We all know that these are Yea Forums's favorite anime, but what exactly makes them so great? What distinguishes them from generic time flops like Yuri on Ice, Darling in the FranXX, and Yorimoi?
We all know that these are Yea Forums's favorite anime, but what exactly makes them so great...
Other urls found in this thread:
Here we go again.
I parsed the pic as watched/expected/got and it stopped making sense in the third panel.
>dropping AOTY
Your loss.
Where's hxh?
> Lain, Nanoha, Madoka, Perfect Blue, Evangelion, Spirited Away, PreCure, Princess Mononoke
There, fixed the image for you OP
>unironically liking EVA
Kill yourself veg faggot
>unironically being this contrarian
>pretentious core
Since this thread is going to be deleted anyways, I haven't watched a whole lot of anime in the last 2 years or posted on Yea Forums.
Should I watch something from my backlog or something new from one of the recent seasons?
>Miyazaki shit that isn't Nausicaa, Lupin or Porco Rosso
You need to go back
Not even aots you shithead
>using MAL
EVA is overrated shit and it aged like milk.
How about you don't watch anime at all?
>timefloptard's shit bait threads
>ever getting deleted
How do I switch to your timeline?
Why you faggots shit on MAL so much? Where else do i keep track of my watched anime? In notepad? Mal also has rating that i keep to myself so i can rewatch anime i rated highly in the future. Very comfy.
Maybe, just maybe, use your mind?
I have golden fish memory.
>What distinguishes them from generic time flops like Yuri on Ice, Darling in the FranXX, and Yorimoi?
Dishonest animation.
Eva is the best. Madoka is average. Veg is lowest level trash.
Franxx is pretty good and easily aoty 2018. Now fuck off with your brainless shitposting.
>changing his ai pea to do this
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>stating the obvius truth is ironic shitposting
get some taste you fucking effeminate otaku!
>time flop
It's been 2 months and your shitty fucking meme still hasn't stuck. When are you going to learn to get the hint?
You really need to kill yourself.
Not OP, i'm going to make sure to post the term forever just for you autist kun.
>inb4 OP
When will you take the hint and fuck off and kill yourself?
Aww, did another one of your "Promare flop kek" posts get deleted and did you get banned again, THK?
what the fuck does tsun hater kun have to do with any of this? dumb newfag
Shitheads like you shouldn't call others, shitheads.
THK=Trigger-Hater-Kun. He's a mentally ill spammer with an unjustified hatred of Trigger, so he's constantly trying to stir up fanbase wars between triggerfags and everyone else.
>mentally ill spammer
That's a serious projection.
>liz and the giraffe people flop
>gay archers worst flop since that scifi thing no one remembers
>family dollar saber forgotten after just a year
>hibikek 2 electric flopperoo
>Promare makes more than double hibikek 2's entire bank in its first week
When will based Trigger buy out kusoanus? What will they do with their buildings?
t. newfag and consumer
You use lists to take notes. If you are able to not only rememder thousands of Japanese cartoons but also your detailed thoughts on and personal analysis of them then good for you, but I am calling you a liar anyway.
Good directing
Good character development
Interesting visuals
visual storytelling.
>time flops
you're still trying to make this a thing?
Eva is only good for teens wearing skin tight body suits.
hello faggot, I see you are still mad ditf shat all over veg right in the same season. don't worry, some day you might stop being a pleb and get some decent taste. until then, don't forget to dilate
>franxxtards are /pol/ redditors
Even worse than OP.
>replying to himself
There are so many mistakes and lies in your comment that I will not bother to correct you, the only thing I will say is that you are too autistic to believe that Yea Forums has the same bad taste as you.
Samefag here: 188695022
Promarefags were probably too tough for him.
THK is insane. Still hasn't gotten over KLK curbstomping the monogatarikiller.
Stop spamming you cultist.
Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke are the most easily accessible and mediocre Ghibli movies.
Nice to see that every thread using that Madoka image in the OP will still be shit. Guess some things do not actually change.