Today is Aizen's Birthday.
Say something nice about him.
Today is Aizen's Birthday.
Say something nice about him.
I'm glad your planning included me being born Aizen-Sama. Happy Birthday and Thank you!
I like how he doesn’t care about bitches
What is your favorite version?
Happy Birthday, Me
I love Aizen-sama you’re so cool and sexy!
Aizen-sama evolution, personally I think Chairzen is hottest
>In the end, we never get to see his bankai.
What a damn crime.
Most Kino moment in Bleach
Tall dark and handsome. Let's not even speak about his smarts. What's not to love?
Aizen is feeling nice on his birthday so he will answer your questions
Probably something involving a chair.
Really a great villain. Great twist that he was the villain early on, and actually just felt interesting and scary the whole time. Also like his role in the final arc of the manga.
For real, I can imagine why Momo went nuts with thirst
Aizen-sama, will I ever find someone like you?
Will I find what I look for?
Aizen could have easily bodied everyone, but instead of going with the perfect keikaku he chose the most fun ways of achieving his goals. Pretty based desu
Imagine a Bleach where Aizen instead of going full retard with Ichigo, shows him how SS is the real enemy including explaining shit about the SK and the original sin of the (((noble houses))).
Where did you get the impression that today was his birthday?
Because he told you or because Kubo did?
user, don't make me sad..
What is this? Nnoitra segunda etapa?
wtf are these pokemon evolutions
>Aizen thread
>BBS donut steel trash
inb4 b-but they're supervised by Kubo!!1!!
Quincies are coming to Bleach Brave Souls
I agree, I think it’s the eyepatch and bondage.
Fucking lucky bastard
Trash made for the mobile game. Deviantart garbage.
The """""""story""""" behind these is just some what if scenario with hogyoku/hikone shenanigans. The game doesn't even go in depth, it's just to bait you into pulling.
At least Nelliel was kinda decent, albeit already too edgy.
These are just Sakamoto666 tier.
Nel's costume is white???
Who is that semen demon?
Aùra from the novel
Will I ever do THAT?
he has a nice chair
I'm pretty sure we do
Shikai->illusions->you see what he wants you to see.
Bankai->delusions->you see what you want to see. He used it against Yhwach.
He technically did nothing wrong since he was trying to prevent anyone else from being forced to become Soul King.
Reminder that the novel epilogue for Bleach confirmed that, after witnessing Yhwach being made into the new Soul King many of the present captains came to agree with Aizen.
I like them, based Kubo does it again.
I hope Kubo makes a new series one day. I miss his writing and style.
Ulquiorra, Nel and Grimmjow already got their's so will the next 3 probably will be Stark, Barragan an Halibel. But who will be the one that will come with Szayelaporro and Aaroniero?
Wonder what the hell he's gonna look like. Maybe full on grim reaper with a giant scythe?
Two axes. Bling everywhere. Crowns everywhere
It's gonna be interesting to see what they do with Starrk.
Full furry.
This is honestly an awesome design. I love when religious elements are incorporated in grotesque and creepy way.
With dual shotguns
This is a vast improvement over his original release form
So Nel's new duds were white, where the fuck is her hollow hole? We can see her whole body and I don't see one at all on her
No idea for Nel but I think for Halibel it was stated her Hollow Hole was in her uterus
Aizen is such a genius that he planned ahead of time that I'd be wishing him a happy birthday.
New Tier, when?
Which makes no sense because if it were we'd still see it on her body somewhere when she released, I don't know where a uterus is but I assume it's somewhere near her stomach so there should have been a hollow hole there but there wasn't just a toned stomach that I used to dream about cumming on after losing to her breasts
will the bleach anime continue?
Pure kino.
I wish I was Ichigo so Aizen was obsessed with me
He has great hair
Bleach Brave Souls did.
Fuck Aizen.
The greatest villain in anime
Baraggan could have easily be the main villain of his own arc.
Why are we here just to suffer?
If it wasn't for Hachi and his stupid bullshit Kido, most likely no Shinigami there (Barring Yamamoto and Aizen) could have defeated this dude.
Aizen ends up crippling Soul Society and leaves it weak enough for Yhwach to invade with minimal effort.
Besides, Ichigo knows that Soul Society swore to uphold the law and they're pretty much blocked by bureaucrats to do the right thing. The final arc shows that Kyoraku isn't afraid of Central 46 and will defy him to get results.
It's just that Yamamoto follows their orders without questioning them.
That's because Aizen is the shonen hero without moralfaggotry.
>Fuck Aizen
I wish..
t. Manchild who cannot cope
>inb4 reaper ripoff
Shunsui would have murdered Barragan with Bankai.
I find it legit terrifying that the Captains are much more powerful than they appear, but willing to take the risk of not releasing it to cause collateral damage.
By endgame, you have several captains who could solo the collective espada if they fought seriously. Including Shinji
It's implied that they had the power the entire time, but chose not to use it against Aizen as to not get allies caught in the crossfire.
Like they use Kido to only use a fraction of their power.
Kyoraku and Shinji did. Byakuya, Kenpachi, Toshiro etc improved in the last arc.
>Like they use Kido to only use a fraction of their power.
If anything he made them stronger. Everyone was chilling instead of becoming stronger. After aizen, several shinigami trained again instead of chilling for centuries
Are those for brave souls? Mind broken zombie bambi would actually get me to play again and whale a little for her.
Aizen used fear and deception to keep them in line and make them strive to become better.
He turned evil in the first place because Soul Society was making everyone weak.
They'll tone it done, like they did with Orihime and Nnoitora.
The loss of Aizen himself was a giant blow, but he was pretending to be a regular captain so depends on how you look at it.
Gin was also a notable loss but by the last arc, there are so many stronger. EoS Gotei 13 is probably the strongest ever, even without Yama.
>for disliking middle-schooler tier edgy designs
Ok blackie
Is Naruto better than Bleach?
>even more broken than TYBW unohana
Can't wait to spend my orbs and get nothing.
Nice dubs.
Will we ever see Nell animated again?
His bankai is transforming into a card
Is One Piece better than Bleach?
Probably akin to Nnoitora: relatively small inside her head, always covered with hair.
based foreshadowing of soul king
aizen is pure kino
If there's something I gotta give to Bleach and Aizen as a character is that he's the only twist villain in manga that actually got me by the balls, Byakuya was so foreshadowed as the villain (when in reality he didn't do anything) that Aizen comming out of nowhere legit surprised me.
Was the central antagonist (to Ichigo), never the villain. How could he be when he was following the laws of even more powerful people that we knew about (Yama). The actual villain in the story was foreshadowed to be Gin. Or has everyone forgotten him nowadays?
Aizen shmaizen, make way for best boy.
Hisagi, Tokinada, or Shinji. Maybe it'll be Aura first if I'm lucky.
Unbased and cringepilled.
Even if you got him you'd still be stuck around the 4th seat.
Gin was a case of "so obvious it must be red herring"
Imagine the popularity boost Brave Souls would get with the anime coming back. I don't even know why there holding out on something that's the equivalent of a money printer.
Will Bleach get a sequel, I missing the Kubo ride?
Will the anime return?
>edgy /pol/tard manchild has no intelligence or self-worth
>proves he can't cope
Was Gin better than you?
Imagine that BBS is already one of the top grossing gachashit titles.
I don't want to fring unto COPE terrain, but Bleach never got any advertisement in its last years and still outperformed the vast majority of fellow Jump series.
And now it's the same all over. No anime, no manga, no spin off and the novels are finished.
And yet the game does great numbers.
Makes you wonder what the fuck Kubo did to Shueisha for them to drop advertising the title like that.
My theory is that he kept merchandise rights for himself, while even the likes of Oda are (((convinced))) to give them up. Would also explain the lack itself of merchandise when compared to other Jump titles.
Not him, but I've been in vice-captain league for a year and half straight and went to captain a couple of times; recently dropped to 3rd because I don't feel like grinding slot potions and doing battles much anymore.
Staying in 3rd is piss easy, vice-captain is definitely doable with a good team.
The fuck is brave souls?
>/pol/ boogyman
You're not getting anymore (You)s user.
I just really, really pity your utter lack of taste if you truly think those are good designs.
Phone game. Gacha system.
Stay away user.
Ye be warned.
Will I become rich and produce anime/manga?
>still in prison
lmao at his life desu senpai
Is Uryu gay?
>My theory is that he kept merchandise rights for himself, while even the likes of Oda are (((convinced))) to give them up
Kubo took a risk with the revenue split and he won big time. He agreed to get less money from the volumes sales but more from all merchandise.
How could he feel the remnant of Yhwach's powers from the bottom level of an underground prison that's completely sealed from the outside?
How did they manage to tie him back to the chair when literally everyone including Ichigo were utterly spent after the fight with Yhwach and his bondage outfit was gravely damaged? On top of having virtually endless regen from the Hougyoku.
Why did they leave an eye and the mouth dangerously unsealed?
>How did they manage to tie him back to the chair when literally everyone including Ichigo were utterly spent after the fight with Yhwach
Aizen was also spent
>Why did they leave an eye and the mouth dangerously unsealed
To see him beautify face
I share a birthday with Aizen?
>To see him beautify face
>Aizen was also spent
Not this one.
Hougyku is a quintessential cheat item, and he had Kyouka Suigetsu back. Even a chantless #90 kido with some KS shenanigans would have bought him enough time to at least flee or conceal himself well enough to avoid being captured.
Much less subdued.
Favorite of the 3 for sure but Nnoitra is just an all around better character then the other two so not surprising.
Better than his released form but he's still such a disappointing character.
A vast improvement compared to his pumpkin shit but he's still a shit character, that'll never change.
Overall these feel a lot like Segunda Etapa's, why they didn't just label them as such is weird to me.
The chair doesn't really stop him. He is there because it's comfy
>Hougyku is a quintessential cheat item
The hougyoku no longer recognizes Aizen as its master. Aizen is still immortal as a "side effect" of being fused with it, but he doesn't get more power ups
>Overall these feel a lot like Segunda Etapa's, why they didn't just label them as such is weird to me.
Because Segunda Etapa is fundamentally impossible. it'd be like asking for a third stage zanpakuto evolution. Ress is already an arrancar unlocking the full hollow power they sealed away.