LLENN is not only loli of the decade. She is loli of our generation.
LLENN is not only loli of the decade. She is loli of our generation
LLENN is nuts.
Not even the best loli of her own show.
what makes her so loved by Yea Forums?
babies first loli
Ugly feet
How can I get a gf like LLENN? If that's not possible, how can I get a gf like Noa?
No I think that was Kanna.
Be a little girl.
What if I'm a 31 year old guy?
Wait for massive online VR games to take off.
If Llenn is such a good loli, then why couldn't I finish her mediocre show?
Also can't take anyone seriously if they use a fucking p90
Don't blame LLENN for your defective mind.
but she isn't a loli
this one on the other hand...
Best cripple doujin loli
is that a problem for you?
forced meme. she is shit.
>loli who is loli in virtual game
>tall girl IRL
Yes she is best
She's literally normalfag Loli.
Not sexualized, not even physically existent, from a shit franchise.
She's not only bottom tier, she's not even fit to be on any list
Would LLENN have been better received if the entire thing had been from her perspective only? So we'd never see that hag Karen.
Why can't I have a Fuka wife? It's not fair.
But Karen is way better than LLENN
You have to go back.
Shut up, manlet
Shut up, hagfag
Stop helping fake lolicon falseflaggers ruin yet another thread.
>anyone i don't like is a fake lolicon falseflagger
holy boogieman, user
How old was she anyway?
She's everyone's wife.
She is relatable because she engages in unhealthy escapism.