Ojamajo Doremi Thread, friends!

Yay yay! It's a fun show, you should watch it.

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Other urls found in this thread:



Best friends!

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Same pic?

Same pic, higher resolution.

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I wanna see more of this.
Panties though shorts? Yes please!

More Beth, please.
I like to think about her body.

Attached: maid_Beth_shows_a_nice_thing.jpg (417x800, 172K)

So yummy...

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What a smug little whore

How much does Onpu charge per hour?

Meanies, she's pure and nice.

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So I got curious.

>oldest: 1994-08-01(probably older since it's before the internet)
>latest release: 2019-02-24

Looking forward to comiket after the movie releases.

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>oldest: 1994-08-01
What is this referring to? Doremi started in 1999.

Look! It's Teen Doremi!

You like Doremi with her hair down? How about Doremi with hair down there?

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Probably wrong labeling.

>894 doujin
Well, where are they?

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It's a database that scrubs covers and maybe some preview pages from online stores, not an archive of every doujinshi existed.
As for where are the missing ones, probably in some collectors basement; unscanned, eaten by termites and forgotten.

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I bet this kid smells nice...

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Attached: Momo-chan is pregnant.webm (640x480, 2.66M)

Teen ojamajos are super sexy and super cute.

There's this guy selling old floppy disks with Doremi hentai.

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>selling old floppy disks with Doremi hentai
That's the most interesting and weird thing I've read today.
Would those floppies even work? Why don't he just make them into CDs?

>Ojamajo H H 2 floppy disk is unused.
>As it is an old one, it has bruises and dirt.
>There is no guarantee but it will be sent outside the fixed form.

I forgot artist and game cg is a thing. Even DLsite have some listed.

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Damn, those mamas are hot!

Which is the hottest?

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Doremi's mom is the hottest. Momoko's mom is the cutest.

Attached: KszuPVcjZkv_YG9bl7J8.jpg (998x1483, 229K)

Aiko's mom is the hottest, looks like she's really good at fucking and also she's a legit nurse.

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He probably doesn't have a floppy disk drive.
It's actually the second time he tries to sell them, nobody bid the first time, which means you could get them for a little more than 1,000 yen if you aren't afraid of importing that.

According to Google 1000 yen is less than 10 dollars.
I'd buy them but I'm guessing the shipping would be like 20 dollars extra?
>if you aren't afraid of importing that
Why would I be?

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It's more expensive than that to import them though, right?

The papas are lucky AF... except for Onpu's dad.

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You'll get fucked by the shipping costs and the proxy that would bid for you. The total price would be closer to $45.

>Why would I be?
I wouldn't want the customs to examine my item and see Aiko's nipples on that cover.

kys pedo

But... that's a n...

Attached: motto-ojamajo-doremi-episode-35-english-subbed.jpg (640x480, 32K)

Nope, I just like the show and I honestly recommend it.

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A nice girl?

I dropped it when that baby came, and they started taking care of him and shit. Does it have a major plot focus or is a secondary character ?

Sure you do.

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>I wouldn't want the customs to examine my item and see Aiko's nipples on that cover
I wouldn't mind. It's not illegal and it's just a drawing.

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what country do you live in where they open mail at customs?

I don't live in a country where they do that, not under normal circumstances anyway, which is why I said

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The second season revolves entirely around taking care of Hana. She becomes a main character in the last season.

They usually don't but they can if they feel like it.

And by last season I meant Dokkan, you're supposed to watch it after Naisho.

Do you think deep down Reika is still bothered by the fact that Beth is black? She obviously felt bad about saying what she did and realized that she was a nice girl, but I bet she still has that feeling that something's not right when momoko talks about her.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第20話「ももこの夢さがし」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 175K)

She's probably over her racism.

I don't know about you, but I would...

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She doesn't care about Beth because she is Momoko's best friend now.

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第11話「奈良!運命の再会」(DVD 640x480 WMV9). (640x480, 174K)

I bet she even fingers herself to Momoko.

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You would what?

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Lick and touch?

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Reika realized too late that Momo was just a bluepilled retard, and that she made a mistake by trying to woke her up when she wasn't ready for the truth.
So instead she feigned regret and became a good friend, but secretly she still waits for the perfect opportunity to redpill Momo thoroughly and make her a fellow member of the blonde aryan nigger hating master race.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.Dokkaan!.04.[B193813D].avi_snapshot_15.18_[2018.09.17_20.12.38].jpg (640x480, 59K)

Nothing else?

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Yes, since 11 is too young for penetration. Call me crazy but I don't like to stick it in holes too small.
I know because I've only penetrated anally a couple of times and both were terrible experiences for me.

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What about kissing? Or was that implied with licking?

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Sure, I'd kiss the cute little underage witch, and I'd be glad to let her suck me off too.
Basically everything but penetration.

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I'd rub Miho's belly

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Why won't she lose weight?
Doremi's mom excercises and stays hot. I hope Onpu doesn't end up being like her mom...

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Makes sense

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Buns! Fun, cute buns...

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Would be nice if we saw a tiny bit of nipple on that pic.

So sexy cute...

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I like that classmate.

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I like how she gave Reika a heart attack.

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Too bad that was her only role in the entire show.

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 10 - Otona ni nante naritakunai! [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][A662247F].mp4_sn (960x720, 380K)

Yes, too bad. I for sure would have liked to see an episode about those...

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I like that artist's work when they're clothed but this just looks funny.

This show shouldn't give me boners, but guess what...

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Sure would be.

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please do not lewd the ojamajos, this is your final warning

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.19.[640x480].[D142C84E].v2 (00_11_00.201) 0001.png (640x480, 509K)

Sorry officer.

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I try not to, but it's hard.
Look at them!

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There is more

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Attached: IMG_234.jpg (194x287, 14K)

You are asking for it anonymous

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I prefer Onpucoppu

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Will Onpu Copu arrest me if post lewds of her?

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>asking for it
I'm asking for what?

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This one is amazing.

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I wanna sniff her front wheel.

Where are you gettin those from, friend?
I've never seen them before.

Attached: IMG_20190529_173638.jpg (500x555, 58K)

I got them somewhere here

Attached: IMG_254.jpg (313x355, 25K)

Nice! Thanks.
We gotta save those old websites before they go off-line.

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good site

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Very good site! Any more nice pics from it?


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These threads get even shittier every day. Stop lewding these children please.

I've told them but they wont listen!

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.04.[640x480].[912823AA].v2 (00_17_56.366) 0021.png (640x480, 356K)

It's hard not to lewd them.

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I swear this time I will stop.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.39.[640x480].[36208AE6].v2.mkv_snapshot_07.18_[2017.08.12_12.16.56].jpg (640x480, 170K)

I try every timee, but fail.

Just finished the entire show, don't know how to feel anons.
Happy, but sad that it's over, it's a nice fun show.
Don't know how I'm gonna fill the void.
But I'm surprised that it doesn't get much discussion here on Yea Forums (aside from lewd posting), but discussion may arise with the movie.
>nice blogpost faggot

I know that feel user when I finished the first time I felt really empty because it was ogre, but you can go ahead and read the LNs (also try to watch owarai gekijou, it's fun) right now I'm on my first rewatch of the series and can't help to think what's coming ahead.

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Congrats. It's a truly fun and cute show that loves to make you cry at times, maybe more than it should. The ending is no joke.
And as user said you can watch owarai gekijou to cheer up. 5 episodes have been released already.

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Nice panties, very sweet and sexy.