I'd marry her

I'd marry her.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with her.

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Imagine the sex with all the pent up frustration she's bottled throughout the years

>heavy smoker
um... no thanks.

that's hardly a dealbreaker.

>he doesn't mind the smell of cigarette smoke

there's nothing wrong with the smell.
it can even potentially smell good.

I absolutely hate the smell.

There has to be something wrong with her to be alone in her 20's in spite of being female.

It's because of this reason.

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I like the enthusiasm.

that would just make me want to wife her more...

>8man will never man up and fuck this

Id rather Haruno, but sensei is just as good honestly

>He has never had a girl burn him with her cigarette after sex

Cute. 8man is just too much of a fucking edgelord.

Why is she single if she's actually trying anyway?

There an in-verse reason beyond "just for laughs"?

Hiratsuka is too clingy, especially when it comes to her students. You see it when she obsessively texts Hachiman about the camping trip.

Too old.

why do most of the "desperate for boyfriend" characters are often hot or the hottest character in the series. Is this realistic?

I see. Sad for her. Guess the answer would be to find someone just as clingy as her.

There is a saying for hot women who are single. For every one there is someone who got sick of putting up with their shit. Even if it's not true, that sentiment combined with guys going for girls in their league could cause stuff like this. Or the explanation I prefer which is that japs have shit taste

from my experience they get scared( or are unwilling to go out of the norm) of anything not ordinary, this goes for looks, save for somebody looking less attractive ( unless they have severe problems with this... even then)

its very strange, although it could explain why Marriage interviews are still a thing there.

also cheating happens, it happens quite a lot. and many just accept it as one of those things.

nobody wants to rock the boat.

the number of teachers banging each other when I was doing that summer camp was eye-opening.

Both sensei and haruno are trash

daily reminder Sensei is a time-traveler, she is in fact Yukino of the future. She comes here to change her destiny with her beloved Hachiman unknowingly messing with the time have severe consequences

yes, yes I know Yukino... blah blah blah.

Not wanting to be Ara Ara'd, ehh to each their own.

>There's absolutely nothing wrong with her.
You can't see her tits from behind, that's a problem.

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Learn to type like a normal human being.

learn to not be a prick?

This is literally me

learn to not be a dipshit

Why would he when he has better girls desperate for his dick?

You cant just create such a good character and bait endlessly about wifing her but never having it happen
Im so fucking pissed

>You cant just create such a good character
Wew fucking lad. Shitzuka is a one dimensional character that is nothing more than a trope.

Blame yourself for having shit taste, friend.