How was he able to afford a flat despite having no conceivable source of income?

this show is fucking retarded and makes no sense

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who fucking cares

his parents owned a market

It broke the immersion for me. I kept watching, hoping they would explain it at some point but never got it
when were his parents even mentioned?

fair point, it’s not really a “just turn your brain off” show.

Play the fucking VN

He's a college student, living of his parents would be the normal assumption. And I don't remember if it was already the case in the original but by the sequel Daru is making serious bank as an app developer

It was mentioned in the 0 VN I believe.

>when were his parents even mentioned?
This, also Daru gets a lot for doing things.

when is he shown doing anything but sulking in his room or wandering around town like a hobo in a labcoat?

>pathetic fat loser
>becomes rich
>gets the hot girl
Was there ever any more blatant otaku wish-fulfillment character?

Patching up plot holes after the main story arc has concluded is not a valid excuse.

Braun wanted to be nice to him since he had been treated well in the past when he was in the dumps wasn't it?
Given how he reacts to hearing rent raises you would assume he's probably just scraping by.

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Another good point. I could never tell what he was doing with his life other than being schizophrenic

at least daru had some ability.

okarin can't do anything but yell about how he's very smart and important.

It was mentioned much earlier in Darling

Braun didn't like him one bit. He clearly considered okabe a pedophile.

>when were his parents even mentioned
Right in the original game, his dad bailed him out when he got caught by the cop.

Haven't read it yet, so i didn't know.

Literally in the first episode when he attends a lecture

that was some sort of public lecture held at a public venue, not a university lecture.

But it's immediately obvious that he's an academic. Also what the other user said, Daru is filthy rich from being a supah hakka.

>he's an academi
he is anything but. If the show makes one thing crystal clear it's that Okarin is a crazy dude wearing a labcoat everywhere to LARP as a mad scientist. Christina is an actual university student/academic.

He mentions pretty early on that both he and Daru go to college and that is also summer break or whatever.

>summer break
that might actually explain it now that I think about it.

I had forgotten schools and universities had those lmao

>an academic
He gets obliterated the second he tries to challenge someone that actually knows what they’re talking about

>Okarin is a crazy dude
Fucking speedwatcher, kill yourself. Perhaps if you weren't so hung up on inane things like how he pays rent, you'd understand WHY he does the mad scientist shtick, one of the biggest parts of his development.

He has to attends lecture for credits if i remember correctly

to be fair, typical college freshmen cannot exactly be expected to be able to debate somebody who has published

So if you're not smart enough to challenge a genius like Christian you're automatically not an academic? Dammit just read the VN people. It's talked about in the original and even stressed in 0 that he tries to just commit to university stuff now

You gotta be pretty crazy to pull that whole steins;gate shit for years on end for some thot

I didn't speedwatch, I was just drunk most of the time.

Christina* my bad

retarded animeonlys

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And in one fell swoop all of your idiocy is explained.

Good points

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you gotta be pretty crazy to think that LARPing as a mad scientist for some retarded girl is a productive use of your time

>calling mayuri a thot
Here, people, is what an incel retard looks like


>calling Mayuri a retarded girl
It's clear you're just scrounging for any reason to hate the anime rather than actually accept you're wrong. You should probably kill yourself.

It's a fucking story you degenerate piece of shit. Maybe if people like you tried to actually watch this show and not spout this faggotery out of their asses we can have civil discussions. Stop thinking that because you didn't like something in it the show is bad. That's not how criticism works you retard

I loved the anime but Okarin was straight up wasting his life before the time machine

Because all people live life productively and to their full potential. Get a life mate.

How? He was a college student who made slapstick gadgets for fun and took care of a daughterfu. Sounds fulfilling to me.

No, a lot of people don’t. But Okarin should absolutely not be someone you project onto.

Okabe's life pre-time travel is infinitely more productive, healthy and fulfilling than my own.

I don't hate your wife, what I'm saying is that Mayuri is mentally retarded. As in, the classical sense, being one of the ~16% of people with an IQ under 85.

AH yes I forgot. The human race has assigned you to decide what each character should or shouldn't do. My sincerest apologies retard

>Mayuri is mentally retarded
If you want us to believe you, maybe stop handing us evidence of being a speedwatcher on a silver platter.

Thanks for your based opinion. Now jump from a cliff

Pretty sure he calls his mom when trying to find out about the song

You literally have no excuse to not play the VN now animeonlyfags, you can literally WATCH the anime expanded with the VN text with S;G Elite, and its on Steam.

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Legit question:
Why could Okarin remember shit better than other people between time hops?

Elite is a worse version of both the anime and the VN, though

He mentions that before summer he was working part-time to pay the bills. Is also mentioned the rent is dirt cheap.
If you're not trolling, this is a weird thing to be mad about

nope vns writing shines above all

Okay so even tho it was said multiple time in both SG and sg0, I'll say it again. Basically everyone has reading steiner but with different degrees in their brains. Okarin already activated it when he was kid for some reason or another. Other characters also develop reading steiner throughout the series like kurisu when she starts having memories of all the times she helped him trying to save mayuri. And mayuri when she keeps having dreams about her death and okarin's attempt at saving her. There's mayuri's friend what's her name in 0 that remembered all the times mayuri died. Etc etc... Basically anyone can develop reading steiner with enough jumps through timeliness and memory prodding

It cuts out and changes scenes from the VN though, while being a slower version of the anime.

Its a mysterious power lol
The only thing close to an explanation is the illness he felt as a child during y2k

Hows that? I've played the original VN twice and watched the anime 3 times, so I disagree.

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Just remembered the reason he activated as a kid was because of what suzuha did during y2k and how she changed the time line to avoid that crisis. That led to him experiencing a time-line jump for the first time

>for some reason or another
That’s the part I was curious about, I remember the other characters getting their memories from other timelines but couldn’t remember what brought out the reading Steiner. Just something I wish they didn’t gloss over with a mysterious illness.

My guess is he died from illness right during a major world line divergence during Y2K and some weird Schrodinger's cat scenario occurred


Elite not that bad if you already read original VN and want to read in automode, it's pretty relaxing.

Yeah that’s a satisfying enough explanation for me lol, thanks user


>lol but what do they eat??? XDDD
Being an obnoxious autist who is incapable of suspending his disbelief doesn't make you cool.

I got the impression it was a genetic thing, with some people being able to remember better than others. I'm pretty sure there were a few points in both SG and SG0 where other people remembered timejumps as well, just not to the extent Okarin did.

I can't believe they didn't show every character using the bathroom at least twice a day. There's no way Okarin's bladder wouldn't have exploded after all those time jumps.

Not OP but sometimes you notice some shit that you just can’t get out of your head and it begins to ruin the show the more you think about it

IFKR seriously how can retards enjoy such a obviously stupid show. Smh user baka

It cuts out the ability to manually bring up your phone whenever you want, which ruins certain scenes, namely ones where Moeka is communicating with you, takes out the option for certain phone triggers as well so that eliminates a few scenes from Elite that were present in the VN.
They didn't bother cleaning up certain scenes, so there's still some TV Broadcast level QUALITY throughout. The general slower pace of being a VN ends up with a lot of back and forth dialogue cutting to and from very similar, if not exactly the same head shots of people talking for a while and I find it to be more repetitive than just having character portraits on screen.
You're also missing out on the original VN's CGs.
Elite's also full price. No reason you should spend more money on an inferior version of something.

In OP's words, 'this show is fucking retarded' yeah that's obviously the case user

He's actually pretty smart on paper (considering he was one who developed the nixie tube timeline reader), but Daru and Kurisu are a step above Okabe (considering Daru was the one built an actual time machine for human travel and Kurisu made the phonewave time travel machine).

But you're expecting too much for 18 year old Okabe who's just a university freshman and not even taking school seriously at the moment. (Compared to Okabe from 0 who was actually trying hard to get become an overseas student at Kurisu's university.

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New project reveal soon

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the phone shit was the worst part of the original VN anyways
huke's art is overrated
>The general slower pace of being a VN ends up with a lot of back and forth dialogue cutting to and from very similar, if not exactly the same head shots of people talking for a while
literally no different than sprites doing the same shit
the only valid point is the stuff with Moeka and it's just a gimmick

and lets be honest, the only endings that matter are the true ending, crazy nae, and suzurape anyways

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shill me on the VN

i pretty much stopped indulging in the medium once i realized that nothing would ever top muvluv as far as production values and writing go

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>nothing would ever top muvluv as far as production values and writing go
S;G 0 does, user

Stop sucking your own dick, op, and accept that you were wrong.

Wtf, which was first one?

>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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get out

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>Okabe family owns a market
>Daru and Mayuri have incomes
>Braun gave him a deal (according to Phenogram if believed to be canon)

That’s how he affords it

>10 planned S;G projects
dude STOP

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Braun's deal is mentioned in the start of the original VN

I don’t recall this and I read the non-Elite VN

Mayuri ending is also ok

>one of them will be a Netflix adaptation
You know you want it

Chaos; fags rise up and take over this thread

I'll admit that Alternative was a roller coaster of emotions and is equally among my top list (the entire build up with the Extra, Unlimited, and Alternative was kino), but the original S;G will pull you at the least on the same level.

S;G 0 was nice but it wasn't the original Steins;Gate. In fact, only a few parts of 0 were actually superb (Promised Rinascimento, Vega and Altair). Don't get too carried away.

Plz no
My heart won’t be able to take a shitty black washed Kurisu

best girl

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S;G 0 was a mess. It was a mashup of different Drama CD and LN. Some parts were good, but fuck Kagari

I can't wait for Steins;GO

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>fuck Kagari
I wish i could

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Okabe also seeks gadgets, not all of them are entirely useless, some at least sell.

Can you fucking imagine the shitshow it would be if they did a Netflux Adaptation?
I'm kinda curious

I don't even want to think about it.

I hope they announce Antimatter but Kurisu and Okabe are married this time. Idk why they beat around the bush so much with thier relationship

Preview's out!

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They've already did everything, games, anime, manga, anime movie, pachinko, spin-offs, sequels (not really)
It's only a matter of time before live-action adaptation become a thing.

>Black Kurisu
>Okabe is a Rick and Morty fan
>Rukako is a tranny
>Big Bang theory levels of science jokes

My complaints with SG:0
>Okabe not raping a Kurisu possessed Kagari out of sheer depression and loneliness
>Poor utilization of Kagari in general
>Kurisu’s Reading Steiner into Amadeus
>Maho’s ending being somewhat trash
>leaving Okabe’s fate as well as 2011 Suzuha’s and Mayuri’s fates ambiguous after Milky-Way crossing

SG:0 Anime complaints
>EVERYTHING except post credits scene we should’ve gotten in the VN
>especially Daru’s date altering being programmed to be Gilgamesh Alpha with the brain VR headset that isn’t in the VN
>and Daru’s “if you kill them they win” speech that’s not even in the VN either

Post the one where they're around the PC

I mean, there's always the S;G LIVING ADV if you want.

He's on break you colossal retard.

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DaSH already exists, so I don't see any need for Antimatter to exists anymore

What DaSH says about the labmem? Aside from Daru

Based “I fucked your Waifu” Chad

But there is a live action with the seiyuus doing a live stage adaptation. LIVING SCIADV I think it’s called

I don't think DaSH serves the same purpose as Antimatter though. Antimatter would be a closure to the Commitee.

>10 years since the original game release at Xbox 360
>8 years since the anime
>still nothing good in comparison

Will we get something as good as Steins;Gate in the new decade?

I think the real question is
how is he gonna continue milking steins;gate?

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But that’s already a thing
Okabe’s VA is Bedevire, Sanson, and Dr. Jekyll/Mr Hyde while Daru is mother fucking Gilgamesh.

>And remember, Hououin Kyoma is nicknamed Mr. Hyde in official material. Pottery

>leaving Okabe’s fate as well as 2011 Suzuha’s and Mayuri’s fates ambiguous after Milky-Way crossing
Okabe died
Mayuri and Suzuha succeded to end their mission(basically ringing on Okarin phone to give some courage to Mayuri) and went back.


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Live stage adaptation is so common, almost every popular franchise got one.

Bro, Okabe has to go find them to give them the time machine battery. They do not show him saving them in the CN which they do in the anime.

>how is he gonna continue milking steins;gate?
user did you see this

Parents paid for it. I think Okabe also has some money saved as he points that out a several points of the VN. Daru also makes some money as a supa hakka. Mayushi sells off her body for bananas and food. Also the rent is like pretty low.

Huh, I never picked up on Daru / Gil being the same VA but I can hear it now

I love how people always find the stupidest cases to complain about when the show isn't even trying to be ultra realistic. They sucessfuly alter the past by sending mails using a goddamn microwave and you are worried about why he isn't going to lectures and how is he paying rent when those can be explained easily.

That's only the beginning.
We must go deeper.

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This is a pretty cute Kurisu desu

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He was using the money earned from a part time job to pay reduced rent.

>huke's art is overrated
While not the best in the VN, his art established a distinctive, eye-catching aesthetic.

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The only way we will get a steins:gate as good as the original is one where Okabe and Kurisu finally just do it in public in front of the radio building as the true ending.

In all seriousness I just fucking hate how they are too pussy to just give them a happy ending, it’s not like they have to worry about a particular girl as if it were some harem anime where they will call for the mangaka’s death if they write the wrong ending.

In all the gag and side material regarding cosplays, they always joke about Daru looking good in a big suit of gold armor

>And aside from Moeka, he also makes Shining Finger jokes because he also voiced Domon Kashu in Mobile Fighter G Gundam

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Who else didn't buy the romance between him and Makise at all?

Does anyone remember that really shy, awkward Kurisu cosplayer that was at Anime Expo or Sakura con during a nico nico douga live stream that had Yea Forums really fired up? I can't find her

Based Goro

If we're talking semicolon shit chaos;child is better. The VN, not the anime, that is.

One thing is for sure, Hule can’t draw Okabe consistently to save his life.

I don't know what anyone sees in that chaos;shit series

You fucking nigger. Mayuri is an angel.

He's always been better at drawing girls than boys.

Okabe realizes about the threat of Committee, so ever since the events of Steins;Gate he stops being a lazy shit and starts being serious on stopping them
Kurisu and Maho had an active role in stopping the major threat
By the end of the game the robotic club members met with the labmems

Read NoAH.

I heard DaSH did not do so good in JP, was that true?

Real talk, they acknowledge Okabe and Kurisu relationship?

Regarding sales? I think so. But as for the content, I've heard it's pretty good.

She acts retarded, she talks retarded. She is retarded.

It was merely an act

This is one of the most overrated shows i've seen in my entire autistic life, holy shit everyone praised it so fucking hard and i expected a literal time travel masterpiece and couldn't be more dissapointed, it was such an stupid generic cliche garbage filled with plotholes it even had a fucking trap and a fucking tsundere, such a fucking waste of time, even shows like Haruhi are a masterpiece compared to this

Robotic;Notes never getting translated
Got to learn more moon runes now

Stop describing yourself user and find something better to do. You and OP need to kys

It sold like crap.

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It IS a time travel masterpiece
Why are you so butthurt? Did we even watch the same show?

Can't remember, so I guess not.

>But as for the content, I've heard it's pretty good
Only the true end, that is. The rest of the VN is just shit, felt like a fandisc. But hey at least it's not a goddamn slog like the first R;N

Reading the shitty @chan post was the best part about Elite

No or else it would’ve exploded like wildfire. They are too afraid to make it official for some reason.

it doesn't actually make any sense when you think about it

>Can't remember, so I guess not.
it's shit then.
Now seriously, i hear R;N is only available in moonrunes right?

you did search for the mewtube video right?

I am not butthurt im only expressing my opinion, im glad you enjoyed it tho but the only thing i could say i enjoyed was pic related

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Looks metal as fuck.
Wish we got taken out by something cool like that instead of something lame like an ice age.

You're a dummy but I can't fault you for wanting to give Suzu the dick.

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Shit it was real?

Same it was interesting at the beginning but then when you figure out the mechanics, it becomes fucking stupid. The mc has speshul powers for no reason, all the characterizations are mundane, it's outright haremshit with girls being head over heels for the mc for the most tedious of reasons. And ends with plot convenience that wasn't built up at all.
Get some better critical thinking skills brainlet

At least you have decent taste

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tfw I'm reading it

A work being set in a fantasy/sci-fi world does not mean internal consistency can go out of the window. Not hating on s;g in particular, it's actually alright.

>A;C protag right besides Okabe
I really wish they release that game real soon.

The script's being rewritten for the 7th time.

>tfw no lewd alt costume sprites for the female labmems

Reminder A;C is on its 6th (sixth) rewrite.

Well, 7th time's the charm, I guess?

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What's keeping them going? Surely they know that a script with that many rewrites is going to end up awful no matter what right?

We'll just have to wait and figure out.

That google translate cracks me up every time.

Muv Luv Alternative could very well be the best VN ever made, but there tons of other titles that you could make the case for: F/SN, Umineko, Muramasa(not translated) , Dies Irae, Subahibi . I don't think Steins Gate is really in the same tier though. If you want a VN that's going to surpass Alternative this probably isn't it

I guess Chiyo wants it to see the light of day no matter what. If it was just polishing I'd understand, but rewriting it? 7 times?

>Dies Irae

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Do you know her name / have a source / have the images?

F/SN is certified kamige my dude

>when were his parents even mentioned?
Secondaryfags everyone

Surely it can't be worse than S;G 0 anyway.
Or even O;9.

Okabe is a 2nd year elec eng major at a nearby technical college

Daru is the same but CS

Kurisu is a 1st year grad student

Okabes family is middle class and owns some kind of store
Daru makes money through hustling

I don't even think the lab has a bed, does it? maybe its a repurposed business space? though it has a shower

either way its shifty

Okabe and Daru are actually first years at Tokyo Denki. Okabe's parents are greengrocers.

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Do you mean this chick?

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Judging from the silhouette alone, Okabe's mom doesn't look too bad

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yeah that was her.

somehow not as good looking as I remembered

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This thread makes me sad. Read the fucking VN.

Muv Luv is obviously god-tier but Steins;Gate is nearly on par. I liked it better than the anime since things were explained more in-depth

God, I wish that was my planet

oh god i wish that were me
how can one man be so cute?

Fucking speedreaders

Daily reminder that 0 is better than original and if you think otherwise you're just a "muh christina" brainlet.

That's a very bold claim.

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>0 is better than original
I really hope you're not serious. It's fine, but it's definitely not a necessary entry in the series just to spell out what let to the Operation Skuld video.

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>1010th anniversary

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I always wonder what is going to happen to beloved franchises hundreds or thousands of years into the future, assuming the apocalypse doesn't happen by then.

TV in general has only really been around for 100 years. Do they just reboot the same shows every 50 years forever, does stuff like this become lost and forgotten, is it some kind of artifact to be studied? We now have all kinds of high fidelity data storage unlike the age of books. Are people 1000 years from now going to have to dig through a milennia's worth of anime to watch?

We'll never run out of fiction, user. So long as humans exist, human creativity will exist.

Media disappears very easily even in the current age of effortless copying and distribution. The holes won't be cavernous like they were before but lost media will never stop being a thing. Think of all the artists that have nuked their accounts, file hosting services that have been raided and crippled, videos that quietly died and were never reuploaded etc. in just the past couple of decades.

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The show is the show even if it is based on the VN. I specifically said "this show". It doesn't stand up to criticism on its own merits.

>when is he shown doing anything but sulking in his room or wandering around town like a hobo in a labcoat?
Sounds like a college student to me

>female autist falls in love with tall, charismatic autist
I'd say it's pretty realistic

The romance was great, and came in naturally. They're perfect for each other.
What's with this thread and the same 3 speedwatchers desperately trying to nitpick at the show to no success? They're pathetic.

Is this a joke? Their romance was beautiful and they have perfect chemistry.

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AnimeOnlies Being Confused: The Thread

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>Anomalus;Chode getting rewritten for the 7th time
>meanwhile Chaos;Head still doesn't have official english release

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did anybody finally cracked the steam version of Phenogram? I would buy it if they weren't using it to shill Elite

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This is the saddest attempt at moving the goalposts I've ever seen.

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So yeah, the first project announced is a concert.

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Speaking of the anime, it really bothered me that they didn't do the VN scene when Okabe breaks down crying after switching from Alpha to Beta Worldline in Kurisu ending. It's not like it was a long scene. At least it was in Elite

God damn it, I just got the 1010 thing now. I'm an idiot.
Also I'm down for a Ito Kanako concert.

Oh, is it the same thing that was promoted with this image filled with labmems in qt idol outfits?

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I found it in nyaa a month ago, so it should be there

Dude it’s an anime. Niggas got money when they run around doing jack shit then whole time. You’re just looking for a reason to bitch

Probably government welfare since he's a student or his parents send him some cash every month.

No, that one is from Funimation's event.

oh right, didn't think about looking there

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The anime fails as a work and an adaptation if it doesn't convey critical information.

I see. I thought it might have been referring to that.

But most of this isn't critical information unless you choose to be extremely nitpicky about some very vague and unrelated plot details.

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The whole plot can't happen if they get kicked out on the street and v&d by child protection services or whatever.

I love Moeka!

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No OP, but the anime could have explained some things better. For example, they didn't really explain well why they had access to the LHC, and that was a really great foreshadowing in the VN

Congratulations, nobody cares if the anime is a failed work. Adaptations are invariably shit, Steins;Gate's is another on the shitheap. Read the source material, in every conceivable circumstance.

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I love Moeka's legs.

pretty sure its implied daru helps with money through his hacking side jobs and such, youre not paying much attention for someone who is immersed

They pay for it and could've been working part-time, getting allowance or even Daru working as a gay stripper for some cash off screen which was never mentioned for all that it really matters.
Point is that it's not something completely unbelievable and has no influence on the actual plot, we already know Braun was giving them the apartment for a very cheap price because Suzuha asked him to.

Attached: okabeunamused.png (289x284, 42K)

>not something completely unbelievable
it is if it's not explained. Completely took me out of the story.

Mr. Braun lets him stay for a pittance because Suzuha helped him in the past and told him to take pity on Okabe.

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Of all things the anime didn't explain, you have the biggest problem with the fucking rent?

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Okabe is a university student and most likely financed by his parents.
Daru has his part-time work and can raise funds.
Braun giving Okabe the dirt cheap discount.
Do you have no imagination to fill in these blanks or must it all always be outright stated?

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>oh shit you mean I have to INFER something?

>by his parents
At least show that the parents exist, or just mention them then?

She's so beautiful it hurts my heart!

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Why do you retards need absolutely everything laid out for you? It's such an irrelevant and inconsequential thing. You have severe autism to let it hamper you this much.

If parents aren't mentioned the default inference is that there is no contact with them.

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>the default inference is that there is no contact with them.
No, it isn't. The default inference is that the parents don't play a role in the plot. Holy balls, you are one retarded motherfucker.


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How was she able to afford camping equipment despite having no conceived source of income?
This show is fucking retarded and makes no sense

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wtf why is roadrunner so fast??? birds cant run that fast it breaks muh immersion

Oh come on, you have to be trolling.

>default inference is that the parents don't play a role in the plot.
Exactly. But instead the plot relies on continual active involvement by the parents.

Might as well end an episode with a character getting shot and then have them be completely fine in the next one. Sure, the default inference is that ER exists but at least acknowledge the fact that ER showed up.

>How was she able to afford camping equipment despite having no conceived source of income?
doesn't one episode LITERALLY show her working at her job

>oh yeah all these plot inconsistencies were solved by these characters in the background who were never shown or even mentioned

You must hate 98% of anime if you nitpick this obsessively.

Nitpicking muh plotholes in pop media doesn't make you seem intelligent.

>continual active involvement
The series takes place in the span of a few weeks, get out of this fucking thread you goldfish.

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I wouldn't nitpick something like TTGL in this fashion because it outright admits it's retarded and wants you to go with it. S;G pretends to be consistent.

Okabe's flat is not plot. It's the setting. The show does not revolve around him owning a flat, it revolves around fucking time travel.
I seriously hope you're just baiting at this point because I'm struggling to believe someone could be this fucking dense.

But okabe and that showgirl are shown to have inhabited the facility for a while.

People like you who need absolutely everything spelled out to them clear as day are the reason anime have to shoehorn in shiteating exposition so much. You are cancer.

The distinction between plot and setting is arbitrary and semantic.

What do the Fs mean?

I never thought I'd actually see one of those brainlets in the wild but here we are.

Again, no one thinks you are intelligent for nitpicking cartoons. Not one person.

fucking retard OP

I think you've misinterpreted my post anons.

I hope they misinterpreted it, because the number of brainlets in this thread has greatly increased otherwise.

It's not about seeming intelligent, it's about identifying lazy writing

>you'd understand WHY he does the mad scientist shtick,
Yeah, he's a fucking personal clown to a literal prostitute, acting like a retard to cheer her up after hours. What a guy.

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>not mentioning something that doesn't need mentioning is "lazy writing"
I can now finally confirm that you're baiting.

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It's from a VN. What did you expect? Quality writing?

how does it feel knowing that your wife probably pleasures fat unwashed clients so long as they pay?

fuckin okabe could have helped her live a decent life, instead he just plays a fucking moron

>the foundations of the setting doesn't need mentioning

You can literally tell how detailed is their relationship development based on their message record when you want to go for true route. But for those who dislike reading, never mind.

>college student, genius girl, super hakka and a few Akiba girls invent time travel
>have a huge science organisation placed on their back
>go through the implications of time travel to save murdered friend
>romantic development, philosophy and morality
>multiple different character arcs and timelines
>throughout all of this, one thing ruins it for user
>one thing takes him out of the entire tale
>"lol how he pay rent?"

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Stop you're trying too hard it's not funny anymore

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schizo, no wonder you like this show

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You seem to have weird assumptions about waitresses, m80.

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I expect retarded shit to be retarded. But there is no indication that the setting is free from real life economic constraints.

>dresses in whore outfit
>bar explicitely targeting perverts
>act like a fucking cat
>not a whore

Meidocafes don't let you do that, user. As much as I wish they did.

The bar targets otaku, not all otaku are perverted. Look at the Senko-san MC.

this guy represents their clientele: QED

>a long dress that covers basically everything is a whore outfit
You probably frothed with rage over Kurisu, Moeka and Suzuha then.

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Whores don't make me angry. It's just a profession. But Okabe is a cuck.

No he isn't, Mayuri is not for lewd. Kurisu is the far better choice.

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Kurisu is not lewd. She is pure.

OP, go see The pick of Destiny. They explain how JB pays the rent

I agree.

Pure sex.

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That explanation only works for the Alpha World-line though. What about the Beta World-line?

Convergence will always find a way for stuff like this and there's really no way around it.

You are supposed to love her for her intellect and personality, baka hentai

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You mean "convenience", right?

When did I say I didn't? It's just that I love her lewd body too.

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No, I mean the force that kept killing of Mayuri and causing world wars and making Okabe suffer etc. which certainly shouldn't be described as "convenience" at the very least. It's not that hard of a concept to understand really.

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It actually makes exactly 0 sense beyond being a blatant plot contrivance.

Gravity doesn't make much sense either but it sure is contrived how it makes stars and planets and a coherent universe so fuck you.

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What's with all the speedwatchers in this thread? It's kind of nutty.

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>I don't comprehend it = it makes 0 sense
The obvious pun aside, at least point out a contradiction before you make such a statement.

You're 100% right OP, the anime never explains this properly. People advocating for the VN are retards, lmao, who the fuck plays VNs other than turbo autistic cuntfaces.

I'll give you a (You) for trying

Cute Moeka.

This is a dumb thread
This is why secondaries deserve to go to the gulag

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If the vn is so crucial they should've put up a disclaimer about having to play it before watching.

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No fair. I want to be sucked dry too.

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Most people aren't complete idiots so they don't need literally everything spelled out for them.

Is Suzuha a tomboy?

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>skilled fighter
>highly trained with firearms
>hardcore survivalist

Yeah I'd say so.

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Why does Steins;Gate get 10 projects for it's anniversary while Chaos;Head got jack shit?

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Suzuha gets overshadowed so hard by Kurisu and Maho that it makes me sad
She's such a great person and deserves nothing but love

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Because it sold way more than any other SciAd games
It's also the best

>why does a massively popular game get more stuff while the less-known one got jack shit?
Oh gee, I wonder why.

It's better and it actually sells.

I agree that Suzu needs more love and attention. She's a cutie.

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>its also the best

Chaos;Child exists.

And it's inferior.

>I didn't pay attention to the FB storyline

The landlord dude was still asking them for rent.

>new suzuha fig never

Him being ill wasn't what caused RS to manifest, his illness was brought on because of all the worldline hopping during the 2000s

>Live event
Fucking garbage, you'd think they'd start with something big then roll out the shit like live events and the inevitable gacha

Don't even joke about that user

They used to pull the same shit during the 5th anniversary anyway

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I only have this version apologies

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Imagine bunny Suzu.

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He mentioned that it's off his parents savings and past part time jobs you dumb fuck

There's not enough girls in this series for a gacha game, even if you give all of them swimsuit, bride, halloween, and christmas versions.

>mfw they'll never cash in on how hot Okabe is
It fucking hurts bros

>in this series
Then include everyone from all SciADV games, like

What’s the tax rate in Akiba?

Swimsuit okabe never

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Reminder that Okabe canonically can't swim.


In the hyouki renri no sweet honey manga the labmen try to teach okabe how to swim it's pretty cute

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Yeah but what worldline? You can canoncally say anything about S;G

I'd assume this sort of personal stuff applies to all worldlines.

Nice, thanks user

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I want to rape Suzuha

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Moeka is unbearably sexy!

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That was my first ending, fucked me up

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Too moe

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what precludes a worldline where Okabe learned to swim?

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wait, you can actually do this in the VN?

The fact that his inability to swim is moe.

So he has something over the rest of his crew. He's complete dead weight otherwise.

Oh no not this meme again.

Okabe doesn't go through with it but that scene happens

so what happens if you go down this path? or is it not a choice?

If you mean how to you get to that point, it's if you don't undo the D-mail where Okabe chases Suzuha, this means that Okabe has to use the time leap machine to create a 2 day time loop that he lives through hundreds of times and starts to loose it.The day you focus on is a bike ride on the second day of the time loop and at one point Daru, Kurisu and Mayuri leave to look for somewhere to eat leaving Okabe and Suzuha together where that scene unfolds.
If you mean if you choose to rape her, you can't, she twigs on that Okabe has trapped himself in a time loop and they decide going back in the broken time machine might mean it wont break and the route ends on them both leaving for 1975.

God that route was twisted, even little things like Okabe having memorized the number plate we so unsettling.My favorite bad ending


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>if you choose to rape her, you can't, she twigs on that Okabe has trapped himself in a time loop
as in, she catches on when he tries to rape her? or just convenience?
>and they decide going back in the broken time machine might mean it wont break and the route ends on them both leaving for 1975.
I suppose this just means they go back and get stuck there with amnesia, right? I have only watched the show.

> or just convenience?
She interrupts his thoughts of raping her by saying he looks like the guy from groundhog day.
>they go back and get stuck there with amnesia, right?
That's probably what hapend but,as far as I know, we've never gotten any confirmation.

so going back to 1975 is treated like game over, right?

Yes, it's the Suzu bad end

She acts like she's a bit slow, especially in the dub, and in the vn she gets confused and hides in a corner at the lecture at the start of the vn.
He even has a monologue that says "Mayuri is a bit...special."

Exactly. She was clearly characterized as a """special""" person. Not that there's anything wrong with being a retard, but Okae is a dumb fucking cuck for arranging his whole life just to pander to this one dumb thot.

>nitpicking a 10/10 show

>a 10/10 show
it was probably as good as *nime gets but it's still a 7/10 show at best.