What would you do in this situation?

What would you do in this situation?

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i'd walk away wondering why the hell I'd court someone for two years without fucking once holy shit

What CAN you do, reasonably speaking? Thank God that you didn't marry a girl who wasn't really into you? I mean, to be realistic, you've dodged a bullet. If you managed to sleep with her before this, you've basically come out ahead.

Kill myself for being a beta cuck.

I'd be laughing on the sidelines, no way I'd be some loser trying to win over some slut for over 2 years.

I'm an idiot, I just saw that she never put out. Ah, well.

Find a new 5th

Hopefully realize I've been lying to myself about the status of this relationship and move on to a healthier one.

Make her a present. A flower. From Vietnam.

2 years and she hadn't put out? Yet he proposed to her without never even talking to her about it and getting a clue? Is he retarded?

but according to society, if you arent willing to wait for the girl, you are in the wrong.

his grandfather kept telling him to be nice to girls when he was a kid.

After getting rejected, you find yourself iskaied into a death world in the body of a hot girl. What do you do?

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My family taught me to be nice to people as well, and I normally am, didn't turn out retarded though.

Well, this took a sudden turn.

I wouldn't be in that situation because there would be no second date or dinner if the bitch didn't spread her legs or at least blow me after the first. I don't mind baby steps from prudes. But to be this beta, to actually keep giving someone stuff without asking for anything in return? Without even confirming their feelings? How retarded do you have to be? Jesus fuck.

Is this the same as this?

>he thinks most women fuck on the first date

Would killing her even be considered homicide? The way I see it, it's justice at that point. Like shooting a burglar or a rapist.


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Run after her and go for the dropkick.

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fucking rekt

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Clearly you haven't been on one before or you're on the backburner. Keep asking her out and giving her stuff. Maybe she'll take pity on you and send you a pic of her tits, while her boyfriend fucks her.

Kill her in her sleep.

I'd call the man perfect for the job

Rape I suppose

Go back to glorious 2D.

Nobody dates dude. You just fuck or don't click.

Not anymore, grow up

It's sad how virgins craft this warped view of women based off cherry picked news articles and social media posts they see online. Get off your computer, meet people.

I got a semi-strict dating policy. If the girl doesn't put out by the second date, then we are done.

The only time I bend this rule is if they are virgins. I'm 31 and dating a lot of younger girls from 18 to 23 who are still virgins and terrified of sex. In these cases I give it a little bit longer, about a month for most girls. In this time I train them, ease them in then pop the cherry. It's usually worth it too, girls who are 'saving themselves for someone' are extremely loyal and unlikely to cheat if you take their first time. Breaking up can be a bitch though, lots of tears and breakdowns. I still think I provide the gentlest and kindest first time though, all things considered.

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Imagine, getting cucked so hard in real life, that you imagine getting isekaid to a fantasy world. That's pretty deep beta.

Try asking "how long should a guy be expected to wait" on any female dominated site. Most of them will tell you "however long she wants you to wait".

I'll never, ever, be in this situation.

You might wanna decrease the gap Clooney. People are starting to catch up

Click to the next page.

Don't need to ask, have experience to back it.

Another problem is that those closed echo forums somewhat distort people's views, just like men in Yea Forums. Nothing to do with sexes, just humans in general. Get out of your basement and explore life a bit mate on first person

Probably kill myself over the realization of how fucking retarded I must be to not notice my girlfriend of 2 years cheating on me with multiple guys and for putting the pussy so far up on the pedestal that I never tried to have sex with her.

>virgin over the age of 18

Pick one
>terrified of sex
Maybe with you but not with Chad, while we're at it I got some land to sell you

I lost my virginity when I was 22 and was in a 7 year relationship until 29. Before the relationship, I had never been on a single date. I've been single for 2 years before deciding to reenter the dating pool.

I guess I never got to experience the dating scene at that age group, so I'm trying to make up for lost time. Some girls care about the age difference, some don't. Those that do probably wouldn't have worked out anyway, so I don't sweat it.

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Were you even dating in the 90s? I'd like to see you actually try to argue my point instead of saying "huurrr virgins"

another isekai shit

>Bragging about imaginary sex on Yea Forums
ok buddy

Really, so you have actually had real life girls tell you that they are expected to have sex within a certain time frame, rather than whenever they are "ready"?

Wonder why the hell did I not followed my own 3 dates max before putting out policy. It has worked well for years, why didn't I followed it this time?

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I'm a virgin, but in this situation I'd wonder why the hell I stuck around not getting layed within a month

I'm like 50% the beta level of this guy and it hurts, if I didn't spend my time trying to accumulate wealth I would prob kms.

What's the name of this?


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