Shinkai is a hack right? This looks like Kimi no na wa 2.0

Shinkai is a hack right? This looks like Kimi no na wa 2.0

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Or Patema Inverted.

Idiosyncrasy =/= being a hack

>Weathering With You

Attached: 1527523933219.png (312x370, 135K)

Let’s slowly break down over time together

>Children Who Chase Lost Voices

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Endro - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.34_[2019.03.10_16.11.46].jpg (1100x1080, 377K)

>Weathering With You
They always localise the names. Child of Weather sounds retarded and anything they replace 'weather' with to make it sound cool will sound more chuuni instead more likely.

Actually translation sounds stupid

It would have been better to call it Weather 4kids?

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>Child of Weather sounds retarded
It doesn't sound more retarded than Weathering With You and I'm absolutely certain they could have done better than either of those by translating it reasonably close to a literal translation. I'm all for localization, and fansubs a shit, but some of these name translations are fucking stupid. Like why couldn't they just translate Koe no Katachi literally, it's a substantially more interesting and less dumbed down name than "Silent Voice" and there's nothing wrong with the literal translation.

Shinkai makes movies for riajuu only, don't see why hes praised so much here.

Nah you're just stupid

Because they're good

They are the definition of a "flick". A well polished turd.

Dumb triggertard. Imaishit is the actual hack. Shinkai is a genius.

It looks like everything the guy has made already. It also looks amazing.

Superior movie incoming.
>Little boys penises

Im the most empathic and understanding person i know and i have no clue why Shinkai movies are this highly rated.
It feels this way.

>Im the most empathic and understanding person i know
And the humblest too, I imagine.

No im not. Humble people are cucks.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

All his movies "look" the same. That Shinkai look.

Climate child.

Kimi no na wa was very good at hiding its biggest plot convince from the casual viewer. It also did look absolutly gorgeous, it touched on the idea of gender in a way that I assume literally everyone in the world as though about at least once (body/gender swap), it was a love story that ended happily, and it had a "fuck boomer authority" attitude with the way the characters had to undermine the ineptitude of the local police forces and municipal government offices to save everyone from the meteorite. That ticks just about every box you could possibly want from a movie aimed at nerdy young adults/teens in modern times.

I can very easily understand why Kimi no na wa is as highly rated as it is. Garden of words and 5cm/s I guess just capture some somber feeling in a way that people really like I guess, iididn't get these ones as much either. But his early stuff and the awful Ghibli clone he made should rightfully be critically panned by anyone with a brain.

The literal translation, The Shape of Voice, sounds 100x more interesting than A Silent Voice.

He made one for footfags though.

Place Promised was better than Kimi no Na Wa, and that was one of his earliest. Checkmate, atheists.

Attached: Place Promised In Our Early Days.jpg (960x540, 83K)

Climate offspring

They could've called it "Weather Girl" but that doesn't sound as romantic.

this movie is going to be a absolute classic and i cant wait for you /autists to start boiling in anger because of it

Same. Can't wait to spam threads when it becomes the highest-grossing Japanese film of the year and surpasses some Giblishit in at least the top 5 of all time. Kyoaniggers are a joke.

Hard disagree. The characters didn't feel like real people at all and the excessive monologing/script in general was pretty weak. Not a bad looking movie and not bad for such a young director, but not great.

>Can't wait to spam threads when it becomes the highest-grossing Japanese film of the year and surpasses some Giblishit in at least the top 5 of all time. Kyoaniggers are a joke.
Who are you talking to?

Climate progeny

Shinkai haters.

Voices of a Distant Star: 2/10
The Place Promised in Our Early Days: 4/10
5 Centimeters per Second: 7/10
Children Who Chase Lost Voices: 3/10
The Garden of Words: 7/10
Your Name: 6/10

I think we can all agree with this.

Attached: makotoshinkaiportrait.jpg (224x350, 22K)

Everyone just likes to to hate on what’s popular

Elements spawn.

I can't agree with 5cm/s getting anything higher than a 4/10, no.

I will watch for smug girl.

I've never seen voices, place nor the other voices. I guess it's fine.

But Hoshi no Koe was his best work

>Shinkai is a hack right?
Yeah, if you're an NPC who has been programmed to repeat a limited number of anti-Shinkai sentences.

>He's a hack!
>He's generic!
>All his movies are the same!
Nevermind that none of this makes any sense.

Attached: npc.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>Shinkaitard is a cancerous crossboarder
Surprising no one.

They can't help it, praising something with elements that they think are shallow or hollywood-esque breaks their sense of self

>t. riajuu

Cold Front Kiddo

Kimi no na wa was shinkai's favorite themes mixed with a plot which finally had some actual narrative momentum to it

Compare the first 10 minutes of almost every single shinkai film:

The ghibli clone had pretty pictures for the first 10 minutes, the place promised had pretty pictures for the first 10 minutes and 0 narrative momentum, the garden of words had pretty pictures for the first 10 minutes

By comparison, by 10 minutes in kimi no na wa shinkai has dropped 4 out of the 5 best shots of the movie, a decent title track, the premise, the beginning of the story and every single important character as well as pretty pictures

Look, it is not hard to understand why kimi no na wa is so much more popular. Is it better than voices of a distant star? No, I don't think so, given that voices achieves pretty much the same emotional impact in 20 minutes flat but it's prettier, the soundtrack is substantially better and the character design is miles better

it also helps that parts of it are funny as fuck, I mean the gilligan cut when taki wakes up in mitsuha's body for the last time is legitimately hillarious and so is the watashi/watakushi/boku/ore joke

As a side note, the reason people hated journey to agartha was because it was a story about a place, not about people. It had other problems too but that was the biggest one. Shinkai shines where he writes stories about people, and if the setting overpowers them (like it does in the place promised) then it feels terrible. The reason hoshi no koe is so good is because the mecha etc. is literally irrelevant. The story is about the two protagonists.

Kimi no na wa is at its heart a story about two people. The body switching is literally tangential and it's basically over by 30 minutes in. The actual premise of the movie is the separation of two people by time and death. The body swap is literally just 45 minutes of misdirection.

Superior when it comes to what? Way too many changes of art style and some clunky transitions. Not very visually consistent. Character designs look very uninspired, nothing really remarkable. 3D work could be a lot better, especially on those ocean shots close to the surface. Background art all over the place too. The song is also not very good in my opinion, doesn't fit its style at all. Probably won't be a good adaptation for the manga either, but that's expected.

Basically Shinkai wet dream of making a movie about rain

>Calls humble people cucks.

They're pretty to look at but that's about it. There's no substance.

There is zero reason why people shouldn't use more than one board on Yea Forums. This is just as retarded as "reddit spacing." It's just a way to derail threads.

>muh ambigious, nonsensical story with a completely unsatisfying ending and no questions get answered, and shit just happens A E S T H E T I C pretentious move

its gonna be btfod

No it doesn't. I've watched Garden of Words and 5cm and Kimi no na wa and they look distinct to each other. Meanwhile this and Kimi no na wa has that blueish theme, and even the main characters look the same

"Children of the Weather" sounds fine.
Certainly better than "Weathering With You".
Like, what the fuck's that even supposed to mean, how do you "weather" with someone.

"Weathering the storm" for example is a phrase that someone might use.

That's with a different passive voice. "Weathering with" and "weathering the" are two rather different things.

It's English. You can turn any word into a verb.

How are they different?

"Weathering [the storm] with you". It's just creative phrasing. Most native speakers will pick up on what it's meant to entail.

Definition of Weather
to endure or resist exposure to the weather:
So Weathering with You would just be about making it through a storm together. Judging off the trailers, I'd say it works fine. Child of Weather does give the you impression that they control the weather however.

Child of Weather sounds more like the weather controls them.

I'm low key high key hyped for this movie

Yes, but add one to everything

I don't think it's fair to encourage artists to produce only one kind of work, because otherwise they'll just end up stagnating in the long run. So I'm ok with Shinkai creating movies that focus on settings instead of people, especially since his films already share a lot of thematic character beats with each other. Which is my largest criticism of Shinkai, by the way -- most of the characters in his stories feel somewhat samey and end up going in similar directions despite the setting. That's why I enjoyed The Place Promised so much; it was /because/ the interesting setting overshadowed the characters. Don't get me wrong, they were alright, but I've seen them in Shinkai's other stories.

It says in the post you're replying to.
Do you not understand how passive voice works?

Maybe if you're ESL.

This looks gorgeous, but what the fuck is that song? Why is Japanese auto-tune so fucking awful?

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No, we ESL's are mystified by it.

>and so is the watashi/watakushi/boku/ore joke
I was in a showing for the subbed release with absolute normalfags all around (earlier that week a popular radio film critic had raved about it and boosted bookings afaik) and when it hit that point the entire theatre was laughing by the end.

Great example of how to use TL notes too, I know people act allergic to them but just saying "I (feminine)" conveyed it perfectly. Sometimes they work.

I genuinely think this is a pretty fair point but I think there are very strong thematic differences between all of Shinkai's works - compare voices of a distant star, which is clearly a romantic sci-fi tragedy to kimi no na wa, which is a fantasy romantic dramedy.

Miyazaki wrote a huge amount of stories about man as technology vs nature/the supernatural but they all managed to feel extremely different from each other.

I am reasonably excited for this movie because kimi no na wa was so good and so are most of Shinkai's other movies.

I do think he will have a very hard time following the megasmash that was kimi no na wa but I think he will produce a very good film if not one on the same level as kimi no na wa.

Child of the wind?

Doesn't have to a literal translation but I don't know why they go so far.

5 cm per second was okay, but looking back the ending was fucking stupid. Like I get it, not everything has a fairy tale ending. But I don't watch movies as a look into my own life. I was nearly having a panic attack while watching your name because I thought it was heading for the same ending.

But there is every reason why you shouldn't post garbage like the NPC meme here, and the fact that you don't even realize that it's a problem make it clear that you should lurk more or fuck off. I'm sure you can still discuss Shinkai flicks on Yea Forums between a wojack and a pepe.

>tfw native speaker and didn't understand it until this thread

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Native speaker and I unironically thought it was some weird technical term from meteorology or something till I read this.

The thing about those two movies is that 5cm is about two people growing apart and losing connections, whereas Your Name is about connections which transcend time and space. If you think about having a 5cm-style ending for Your Name it wouldn't work /quite/ as well. The ending to 5cm works so well because it caps the story. Your Name's ending doesn't work well because it's a happy ending (though that helps), it works because it caps the story properly. There's a reason why Shinkai can get away with having about 3 beats before the song cuts in, which is because you have to savour the ending as a plot beat in and of itself.

>weath•er•ing /ˈwɛðərɪŋ/ n. >[uncountable]
>the action of natural elements, as wind and water, on exposed rock, causing it to disintegrate.

Are you saying this movie is not about disintegrating rocks?

He can make the same film over and over with the same gorgeous visuals and good music from radwimps and people will still eat it up.
Can't blame him.

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True, although I suspect that Kimi no Na Wa became such a big hit because it bucked the trends previously established by his other movies. You are probably right, though, that this movie won't be the same kind of megahit that Kimi was, but I don't think it will be bad. Heck, it might be better, but still not become a smash hit just because of the change in the cultural landscape.

I am not even a native speaker and even I got it. First question you ask yourself upon seeing that title is
>weathering? weathering what?
Then you look at the cover OR the trailer
>looks pretty stormy
>ah, I get it

>But Hoshi no Koe was his best work

It's a great hetero copy of Gunbuster

Lelouch honest question what was it that stopped you killing yourself all those years ago the night you said you would?

Asking in case I ever invent time travel and can prevent it from saving you.

>I do think he will have a very hard time following the megasmash that was kimi no na wa
He's been vocal about being worried about that too. He didn't consider it to be his best work or worthy of the acclaim it got.

Pretty sure that screenshot is actually from 5 cm/s

god i wish i was a handsome tokyo boy

No joke, I expected a really sad ending in Kimi no Na Wa just because I knew of his previous movies and how they ended on heartwrenching notes. So when I was wrong I about shouted because of how happy I was.

This anime being made.

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Literally deathgripped my armrests when they passed eachother on the bridge and stsrted having flashbacks to 50cmps

Exactly. I was ready for the movie to end with them never seeing each other again but the music swell and them seeing each other on the train... unf. So good.

And then the chorus of the final song hits in the train station


Looks like Saekano to me.

Attached: 映画『天気の子』予報②.mp4_snapshot_00.59.684.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

I wish

This. It's just seething nigger cultists. His new movie will destroy that promare meme shit in sales.

Who doesn't?

I'll be honest. I am usually not someone who gets excited upon watching a trailer, but this entire segment is incredible. It's cheap and cheesy, but it's easily one of the better examples of an anime that trailer that gets you to really look forwards to a film. Shame the final 30 seconds ruin it.

>"Shinkai's movies don't have any interesting conflict or villains! He needs to step out of his comfort zone!"
Does that:
>"Why would Shinkai do this? I just want a comfy romance, feel good story!"
Guess you can't please everyone.

They just don't have good stories or characters so he shouldn't try.

can't wait to torrent it

Fuck, it looks really good. I have a feeling I'll end up liking this more than Your Name.

Yea Forums hasn't been nearly as contrarian as I expected in this thread.

>implying that's not because OP is contrarian to begin with
We're literally posting in a contrarian thread so it works out for the fuckers.

They will be together r right.

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At least now Shinkai has a chance to be nominated for an Oscar.

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Nah , It's gonna be Disney No matter how other Eastern or Western's Movies are good.

Toy Story already won.

Why does every anime film set to release this year have a blue sky with someone floating as the official art?

Disney is old hat. The Academy wants to honor new talent.

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>new talent
Ahem, I don't that's why this pile of shit won, user.

Better than either of the Disney flicks.

Chidori, long time no see.