every girl including Raph like objects instead of people
He has interacted at length with exactly 4 female characters in the entire series and hasn't really objectified any of them, this one is just an outright lie. If you want to prove me wrong on that give some actual examples of times when he's treated female characters as objects.
>he treats Filo like an animal
Again how so? I mean, he lets her pull the cart but only because she literally loves to do that. Beyond that he really seems to just treat her like an annoying child.
I'm sad there wasn't a
"She gave me her first time!"
>Implying she was a virgin
"Mother no!"
That would have been the best.
Anyone Know the name of the song that played towards the end of the episode.
I like it.
All feminists are enemy to mankind no exceptions
from 3d to /d/, how lewd is this scene and is it fappable
have sex.
I'd give it a high /h/
While preaching "listen and believe" (if you believe the accuser, you disbelieve the accused) and expanding the definition of rape to basically be anything that the woman feelz was rape-like.
1. There was zero evidence that what she said was true.
2. Everything about the event that she forgot or couldn't remember just so happened to oh so conveniently be details that would make her claims falsifiable.
Put yourselves in the shoes of a false accuser trying to ruin someone career. Would you specify a time and place? Of course not, because if you did there is a solid chance that Kavabro could have had an alibi at that time. Imagine if Ford claimed Kav assaulted her during a time that his family could prove they were actually off vacationing in some camp ground 1000 miles away, her entire story would be instantly shattered and everyone would know she is lying. So instead she just says she can't recall.
Look at the case yourself. Look at all the details she provides and all the details she "can't recall" and ask yourself the simple question "Could this be disproven?" and if you aren't an idiot it becomes pretty fucking obvious that she made the whole thing up. People don't just coincidentally happen to forget all the specific details of an assault that would make the case disprovable.
I knew a kid who was like this and his parents and siblings were perfectly decent people. Pathological liar, casual acts of cruelty, no conscience about any of the shit he did. The whole 9 yards. Don't know why, but some people are just beyond help from birth.
damn... I gotta check this out now.
Same here, Im sure it was in english
This shit is so fucking cringe, if anyone of you "satisfied", or cathartic after this then you need to take a serious look in the mirror, something is wrong with you.
Women are more neurotic than men and far more likely to hold a grudge. This is backed up by decades of psychological research. The only people who think women don't falsely accuse are those who have no experience with women.
>something is wrong with you.
Yes I post on Yea Forums
have kids
gtfo Yea Forums, faggit.
I love my brand fetish, pity it wasn't crotch tattoo, but right above the boobs is pretty fucking hot
Even ignoring the random comparisons you are trying to make, Marxism is not not about any of that shit.
Marxism is about an inevitability. It asserts that given any system where an inequality is present, such as a person owning 51% of something versus another who owns 49%, the other person will eventually be able to leverage what he has to gain more control of the system. Eventually the system will grow more and more unequal until the person who owns less owns almost nothing, and becomes a slave to the person who owns more.
The assertion is that, eventually, the person who is a slave, who at this point actually is the producer and vehicle of 51%'s wealth will revolt against 51% and take his wealth, leading to an equal society. This type of self correction is present in most societies anyway, like France during the French revolution.
The problem with Marxism is that it made very specific claims, that were wrong (at least up until our current time scale) and wealth that was created has been distributed among everyone and not just going to the rich (though this is trending in a poor direction)
Quote one prominent 3rd wave feminist leader who has come out and stated we need to do something seriously about false accusations in order to achieve fairness on the issue.
Just one.
Go on. We are waiting.
Read The Mask of Sanity and Without Conscience, psychopathy is interesting stuff
Women are less likely to be psychopaths and more likely to be BPD, it's rare to see a proper female psychopath like Malty in fiction
>just 8 chapters
>updated 3 months ago
is it ded or just THAT slow?
you're such a fucking cringe lord bro, bet you can't wait for your next chapter of berserk too, fucking yikes.
he eventually has sex with all of them including the bird.
>hating on Berserk
This sort of.
You are confusing Marxism with Frankfurt school theory, which is a bastardization of Marxism that swaps class struggle with intersectional identity strugle, something that /leftypol/ is mostly against. The identity politics driven feminism we have today is more based on the later. This doesn't change the fact that modern feminism is retarded and actually detrimental to equality, and most of what you said was correct. But try to blame the right philosophy next time.
is she dead?
Go dilate.
Malty is LITERALLY the only female character in the entire series that Naofumi hates and the series shows no real inclination towards making any commentary about gender relations or genders at all.
Read some of the replies in this thread. such as or Feminists have their heads so far up the ass of identity politics that they are incapable of understanding that criticism of one specific type of women =/= criticism of all women. They view the attack on this type of character as an attack on them all, and are too stupid to realize the irony in doing so.
Something is wrong with you for even considering coming here where half the board are lolicons
Still waiting faggot.
>We'll never see best girl animated
is not fair bros.
Can anyone explain to me why there are people who unironically still want to stick their penis into the mouth or worse vagina of the literal slut who's been riding the cock carousel and not to mention that includes the spear dumbass?
>not orca neesan
utter garbage taste, user
Is that Raphtalia's upgraded form?
The show is financially doing well.
Will likely get an S2 in 2021
Because what else do you do with a disgraced princess criminal?
I will have to inform my sister to stop watching it.
It's pure shit.
I like sex and theres no better female to practice my abuse fetish on, I would love to put bottles in her ass give her little electricity zaps on the nipples
Also she has a pretty voice and face
>a fucking landwhale
Are you the cosplay user
She's not Raphtalia
>major criminals and villains get their much deserved comeuppance
>normalfags get mad at it
Is this how GoT worked too? Good thing I ignore all these idiots.
lmao it's my girlfriends favorite show of the season.
The only women who get offended by a false accuser getting what's coming to her are shit tier feminist women who are likely false accusers themselves. Actual normal non-sociopathic women are enjoying the shitshow as much as anyone else.
I'm sorry that this show exposes your insecurities so hard. Cry harder faggot. And stop projecting your shitty worldview onto all women thank you.
Cute birb
Wanna headpat that birb
I'd let her sit on my face
>Explain how “lying feminist cunts” are even remotely a concern in the real world
False rape allegations are pretty common and #BelieveAllWomen gets innocent people convicted with no evidence aside from an accusation.
Yes. Fuck normalfags.
just imagine her pussy's death spasms right as her head gets sliced off
Probably not.
>Myne is an unrealistic caricature of real women
There are people like Myne, including women. There do not even need to be a lot of them for her to be a realistic character.
I want he to always appear in her landwhale form and only go into human when she is serious. I've always been imaging a walking Orca hitting on Naofumi.
Brah isekais much deserved comuppence usually means rape and torture for the rest of your life wtf cant they just kill them and be done with it but no just gotta be edgy its fucking cringe
nice dubs fitting to a nice doujin.
good job user
Sounds like GoT
>Raphtalia observes Naofumi enjoying his new slave
based. The retards replying to you are probably the same people who use tumblr and complain when those filenames are used
I want to be the grenade launcher hero
user, she's 80% of the time in her fucking whale form
What will Raphtalia's upgraded class be/look like?
>tfw no tanuki to look at you like this
it still hurts bros. it won't stop
Tanuki, she looks the same but grows huge giant enormous balls.
I keep the filenames intact on my screenshots because I like to know what file and timestamp they come from. It's high-grade archiving autism.
got is shit but at least it doesnt feel like someone inserted there disgusting fetishes into the story
See this is what should have happened.
Myne gets turned into Naofumis slave and he and his party then use her as their personal cumdump ( Magic is taught the Raphtalia and the female party members to allow them to temporarily grow Futa-dicks ) and they all take turns railing her.
she was really desperate to beg for naoufmi to save her
Good, I was worried the LN changed that since I only see artwork of her human form.
holy shit based
Malty's design is pretty typical for villainous female characters who are supposed to be attractive enough that you could buy plebs lusting after her in-universe but not so 11/10 that the audience misses her when she's gone. She has boobs and a seductive demeanor, but her facial features are neither round and cute nor sleek and sexy, her bangs protrude in a loud and sloppy manner, and her color scheme isn't very pleasing to look at. It's a perfect design for a complete thot.
Sounds good to me.
Because until shows up, she is still the hottest girl in the show
> it doesnt feel like someone inserted there disgusting fetishes into the story
But it does, all the time
kek, we are getting celestials in this shit story
There's a fucking shitload of rape in GoT and there's none in Shield Hero so far. I mean, in GoT there was even that girl that got raped and then eaten by dogs. It's way fucking worse than Shield Hero, it just didn't have any false rape accusations so you didn't get your chastity belt in a twist.
I just love seeing that face, makes me all tingly and squishy inside.
I don't know, I'd love it if the main heroine looked like her, she's way more attractive than Raphtalia
>a lot of people are realizing that false accusers can get off light
Meanwhile in the United States they get away scott free because you're not allowed to punish false accusations.
what chapter of the LN would chapter 54 of the manga be?
Not only do they not get punished, you can't even use their false accusation as evidence in future trials. Even if they have been found to have made several false accusations in the past.
eh half true.
False accusers can only be punished in the States if the accused actually gets convicted in court. Then they can be tried as bearing false testimony before a judge which is a crime no matter what they lied about. This can carry 2-4 years in jail.
But if the case never actually goes anywhere then yeah false accusers walk free. Especially if it's a "workplace harassment" and some turboslut lies to ruin a male coworker she dislikes career, HR legally can't fire her or do anything even in obvious cases where there is video surveillance evidence that proves she is lying.
What do you call those laws where if you frame someone for a crime, you get punished according to that crime? No idea why we got rid of those desu. Seems like something that should be a basic feature of any justice system
I swear this show has the worst writing I've seen in years. Structurally it makes sense, but the author somehow can't stop not shooting themselves in the foot.
>Naofumi finally gets the apology he deserves
>He decides to turn the other cheek and be the better man
>Not one mention about his party member being daughter and sister of the ones being executed
>Gives some shitty jokey punishment instead of something that makes actual sense like jail or forced labor
>Gets praised
>Queen abolishes a religion and the whole nation now converted as if their entire worldview could be changed with a command
>The Queen was literally about to kill herself and leave the throne in the hands of a child, her scum sister and useless father
>Great politician
>spend 20 years getting prison raped
>your accuser gets a slap on the wrist
gender equality
>Then they can be tried as bearing false testimony before a judge which is a crime no matter what they lied about. This can carry 2-4 years in jail.
Which also never happens, so what he said is functionally 100% true.
This was somehow even more cringe than the manga version. Didn't imagine that would have been possible. To completely gloss over the citizens and soldiers that were in on the deal is kinda offensive, especially considering how heavy they lay the trauma on to Bitch and Trash. It would honestly be amusing if Bitch continues to adventure with the heroes under her new name as if nothing had happened. Someone please tell me that happens.
At least the insert song was good.
is the shield influencing him?
Fuckin trash. The hell is this shit writing. Sounds like something an edgy metal teen would write.
>To completely gloss over the citizens and soldiers that were in on the deal is kinda offensive
Oh no user we wouldn't want you to be offended.
I like how in the animu they made Naofumi seem a lot more smarter.
>The Queen was literally about to kill herself and leave the throne in the hands of a child, her scum sister and useless father
The scum sister and father were already stripped of rank, so couldn't be in charge regardless. In the manga though it goes a bit differently, he's less of a good guy and the Queen gives him the alternative of renaming them, while he wants to kill them he accepts for big picture reasons
wow, this was a really interesting, well thought out and original isekai!
Tick Tock times up you're full of shit.
>any actual feminist
Nice inverse No-true-scotsman fallacy there.
>The scum sister and father were already stripped of rank
Stripped on rank doesn't strip someone of claim. If they were influential enough to do what they did so far, what would stop them from rising to power again and remove Melty from the throne? Melty was almost killed while the Queen was alive, without the Queen there is zero chance the girl is making to the end of the week.
>In the manga though it goes a bit differently, he's less of a good guy and the Queen gives him the alternative of renaming them
I know, and its just as stupid, but for (some) different reasons.
Of course he cannot. The only ones possibly doing this usually aren't considered feminists by these idiots and by the "feminists" spoon-feeding him what he should believe but "traitors" instead.
You think the author knows how royal lines work with the writing quality displayed overall?
What the fuck is this shit? This was hyped so much back then. What is fucking dumb writing?
>And what evidence is there to believe that Ford’s accusations were fake, again?
Even her own BEST FRIEND who she claimed was there at the time said that no such party took place and that the claimed events were never discussed.
Ford couldn't even provide any specifics as to who the house in question belonged to and her story was inconsistent between the first time she recalled it and every subsequent time it was recalled after. Details were modified to counter specifics offered that contradicted her original telling as well.
Also, the claim she is making in her full story is one of molestation not rape. So even her accusation change from her original vague accusation or rape, to then "attempted rape" which wasn't even a possible charge at the time, to the later one provided with more specifics which doesn't meet any legal definition of "rape" within Maryland. The "Touching Without Consent" law that was relevant at the time had a statute of limitations of three years.
Also do look up that she only started telling the story initially as a means of winning an argument with her husband and then later as a means of getting an exemption with local zoning for a planned addition to their home. She sought to gain from her story on multiple occasions prior.
AND the cherry on top of the cake is that Ford's mother lost her livelihood in a court during a fraud case that Kavanaugh's mother presided over.
>Fuck making him a moralfag
It all just seems so jarring. Why do they have him switch between moralfag and edgelord. They tried to water him down for most of the show but still have to have him act like he does in the source material in certain scenes and the flip flopping makes no sense.
I haven't seen this and as an outsider I'm amazed at the sheer volume of absolutely furious shit flinging this has caused. Japanese cartoons are certainly serious business.
gibbe evil raph
have you not been here for franxx or the like?
This episode's direction was terrible. The entire episode was rushed and for what? Don't we have 4 more episodes? What are they gonna cover? I hope they don't try to rush the island arc.
800 pound balding fat guy that GOOSH GOOSH her guaranteed.
The funny thing is that the people stirring shit had stopped for some months, but as soon as this aired they all came out of the woodworks.
But oh well at least we had a couple of nice threads.
Why did they waste 5 seconds on this scene?
Fuck femenist incels.
oh yeah, who was this? I read the WN all the way to orca, but i don't remember this character
>Why do they have him switch between moralfag and edgelord.
It's part of the curse shield. It draws him towards being an edgelord and he fights against it by trying to be a moralfag. Sometimes he's successful, sometimes he's not. It's the story of someone who was and is an asshole trying to be better.
Rishia/bowfag cumdumpster
>Raphtalia turns edgelord as well because Naofumi chose the dark side
I want this horrible fanfiction I just invented to be real and also to post this pic
This thread is absolutly infested with /pol/ but you faggots REEEEEing about burgerland politics need to fuck off right now. By right the mods should just gas this whole thread.
Listen and believe faggot, it's the seriousness of the accusation.
>who was and is an asshole
Naofumi's base personality wasn't that of being an asshole though.
I don't believe anyone about anything without evidence.
The world is filled with vindictive cunts, like this little whore. She 'naively' went to the man's hotel room, had sex, participated in a beauty pageant the very next day and then went on to claim rape after she realized her pussy wasn't good enough to seal the deal. Which ended with her 'rapist' sentenced to jail, along with his livelihood and his public image permanently marred.
No sane person should.
Women can be and are pretty evil. No wonder society does not want one as a leader.
No but he became one after he was treated poorly. I'm not saying he isn't justified in being an asshole after the way he was treated, he was. But it's also not good to keep being an asshole which is something he's trying to rectify. Unfortunately, it's easy to slip back, especially when you use dark magic that makes you indiscriminately hurt people.
Wait, Yea Forums told me she was supposed to accuse Motoyasu of rape, too. Did you lie to me, Yea Forums?
>If an accusation is of a serious crime it is automatically true
Not sure if troll or person who lacks anything remotely resembling basic reasoning skills.
Is it safe to breed pathological liars?
C'mon man it filled up lots of page time
>No wonder society does not want one as a leader.
Society doesn't need a leader at all.
stop spending time on poorly written media
Ok I'll start with your post.
I try not to remember it, what I read was a bunch of machine-translated garbage
It still hurts my soul thinking about suffering through that
Not him, but if false accusations put dumb trust fund kids behind bars I really couldn't care less.
shit show.
>like women and want them to have some respect, not much but not be slaves
Real life villains don't have a redeemable side. That's what makes this story gold. Because it echoes what goes on IRL
>Women does bad things
>She gets punished
Cope harder
>novel is missing 12 translated chapter
>in a fucking row
>last updated manga chapter 4 months ago
Well fuck me sideways, why did it came out at the same time as shield hero?
Waste? Don't insult my wife like that.
Is this the desconstruction of Isekai genre?
Berserk, while edgy, is never quite this petty or whiny.
That's easy. He's a moralfag among his comrades. But he he wants bad people out of the picture when they attack random people for their own selfish benefit.
Sheltered yuppies would never understand this.
Queen honestly needed to offer up her royal butthole to make things truly right. Taking turns between the queen and Malty's holes with her seal still active, so when gets aroused while getting her shitbox pummeled, she gets shocked, which just makes it contract while taking in each thrust.
Berserk literally features cuck porn.
Yea Forums is so shit that they are leaking into the rest of the site Yea Forums too
Malty/Myne never once struck me as hot. Am I broken?
there's literally 1 jojo thread at any given time, maybe 2 or 3 after an episode comes out
Nah, you just have taste and don’t find feminists attractive. Plus, you take more than just fading looks into account and her personality is shite.
If you're advocating for generals then you can get the fuck out.
Yeah, I've noticed that Yea Forums has adopted the cunny term which is from Yea Forums
Kavanaugh wasn't a trust fund kid though.
He's just a UMC kid. He had a leg up in life, but not one so big to carry him all the way to the SC. His work history and previous accomplishments show hard work and dedication, and everyone saying otherwise was just part of the leftwing media slander against him.
Being born in UMC doesn't automatically make you graduate from Yale with honors.
>said no one but the people who want to fuck the bad girls
The flaw with modern feminism is that it works on the Blank Slate fallacy. But the truth is, genuine bad people are born via the MAO-A gene, not made because of muh gibbs.
And when you point that out, they deny it and call you nuts. Total irony.
Keep politics out of Yea Forums, please.
and kid guts getting buttfucked
It's not really petty or whiny to get upset about someone turning into a monster and raping the woman you love right in front of you
Some of the stuff Naofumi gets asshurt about though is real petty, like I just started reading the manga and it reminded me that he was mad enough to give up on all of humankind and become cursed because of Malty interfering with his duel with Motoyasu even though he had already brought in balloon monsters to fight for him and when Motoyasu cried foul he laughed about the idea of fair play
He's just kind of a big hypocritical bitch sometimes
For fuck sake. GO BACK TO /pol/ WITH THIS SHIT.
Imagine posting that at this point in the thread
I don’t want the likes of Kavanaugh and Orange Man in my threads.
At least most of these people are loosely discussing topics the show explores but these cunts are blatantly having some wank off about some politician.
>talk about your left leaning politics in movies, twitter, youtube and other media
>when someone exposes your shitty ideals
She did nothing wrong.
Fuck off, Cortez. You have no idea what battered men have been through.
>inb4 b-b-but they don't exist
No. Wrong. Completely wrong. I don't even come from a country that buys into the stupid bullshit you are spouting. All I care about is Japanese cartoons and you faggots are bringing your shit here. Fuck off.
im advocating for you killing yourself
Most of us harem/adventure fans are guys. Shut the fuck up.
There's objectively nothing wrong with Kavanaugh.
Then go to r/socialism
So do I read the WN or LN
That has nothing to do with why I'm telling you to fuck off. You are off-topic. Go to the right board to talk about your stupid bullshit.
Me, you retard incel.
>start the shitflinging by starting with the muh incel rape accusation
>others anons obviously reply with more political shit
>go back to /pol/!!!!
Its always the people who don't like the show that start this shit, then they complain when people inevitability start discussing political shit
If you only care about post being off topic, why do you single out right leaning posters?
I haven't met anyone who's liked this show who isn't either a virgin or socially stunted beyond belief.
I hope you all noticed that the Queen has an UI.
this show made me a feminist, or at least sympathetic to them
this shit is cringe
Because you haven't met anyone who liked this show
So you don't not want politics, you just don't want facts that go against your politics in Yea Forums.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
I'm not even really reading the posts I'm just tagging and reporting everyone directly in reply chains for being off-topic. But it's funny that you rule breaking fucks all happen to be on the same team or whatever. Again fuck off.
go back to fucking resetera, think through your arguments if you're going to post here
You need to leave your basement first to meet people
He's objectively good.
You're full of shit.
Oh. I though that was Naofumi's. Is she a previous hero or something?
back to Yea Forums mongoloid
So she was a fujo incel.
Needed something worse. My friend went through a year of hell because of false rape shit. Crazy bitch stole a knife and begged him to marry her when she was just some slut out of a dating website.
Maybe you'd be more comfortable at reddit where they have stricter moderation if you can't stand when discussion of an anime that heavily borrows from current events discusses those current events a bit.
Are other characters or NPCs confirmed not to have UIs unless they are from another world?
Light novel
why does sakura's VA give me a boner every time
Me and my bitches
I overheard two people in my embedded systems lab talking about this episode. They spent at least 7 minutes relishing in Malty getting her comeuppance and how it felt so fucking good. These guys were practically writhing in pleasure over "another thot destroyed".
It was really embarrassing seeing two Asian midgets, 5'8 at the very most, acting like this. It really doesn't paint a good picture for the audience of this show.
I promise, cross my heart, hope to die, all that shit. I don't have cable, I don't listen to the radio, I don't do social media. I pirate anime, I go on Yea Forums, I play some video games, I hang out with friends who also avoid politics and current events bullshit like the plague. Yet here you are dragging that shit in front of me and all these kind anons.
This is a forum to talk about anime and manga, not the bumblings of your corrupt ruling class.
>Raphtalia near Naofumi heart
>Filo near Naofumi's dick
>Melty... has feet fetish.
awww is the wittle baby mad that the chinese are getting better grades than him?
And you're an obsessed faggot who's been brainwashed into seeing the world in two colours. You're also an off-topic rule breaking crossboarder. For the third time FUCK OFF.
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or if you just haven't heard what happens in the WN...
Ah yes, another Redditor that lost his way.
It's the same as if Griffith finally was destroyed and got his comeuppance. Not trying to start a debate on his motivations but you get the idea. Are women not allowed to be despicable villains?
Why is their race and physical size important?
>this show made me a feminist
Yes. We're in an image-board and the overall site is a forum. Eat shit.
>that heavily borrows from current events
You cannot tell me you are retarded enough to think a Japanese web author is influenced by the sex scandals of specific government officials in a different country than his own. Nice job pulling the reddit card though, did you come up with that one yourself? Fuck it really got me good, my feelings are so HURT.
You have a right idea, but, speaking as a USSR citizen, what really happened was the opposite of what you described. It was the people who became too lax, leading to the leadership selling the country out to the States without anyone batting an eye.
so how does a girl lie so much with little remorse, or anyone like this for that matter? I never understood this