Good morning, Yea Forums~!
Good morning, Yea Forums~!
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The lucky item of the day is another thread
Yes the lucky item is ito, dishu~
so thats a guy right
No. She is the true Sara, not the MC in drag.
Yeah, and she's also going to turn out to be a dude all along, right?
The lucky item of the day is this Enta face
enta a shit
but enta OUR shit
No? The show has never dropped hints about it nor she acts in a suspicious way. Every Ikuhara anime has to have a pretty girl. Also in the manga one of the two cops changes her diaper and confirms that it's a girl.
Did Keppi fuck Sara?
Toienta is endgame
Would we be so lucky?
Of course not. It's going to be friendship end unless one of the three disappears.
Kazuki heroically self sacrifices. Enta and Toi end up together. Cap this.
Who hasn't fucked Sara?
She isn't a slut, unlike (You).
Enta cuz he’s gay
I want more manga of my wife Mabu.
Is the mangaka working on a special chapter, or is this an old unused page?
Why would Kazuki sacrifice himself for Enta?
No one said he'd sacrifice himself for Enta.
Not for Enta, obv. For Toi and possibly for the city or something.
Escaped, just like that
No clear announcement yet.
Why does Kazuki hate Enta so much?
because Toi cares more about Enta than him and he likes Toi. Tragic circle incoming
I’m either gonna be very destroyed by the end of this anime, or very fulfilled and idk if I’m ready for either.
It’s really hard to tell. SKU was incredibly dark but ended on a hopeful note. Sarazanmai has been fairly light handed for the most part so I’m hoping that’s not just to catch us off guard before he hits us with the worlds most tragic ending
What? Man aren't you reaching? Kazuki is cold to Enta because he can't consider him as a close friend anymore after what was revealed during his leaking scene, and in the last episode the stupid kid fucked up again endangering their already weak friendship. I don't think there's any triangle going on here.
He was already cold to him before
Let's say that's because of the Haruka thing. Problem is, the only insight into their friendship comes from Enta's POV which is obviously biased. I wish we got some Kazuki flashbacks.
He was running away from his family and friends because guilt tripping.
And now it's resolved and he's still cold
He’s always acted that way to Enta since before episode 7
Kazuki was always cold to him though. It’s a pattern between the three of them: Enta is obsessed with Kazuki and puts him on a precarious pedestal because of his unhealthy crush on him, and hates Tooi because the object of his affections seems to give him more love and attention. Despite this, Tooi seems to care more about Enta’s well-being than Kazuki’s, genuinely wanting Enta to look out for himself and wondering why he lets Kazuki just walk all over him. Meanwhile Kazuki seems to relate to Tooi and his relationship with his brother more, and therefore looks out for him more, not even realizing he’s had Enta the whole time who’ll go up to bat for him without fail. Assuming all three live til the end of the anime, I think their resolution will come when they all three learn to appreciate each other equally, ending the sharp triangle full of edges, and becoming a smooth, healthy circle.
And that's understandable
It’s only a personal theory of mine. Obviously nothing is confirmed and it’s all speculation and fluff. It would just be deliciously tragic for him to be developing a little crush on Enta, only for Enta’s stupidity and Kazuki obsession to cause him to do the same shit to Toi that Kazuki does to him.
Enta wants Kazuki's D. Kazuki wants Toi's D. I think Toi just wants to play soccer like a normal kid.
Only Enta is a fag.
> Only Enta
Excuse Reo and Mabu are right there
Why is he so smug? He has no right to be.
It's a homosexual superpower. Even an incredible fuck up like Enta can be supremely smug.
Are you also an obsessive stalker who hides your faggotry for your best friend and does borderline crazy things out of jealousy?
Timeline shenanigans resulted in reincarnation, so Enta is really Mabu from the future, Toi is Reo and Kazuki is baby Sara. Screencap this
That's not the reason though, he was already cold before
Cold towards everyone before due to Haruka's situation, angry towards Enta now because of how pathetic he is
I am
There's a Reo/Mabu and Kazuki/Enta parallel in tomorrow's ep when Enta gets shot though
Sounds like a bad end where everyone becomes an inferior being. No thanks.
Still mad that this is only 11 episodes
does that mean episode 9’s lewd scene is shota otter molestation?
Despite the parallels, Reo becoming Kazuki would give me cancer. Best boy can't become worst boy.
The other stages of grief will come. I think I'm somewhere between bargaining and depression, clinging to desire for the second novel and manga projects.
its amazing how easy people forget about them when this exact discussion arises
What did the original nip text say about that scene? I've never seen anyone mention it before.
>The other stages of grief
It's cool how Reo is experiencing every stage except Acceptance right now.
The manga will probably spend more time on character development, and it'll be interesting to see how much it's going to divert from the anime and the novel.
Because the people above were only talking about the trio.
Is the novel confirmed to follow the anime or not?
Ikuhara manga have a trend of being only SOMEWHAT linked to the anime it’s based on. Who even knows where the novel lies in the greater timeline, if at all.
I assume it follows the anime. At least volume 1 did.
Nah. Reo checked. She's dickless.
I want shota molestation, but we'll probably see Mabu molestation again. ;_;
Enta has a vivid, 5 minute long fantasy about Kazuki molesting him.
Shotas get molested in episode 8
I think this is a pretty likely outcome.
Reminder that Enta is a good boy with a beautiful heart who can eat all the cucumbers he wants. Keppi already agreed, don’t bother him about it
I wish to be the shota.
Reo should shoot Chikai too.
we are getting new screenshots soon right?
We already did.
Aniki will relieve Enta’s blue balls.
Toi Uchiha killed the hype
I love that Sukeban Sara posters you see in the background every so often, pretty nice reference.
How, he's not even that edgy despite all
Yeah. I'm sure a lot of her posters have references, I wish I was Japanese to get all of them.
can someone post the Service Boy picture, you know the one
>tfw I'm liking every Enta pairing except with the kid he actually likes
Is this Enta's magic power?
I want these two together but I don’t want Kazuki to get hurt. Maybe he’s not gay, then he won’t be third-wheeled.
>you know the one
But they're all good.
Enta/Kazuki is shit but it’s not (entirely) Kazuki’s fault. He isn’t obligated to return Enta’s feelings, though ignoring them instead of just letting him down isn’t helping things.
EnToi is probably not going to happen but it would be nice to see him with a person who he can open up to and who opens up to him in return.
I want Kazuki and Enta to quit being shits and go for a threesome. Pretty sure Toi is up for it and it would solve everything.
well the one they are making out with the kiss close up and titty grab, it's been deleted from twitter and only a smaller preview with the book announcement remains
I like di~shu.
Id post it but I’ve already been warned, and I don’t want to lose the ability to shitpost tomorrow
I would watch a whole series of nothing but Enta being horny, Kazuki being oblivious, and Toi being embarrassed by the whole thing.
It was in the last thread, I think. Check the archive.
nice will do if not I will go fuck myself then
I think you can find it in most of the past SZM threads, so you won't get to fuck yourself too soon.
Good morning, I want to cum in aniki!
I want Chikai to die gruesomely.
w-why would you say something like that user
toi would be very sad, dish
I desperately want a cops vs Chikai fight.
is this the main girl or something? why this anime so fucking gay then?
Sometimes people are bi.
You’re pretty dumb
question for sarazanmaifags: have you watched other Ikuhara shows? if you have, what makes you watch the same show over and over?
This one has ass eating.
only one I haven't seen is YKA and because he makes the most insanely fuckeable characters and the soundtracks are always top tier
Having watched Utena (one of my favorite anime) Ikuhara does this thing that I love that I don’t see in other anime, and he just explores the psyches of his characters over the course of the story. None of the characters, even the side characters, are the same character they were at the start of the story. And if they are the same, it’s for a very specific, very purposeful reason. He just develops his characters in such a unique, real way that draws me in every time.
She's a side character. Gayness and girls can exist in the same anime.
I've watched Utena and Yurikuma. I'm planning to watch Penguindrum after Sarazanmai. Is it common for Ikuharafags to watch things multiple times? I only watched Utena twice: once originally, then rewatched it again years later. I feel no need to rewatch Yurikuma. I assume some people like to rewatch his shows to pick up on the symbolism and foreshadowing that weren't apparent the first time around.
Utena and Penguindrum both warrant multiple rewatches, Utena especially I try to watch it at least once a year
That user means that every Ikuhara show is same.
I know but fuck that negativity I’m gonna say why I like these shows cuz that’s what this thread is for
I realized that right after I replied. user should bait more thoughtfully if they want to avoid mild-mannered responses from literal-minded autists like me.
All of them once. I was gonna rewatch Penguindrum because I noticed a lot of parallels with Sarazanmai but I ended up rewatching all of them, currently still on the first half of all.
I unintentionally found it going through here
They aren't the same. Nothing will ever be the same as Utena.
Good morning, I want aniki to cum in me!
Daily reminder to pray this gets scanned.
explain ikuhara bingo then
This show doesn't have lesbians yet.
I feel like Ikuni has a few favorite tropes and motifs and all, but I’ve never been able to predict what’s going to happen in an Ikuhara show by basing it on other Ikuhara shows. I don’t understand why people do that.
Tomorrow we will have our fill anikibro
Found whatever the hell this is from another thread
Would Kazuki treat Enta better if he didn't have glasses?
You can fill a bingo like that for different series from the same author, and you can fill a bingo sheet for different shows from the same genre. Acting like the similarities between Ikuhara's works are a unique problem is just retarded.
Only in Enta’s fantasies will be ever grow that tall.
>have you watched other Ikuhara shows?
Yes, utena, penguindrum, and yuri kuma.
>if you have, what makes you watch the same show over and over?
I don't watch the same show over and over, but if I had to guess, it'd be autism. I occasionally rewatch little bits of penguindrum for the music.
Ikuhara uses similar concepts in his shows but they are all distinct perspectives. Utena is the most sprawling with its themes and is about a lot of things, too many to list. Penguindrum was focused on family, punishment, and fate while dialing back on the gayness and memory shenanigans (though both are present). MPD was also a show about Japan in a way that YKA and Utena were not. YKA was heavily focused on gayness, loss, and societal narratives. Sarazanmai is chiefly concerned with shame which is an emotion that was present in past Ikuhara works but not emphasized to this degree. Technology is also a theme which hasn't been emphasized up until now.
Just because his shows have similarities does not mean they have the same message. All Ikuhara shows are about "love" but the form that takes can change dramatically.
user I think you're missing why people like auteurs. It's because we like what they do and no one else can do it.
I can't wait to see him again. Meanwhile does anyone know how to decompress an image from privatter?
It’s almost like he has a style
>a style of rehashing his works
I enjoy shows with perversions so specific that only the director can fap to it.
I watched all of Ikuhara shows and enjoyed only 2 of them, Utena and Penguindrum. At this point mine is just stubbornness.
>Technology is also a theme which hasn't been emphasized up until now.
YKA was kinda heavy on smartphones and cyberbullying
are you enjoying Sarazanmai user?
He made the best eps and movie for Sailor Moon too.
>he was serious
Wish he directed the SuperS movie too, his concept for it sounded interesting
>phone and Yea Forumsposting
average ikuharafag, everyone
thank you user!
>the 70s Moomin anime
>Yea Forums
fuck accidental quote
It's okay. I don't hate it.
>all three of them
Why people keep saying that Sarazanmai is rehashed from MPD? I can't see similarities at all. At least beyond visual style and common Ikuhara clichés.
It's easily to shitpost.
Speaking of which, I genuinely want to put my dick in Keppi's ass. It must be so warm and soft and stretchy.
Keppi's hole might be a little too wide.
I'll squeeze him tight like a stress toy.
Tight isn’t it? Now clap.
beats watching symbolic homos with animal sidekicks
Everything except penguindrum. I enjoy the themes of his shows and how they tie together.
>Formed from layers of same sized circles, the design is used in Japan and China, and is also known from 3,500 years ago in ancient Egypt.
>Shippo, or the "seven treasures", as in the Buddhist Scriptures, refers to gold, silver, lapis lazuli, crystal, agate, red coral, and carnelian.
The treasures are represented by never-ending linked circles and links
Saw some nips posting about the background design for the Spoon cover. Besides just being a design that have been used for centuries and part of the Japanese aesthetic and theme the show has or not.
>Shippo is actually the seven patterning treasures in Buddhism. "Shippo pattern" is a shape overlapped by several circles, and is also commonly used in Japanese patterns. So the overlapping circles stand for the meaning of "happy ending".
>So the overlapping circles stand for the meaning of "happy ending".
Everything is going to be reset until there's a happy end.
I've learnt not to overanalyse magazine covers or posters because most of the time they're just fanservice and that's it.
I find official art analysis fun most of the time even if it's often meaningless, but sometimes people take it to ridiculous levels. For the most recent magazine cover with the anmitsu and yukata, more than one person on Twitter pointed out that a "silver spoon" is a gift to celebrate the birth of a child, as if Mabu isn't just holding a basic-ass metal spoon because he's sitting on a giant dessert bowl.
Never ending circles like buttcheeks
Some of this stuff is legit cool.
>not wanting to watch the same show over and over with the same sequence every episode
You lowlife who will never amount to anything
It means he’s expecting! Congratulations to the happy couple.
>implying it’s not Ikuhara blatantly foreshadowing Mabu’s pregnancy
user says he watched "ALL of Ikuhara's shows and ONLY liked two of them", which is silly because he only has three complete shows right now.
What's so silly? I was actually counting 4. Utena, MPD, YKA and Sara.
god I love him so much
Serial shota molester
The SeaGulls are eating the hetero frogs!
And only Gay Frogs remain!
*Alex Jones' noises*
I wish aniki would molest me
I want aniki to put his lollipop in my mouth.
>a ton of nips are just now discovering that the maintenance otter is in the form of naked Reo
I was wondering where all the despair-laden cuck art was.
I want aniki to put his lollipop in me.
Do their screens have really low brightness or do they not know how to do screenshots or even pause an episode?
Even with pausing it just looks like a human body with some "animal" head. Kind of like the kappa prince.
I’m highly attuned to ironic ntr so I spotted Reo’s hair since the beginning
The shot goes by quickly and I honestly think that even among anime fans, most people don't have the 'tism to pause and scan frames for detail. For plenty of watchers, I'm sure they noticed that the otter was humanoid but purposely obscured by the darkness and just didn't question it further.
I want to fuck aniki with his gun
Not being interested in looking into who’s doing the molesting is strange to me, but at least they finally caught on a week later. Looking forward to the suffering art.
>looks like a human body with some "animal" head. Kind of like the kappa prince.
This too. I saw a number of people who thought the lines of Reo's neck were some kind of snout pointed downward.
It's not a lack of interest, but simply not thinking to check. I doubt a lot of people even know that they could fuck with the contrast/brightness on that shot to get the details of Reo's face. On a dark screen, it seems like there's nothing under that black shadow.
I want aniki to fuck me with his gun
This thread has to stay alive til tomorrow morning
There no "has to". 16hrs till airing.
So cute! I want to gently bully him then feed him my cucumber.
Not at all. You could have replaced the smartphones in the voting scene with a ballot and paper votes and the meaning of that scene wouldn't change (it would look really boring though). You can't say that about Sarazanmai.
Does Kazuki pass?
Honestly, no. Nobody who hasn’t seen Sarazanmai would think that’s a girl. I wonder what kind of magic helped him fool all those people
That being said maybe Kazuki could have a lucrative drag career. Homeboy can beat a mug.
Chikai is for ______
it has many of the same themes but Sarazanmai analyzes them differently. In Sarazanmai sacrifices are seen on a negative light and put emphasis on the loss after one's sacrifice. Love in Sarazanmai is also less selfless and unconditional, more about balancing all parties involved. In Penguindrum everyone was ready to give all of themselves to another without expecting anything in return and not caring what happens to them.
Cumming inside of
correct but only toi
correct sauce? that soccer Chikai is too cute
calm down Reo
Marrying and running a soba restaurant with.
And cumming inside me
I just want Tooi to be able to run the soba shop and feed his two boyfriends is that too much to ask
i want to cum inside aniki
i want aniki to cum inside me
this pic makes his butt look really big.
>toi cucked out of friends by his own brother
like pottery
They call them threads, same as in English. e.g.さらざんまいスレ
Can't wait for all the unclear connections between the otters/kappa/cops to get attention.
less than 12 hours for Kazuki to say fuck blue lives
It's worth wading through all the gay stuff to get my 7 scattered seconds of sara-chan.
Spinoff when?
>episode nine starts with Enta snoring
It'll all be okay in the end.
うそ うそ
>plate shattering sfx when D-D-DARKNESS splits from Prince Keppi
I completely forgot about that one.
what can we guess is the meaning of that based on the little evidence we have?
Kappa's dish breaking.
Or a wish taking place.
Never. Wasted character. I want more of her but we only have like 3 eps left.
Watched Utena, Penguindrum, YKA, and this. I remember fucking nothing about YKA.
A loving, committed marriage with his little brother.
His brother is claimed.
KazuToifags should be gassed
Give up. This is endgame. We won.
In the new super groupies interview Ikuhara said that starting from episode 9 Sara will start playing an active role.
The pacing of this show is pretty weird. If the cops and Sara are going to have important roles in the story then they should have been introduced actually doing things earlier.
Ikuhara probably wanted to wait for the sake of the suspense, but with a 11 episodes series this is not a good thing to do.
There's a lot that needs to be covered yet and I'm afraid that the last episodes are going to be rushed . I hope the finale will be exhaustive enough.
A true power couple.
I need booze in case Enta doesn't make it.
As long as Enta and aniki touch inappropriately once, I can manage.
Who is gonna kick the bucket today?
Do you want to know?
There already is a spinoff starring Sara though.
She's a baby and doesn't do much
God I'd love a translation of this. Poor Reo
>You like it? You like it here? (sexy voice) *usso usso*
>Please stop, I'm... ah (heart)
> Mabu....
>Broccoli yakisoba after maintenance really hits the spot...
how do you know keppi wasn't just telling him what he wanted to hear?
Reo is the one who's assuming the worst. He's an idiot.
Aah, Reo's suffering is delicious
When is Keppi that comforting
he kissed enta before
Enta is so stupid. A gay this cock hungry could never be satisfied with one cucumber. He needs at least two.
ReoMabu spoilers
He has two in reserve though.
Goddamnit that's the cutest shit I've ever seen
Reo trying to make breakfast for his wife, who woke up before it was ready.
it's not the quantity of cucumbers, it's how you use them
holy fuck new chapter?
Is the streaming working today?
Wait a second, is Mabu wearing a suit? He has long sleeves on.
Nothing confirmed. This is something she was working on and wanted to post after episode 8.
It never works for me, even when it works for other people here.
Looks fine for me, with the usual skipping.
alt stream is working today
I assumed it was a long-sleeved pajama shirt because his short-sleeved pajama shirt in the manga has the same collar, but it's too hard to tell for sure with the rough details and how much he's obscured in that panel.
Anyone else see the new sarazanmai apparel on the noitamina website? It's decent but for around $40 I'd expect more.
The bag looks cool.
Wouldn't buy
Oh, that makes way more sense. It just throws me off that Reo always sleeps in a tank. Maybe he's just that hot blooded?
streams look like shit for me today
All middleschool shippers should be gassed. Especially EnToifags.
and by shit I mean the entire screen is covered in colorful bullshit
>mad because it's gonna be endgame
Straight outta twitter.
The skipping is so bad on mov that full words are repeated.
All shippers who are committed to stupid shipwars deserve the gas chamber.
Look at his big head and little body and teeny hands. Why is it so cute?
Endgame should be Enta with cucumbers in both holes but Ikuni never does endings that happy.
>Enta has two friends
>Enta has two holes
It all checks out. 3P confirmed
>doing 3p
He had the perfect opportunity with YKA and chickened out, I can never trust him again
Almost time boys
>russian stream is always dead when it's sarazanmai time
Time to enjoy the shitty stream once again
What are you talknig about? It was only dead once.
>their site won't be working for a while
>check all live channels while sarazanmai is airing and it's not there
>know russian and see that they don't post thursday schedule once again
Maybe we are talking about different streams? Disregard my post if I'm being retarded please.
I fucking love this dumb Busaiku show
Kek now I want a whole OP.
I'm not ready to say goodbye to anybody yet
Good riddance Enta
Disgusting streamed it a couple minutes late last time, but it was there.
Thank you, user, I'm indeed retarded, I always got ads while checking so I assumed it was dead.
I get Error 523 in dsgstng, I'm an idiot?
shota toikazu
>ruffles hair
>it doesn't move at all
so I guess, yes, thanks!
why this shit starting early?
It always starts at 24:55
Fuck, I'm getting flashbacks.
Don't do Japanese, kids.
It was starting late before. No delay this time.
oh japanese are mad lads then
get this elephant eared ass bitch off my screen
almost every anime not for children airs late night, from 10 pm to 4 am
This One Piece noodle ad is cool
wtf the grape is from enta
Chikai is 25 yo
Enta gives his lollipop to nii-san.
angry baby boy
Is this a mating dance
Fucking Enta.
was that Chibita from Osomatsu
really QUALITY episode
must be saving their effort
why is enta such a faggot
what the fuck nii-san
>but sara doesn't think those two are bad guys
i-is she talking about the cops
Boring episode so far.
>no blood at all
They framed chikai
Dumb ugly homo gets owned
Why is Enta and Chkai's dynamic so weirdly natural dish?
I think so
Both love Toi.
Nothing happens until the last few minutes, fuck everything.
Toi a cute!
>Sara calls Keppi "ouji"
natural you say
I think Sara and Keppi were talking of something important
oh this is like hisomaso
Reo and Mabu are cute.
Oh shit
Kazuki is such a little faggot, holy shit
Crazy Reo is sexy as fuck.
Gun on shoot
reo and mabu look so ugly throughout this whole scene
Reo is certainly bonkers now.
Where did Reo shot Enta? Chest?
That was a bad episode. Both Enta and Kazuki are ruining the show for me.
>that hint of hope in toi's voice when he thought kazuki remembered
my heart hurts
Faggot Kazuki and crazy Reo and sad sunset death, such drama
Expected Reo to look evil when he taunts the kids but he looks like an elementary school bully kek.
I-I don't hate it.
you can see blood on his chest when he's being held by Kazuki in one of the cuts
5ch was right when they said this ep was like a filler ep where enta dies
>sad sunset death
I honestly don't feel anything. Good riddance. Hopefully Kazuki is next.
>blood spatter
Looks like it wasn't set to sleep after all.
More like there's more dumb drama over drama over drama every episode
I want to connect, BUT IM DEAD
And literally none of this would have happened if Enta wasn't an actual faggot. He should stay dead.
Dying Enta is cute
He will survive, right?
the whole series is filler where enta does things
So, how is Ikuhara fixing this?
>enta episode
>it's shit
I want to connect but we can't meet again(?)
Next ep preview pics and descritpion are up
After the last episode, it was kinda boring. It's all setting up episode 9 though. At least the confrontation at the kappa statue was good.
Hopefully not
Where is the wound on this shot?
And after all this Enta is still the most interesting kid.
9-11 is just one long final story hopefully.
Is it me or is the trolling getting lazier?
Sara saves Enta?
Screencaps are up for next episode.
Looks like Sara's going to be doing some SURGERY
Nah, that's still Sara. Enta is a shit. Literally a jealous fuck until his dying moment.
Plot twist Sara is the manteinance otter
What does it say?
That was..... bad
Fucking kek
Kazuki decides to infiltrate the otters’ hideout again. Immediately after that, Keppi is captured by Reo. What unknown secret do Keppi, Reo and Mabu share…? Can Kazuki take back the plates and save Enta?
What the fuck Reo
Shit taste desu. Enta might be a retard with an annoying crush but he still has his moments when kazuki isn't involved
she saves keppi
I want Sara to give me a proctology exam.
Who's trolling? You know people are allowed to have opinions, right?
>can kazuki take back the plates and save enta?
p-pls stay dead enta
>I'm gay and want to fuck kazuki at all costs
I was about to post this.
Plot twist: Sara is the chief otticer of science who revived Mabu and fucks him on a weekly basis. She's going to revive and fuck Enta too.
I refuse to believe I'm the only only who wants Enta to succeed in at least getting some form of closure.
I like Sara's mystery but Kazuki is just so boring.
And that's how we fill the incest slot. Noice.
Boy if we get cyborg Enta I will shit.
Would be worth it to see Kazuki crawling in his skin like Reo.
I feel the same
So Kazuki and Keppi actually go to the otters' hideout and then Keppi is captured. Then Kazuki manages to run away?
Obviously you're not. Just because a couple people shitpost about him here doesn't mean that he has no other fans. People in these threads every week talk about liking Enta.
>Sara is the chief otticer of science
Why should I give a single fuck about Enta's death when he was a jealous homo fine with not only fucking over Toi and his brother but also his friend's good will
I refuse to believe that people are serious when they say that him staying dead is somehow a good thing.
>Died without ever getting his feelings recognized
I can unironically see this happen.
"This episode was filler" isn't an opinion, it's retardation.
He's gay.
>Enta: fucking dies
entafags are so whiney, can we meme in peace?
>implying kazuki gives a fuck about enta
This is Yea Forums, though I guess most of this thread isn't.
>you go to get your mail and see this asshole staring back
Read the description of the next episode, dummy
The less episodes to waste on filler for a jealous fag the better
Helping out papa Reo, dish~
Teaching papa Mabu how to cook and crave dick again, dish~
is this Chikai?
Any meaning to the text?
>Toi not mad over Enta
>cute Chikai/Enta moments
>Toi calls Enta
Toi getting on that boat and leaving Kazuki hit me harder than it should have.
>Mabu suggesting Kazuki call for help
>preview shot of Kazuki (probably) in a hospital
Not yet he's not.
Delete middleschoolers.
Why do the 3 of them never get any shirtless or naked? Why hide their nipples so much?
He never even had the balls to confess.
It was his fault, putting his step brother in a wheelchair did a number well enough.
Once Enta dies he realizes how much he wanted to feed him his cucumber.
>Sara’s report this week:
The prince has reported something very important today, dish. I never would have thought they would have been behind it. It’s like a shot through the heart, dish. But I can’t imagine those two are really bad people, dish.
Aren't entahaters the ones who always bitch and moan about him even being in the show?
The prince has reported something very important today, dish. I never would have thought they would have been behind it. It’s like a shot through the heart, dish. But I can’t imagine those two are really bad people, dish.
Did anyone cap Reo scarfing down his yakisoba? Or Mabu sitting with granny? Was that pre-death/pre-insanity stuff?
Oh fuck, not another gay villain. We don't have enough episodes for this.
no it's me
Stopped reading.
Thats truly sad.
>Lulu is the only worthwhile character in YKA
>Ikuhara determined not to repeat his mistake
>makes the orange thirdwheel in SZM a jealous fag
>still the qtest most lewdable boy in the show
Oh fuck.
ah ok thanks sorry about that
Sara-chan is a good daughter.
half the hate is shitposters which entafags seem to take to heart, its tiring seeing the same complaibts all the time, relax mate, its a chinese cartoon
They get naked every time they Sarazanmai.
They're naked in the Sarazanmai scene, and they sometimes have nipples.
S-she remembers
Sara confirmed for not villain, I'm so fucking happy ;_;
Oh no!
hahaha holy fuck oh no ;_;
The usual shitposting and shit taste. Enta is not the best boy, but he's still cute
yeah we knew this from the preair though
Oh wow, nips sure are attentive.
Oh shit, I didn't just imagine that.
Enta is probably the most interesting character. Even if Toi is best boy.
"wah enta sucks because he was mean to muh toi"
He’s not going to stay dead. Though I’m sure timeline shenanigans will be involved which is painfully overdone.
In all shots or just that one? Cause vague shadows could always mean someone else sacrifices his prostate and gets erased
Most are Toifags.
Cant they just use the dishes to wish him back to life?
Is anything you said incorrect though? Toi is literally the only one of the three who hasn't treated anyone else like shit.
Just that one, he's shown standing there on other shots.
Same, Enta is not my favorite but he feels the most human to me, with his quality and flaws. He's got an interesting development.
He isn't even actually dead yet.
Toifags need to stop forcing Toi as the only perfect boy, everyone is flawed in this show.
They have nipples only in the silhouette shots during the leaking no? I haven’t seen them have nipples as their regular bodies, does any other have screenshots?
That's what probably will happen.
The whole situation came about due to his own shitty behavior so why should I care about a selfish fuck dying? Because he saved the tranny?
Dude, I'm not saying he's perfect. If you consider not being shit to another human perfect, then ok.
Toi is too perfect and this is exactly why I hate him.
It's not clear
The scene where Kazuki punches Enta and he can't even punch him back was sadder to me than his death, I don't know why.
This but unironically
Everyone has been shit to another human, you just brush it off with Toi because you think aniki is cool.
next ep summary seems to suggest that
Didn't you read next episode description summary.
Not the best person, but definitely the best friend. He kidnapped a celebrity and beat up innocent strangers for no reason except he's that much of a bro.
Why are you watching Ikuhara if you think teenagers deserve death just for being selfish like most teenagers are?
All I felt was ANGERY. Kazuki can't stop being a little shit, Enta seriously needed to get him off his head.
He can't even bring himself to lie and tell Kazuki he hates him.
That's a lot of conjecture and goalposting. Why bring other people into it? We're talking about the kids.
Toi isn't fucked up enough to be best in an Ikuhara show imo. Even if he waterboards people it's not as intriguing to me somehow.
Their relationship in a nutshell.
i'm so glad he's finally dead
These shipwars are so obnoxious. All this about how Toi is perfect and Enta sucks all because Kazuki is the prize. KAZUKI.
If you really love someone, you love them even when they're a shit.
this is just saying when toi is an asshole to people, its different because its not characters you like. i wish people would just admit this instead of acting like toi is the perfect best boy and making him insufferable when every other character gets shat on. he really is the self-insert.
But for how long?
Dumbass. These are not shipwars.
An ambulance shows up and that preview shot is probably in the hospital. It being "unclear" doesn't automatically mean he's dead.
I anticipate life support scenario.
It's not about Kazuki and you know it.
It's funny how people are quick to claim a character being shitty means they are human when they are still one dimensional
>when toi is an asshole to people
Name an example. I don't remember Toi actively ruining relationships or ignoring his best friend/.
By the way people were talking the prize was never Kazuki. Toi was.
Nobody ships KazuEnta though. It’s just ToiKazu fags who interpret everything they do as a ship hint coupled with obnoxious Entafags sperging over their nonexistent ToiEnta ship.
Toi cares about his brother and his brother only. He wasn’t even bothered by losing the plates, he’d rather be with his brother than those two cunts.
Everyone shitting on other characters for Toi and making him nothing but a blameless woobie is making me dislike him for real. I hate those type of husbandogafs who get smug for liking the perfect character in a show where the point is that everyone is flawed.
He's the least one dimensional. It's not because he's shitty, but because his reactions are somewhat relistic and relatable.
>Toi isn't fucked up enough
Instead of Toi being fucked up, it's more the relationship between him and Chikai
Do you also love them when they're absolutely mental and homicidal?
If his "muh aniki" obsession takes a turn for the unhealthy then maybe he would take the turns Kazuki and Enta have now
actually the whole situation came about because toi was breaking into someone elses property and then assaulted kazuki with a deadly weapon, thus summoning the keppi
It's more everyone either wants to be Toi or the want to fuck his brother, so they understand Toi's obsession and write off anything selfish he does because "muh aniki". The KazuToi has nothing to do with liking Kazuki, its just about Toi and also Toi winning over the character they hate, Enta.
I’ll bet Enta’s parents don’t even fly home to see their faggot son in the hospital.
Sara is the best character anyway
why did Kazuki blame Enta for Toi leaving
>forced to care about the dude who faps to your smell, lied, stole and drove your new friend away
man it's not even like glasses was even being excluded from playing with them
His brother never seemed like a great dude, Yea Forums is just in denial.
No one is making him blameless. It's factually true that Toi hasn't done shitty stuff that's on par with what other characters have done. Sometimes pointing out that you think other characters are shit, doesn't equal putting someone on a pedestal.
If it's good enough for Mabu, it's good enough for me.
I agree, it's just fun to shitpost about him since he's such a disaster of a fag
But other people do not have to agree that characters are shit for having flaws. That's always been a thing with Ikuhara shows. Calling characters shit for not being cool chuunis is missing the point.
Delete this
How did Enta drive Toi away? He left because of his brother.
Because they could've saved the brother if they had the plates before he left. This thread is truly low IQ.
>ruined their special soccer place (that Kazuki didn't actually care about anymore)
>knows Enta is a flaming homo
>puts two and two together and knows Enta is jealous
>= "Your stupid clinginess is why my new best friend is gone!!!"
Why did Reo shoot, it only makes the remaining guy desperate for dem dishes
Is this the location for maintenance?
acting like teenagers are irredeemable garbage for being dumbasses when the adults are killing people is retarded
Kazuki was already worked up from Toi leaving, it was a case of really bad timing.
>self insert
Yeah, everyone can relate to the child who killed a dude and had his aniki cover for him. And now we can relate to running away from the cops.
Tooi is far from perfect, if being a bro to two of the characters in the show makes him a self insert to you, consider yourself retarded.
So this is what Kazuki does, chase after what he wants and gets people seriously injured in the process. I’d rather Enta stay dead than Kazuki heroically save the day with the plates or some shit
>But other people do not have to agree that characters are shit for having flaws.
When have I ever stopped anyone from saying that? You are the one who keeps replying to me every time I say something that's even slightly negative towards Enta/Kazuki.
I miss the kinky zombies
Maybe because he's gone totally insane now that the plates are finally in front of him.
They don't even have five plates.
Because Enta stole the dishes that were going to be used to save him and made Toi know he hates his presence.
toi LITERALLY tortures people
but he's a nice boy when you get to know him, so he can hang
Don't let retards influence your views on a character dish.
I didn't phrase that right. He is fucked up in his own way, but it's just generic brocon issues that I'm not enthusiastic about.
>that's on par
Waterboarding. Attempted kidnap. Stealing cars.
they relate, or want to relate, the cool bro aspect. the character who's cool and did nothing wrong, unlike kazuki and enta, whose flaws probably hit more close to home. people like characters who they want to fantasize about, not ones who make them feel second hand embarrassment.
One is missing. They have 4.
Bro... Enta stole four, but they would have five after they killed the zombie in last episode.
Toi isn't seen as shitty because he didn't hurt any character the viewer cares about. People will always react more strongly to characters who hurt the characters they relate to than they will some abstract criminal. It's why Shiori is more hated than Akio by some people.
Who even kept the fifth plate?
Instead of husabando wars, does anyone else think this show is a trainwreck and there's no way to resolve anything in a satisfying way with only 3 episodes left?
I meant Tooi’s straight up water boarded people. I’d consider that at least a dick move.
I’d really like to see Toi break his composure, get angry or something. Do something self-centered. I like him and I’d like to see more sides of him.
>generic brocon issues
After this ep I have come to think part of it is due to Chikai manipulating him though. Which to me feels like more depth has been added to it.
Toi would have had a reason to want to stay if he didn't feel like a source of conflict between Kazuki and Enta.
They get a plate everytime they defeat a zombie, Keppi probably gave them another one off screen.
This is soooo gonna get bad, isn't it?
It wasn't anyone the audience projects onto, so they can just say the person deserved it because best boy Toi does no wrong. It is funny though watching people get more angry about normal human flaws that are easier to forgive than characters murdering or torturing people.
It’s because it spends time on pointless stuff like TWO recycled sequences, and the whole Enta/Aniki thing (though I’m hoping there was a reason for it and it was a setup for some later matter)
Does Reo know that he needs five if they're silver? He's probably going to freak out about that in the next episode.
He was with them. How do you think they got in the zone? This episode jumped forward, so we don't get to see what happened right after the zombie croaked it, but they should've gotten a plate.
in keppi's anus
We didn't see the 4th plate from ep 6 but its still there.
>dr sara molesting enta during maintenance
>pretend I'm kazusara
wonder if people thought the same with utena
Ikuni never solves anything in an unsatisfying way. It's part of his charm. In the last episode they'll probably have a tea party and a philosophy discussion, then get vored by a giant otter.
Forgive me, I was being retarded and didn't think about that until afterward.
I've been getting progressively less interested in the show as it went on, but as an Ikuharafag I feel an obligation to continue. Episode one is still where it peaked for me.
Well you know how some weebs are. They can excuse murder but they draw the line at petty teenage conflict.
He resolves things in the exact same way he has with Utena,and idiots just gobble it up because they don't care if the formula fits the story, as long as there's a formula.
Oh so that's him having a mental breakdown, nice.
I don't think there are too many things to resolve.
ESPECIALLY when they're going mental. Mabu knows this and is standing by his husband the best he can.
Reo eating the ningyoyki and not going apeshit means Mabu's strategies aren't entirely retarded by the way.
Its more interesting now that we know Aniki is a legit bad person. I'm worried for poor Toi now.
Enta/Aniki was to set up for the Toi's past with Kazuki reveal.
Since Toi will be back one way or another, his backstory with Kazuki is going to payoff somehow
Because weebs are projecting over shit they never got over in middle school, but everyone wants to be the cool bad boy gangster.
What's he looking at?
So anyone who is a bit more likable that an actual annoying middle schooler is self insert? At this rate you can call Mabu a self insert since he isn't acting liek an asshole.
Toi's circumstances basically forced him to mature early and forget about anything related to being selfish.
He'll probably allow himself to act like an actual child when his aniki drama is solved.
Inb4 you call me a toifag. I like him but Enta is my favorite character
Did I get a glimpse of a smiling Mabu on that scene where they're both walking and Reo is eating the ningyoyaki?
Apparently Toi's seiyuu had to get the ending explained to him extensively by Ikuni so I wouldn't be surprised if the jumbled mess it brings is unsatisfying
>you can call Mabu a self insert since he isn't acting like an asshole
Mabu is killing people.
Sara thrusting her big cucumber into Mabu, dish~ But she's in the form of Reo with a deep otter voice, because it's a secret, dish~
>Toi isn't seen as shitty
By you. He's not less shitty than the others.
I need the subs but this is a good sign.
sara slowly peeling off her clothes piece by piece until her soft white skin is revealed and devoured by keppi
I think the cops are boring, but them manipulating the otter cops with stickers was probably the best part of this episode.
It's not a smile, but only looks like a smile because of the downward angle. You can see the corner of his mouth turned down slightly.
He looks so satisfied with himself.
>Reo eating the whole box of "raw" ningyoyaki
You're excusing anything Toi does just because of his circumstances. They're sympathetic but he still waterboards people. Saying he's not shitty ever is wrong, just admit he's not shitty in a way that personally upsets you.
>Lewd keppi on cover
Utena's ending was perfect. I need to rewatch Pingdrum properly to judge but it was acceptable. With Lesbian Bears Lulu was the only one who mattered so who the fuck cares.
Sarazanmai might end well, might not.
Reo is the one who's doing the killing. And Mabu is cuter so he did nothing wrong!
That's just Reo. Mabu doesn't even look like he has the capacity to do antyhing but follow other people.
By most of this board, though. Most people call Toi best boy, pure boy, poor Toi forgotten by Kazuki, Toi is the victim of the boys and his brother. There's nothing for him to be accountable for.
I love Mabu.
Great, that doesn’t bode well. I swear somebody who saw a prescreening compared this episode to game of thrones, maybe it’ll also nosedive into a terrible character-destroying ending and infuriate everyone
And everyone will lie and say they get it, or its great just because Ikuhara directed it and they like to seem smart by saying everything he does is genius just because it made no sense for what he set up.
The best way to describe it is while most of the other characters have shown their asshole, ugly sides, it’s the supposed “criminal” who never does, so he ends up looking better. I would personally like to see it. I expected him to get mad at Enta.
Toi is just Ikuhara's self-insert, like Ruka was. Ikuhara never likes to make his self-inserts flawed and has them seem "cool", even if some people might think they're not. People finding Toi the purest boy is what Ikuni wanted.
Mabu doesn't seem to be lacking free will. Reo holds the gun, but Mabu partakes in every crime alongside him.
Then act like it, Reo.
It looks like Mabu is listening to Reo's dick.
At this rate I don't think it would matter, because the first impression sticks. Most people already hated Enta for his design, then he's gay but not in the cool way, he has an unrequited crush he acts jealous over. Kazuki spent the the first half of the show being distant to everyone. At this point Toi built up so much goodwill even if he did hurt Kazuki or Enta, most viewers already hate them so much or prefer Toi they would just excuse whatever he did. People are already fine with Reo killing Enta because they hate Enta that much.
What does it sound like?
Mabu always seem to lack complete free will, even if he can rebel against Reo, it's better to not do anything that would bring too much attention to them and have the otters kill them
Stories don't always have to make sense, you pleb.
Maybe Ikuhara will finally fuck off for good. He has good imagery, but he sucks with writing characters. I don't know why everyone has faith when YKA wound up being a mess, and that was another show with some cool imagery, but garbage character and relationship writing.
What. Didn't Ikuhara say this wasn't like his previous works, and that it was easier to grasp?
this is what it sounds like when you haven't used it in years
>People already think this people already think that
Stop speaking on my behalf you nigger, you know nothing
You're still going? Half of the stuff you post is just your own take on posts. For your information, this show is about connecting, but I personally feel all three boys would be better of without each other. Kazuki and Enta treat each other like shit. Enta through his unhealthy obsession and Kazuki because he's just a dick. Their fighting in turn negatively effects Toi. Those are all real facts.
They've said this about every episode. You have to remember they did recording pretty early in the process and didn't have completed imagery to go with it.
He likes tweests and tropes and muh symbolism more than writing a satisfying story. Fujoshits jumped on this because it had cute faggoty boys in it, nobody else is watching it and it would have flopped as hard as YKA.
Mabu needs to get constant maintenance just to stay alive, plus, it's not like he has anywhere else to go.
all this wars, when people haven't seen the episode subbed
See the point though? Kazuki and Enta are hurting others, Toi is only negatively affected by them. Toi never causes negative effects. This is why he's seen as flawless and just a victim compared to the other two.
>the cyborg is attracted to robotic noises
Of course Mabu.
What if the maintenance isn't as necessary as we think it is?
God, Ikuni needs more time to work on his shit. And be surrounded by competent people like Enokido.
What did he do to negatively affect them then? Because all people bring up is >but his crimes.
Mabu chooses to work for the otters to stay alive and potentially reconnect with Reo, even though the work involves killing people. He's not less guilty than Reo unless his undead brain literally cannot refuse the otters demands.
>By most of this board
How can you be sure dish. Most of the time I just ignore these discussions and shitpost otter cucking but I don't agree with you at all.
Everyone is going to write thinkpieces about "toxic masculinity" but it's too messy and has such ugly characters no wonder it's not popular. You're not going to see another YOI for a while. People liked that because for once the gays were canon, not tragic, and not assholes.
Well, Mabu seems to think it is, but it's possible he's just being manipulated.
If you never, at any point, even mildly think “What a shit” at a character then they’re not written with realistic flaws. Mischief, kids who don’t follow the rules and bad boys are all staple fictional characters and are usually heroes of the story.
Nothing. My point is this is why people see Toi as flawless, and I think it brings down the show when other character flaws look worse when you have a literally perfect character.
There's a chance that it's not necessary to keep him alive. What Mabu considers his "life line" could be his chance to connect to Reo, not what keeps his artificial body functioning. There is no life without Reo.
maintenance by Reo probably wasn't a ruse, what the otters are doing is probably a ruse tho
>cannot refuse the otters demands
He lied to the otters when Reo asked him to, so I guess he could refuse them.
You seem like a special kind of retard and you missed user's point. Go back complain about correct gay rep on Twitter.
I'm amazed at how gay Ikuni can be without Enokido there to help him.
The best part about his shows are the speculations you make along the way
Utena and Penguindrum were extremely satisfying, YKA was a lost cause from the beginning
>You're not going to see another YOI for a while
Who the fuck enters a Ikuhara show expecting another YOI? user, are you okay?
Its not going to change with Toi. The perception is already locked in and there's only 3 episodes left. If most people hated Enta so much to be happy when Reo killed him, I don't know what Toi could do to get anyone to actually dislike him. There's no "pure" character, unless he did something to Haruka, which I doubt.
>You're not going to see another YOI for a while.
Look it's that retard again.
don't forget that Mabu probably thinks he needs the otters to stay alive
Mabu just really has little options
Who cares about getting "another" YOI anyway? It's so stupidly popular we'll probably get sequels till we die.
I was actually talk more about the quality of the writing.
This is never going to be as popular because most people like nice shows with nice characters. Yurifags and people into homo. No one wants to deal with annoying shit characters.
Reading these threads you wouldn't think so. Airing day threads are just angry people shitposting at eachother. Every other thread is just homoposting in addition to the shitposts.
>You're not going to see another YOI for a while
See, I told you the trolling was getting lazier.
There's nothing to speculate because he always does the same endings. How did people know Enta would be the cuck from the beginning, and Kazuki and Toi would be endgame and forgotten childhood friends? Because he's done that trope before and everyone knows how it will play out. The only real speculation is about the otters and kappas, but everyone already knows the ending will be some character sacrificing themselves, just like every other show.
Stop giving (You) to the shitposter you dumb fujoshits
>entafags and toifags going at it again
It’s never going to be popular because Ikuhara likes fucking with the audience too much. All the merch preorders opened during airing so they can’t cancel them later if the ending is infuriating, kek
There was plenty of speculation and surprisingly little shitposting in some of the threads leading up to this week's airing.
Who cares? Ikuhara never does things to be popular.
Because what's the point of speculation if we are going to get spoilers in no time after the new episode airs?
>expecting it to be popular
>expecting cute boys doing cute things
You really played yourself putting that kind of expectations on a Ikuhara show and for that you deserve all the annoyance you're feeling.
It's pretty high quality gay to my eye.
>Toi leaves Asakusa without knowing anything that happened. Tired of bearing it all alone, something gives Kazuki a push forward. Meanwhile, something happens that will determine Reo and Mabu’s relationship as the otters manipulate them.At the same time, Toi is working with his brother and ends up in the middle of conflict within the syndicate…?
I'm not an Entafag though. I'm just tired of people shitposting the kids.
This, I like speculah but hate being spoiled, I always have to fuck off the threads before weekends which leaves very little time to actually do speculation.
>changes her diaper
Wait what.
YKA was okay.
>666 replies
>87 IPs
jesus christ
>expecting a YoI contender out of it
Not even surprised. I've seen someone calling it one of the best 'lol so randumb' comedies around the time episode three aired.
The episode summary on the website changed. Huh.
What is this
But I thought Ikunifags insisted we were going on a “wild ride”? He hasn’t done anything new or particularly skillful in this show. The smartest thing he did was stick handsome husbandos in it because if it flopped again he might never make another show, with the way they’re shortening his shit.
>Toi surrounded by filthy old gangsters who would happily kidnap him.
there are still the occasional discussions that are nice
also learn nip and go to 5ch threads
Everyone shut the fuck up they changed the episode summary
Many people often start as babies, user.
Sara is a baby in the spin-off manga.
She was a little baby at that time.
It's not even when you can predict all the beats. People called Enta being a crazy Ringo type stalker the second it was hinted he had a crush on Kazuki. It was just obvious with how he's setting up Kazuki and Toi.
I wonder if what they posted before was the summary for episode 10 lol
kek did we accidentally get spoiled by the summary
Ikuhara should make movies.
>bearing it alone
Christ nigger, everyone and their mother bends over to help this fucker. The best ending would be Kazuki fucking off to another dimension so he can’t leave more destruction in his wake.
Ikuhara should go Netflix
So this has got to be the episode 10 summary.
What was taken out?
It's talking about Enta getting shot, not the entirety of the show.
That would be so sloppy.
Ikuhara should make art house films or fuck off entirely.
Why do you keep assuming everyone's feelings even though multiple people have proven otherwise?
Don't reply to low IQ posters.
Still doesn't say much.
it was completely changed
Probably it's a summary that was discarded but they posted it by mistake.
the cops only serve to attract fujos in any way
well now it's confirmed kazuki tries to get the plate back to save enta
>those matching digits
Toi could really have cared less about Kazuki, kek. Aniki > all
So how bad are the later BDs going to sell compared to this one? I hope the ending is a mess and everyone gets stuck with useless merchandise because damn, I’ve never seen an Ikuni show being shilled so hard everywhere
It's shilled because you know fujos buy useless merch
So where's the extra cop focus I was promised?
never ever
Would you go for Kazuki when you could have Aniki?
Well they did get a lot of scenes.
Bu then what was the purpose of the opening scene in episode 1, where we hear Haruka calling Kazuki?
The bags are genuinely fashionable though. I'm impressed, because most anime merch is ugly shit.
Enta got Utena’d
kazuki's arc was resolved offscreen
He saved Haruka from getting ground up.