Ai is truly something else. Rate the episode lads
Episode 106: がんばれ!!ロボッピ – Ganbare!! Roboppi
(Fight on!! Roboppy!)
Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl encounter Roboppy. They then start a Tag Duel.
Ai is truly something else. Rate the episode lads
Episode 106: がんばれ!!ロボッピ – Ganbare!! Roboppi
(Fight on!! Roboppy!)
Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl encounter Roboppy. They then start a Tag Duel.
Other urls found in this thread:
First for based SakurAi
>Queen jobbing
No surprise there. At this point, it's obvious that Emma and BS will job to establish Roboppy
9/10 fantastic way to start the season.
the season started with the recap.
And it was fantastic too
Ok so.... where do I start?
First of all, the outcome of the duel, I am neither happy nor dissapointed, just confused of how to feel. They could at least throw some Queen duels before, I really hate when they make a character that was here for a long time have their first duel job. I hated it with Kusanagi and I hated it with Queen. On the other hand. I like AI, a lot now. So I cannot say that I am really happy or dissapointed with the duel, confused, maybe a little angry is the best way, they could at least have Queen duel a few duels before (and also tease her monsters).
Quality was.... ok. I don't know why the quality is not so good anymore but I cannot be happy with this.
Now for the monsters... Allure Queen. ALLURE QUEEN. That's something I actually loved here. GIving a chance to an old monster to be animated and not only that, give her an archetype? Yep, that's a highligh in my opinion. Also AI deck is basically D/D/D. Love that too.
Episode in general was mediocre though. Queen already out and next duel is Roboppi vs Emma and BS. Given the trend and knowing Yoshida, I will not be surprised if the next duel when Emma and BS lose, they scrap both of them or even Emma alone for the rest of the season, then slowly get rid of all female duelist like he did in 5Ds and "somehow" ZEXAL. God I hate Yoshida so much.
Well, that's what I think. On the other hand, I am happy for a few Allure Queens fans and anons out there. Let's hope her support come soon and don't get the "Sunavalon" treatment, aka never ever.
While mediocre this episode is still a million times better than another recap user
I want Roboppy to bully me!
At least there's binary blader.
Never forget her sacrifice
This shit is getting censored by the way
Based Yoshida
Hopeful, Aoi and Emma follow suit.
Antiwaifufags are cancer, fuck off
Oh, fuck. Jin finally showing up confirmed.
>that feeling when Yoshida may just kill Jin early, along with Miyu, just to make Kusanagi and Aoi duel sooner again so they can job and be scrapped
Yoshida is getting each time more obvious.
I feel the most likely out come is all the duelist gathered by Akira but Playmaker are losing and being deleted soon and Yusaku resorting to find support in all the other lost incident kids afterwards.
This is your endgame villain
The cooler Linkuriboh that torrents anime and says f words
>Queen is out of the picture
who is next? Please be Ryoken. I want Ai to finally shut that mouth once and for all.
Are the stockholders the real villains of vrains?
So did he kill he? Please say yes
She's in the hospital. Expect her back mid season.
Say hello to the new CEO of SOL tech
>in yoshida show
Abandon hope
AI has always been the best character in Vrains sense he actually has a personality.
The Duel was incredibly fast pace and Queen jobbed at record speeds. Potentially our first female villain and she jobs spectacular. Based Yoshida. Queen using Allure Queen is somewhat interesting I guess. The Link Allure Queen don't look all that cool to me.
AI doesn't have a really cool boss monster. Just a decode ripoff.
5/10 episode for me. Just a decent introduction to AI and roboppy. The Duel did nothing for me
You do realize Go is the one who disappears with the most frequency?
He is literally the second jobber on this series, first one being Aoi. Queen was just a mock up duelist.
So when are we getting info on the next series?
Hopefully soon. And please, I rather take Ono again before Yoshishit. Actually, anyone is better than Yoshida, even newcomers.
I'd love to have Yoshida on with a female protagonist just to see him squirm.
I wonder what he'd do to make her as pathetic as possible. Probably introduce a sidekick who ends up being the real MC
I'd like to see a newcomer the most
They might be able to break the Yugioh cycle and standard tropes
user please, shareholders are the real villians in real life.
I hereby declare that if something like that yoshida, not only he will become one of the most hated directors in all japan and any other country that have a way to acknowledge the existence of this man, but also his reputation will be so bad, he will have to either get good and do something about his shit writing, or literally become something else
>He is literally the second jobber on this series, first one being Aoi.
I don't think you know what first or second means.
It was fine.
Kek. It seems Yusaku picked up more traits from Yusaku than what I had tought. Loved the episode.
For the last time, Ono is a director, and Yoshida is a writer.
>has somehow a little more relevancy in filler duels but in everything else he jobs, specially after he got butthurt
>her victories are mock up duelist, a jobber hanoi and a jobber shota
>everything else she jobbed hard, not even with herself being involved to the plot
You tell me
I honestly wonder how people live with autism, like do you really just see what you want to see but only for unimportant shit like a female's screentime in a shitty card comerical.
Yeah I don't think you do.
And I don't care, fuck off. Take yoshida with you while you are at it
I literally started to watch other animes, including cardfight, and they are a million times better than vrains. And even if female get treated badly in the other animes, at least they are not obvious like here
For real. I thought Vrains had a lot of potential when it was first released, but it's been a huge disappoint. Vrains is honestly one of the worst ygo series I've watch. Mind you, I haven't watched Zexal and Arc V.
Isn't Nobu the MC? And besides, of course Yoshida can write women serving people dinner like that's a fucking challenge to his world view lmao
theyre the ones pushing for the AI android apocalypse, so I guess yes
Why do you write like a 4th grader?
user, you might be better off taking a break
Not really impressive but is way more fun and hype
Your opinion may differ. Some people don't care about the ending, other think that the ending ruined everything, regardless there is a high chance that you will love the first half, then there is a half-half you will like Synchro too, and after that the percentage of liking may either drop or increase depending on your taste
Go watch them, one will be fun for you, the other will make you either love it and rage, or love it forever, or both.
I seriously don't know how someone could watch the first 5 episodes of Vrains and think it was going anywhere good
If you thought Vrains was wasted potential then you should never watch Arc V. That shit was a nightmare that left the fanbase traumatized.
>tag duel
fucking finally some team duels. only took them 106 episodes
those 2 are signifigantly worse than vrains ever got, kind of places vrains directly in the middle
>And I don't care, fuck off. Take yoshida with you while you are at it
Ono directed 5DS and Yoshida was the lead writer for it. They can both work on the same series.
I guess the concept of co leads is lost.
I've tried to get into vanguard anime a few times but its visual presentation is so stock and stiff. Even more than Vrains
Wrong thread, bro.
Zexal is fun. Yuma might be a bit annoying but Zexal was hard carried by the rivals and villains. I'd say give it a watch.
I'd say Vrains is objectively worse than Arc-V but I hate Arc-V more because it started off good and then became disappointing. At least I never had high expectations for Vrains.
Yeah the visuals are definitely worse and closer to a low grade production but it compensates for that with everything else, especially the music
Yeah its really terrible all around dont bother. Like literally everything wrong with yugioh is ramped up to an even blander end product in cardfight so I have no clue what the hell that one user is talking about
It reminds me of that one /m/ tard that kept dunking on planet with but instead shilled zoids wild of all things instead.
I can't wait to see what Cyberse witch's dark version looks like. When is Ai erasing someone next?
Both those series are great! I personally love Arc-V despite everything. And ZEXAL was pretty fun too! It took me a while to finally liked it, though.
Yeah, VRAINS is literally bad at this point but I am here watching to see some good moments. Wish Queen could have attacked with Allure Queen and Gold Allure Queen, at least I could have know their attack names. Also
>no summon chant
Missed opportunity.
By the way, I wonder how will Quickdraw user rate this episode, considering he really likes VRAINS (it does surprise me, but hey, at the very least somebody out there is trully enjoying it unlike me)
Honestly they should have been here sooner...
Still haven't watched Vanguard but I don't really care about visuals as long as the thing I see are good, fun and the show is also fun.
>what are we even doing in this dimension again
>why did we bring all these jobbers
VRAINS is in no way worse than Arc-V on an "objective writing quality" level.
What is "vanguard"?
All his aces seem to be different attributes.
Cardfight Vanguard, another anime adversing other cards.
No sane person will argue against this, Arc-V once it gets bad is objectively worse than any other yugioh by a laaaaarge margin, the only real debatable thing is whether it ruins the decent parts, which it kind of does a 2nd half is significantly more important than a first half and it fucks up any build up or positive character point throughout the entirety of its 2nd half.
First they need to confirm she will get one, a darker DARK booty. Get it? Because she is DARK and she may get and even more DARKER.
I'm just saying you're hardly rebuking the point that Yoshida would struggle with a FeMC when the example you give is
1. A co-lead, not a lead(and really second billing anyways.)
2. A fucking waitress.
Yoshida is absolutely fine at writing women in traditional gender roles, one might say he excels at it. But with a YGO series with a FeMC where the FeMC has to win more than she loses, I think that's where Yoshida's brain would short circuit
>Er, I'm sorry Yoshida-san, but Yuuna is the MC. She has to win this duel or else this season wouldn't be able to continue
>I know, but she's the MC
>No Yoshida, she has to win the duel on her own.
>I know Yoshida san
>I know Yoshida san
>She's the MC, Yoshida-san
A lot of fans praise Arc V's first season. Later on, the series tries to do a really ambitious arc, and fuck it up, and supposedly gives us the worst ending of all of ygo.
May give Arc V a chance for the 1st season, since it's the most hyped.
Ai's not using dark version of Yusaku's deck. He has an evil decode and evil linkuriboh but the rest of the deck seems to be different.
This is a good thing, edgy reskins of old monsters is a stale trope tbqh. Glad they stopped at 2 monsters
I guess I've purged from my head memories of how bad Arc-V was
Japanese writers/directors
>a female lead won't sell to our target demographic
>let's make more mediocre Charmer cards because the fanbase loves them to death except for some reason aussa never gets attention
I'd say the action magic - kaihi moments and others like it are overall more aggravating (especially when "action" duels start getting really lazy later on) than the duel writing in zexal.
Thinking about it, action duels in general were probably a huge headache for the staff as well
What a great episode. It had me laughing through it and Queen using Allure queens was really exciting. Ai's voice is really great, I really like it. I can't wait to watch him dueling someone stronger like Soulburner or Revolver.
I was worried whether or not they'll ruin Ai's personality but I love him. He's kind of a tryhard edgelord
Arc-V starts out great then nosedives terribly.
Vrains, from what I've seen, has remained consistently boring
So was this petty revenge or did Queen have something he wanted from her and she actually challenged him? It just seems like Queen isn't worth dueling as her skill is awful.
Arc-V also sucked at doing the new boss monster forms.
>Utopia's upgrades, outside of Ray, came at pivotal moments in Yuma's character arc such as him trusting Shingetsu and using Barian power, his duel against Vector where Astral felt betrayed, and his duel in the Astral World
>Yuya's like, "Oh I guess I have a Synchro now. Well I'm not going to use it after this."
I might actually watch this episode if it's filled with a YGO character being a chuuni
the writers are right
female mcs don't sell at all
It's a female protagonist, you're just autistic.
Literally the "I activate this trap card that negates damage batte etc" like in VRAINS with Mirror Force thing
A good meme
>what are we even doing in this dimension again
Synchro, they wanted to ask help from the people out there, Xyz they ended up there by chance and now they have to survive, Fusion invading Academia. Yes it wasn't really that well made but the "what are we even doing" isn't really real
>why did we bring all these jobbers
Only Sawatari was a true jobber, and even then... he was actually fun, likeable and his duels were pretty fun and exciting
>VRAINS is in no way worse than Arc-V on an "objective writing quality" level.
Eh, yes it is. If you like it then that's a thing but you can't deny that
>Yusaku going in a few episodes from "I hate everyone and muh revenge" to "I am really worried about AI and Ignis should bond with human"
>Revolver being a jobber despite being presented as a rival and first enemy, even Manjoume has more dignity, not to mention being better, also returning to his S1 personality
>Go and Aoi
>make a ton of characters that do nothing except talk, and have some of them duel and job on their first turn, Kusanagi was the most painfully one, and Queen was both obvious and dissapointing
I could go on
>No sane person will argue against this
Then consider me an unsane person, because I could argue about that.
>Arc-V once it gets bad is objectively worse than any other yugioh by a laaaaarge marg
That's your opinion. There are still some "the people behind this are really trying even if is little" feeling when I see things like Yuya vs Leo, Yuya vs Yuri, Hyugo vs Rin, Yuya and Yuto vs Ruri and Serena, etc.
I continue in next post
It's all part of his plan. The Tower of Hanoi. Mirror Link Vrains. And now Ai's rebellion. This is all happening so he can become top dog in SOL. The real chess pieces were the main characters all along.
>"t-that's too long, aniki! (///°°///)"
Roboppy's new free will is too lewd
Nah, you're being disingenuous. She's not THE protagonist, and she's a waitress.
I don't think people expressed concern over Yoshida's ability to write a FeMC that serves people food.
>people actually want a FemC for the next series
Never happening, Yugioh will never stray from its shounen roots.
It would be like making Precure with an all-male cast
>the only real debatable thing is whether it ruins the decent parts, which it kind of does a 2nd half is significantly more important than a first half and it fucks up any build up or positive character point throughout the entirety of its 2nd half.
It depends, some people really hate everything after Synchro, other from Fusion or Xyz, and other just hate the finale. Then there are others like me that can see some sense in everything but also agree that how they developed was not really good
As I say, you can consider me an unsane person and I couldn't care less, if you really enjoy VRAINS then good for you, but VRAINS is objectively worse.
Yeah basicaly
I suggest you to watch everything and then make your own judgment without letting other influence you. You are allowed to like or hate it.
Agreed, sadly.
So roboppy is confirmed a dude?
You should consider suicide faggot, kill yourself motherfucking arc v asshole faggot
We just need to eliminate female characters altogether then. Stop giving people false hope.
I honestly don't remember what the message of the Yuya vs Jack duel at the end of synchro was supposed to be. Yuya has to find his own egao instead of trying to please everyone? Or he's not egao-ing in the specific correct way to achieve pleasing everyone to bring city-wide peace? Was Jack even supposed to be right about any of that shit? Why did Shinji go from "EVERYONE RIOT!!!" to cheering on Yuya for city peace within one cut?
Was any of it relevant at all once Yuya landed in Xyz?
he needed her SOL access code
>Jin lost his memories from the lost incident
I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand it clearly helped Jin recover and behave normally allowing him to start a new life, on the other hand it feels like that has rendered him non related to the ignis and probably won't get any action because of this.
>Nah, you're being disingenuous. She's not THE protagonist, and she's a waitress.
Are you saying a waitress can't be the main character in a manga about food?
>I don't think people expressed concern over Yoshida's ability to write a FeMC that serves people food.
They mostly complain about his writing of women in general. I don't think any of the complaints specifically are pointed at card games.
Yuya brainrapes people with EGAO
these retards don't know shit
the target audience for card games are young boys and the main character has to be a fucking self insert
you don't want to see boys go
>i want to be that main girl
trannies can fuck off
>We just need to eliminate female characters altogether then. Stop giving people false hope.
This show is aimed at teenagers. Not disgruntled anons.
Arc-V and Vrains are the gen 6 an gen 7 of their franchise, after this it's only gonna get worse even if they do the unthinkable and give a girl the protagonist slot. Even through there are some girl leads in shonen there are few girls into shitty ads for even shittier toys so having one for YGO would be a waste only waifufags would be interested and most of those send their money on porn, figures and concert tickets rather than the show's actual merch, we have waifufag decks like Magician Girls, Witchcrafter, Strikers, Melodious, Cat Dancers, Cyber Angel, Charmers, Fortune Fairies and Melodious and not a single one of those decks are good or top tier and are barely pet deck tier.
>being this butthurt
I enjoyed the Zarc ending and I'm no going to apologize.
>Yugioh VRAINS
>First 2 seasons were shit
>"Link Vrains has been closed"
what did they mean by this
>Literally the "I activate this trap card that negates damage batte etc" like in VRAINS with Mirror Force thing
No, not literally at all. One of them is a free use, and the other is a -1
Yuya was supposed to find his own way to entertain and make people smile instead of relying in the same methods his father did. However with all the pressure, trying to find Yuzu, meet her and miss her, enduring a lot of shit, knowing that he has to win and not lose, is pretty obvious that he has a lot of conflict inside. One could argue that the way they handled it could have been better, but in a sense I could understand it at least.
he a good boi
girls don't play card games
don't be stupid user
Was a duel needed for that? Honestly, after 5 other series I hate wasting time on female duelists they never put up an interesting fight Yoshida should have did us a favor and had Ai steal it without dueling or even hospitalizing her, she just gets robbed and fired and we never see her again, the end. It feels like a waste to show Ai's first solo duel against a nobody bitch like Queen
> what is princess cup?!
I'm saying the waitress isn't the MC. She gets second billing. Nobu-san is.
The title of the series is even
Isekai Izakaya "Nobu".
The first billed character is
>Nobuyuki "Nobu" Yazawa
He has the nickname of "Nobu."
The second billed character is
>Shinobu Senke
She does not have the nickname of "Nobu."
>They mostly complain about his writing of women in general. I don't think any of the complaints specifically are pointed at card games.
I think if anything you're the autist here, lol.
>pole dancing
why this is allowed?
And then they went right back to no development mode.
>s1 and 2 were shit
the rules aren't very steadfast in vrains for when a duel is needed to rob someone or render them a vegetable
>not a single one of those decks are good or top tier
>decent rogue strategies like Lunalight and Cyber Angel
>Sky Strikers
Nice bait.
Its the final step in their "realizing dedicating a whole series to shilling Speed Duel format was a fucking mistake" arc
>casually forgetting Dennis
>casually forgetting Shun zetsubou
>casually forgetting Rin defeating Hyugo
>casually forgetting a lot of thing
yusho ended up still being a lot better at entame dueling than yuya so maybe his problem was not following yusho closely enough
what does any of that have to do with Yuya's character
Yusho was a fucking cunt though
>AiLand is actually in the shape of Ai's head
I didn't really get 'cunt' from him, just very ineffective and a flop of a character. But in that brief time he was dueling vs Yuri he was good. Only during that duel, though.
The story doesn't work if you take one or the other out. Nobu is also in Shinobu's name. half the chapters are about her. Damn this is stupid.
>I think if anything you're the autist here, lol.
No, they complain about women not being important, being poorly written. The card games seem secondary to the complaints.
Just realized it. Really cool.
It's not even about whether they play card games. It's about maintaining an audience.
Reminds me of Heartland City
IIRC, Lyrical Luscinia was fine too.
Dennis is one of the few characters whose dignity was intact until the end, his duel against him in the finale was more of a bonding with one of his oldest enemies, plus they share the EM/Performa decks.
With Shun I am convinced that he was literally the punchbag even until the end so maybe they actually though about making Yuya help him recover, since Yuya endured a lot of shit but managed to overcome it, yet Shun was still despairing, he wanted to help him in a way.
The Rin and Hyugo part was solely for them though.
I complain more about poor writing than not being important.
>No, they complain about women not being important, being poorly written. The card games seem secondary to the complaints.
Pure autism. Everyone in these threads complains about the poor writing with YGO females, and invariably the poor writing is
>Hype up female to be good at card games
>she is in fact very bad at card games
>show still acts like she is good at card games
Will AiLand be the place of the final battle
>Yusaku want to keep his identity as PM a secret to everyone
>everyone includes Aoi
>Aoi sometimes visit Yusaku working at Kusanagi's shop
>Kusanagi shows up on Vrains without bothering to hide his face
Yusaku only works at the shop like once in a while, there's no way Aoi doesn't at least recognize the face of the real owner of the hotdog shop. Even if we assume she only visits when yusaku's around then she should've at least glanced at the shop everytime she visits that general area to see if yusaku's there and she should definitely have seen kusanagi working there once or twice right? Unless she only ever visit that area whenever Yusaku happen to be working by coincidence or red string of fate or bad writing
Or maybe they'll pull a superman glasses trope and say that the hat makes kusanagi unrecognizable?
>audience has always been young boys
>these young boys also play the card game
>hey lets market this card game to girls now
thats like shooting yourself into the foot
>overcome it
You mean have the plot deliver it to him through the power of brainwashing until he gets zarc'd?
has aoi ever seen kusanagi? yusaku has been working the stand alone when she visited
>Pure autism. Everyone in these threads complains about the poor writing with YGO females, and invariably the poor writing is
>show still acts like she is good at card games
Well that's probably more than half the franchise depending on how you define "good at card games". Judai played fucking neo spacians and people act like he was good.
Woman MC are Always shit, not even once was I able to finish a Season with female mc.
Men rule upon the world and all stuggle is futile
>hey lets market this card game to girls now
I was talking about boys who wouldn't watch if there were no girls. There's other merchandise and ads to consider than just card games.
GX was like the only time where they break conventions with the Protagonist and Rival.
He pretty much has to see a lot of shit happening, until he snapped. Then after becoming Z-ARC, he managed to regain himself with the help of a few of his friends, Reiji being notorious with the Pendulum swinging to him again, and Yuzu talking to him while being naked. That and his other parts (specially Yuri who was calm about being inside him, he was a true creepy) helping him made him actually control Z-ARC and defeat him. After that he was freed
Right, because he won with Neo Spacians. Which, is a bit of a stretch, but we suspend our disbelief with the anime. Otherwise the protagonists would all be sweaty neckbeards who literally stink too much and ask for the judge to intervene every five fucking seconds.
If appearances mattered that much, Aoi would've deduced that Yusaku is Playmaker given hoe similar they look. Kusanagi appearing in his avatar doesn't matter since apparently no one gives a shit how much your virtual likeness is like your actual likeness.
You must really hate this world right now to hide in a card game commercial, but female characters can be both fun and great MC.
Yoshida was fine at writing Yuzu in the manga but he made her a female gender role type character to the point I think he implied she was somehow Yuya's mother???
Yoshida also had Shark have this female MC called Luna in the Zexal manga and she was exactly the same as all his works - emotionally supportive but a complete jobber.
So yeah I don't buy "But he wrote a waitress FeMC well!" as a counter to "Yoshida couldn't write a FeMC who has to consistently win card games well."
I don't know WHY, but for some reason Yoshida just doesn't like women winning card games. Just can't stomach the thought.
Then clearly you need to suspend your disbelief even more and realize that these writers don't care about win records. Lightning won that last duel.
not these days
most female main characters are either huge retards or mary sues
>waifufags seething over the fact that a background character whose only purpose was to be a representation of how scummy SOL is got btfo
Cope harder faggots
shounen with I can think of positively off the top of my head:
>Soul Eater
>that one .hack OVA 3-parter
and I have nothing after that. Seriously doubt Yugioh will ever get anyone as passionate or good as the respective authors of SE or Slayers
We're never getting another Lina. We're stuck with shitty fucking Disney Mary Sues or Complete Jobbers. No middle ground.
*with feMCs
But women love the current practices since they like the male characters and especially love fujobait.
Something like making Roboppy a boy is more marketing towards the women because it gives them a ton of fujobait which is what they seem to like the most in Yugioh.
And even Soul Eater sorta bungled the ending
Based Linafag
He just hates writing female
That doesn't make sense, fujos like bishies, not shotas.
>Yoshida was fine at writing Yuzu in the manga but he made her a female gender role type character to the point I think he implied she was somehow Yuya's mother???
What's wrong with that?
Yoshida also had Shark have this female MC called Luna in the Zexal manga and she was exactly the same as all his works - emotionally supportive but a complete jobber.
So was Durbe.
>So yeah I don't buy "But he wrote a waitress FeMC well!" as a counter to "Yoshida couldn't write a FeMC who has to consistently win card games well."
That never was posited. The idea he never wrote female main character in an okay way was just wrong though.
Kusanagi works there 99% of the time and Yusaku only rarely replaces him. I mean unless she coincidentally never visits the hotdog stand except whenever yusaku's working there she should've at least seen kusanagi working at the stand at least once right? Even if we assume that she hates hotdogs and never visits the stand unless yusaku's there to talk to him then she should've at least glanced over at the hotdog stand whenever she visits that general area to check if yusaku's working or not and would've at one point saw kusanagi instead of yusaku right?
Meant for
for some fujos a shota is fine too
Did it finally get good?
ask that later, we're still riding the high off of finally escaping from the screentime blackhole that was bohman
True, Judai even had more legit losses than any other MC, Yubel had him beat the only way to win was to fuse their souls together with Super polymerization and use that to drive the light of destruction from Yubel purifying it and ending the duel without a result, Yuma's shitty dueling skill was always used as comedy think about it, he pulled some sick moves to defeat Astral yet the next day he loses to Rio in a duel like it's nothing as if the writers were flat out mocking us by having a retard duelist, and it hurt even more because you can count the number of times Yuya won a duel without action cards on one hand when they promised us when synchro started that he would start dueling more like a protagonist.
I just do not understand, speed dueling and action dueling managed to be even worse than turbo dueling, as even when they introduced the counter system back in the second half of 5D's it still made it look like the characters had skill. Maybe it's because both players had the same abilities where as with speed and action duels it's all bullshit that works at the writer's convenience.
The next season will be based on Tag Duels, dual male and female protagonists.
The new summoning mechanic will be Reproduction Summon.
We've only got 1 ep of s3 so hard to say for now
And I say 1 ep because that recap doesn't count, let's all forget about it
Dangerous onee-sans aren't a meme, you know?
wow abe seems to have accelerated in his melting process compared to the last time i saw him
>we are never getting an actual competent female mc
>just like never getting the respect for dark elf except for being cum dupster or lol fatty
I'm done
>not Yuri Summon with 2 feMC
>first S3 episode
>a recap
Way to kill my hype
The entire post was that it'd be funny as hell to see him try to write a FeMC who has to consistently win card games you fucking autist.
You tried to "counter" that with "B-but he wrote a second billed waitress in an anime not about card games k-kinda well!"
That's fine but we're talking about card games kiddo. Not about Yoshida's ability to semi-competently portray a waitress.
>female characters can be both fun and great MC.
Exemple please?
also i dont hate the world, im a MC of my world no puny female can take that away even if im straight
Maka was kinda a crap MC, she could never handle anything without Soul, if anything she was the normalfag who keeps all her weirdo friends and boyfriend grounded. Medaka Box doesn't count at all because Medaka herself isn't even a character, she's a parody who changes personalities on a whim for whatever joke the author wants to make, Lala has never been the lead of TLR, she's Rito's prize at best and closest cum dumpster at worse, Yami, Mei and Nana and Momo also shit the bed protagonist wise, their entire characters revolve around their interactions with Rito and finally, Claire was such a nothing lead in Claymore that she disappeared for a while and nobody really cared, but in my opinion Claymore had a shitload more problems than it's boring as hell protagonist, writing females outside gender roles is fucking hard
If they were to ever make a female protagonist for the shoe they'd write her like a boy at best and a bitchy polarizing girl at best. Look what happened to Rage of Bahamut when the lead changed to a female, she ruined the entire franchise, then there's the one female lead in the Jojo series, she's the least popular, her reign is the least liked Jojo and people would rather forget she exists. the only time a female lead can work well is if the rest of the cast is also majority female, see Kill la Kill and Little Witch Academia, even now we still get threads about Ryuko and Akko but they quickly go into either Satsui, Diana, Sucy,Mako, Nonon or Chariot rather than them
>I'd love to have Yoshida on with a female protagonist just to see him squirm.
That was it. Yugioh MCs don't even have to win all the time. Yugi for example.
Ono's directed one decent season and two mediocre seasons of a Shonen series with a pretty good female MC.
why do some anons need a female MC /so/ badly? it's not like the penis or vagina of a character can save them from bad writing. and yugioh already sells attractive 2d girls through the cards.
also, female MCs with some actual thought put behind them are like 50x more common outside of the shounen genre, you should try one of those other genres some time
>Exemple please?
>also doesn't see the example in the spoiler
>can't even write right
I feel is a miracle you are able to press the space bar
>Link VRAINS closed down
>somehow they meet inside Link VRAINS next episode
The MCs win more than they lose. Though with Yoshida and a FeMC I'm sure that trend would be bucked.
Yuma had an absolute shit winrate before meeting Astral and when he (almost) lost he felt the sting of it
The server is probably operational just not open to the public. Besides we see a lot of vrains in the intro.
they can't use link vrains anymore but they can set up their own spaces in the network. which isn't really that different dbh, but i guess it's more like a chatroom compared to a much larger mmorpg
And yet he is more lovely and fun than yusaku
I can't wait until Ryoken gets matrix'd too.
Man, Kusanagi is a big guy
I like his design more than Decode's.
>more lovely
Sky Strikers are only good because their draw engine is broken as fuck. God, Engage banned when? I'm tired of watching shitters grind half their deck off 1 Engage.
>not SIS
Retardbro, I...
why is kusanagi behind ghost girl like a creep?
It's been several years since I read/watched any Soul Eater so maybe my positive impression is just going off of remembering that I wasn't particularly offended by Maka. I also forgot about LWA, but that isn't really 'shounen-y'. Poputepipikku and Aggretsuko have relatively popular female MCs that are also recent, but they're not shounen. Does Houseki no Kuni count as shounen?
But nearly all the female mcs that hit it off with a wider audience sit outside of shounen
For a second there I thought he'll go pendulum
@ Ignisters are cute.
Ai and Roboppy are great.
why does yugioh attract so many anime casuals? I don't get it
Nostalgia and it aired on an American kid network so you attract anime hating crossboarders who think Yugioh is some magical exception to everything
I don't watch any anime besides Ygo. Western entertainment is far superior.
>comic relief character turn into chad in the final season
good trope
imagine having a superiority complex about exclusively watching shlock like into the drains, whose single saving grace hanging by the thinnest of threads is ai and roboppy
i'm here as well but i'm not going to dress any of it up prettily and play pretend
Arc-V started going down hill during Synchro. It's last truly great moment, not surrounded by bullshit, was Yuya vs Reiji 2.
VRAINS is probably my second favorite after the original. But when I say that I don't mean the second anime, I just mean the original Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole.
>closeted self-loathing crossboarders
>shitvulva autist
>that one apologist
>jin.... TT
all kinds of colorful characters assemble here
Honestly this; you could tell coming off of it and into VRAINS that all of the good faith at the beginning of Arc-V going unrealized made people wary of another Yu-Gi-Oh! if they hadn't just given up entirely.
Is Hayami 25?
>Ai's fusion is going to be dual attribute Crystal Heart
So you mean you like crap. Ok then, your opinion is discarded now
Is that you, Quickdraw?
I can't wait to see it and Linkuriboh throw shit at each other
I also like Love Live and Gundam and have that silver Evangleion DVD box set and everything.
Kusanagi is 24, sounds plausible.
VRAINS threads attract all sorts of awful shitposters and autists, but above all else, I want the fucking crossboarders to go away.
> VRAINS is objectively worse than Arc-V.
It is not. This is quantifiable.
People often criticize VRAINS as being boring or slow-paced, but the trade off for that is consistency. It's a very careful show.
Arc-V is a hot mess with weak themes, characters, setting, and plot.
I really don't think there was one.
It was just so ridiculous that they had a tournament right after a huge tournament.
No you can't compare this to Duelist Kingdom and Battle City because the pacing and transition was totally different.
it's Arc-V fault
I remember to see posts like ''I found out about Yea Forums thanks to arc-v" a lot
>last truly great moment, not surrounded by bullshit, was Yuya vs Reiji 2
This user gets it. Probably the last duel where it felt like it all came together to reach a boiling point with two characters of clashing priorities and ideals intensely focusing on delivering the full literal and metaphorical smackdown to each other. There have been decent to good duels since then, even in Vrains, but not to that kind of catharsis
This doesn't make sense to me since at the time we didn't even know what Yusho's style consisted of. Nor did we have a very clearly defined understanding of how Yuya duels beyond "grab action card, OTK."
user pls, clear your username before posting
This is bait.
I cannot stand predictable shit, and boring shit. I take Arc-V big mess over VRAINS any day. I rather feel and get some hype moments, rather than just wanting a season to just end.
>No you can't compare this to Duelist Kingdom and Battle City because the pacing and transition was totally different.
Yes I can, the times from both Standard and Synchro were completely different. Not to mention that it was ruled by Jean Pierre.
I really hope VRAINS have a tournament arc, maybe AI organize a Battle Royale? That would be nice, I already hate VRAINS but I rather not hate it more if they don't have a tournament.
Remember him?
I don't think it's happening in YGO, but you do know there are women characters in shonen anime/manga right?
>I feel is a miracle you are able to press the space bar
My Grammar is bad Right now for alot of reasons non has anything to with a Grammar nazy like you.
I can feel your buthurt fat roastie.
>pretty good female MC.
I disagree, there are actually at least 2 good Animes with female MC but you are too studid to realize it
Rewatch the series, it helps.
> Yuuna-chan
I don't know but this made me chuckle.
I could see it.
Is the theme that starts to play when Ai summons Link 3 @ignister and goes into ED spam new?
It's kinda too upbeat for supposed villian.
what happened to lightning?
>tournament arc
Great ficking animations never realized yugi was this good
Say the Arc-V hater/VRAINS apologist.
Haru failed. Now Robobby has to be the shota of this series.
based , insectoids and weebs on suicide watch
Only for those specific monster scenes, for a total of 1-2 minutes, the rest of the episode was kinda jank. But I'd rather see something good than nothing good I guess
>have to rely on "y-you butthurt roastie"
Pathetic. Learn to write better instead of writting gibberish, a lot of people can't understand what imbecile like you want to say.
>yfw Ai wants to get SOL to organize a tournament
>Sho becomes a successful pro duelist using a fucking Vehicroid/Cyberdark deck
How did he even pull that off?
Why are you weebs so discriminatory. Have sex, dude.
Can anyone make one for Wind Pegasus?
What is Jin doing?
What would be so different about an official tournament in vrains compared to how it normally sets up a flurry of 1v1 duels towards the end? Where the winner (so, yusaku) and the main antagonist pick off the weaklings until they reach the top of the ladder where they finally duel each other
Getting rid of all the female duelists is a good thing.
better yet
a battle royale, only the 100 remaning humans of den city will get to live in the robot world
At this point I don't think Yusaku would even mind if she knows his identity.
He just never bothered telling her since there's no point in it.
It was by far the best one. This episode had some amazing visuals.
t. yoshida
I guess to officially say there was a tournament arc? Even though we've had thinly veiled ones the whole time
Yea i agree. im gonna binge watch the series now.>"y-you butthurt roastie"
really? im Pretty sure most People can understand my broken english , is this buthurt because im Right? fat piece of shit
Hes right you know?
Getting rid of all duelists is a good thing. Millennium World 2 when?
how so?
Synchro in VRAINS doesn't look very good.
Getting to meet the rest of the lost incident children at the hospital.
yusaku is probably embarrassed
> then there's the one female lead in the Jojo series, she's the least popular, her reign is the least liked Jojo and people would rather forget she exists.
I don't think people actually dislike Jolyne. At least, the western fanbase doesn't dislike Jolyne. What people dislike about Stone Ocean is that it runs on for fucking ever in the prison, when you know they want to break out and know that they intend to break out, and know that they ultimately WILL break out.
And then, of course, there's the ending. Which I'm not even sure is a spoiler at this point, but I won't go into regardless.
The animator doing Ai's cuts in this seems to be different from whoever did the monster animation (Junpei Ogawa?), but I can tell the former still has passion despite lack of raw drawing skills, possibly due to younger age/inexperience.
Feels kind of odd to see that outside of a Noh episode since all Yugioh anime has done the past 3+ years is slowly lose their passionate talented workers, and not gain any promising new ones
Can we drop Yusaku and have Ai become the MC?
female mc are almost Always shit and only pedo lolicons like it
And my questio is. If you are gonna make duelist that are gonna job, and make pointless duel, would it be better to not make those duelist at all, instead of getting rid of them later?
No you are not
Queen isn't dead. I repeat, QUEEN ISN'T DEAD
She will come back STRONGER than EVER
No. There was an episode Ai didn't show up in.
I wish DRAINS was a seinen instead so that Ai just kill her for the sake of everyone
if you become an AI android, are you really still alive as the same person?
>assuming everyone here is a fat
Not really impressed by your baseless assumption, you may be one big fat instead. Probably my last reply to you but next time try to write better, it makes you less shitty. I don't know if you are fat (and I will not be surprised if you are one) but you are indeed a true piece of shit. Bye sweetie.
How embarrassing.
It's clear.
thats really not me
>Bye sweetie.
Try harder loli loving pedo
>trips invasion
VRAINS was a mistake
Stick to wixoss.
That much isn't really that surprising. Freelancers notwithstanding, it makes sense that Gallop isn't able to replace its in-house talent. You'd be hard pressed nowadays to find many good animators willing to be stuck on production for a long-running weekly airing series for three years at a time, let alone multiple series.
VRAINS is probably as close to Seinen Yu-Gi-Oh! will get outside of the original manga.
Wixoss went full ARC-V.
I barely remember anything from wixoss besides the incest and tulpa ghosts ending but it was ok I guess? Actually it was probably kinda bad, but eh
I sure as hell hope they won't just brush aside the fact that the guy just killed one of the Ignis last season.
Arc-V fags vs VRAINS fags are literally Rei vs Asuka, aka the most cringey and banable offense ever, also fuck off moot
Don't bring that shit here.
Well yeah. I get why it's happening, so I guess I'm just saying it's more surprising if anyone new shows up and seems to actually have a spark of life or passion in their work. There were also a few weirdly enthusiastically animated scenes for Blood Shepherd as well dozens of episodes ago.
Most of the outsource guys they get now are low quality though
There is nothing wrong with killing an Ignis. This season proves that Revolver was right all along.
>Over 100 times
Just how often does she itch the ditch?
Yusaku didn't seem to mind it.
Rei and Asuka both have some pretty good traits worth fighting about.
An overwhelming majority of fans agree that Arc-V was a disappointment. How could you even argue that it wasn't?
Mari Okada was never good.
spoiler that shit
>ot*ku games
No thanks.
There is absolutely nothing worth spoilering or otherwise looking forward to in that image.
if I wanted to look at an ugly turd on this fine morning, I would've just googled one
>Western entertainment is far superior
10/10 bait made me reply
I agree that Mari Okada is a hack, but the only WIXOSS season that she wrote was Infected, which is the only season that is actually good.
Is this pandor?
>An overwhelming majority of fans agree that Arc-V was a disappointment
>thinking that all the nips who voted against Arc-V in Nico ratings are worth shit
>also thinking those same nips let go that hatred and even started to like Arc-V again
I could argue you
S-She's Queen, bro.
Why does this conversation seem so believable? I can imagine Yoshida being like this in real life
>This season proves that Revolver was right all along
Reminder that this timeline is already contaminated by Lightning. There is no peaceful resolution to be found
Abandon hope
pandor could be an interesting girl.
personally I don't think he'd even reply. Just stays silent or gives a "hmm" and says he'll think about it (but not really)
Really doesn't stack up to firewall.
>when vrains remembers it has to sell the monster cards
that's the good shit
I'll give them credit for the writing in this duel.
>Only uses @Ignister based on himself, Windy, and Lightning to show he's moved on from the last season
>Both of the @Ignister based on him have effects that recover @Ignister
Sakurai's voice performance always delivers, he is so charismatic. I wouldn't mind if the writers decide to replace Yusaku and have Ai as the main character, I could never get tired of listening to Reigen's voice.
I hate this meme
I miss Sora, Yuya, and Yuzu
he really doesn't sound like the same character.
But Windy was a good boy that dindu nuffin. Makes no sense to use a Wind monster next to a monster that represents Lightning.
>vrainsfag trying to rewrite history
Its shit m8.
Is he evil now? You get to sound cooler when you become evil
I love this meme
>they changed the voices
What a shame
Robbopy was more female looking, this is not for debate
Best pair.
>they changed the voices
He really did a great job. Looks like he won't be the focus next episode, but I'm impressed Akira managed to put this together, so maybe there's hope.
So, what did he say in Japanese during this scene? Did he specifically mentioned boy?
Yeah making Roboppi a shota is on the same level as making Yuzu Yuya's mother. Yoshida really is a troll
For AI and robboby
The old ones were better
Emma's tiddies don't look so big in this frame.
Why did they have to make the maid bot a boy? What was all the stuff going on between Ai and Roboppy in Yusaku's room? You aren't gonna tell me he is into young boys. Is this Yoshida's doing?
Same VAs
And yet he is still here. People complain more for SEGA and Sonic Team with Sonic than for Yoshida being here.
My non-ironic guess is that Roboppy had no gender as a robot and when he gained free will, he began a boy, because that's what he wanted.
It's so Roboppy can win duels.
>being this new
He gained free will and changed his gender to male.
Hey! Is true that VRAINS isn't really good for a lot of people like me, or really doesn't treat their females well. They could have give Allure Queen a little more animation and even some name attacks and chant.
But nonetheless, what's matter here is the support, and the fact that the fanarts of our girls are always top tier, right?
>Yoshida-san it's a robot it doesn't have to have genitals to win a card game
It was a very conflicting decision for Yoshida.
On one hand, it is a cleaning bot, which means that it can only be female.
On the other hand, it has to win duels, which means that it can only male.
No, they didn't. They just arn't doing comedic voices now.
Cute tummy
Oh please no more fuel for the lgbt guys now they will say it was girl but decided to be a boy and will start talking about the trans stuff. Why writers? Why couldn't you let her stay as girl?
I'm still fucking laughing at that one user who said Yoshida isn't sexist because he wrote an anime about a girl serving men food as a waitress
>pic related is real
Holy shit, LIGHTNING
Damn. She's hot. Unironically better than Akiza.
>On one hand, it is a cleaning bot, which means that it can only be female.On the other hand, it has to win duels, which means that it can only male.
keked so hard
I'm actually surprised the "Into the Trans"-poster haven't shown up yet.
This is fucking Lightning fault
Ironically. You'd expect the Victoria tiddymonster to be hotter than the dorky glasses girl.
Episode today was sick as fuck. @Ignister seems like a fun deck to pilot and if it gets printed could be viably used for Darkfluid turbo.
If those Allure Queens ever get printed, I will genuinely hate Konami as it will truly show they don't care about printing important VRAINS decks
The scene where Ai and Roboppy took over the androids made my pp hard and I don't know why
It's a girl who likes to look like a boy.
There are people that love allure queen and they have been here more longer. So they should print it soon
And did he decide to ignore all the possible sexual stuff going on between the two of them in Yusaku's room?
>skills in a regular duel
>implying ANYTHING gets printed from this show
edgy arc now?
You'll get neither. just like metal baboon.
This could have gone a lot differently.
This just means that Ai is a homo who would and probably has plowed that boypussy.
Based Westernbro, indeed the best archetype of vrains has already been printed, there's no need to print any others.
What a waste of such a hot body, belonging to such an awful person, there's nothing sadder than a hot girl whose not living their life correctly, I think I understand Stopman a bit better now even if I disagree with his method of justice
Not on Yoshida's watch
Not only that but he is into young ones
I don't know when or why Yoshida became such a meme. I suspect it has something to do with Yuzu and Masumi. But I'd like it if people could realize that female Duelists have never had particularly exceptional win rates. This has been a fact since Mai Kujaku, whose only victory against a named character was Ryuzaki/Rex Raptor, discounting that guy created for the anime who wanted to marry her.
What a substantial victory that was.
Among females, Asuka actually has one of the better Win/Loss records. She won 7 duels against named characters, including a flashback with one of them, so we can shorten that to 6.
She won two additional duels against four named characters with Judai's help.
Aki Izayoi won 6 duels against named characters, including a flashback against one of them so we can shorten that to 5. Her victory against Sherry Lablanc involved Crow Hogan, so we can shorten that to 4.
>I don't know when or why Yoshida became such a meme
Because Yuzu was actually shown having a goal and doing stuff after Kotori's series. It all got tossed aside, but yeah.
>I suspect it has something to do with Yuzu and Masumi.
He didn't write any of Arc-V.
>Because Yuzu was actually shown having a goal and doing stuff
Kotori had a goal.
So Yoshida rather have Ai as a homo who is into shota than making Roboppy a girl?
Sorry. Yuzu had a goal that didn't involve the horsecock.
October with a copyright and December with first look in V-Jump.
A literal 10/10
Fuck off, Yoshida.
What's was wrong with her goal?
For once I'm glad the main villain isn't SOL tech. I wouldn't mind either way but if SOL was this season big bad people would complain about the show being predictable. I just hope the only villains we'll have this season are Roboppy, Ai and the obligatory Zorc/Darkness/Z-One/Don Thousand/Zarc final boss
>Doujins never
>What was all the stuff going on between Ai and Roboppy in Yusaku's room?
Don't remind me
>having only 2 villains for a whole season until the final boss
yeah no, sounds boring as fuck. it'd be completely plastered with filler
>Satan laying down the truth
I don't know what to make of this.
Absolutely nothing.
You forgot to mention Bohman, he wants to be remembered
So Traditional Values user is Kotori. It all comes full circle
There go my dreams of any female Roboppy lewds
Even though there are probably plenty of reasons to dislike VRAINS, I feel as though the Arc-V vs VRAINS conflict is somewhat inauthentic. To an extent it is understandable, as Arc-V is the series' direct predecessor, the fifth Yu-Gi-Oh! story, and VRAINS is the sixth.
It's not unreasonable to compare them. But most of the issue stems from the fact that Arc-V fell into such a devastating downward spiral and ended in such a disastrous way. The hardcore fans probably wanted VRAINS to be similar, so they could write Arc-V's failure off as an issue with the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise as a whole.
But it wasn't, it was just Arc-V.
That post was more about Queen than Roboppy, I just responded to some Roboppy posts because they were the most recent mentions of Yoshida.
>The hardcore fans probably wanted VRAINS to be similar, so they could write Arc-V's failure off as an issue with the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise as a whole.
Nice projection. VRAINS as a whole is a failure too. Arc-V did promised a lot and failed, VRAINS promised to be just an ok series and ended being one of the most boring seasons. Both of them are bad and nothing else matter. Is another thing if you like any of this season
Why is its neck so long?
Keep screaming retard.
> so they could write Arc-V's failure off as an issue with the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise as a whole.
It's a card game shonen. There is no high art.
Keep projecting, aspergo
>roboppi complaining how long was ai's chanting
>ai without saying anything else, just summons the monster
absolute kino
Akira gets all the promotions.
>The hardcore fans probably wanted VRAINS to be similar
People wanted VRAINS to be fun, but for the most part it's been an absolute bore. From today's episode, it looks like things are picking up. Nobody's denying that Arc-V shat the bed in the second half.
>roboppi is a female to male robot
bless this show
I hope this becomes a running gag.
Is this true or Roboppi just a token YGO shota?
based yoshida making the world a better place
You mean Salamangreats you retard.
I guess no one can beat out aqua for ai's heart.
>adding new content to the ending
i hope they continue doing so. also i nailed it, they were going to take control of the robot bodies, but i think that was already seen a mile away the moment they show it
go dilate
I don't think you can argue that Arc-V is a terrible mess of a show. I mean, one of its main supporters in this thread, esl retard that he was, has openly acknowledged that he prefers messy excitement to structured story telling.
More power to him and anyone else with similar tastes. Arc-V began as something of a mystery story; it's not unreasonable to assume it was designed to draw in viewers on a week to basis and keep them excited.
The problem is in the execution. The idea behind its mystery was only bold on the surface. It had no follow through. It was all flare and fizzled out appropriately.
The idea of a card game war between two worlds was actually something that was already done in ZEXAL II. I'm almost sure the reason why no one mentioned it back then is the same reason why everyone was so receptive to Arc-V after ZEXAL in the first place.
It's an issue of character.
ZEXAL's designs were drastic and dynamic, and Arc-V was down to earth in comparison. Also, it returned to what was ostensibly a more contemporary setting, so you resonated more with the world. Character is a big part of a story.
Of the four traits that define a story; Character, Theme, Setting, and Plot, Character is supreme. It's so important that if you have strong characters the other three tenets almost don't matter.
ZEXAL's core cast (I'm talking Yuma and his friends, not Dextra, Nistro, Shark, Kaito, or the Arclight's) isn't very pleasing to look at, and most of them are annoying to even hear speak. Some of them aren't even used properly, e.g, Kazuki Takahashi, who designed ZEXAL's characters, was surprised Bronk was a good guy. On top of being meandering and pointless, they're ugly, so it's no wonder why people are turned off by ZEXAL.
But the general consensus is that it picks up once it begins to focus on Shark, Kaito, the Arclights, and so on. Not only are they more substantial people, but their designs are pleasant.
Arc-V by and large has its design work down pat.
How many trans are in this thread right now?
>screw the rules!
i was busy btfo-ing terfs on twitter
>Human aqua has a big butt
I am not ready to see that.
enough to have our representation in this show, you incel.
have sex!
what were ai and roboppy (male) doing here?
> Arc-V by and large has its design work down pat.
The series aesthetic charm is prevalent from the get go. The only really ugly person is Gogenzaka. Aesthetically, he's a drag on the entire cast and I'm not sure why he even exists.
With that being said, even though Arc-V's character designs are superior to ZEXAL's own, this is only in service to the aforementioned aesthetics.
Just like with the plot, there's no follow through. The show's only really strong characters are Yuya, Yuzu, Shun, and Reiji, and not a single one of them is strong enough to carry the narrative on their own.
So in the absence of good characters, the absence of a strong plot, and the absence of any kind of overarching (ba dum tsh) theme, it has nothing but a modestly well written setting. A setting that ultimately became a double-edged sword, as the highly unnecessary Action Duels wore away at the patience of the animators and editors.
I am oddly aroused by that thing.
>I'm not sure why he even exists
He earned his place in the duel against Yaiba, though I do feel he overstayed his welcome.
You'll never be a real woman tranny. Only representation you need is a fat neckbeard man in a girl's dress, because that's literally what you abominations are.
this fucking scene actually made me laugh out loud.
Why are you so cruel to your LGBT sister?
> It's a card game shonen. There is no high art.
But there is a standard of quality that Arc-V has failed to reach that VRAINS does not.
I love how he just decides to end it with some stock cool-sounding bullshit.
They need the tough love. Without people making them understand them passing barely ever happens they'll keep cutting their dicks off and then join the 40% when they don't look even closely to what they want to be.
Did you know user that a woman let you live inside for a year and she could have aborted you? Too bad she didnt, the world would be a better place.
>Arc-V failed to reach
Arc-V excelled, it just crashed and burned. That's the whole reason the reaction to the final third was so negative; people had come to enjoy it, and it spat in their face.
>anti arc v squad
Yawn. Anything else?
No. It doesn't matter how many flips you do in the air if you don't stick the landing.
>Just like with the plot, there's no follow through. The show's only really strong characters are Yuya, Yuzu, Shun, and Reiji, and not a single one of them is strong enough to carry the narrative on their own.
This is an argument made after the fact. Yuya, Yuzu, Shun, and Reiji are a wonderful cast but all their ambitions and strength is thrown out the window. Yuya becomes a pastiche of a generic YGO protagonist, Yuzu stops trying to become stronger despite that being both a compelling story arc and central to her character, Shun actually manages to stay compelling for longer than most but his screentime is taken by the legacies, and Reiji literally spends most of his time off-screen looking for a boat.
The characters are fine, the problem is that they're gutted after Standard. Standard Yuya, Yuzu, Shun, and Reiji are fucking awesome
Appearances in Vrains are implied to be unrecognizable to the characters in-universe, however similar they look to the IRL characters. The similarities are only for the viewers' sakes so we don't have to look at retarded avatars for literally every character.
Yeah yeah, I get it you hate Arc-V or left you traumatize and instead of talking about VRAINS biggest flaws you rather talk about how much scapegoat Arc-V. Sorry is not working.
> A pastiche of a generic YGO protagonist.
I don't follow.
printed in 2027.
I mean Yuya just starts winning cause he's the MC. There's vague mumblings of entame duelist but eh, it just doesn't hold water like when Yuya has to duel Sora in Standard and the climax that is Yuya vs Reiji 2
> Standard Yuya, Yuzu, Shun, and Reiji are fucking awesome
I mean I never said they weren't. I complimented them based mostly on their Standard performance.
> The problem is that they're gutted after Standard.
This is my point.
> traumatized
As if. I still love Yu-Gi-Oh!.
>vrains thread
>list of arc v flaws
Sasuga vrainlet
So we've got Vrains, which is boring but safe, and Arc-V, which had great potential but fucked up.
Structure vs Boldness, and with Vrains and Arc-V we see they're both kinda at polar extremes.
People enjoyed it, they got hyped in a way VRAINS hasn't been able to reach yet.
It feels like they really didn't want to bother animating Queen in action
Oh, yeah.
That's related to another problem I had with Arc-V, and something else that VRAINS really excels at.
It all comes back to character.
Arc-V has a bad practice of introducing loads and loads of new characters to serve various functions. They're never really fleshed out, and those that are have confusing motivations and are generally just bad. Here's looking at you, Shinji.
VRAINS has a compact cast of characters that it makes the most of in every way.
Yes, they did not.
robots don't have genders user
And then they were disappointed, so, there you go.
> VRAINS hasn't been able to reach yet.
Maybe for you.
I actually really enjoy VRAINS. It gets me hype. I think get off to how efficient it is.
>Arc-V has a bad practice of introducing loads and loads of new characters to serve various functions. They're never really fleshed out, and those that are have confusing motivations and are generally just bad.
>VRAINS has a compact cast of characters that it makes the most of in every way.
>unironically believing this
How can you make the most of the characters in a small cast by making them job all the time?
Drinking in the catharsis of a good Yu-Gi-Oh! anime after that trainwreck leaves people in a state of euphoria. These list of flaws are just a long sigh of relief.
"Remember how bad that was?"
"Look at how good our new show is."
Gonna be a long time.
Why is Go even there?
>And then they were disappointed, so, there you go.
>my word is a fact
Also I am still happy that I watched Arc-V and I glady take that for another year rather than enduring another year of VRAINS:
I wouldn't expect a power level faggot to understand how story telling works.
To give him 1 win and then job to playmaker again.
>Maybe for you.
For most people. Few people cared about Bohman or Hanoi outside of Mirror Force. If this season can keep up the quality it's shown in this episode and land a solid finale, great.
I loved Arc-V, too, but there's no denying people were disappointed.
All of them are gathered by Akira to protect him, and he seems to trust Go.
worked for GX
you silly virgin. roboppi was female coded and was programed to be female but giving free will, roboppi chose to be male instead
why are dumb alt-rightwingers so stupid to understand something so basic?
>gets smarter
>becomes male
dangerous implications
anyone catch the addition to human ai and robo to the ending?
Standard Arc-V was just a reskinned Zexal I without Astral or good villains.
Will the reporter duo ever catch a break? They'll never get a promotion by the end of the series at this rate.
Akira trusts Go.
>Roboppy become another one of Yoshida's self insert OCs besides Soulburner
How does he keep getting away with this?
Wasn't Roboppi already voiced by a male in the dub?
Are they pushing a kind of lgbt agenda in Vrains now?
Gay pedos win again.
>Tag Duel
Generic robot voice instead of a cutesy robot voice, I believe.
Ok then, let me tell you the bad things that VRAINS had for you, so you can see how much bias you have
>Yusaku, being one of the least entertaining and likeable MC
>Aoi, being a literal jobber with a forced relevancy
>Go, a literal who that can be scrapped and nothing could happen
>the duels, not hype at all, a lot of jobbing and also filler, only Yusaku never lost
>animation budget is crap
>a lot of build up just to kill somebody in the most anticlimatic way possible
>the setting in general is probably right now one of the worst despite showing promise before
>the outcomes of duel are too fucking obvious
>all this "cast" are reduced to Yusaku who is always alone and fighting and winning
>there are only a few characters that are likeable, revolver is an idiot, Go should just die, Jin is a literal who, Specter is overrated, etc
>at the end of the day, you could take characters like Aoi out of the show and nothing change, Haru could have jobbed by any other means and Go would have taked Aqua more easily
Should I continue? Because as far as I know, hiding the flaws of something while trying to say that the flaws of others are worse is a very low move to defend a show, something expected from a faggot like you.
soulburner is gay because he is flaming
yuusaku is asexual because he finds no interest in sex but can be considered demisexual when he finds the right person. how come you NOT realize this?
Oh. I was thinking they might have made Roboppy a boy for consistency or something.
Eh, either way, Roboppy is cute. I don't care which.
Dubs always ruining those details
>a lot of build up
Most of what you listed are problems with the Yugioh series in general and not unique to VRAINS.
> Yusaku being one of the least entertaining and likeable MC.
I think Yusaku is extremely entertaining. He is good at what he does. He is aware of this and not afraid to show it. He's a flex lord. And it doesn't get in the way of his essential humanity. It's genuinely heartwarming watching a young boy work to move past his trauma and protect the people he cares about.
I don't know how you could not like Yusaku when he so openly and brazenly says things like, "My dueling is invincible," and "I can't let Kusanagi become more sad."
> Aoi, being a literal jobber with a forced relevancy.
See > Go, a literal who that can be scrapped
Yeah, I dislike Go because he's ugly, and started off as extremely generic. I'm extremely happy he's turned into a bedraggled jobber. That was the best possible fate for his tired as fuck character type. Go is the ugliest character in the cast, and they get him the fuck out of here in the best way. It is cathartic.
> The duels, not hype at all, a lot of jobbing, and also filler.
This point, full of strawmen and a lot of buzzwords.
> animation budget is crap.
Doesn't bother me. When it looks good it looks good. I love how they do Overlay Units.
> A lot of build up just to kill somebody in the most anticlimatic way possible.
Be more specific. I liked the Ignis deaths and Bohman's too.
> The setting in general
Explain what is wrong with the setting.
> The outcomes of duels are too fucking obvious.
Could you expound on this point?
> all this "cast" are reduced to Yusaku who is always alone and fighting and winning
Again, I wouldn't expect a power level fag to understand the merits of story telling. The farther down this list I go, the more these complaints become about fighting.
Also: this.
I bet King is chairman of the board for SOL.
The SOL Payroll Squad
queen was drawn so weird in this episode
I don't think you know what that word means.
its almost like they didn't give a damn about her and only made this episode so people wouldn't question where the fuck she went.
Her monsters too. And this episode was by Yoshida. What a funny pattern.
> an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument.
Maybe it's not bang on the money, but that particular point isn't much of one; essentially, he's full of shit, no matter how you try to slice it.
Can you explain those merits of story telling? I don't see how everything revolving about Yusaku always winning has a merit.
The phrase "A power level faggot wouldn't understand" sounds like you either don't want to explain or can't explain your idea.
Doesn't even get a unique archetype
>Rook,Bishop and King are gonna make people job to them
Will they have LV monsters too?
Where is the picture of my boi Shinji.
Yusaku sure will have a hard time deciding wether to kill off Ai or join him (as I suppose Ai will offer it to him as soon as they meet). I can't wait to watch Roboppy erase GG and BS soon so we can get new characters soon.
It'll be funny to compare Queen's treatment to the other chess pieces once they appear
They mean that anons on Yea Forums have spoiled their brains shouting jobber at every single character who takes a loss
I'm starting to think this guy works for Konami with how he has to show up and counter every negative post about vrains
>Intro has a new altergeist boss monster
>Will still job to cyber vaccum tyrannosaurus
Roboppy is based.
Queen has only been hospitalized.
The smaller of the duo has never been impressive.
So the chess pieces are the board of investors and they assigned one among themselves (Queen) to be the one in charge of SOL technologies.
Worse. Is an old archetype, aka fanservice for people who like the card, yet they can't even do it right
caring about allure queens is like caring about steelswarm or baboons. no point.
>have more legacy cards animated
>better quality and more frames
>but its from arc v so its shit and i take vrains instead
When will Pandor show up? I need to see her full body.
But i like steelswarm
This. Besides, being an antagonist shota is dangerous in Vrains, it just means Blue Maiden has Roboppy's number.
Modern day Yugioh is a travesty and misses all of the highlights that make it enjoyable. VRAINS is by far the worst offender. The moment they dropped supernatural undertones and the occult for legal reasons was when the franchise was doomed. Yugioh was one of the rarer shonens that had entertaining bullshit, grotesque weird shit, adventure, and top tier waifus, meaning you could have your cake AND you could eat it. Tell me a story about teenagers saving the world from ancient demons by using cardboard and a construed view of friendship isn't worth watching. Variety is the spice of life and Yugioh does it better than the rest when it comes to providing new settings for the core cast to argue with other people over waving around holographic cardboard:
>DM: Duelist Kingdom, a fucking city, a blimp, stranded island, motherfucking Egypt
>GX: island filled with ruins and shit, the fucking Duel Academy
>5Ds: street-rat infested ghetto, a fucking city v2, South America, interdimensional fucking upside-down street-rat infested ghetto
>Zexal: Disney-land ass city, inside of a necklace, the moon, outerfucking space
And where does VRAINS fit all of this? Run-of-the-mill virtual generated cityscapes and random floating rocks in the sky that are indistinguishable from any other episode. Hell, they just scrapped the entire VR platform, introduced androids, potentially setting up irl duels as a mainstay for the last season, only to divulge into fucking consciousness-hacking VR duels again for no good reason. Talk about a waste.
> Thinking of different anime.
> Think of Yu Yu Hakusho.
> Realize hes right.
So according to the Wiki's effects of Allure Dance and Allure Palace, her move was something like
>activate Palace
>summon LV3, SS another LV3 to Ai's field
>use LV3 to equip her own LV3, level up to LV5, SS LV5 to Ai's field with Palace
>equip LV5 to her LV5, level up to LV7, SS another LV7 to Ai's field
>equip to her LV7, activate Allure Dance, send the equipped LV7 to her GY to SS LV3, LV5, LV7
>duel proceeds as shown in the episode
Is there a good reason why this wasn't shown on-screen? Other than being boring? I wouldn't put it against Yoshida to just have the duel set up as it was and left it to the animators to figure out how the hell Queen got four Allure Queens out on the first turn of the game.
One of the issues I had with Arc-V is the lack of a strong supernatural foundation, but I think VRAINS does good work using technology as its answer to magic, but the rest of your post, while extreme, isn't exactly off base.
I won't say that all of his points are on the mark, but the duels of VRAINS have seriously lacked hype. Like, compare Shooting Star Dragon to Firewall Dragon.
>Shooting Star is created right as it's summoned as Clear Mind plays for the first time, vs Firewall being obtained, then the duel is canceled, then a new duel starts
>Shooting Star tears through a tornado and blows away a damn storm so it can shine over the whole city vs Firewall slowly farting around the stage
>Shooting Star shows off two of its abilities and wins by them vs Firewall trying to use one, it fails, and is just used a beatstick
Comparing Shooting Star Dragon to Firewall Dragon is unfair though.
Shooting Star to eXceed or Darkfluid is more accurate.
> Compares the evolution of the Protagonist's precious ace monster to the obtainment of a Protagonist's 2500/2000 ace.
> The evolution Yusei was specifically working toward obtaining for several episodes.
> The evolution that Yusei outright failed to summon once.
No shit Shooting Star Dragon was more hype than Firewall Dragon. What the fuck are you even saying? Not to mention, Firewall Dragon is a direct counterpoint to esltard's argument that the duels are too predictable. There's always some creative shit going on with Firewall.
Man, it's fucking Yoshida. If it was something else they would have show us all the duel and setting, let us hear the attack name of Allure Queen and even a summon chant. But since Yoshida is the one in charge he made sure to skip that, even more, knowing that there are fans of Allure Queen. And her defeat was also humilliating. Why this surprise you?
Shooting Star is kind of an unfair comparison considering it so massively overshadows every other boss monster debut in the entire franchise.
>built up for like an entire season of Yusei trying to figure out how to counter Meklords and fiddling with different ideas until Antinomy shows him Accel Synchro
>also the duel between him and Placido was fairly well built up because Placido had a bone to pick with him
>gets its own awesome theme music directly synched with the cinematography of its entrance
Shooting Star almost spoiled boss monster debuts by being so perfect. No matter what you think about S2.
Honestly, VRAINS feels like the most consistent effort since the original story. It's the only one in recent memory that really digs into the longstanding consequences of one's actions and the psychological, mental, and emotional state of its characters. What 5D's did with Aki is similar.
They wanted to end this Duel as quickly as possible
Okay, then, compare it to O MY SECOND ACTIVATION or "I could have used the base version but it's banned so here's an episode of summon masturbation".
>This entire post.
Can people please stop responding to the Arc-V fag. You all realize that this is just one idiot right?
Yeah, Darkfluid and Firewall eXceed were cool.
Clock Dragon was pretty dope too.
I was referring to specter and haru.
I love Yu-Gi-Oh! in general.
Arc-V is hard for me to stomach because I sort of feel like it was trying hard to not be Yu-Gi-Oh! But I like parts of it too.
>Arc-V is hard for me to stomach because I sort of feel like it was trying hard to not be Yu-Gi-Oh!
Are you crazy woman?
Yeah, it's not something I can quantify, so I try not to say it often.
it's just not important anime wise.
I just used it because it's "protag summoning weird-headed dragon in a storm". But as for monsters that didn't have build-up, how about Satellite Cannon Falcon soaring into space and shooting Chaos Giant from orbit?
hey Yea Forums
are you ready?
Would you class it as the large amount of episodes that don't feature duels and how Standard's rules of Action Cards and INTRUSION PENALTY -2000 LIFE are used so often that they feel like they cheapen the duels?
Like we've got so many Obelisk Force duels but none of them really have the same feel to them as GX's Duel Zombies or 5D's Ghosts.
based roboppifag
;_; I wasn't.
that was not what I was expecting at all
>Is there a good reason why this wasn't shown on-screen?
It would take too much time and the episode was packed with scenes that explain important stuff.
Except for frog and pigeon one, I guess, but cutting it wouldn't be enough.
Wow queen is probably one of the worst duelists on this show. Bitch didn't even put up a damn fight.
You're an imbecile, every other yugioh series is objectively better than arc-v.
that's women in yugioh in general.
well, except maybe asuka... i think.
mai won a few duels
asuka managed to get to obelisk blue so there is some potential
sheryl was good as a duelist
the one in purple hair i guess?
at least serena was able to put a good fight
ghost girl...well...
Except DM.
>Ghost girl is about to job to vacuum cleaners
The absolute state of altergays.
Who hurt you?
why you turn yoshida a giant homo, satan? i mean, not a single woman under his writing skills allows them to remain somewhat strong and now is trying to push for shota
Bad pacing and shit fillers.
Toei's anime and manga are better.
This looks nice, but I can't unsee his long neck.
>Actually spelling that
I fucking hate you
I don't really care that much about the argument of the aesthetics between supernatural stuff and 'generic near-modern city' since the overall art direction has been downwards sliding anyway, but it still kind of bothers me that there's also no supernatural anchor anymore (ever since arc-v) that makes it clear why card game duels are the chosen medium for mediating all the conflicts. where all the characters are compelled to carry them out almost ritualistically and abide by the consequences of winning or losing because of an underlying force that binds them
It's just supposed to be taken completely for granted now "because it's Yugioh"