ITT: characters that canonically got cucked

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Other urls found in this thread:

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OP's father.


By himself, willingly and happily

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My reddit sense in tingling.

Did OP confuse cuck with NTR because he's an eternal newfag?

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newfag here, explain pls

did mikasa actually lose the erenbowl?

According to ehfags yes

>according to ehfags
>believing she even has a crumble of opportunity after this page

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Not yet, but soon.

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One is willing

no fucking way that happen

>t.shipperfaggot -

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yes way. the thread when that was first shown was the best shitfest of shipperfags imaginable

How long ago was this? I need to see that shit for myself

Like 7 months ago

It'll be half a year next month,it came out in early December.

Eren and Mikasa never were in relationship.

By me

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Anyone with green hair in a Kawamori show

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she got hot n resaonably tall.

She's actually pretty cool about it.

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This is the only actual cuck in this thread, everything else is NTR.

Cucked by edginess?

>muh accurate definitions hurr durr
i bet you arent very fun at parties, are you

I bet you're a gigantic faggot and someone should stomp your brains into the concrete

To think I enjoyed this series at one point. Post time skip was a mistake, they fucking darker than blacked eren

not only you are not fun at parties, you are gonna die really soon if you keep raging for these things kek

Poor thing she has feelings but its in her blood that just makes her click like that truly suffering

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Good lord

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Esdeath x Tatsumi would have been intersting if they went with the S&M approach, with Tatsumi eventually culling her murder boner by channeling her creativity in more "healthy" ways

Though instead we did get Dragon x Princess, and that's alright by me

By who? Eren? She's over that edgelord. Her husband jean will take good care of her.

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Normie bandwagoner who only watched the first season here, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?
What went wrong? Please explain.

Eren uchiha

Read the manga faggot

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>what went wrong
nothing, in fact he chose the best girlfriend possible

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Reading the manga now is so unsatisfying, it feels like a long drawn out fanfiction especially with how the world got dropped on us. I got used to being dripfed tidbits of information of whats out there, but now knowing what the story is really about just feels so... empty. Especially with edgy eren permeating cockrot every panel.

First season was pretty biased towards Eren/Mikasa compared to the manga anyway, as was the second one for that matter.
A lot of things happened and it's pointless to explain in detail. To make it very short Eren gets in a conflict with his former comrades. When Mikasa and Armin try to talk to him to figure out what he's doing and thinking the conversation goes awry and the situation only worsens, hence this . At the moment it's unknown what Eren's intentions are and whether he meant all that he said. Also some people think Eren hooked up with another girl and got her pregnant but that's not confirmed.

To sum up: you're mad Cuckasa is canon

>Edgy Eren
Again, what the fuck happened? I was literally Naruto tier in the first seaason.

no shit, we are right now in a plot heavy section of the manga.
Same shit happen in the uprising arc and in the beginning of the Marley arc. Dont act like this is something new or the doom of the series

Let me hold onto my pieces user ;_;

he has multiple people fucking his mind and controlling his thoughts so that may have to why he is suddenly a genocide.
Nonetheless it feels like something Eren would eventually evolve into anyway

Doesnt mean I have to like it, just hope the slog has a great payout.

Basically character development and PATHS interference. Eren changed after learning the secret of the world, which led to the conflict with his old friends.

Not saying you have to like it, just saying that it hasnt been the first time it has happened.

>The page that made Araki drop SnK
Based Isayama

Don't listen to them.
Eren did nothing wrong.
He is fighting for freedom and his cute pregnant aryan wife.

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Hahahahaha. Mitsuru and Kokoro cucking the fatass is still the best part of that shitshow

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I haven't even watched the show but this makes me angry.

t. fatass

I'm actually /fit/.

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why would this user do this?
go on the internet and tell lies

What a happy cuck

Don't worry, it was mostly deserved anyways. He was acting like masterclass fedoralord/incel and was very obsessive


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EM is dead even without EH. Isayama said it himself
>Mikasa’s growth probably involves separation from Eren. By separation, I mean she might be able to return to that ordinary girl that she used to be in childhood

It's just a rumor at this point, but there is actually some evidence backing it up. Like this document where Isayama smiled while recording of this Eren/Historia scene and Araki looked a bit sad/disappointed

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Didn't they promise or some shit though? That shit is unforgivable in my book.

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Well, yeah. That's the problem most people have with this ship. Indeed, promise was dumb. I wonder how many are actually angry that she left the fatso, rather than because of the promise. Also some context:
>They were not couple, just pilot-duo in mecha that runs by mind connection and system that definitely doesn't imply sex. Just workpartners assigned by goverment. Girl has low sync level with the fat guy and falls in love with other guy and wants to pair up with him instead.

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>Lover? Normalfags need to die.

Picture unrelated?

So mangafags, is it already confirmed eren fucked that blonde girl?

No, but there are one million hints towards it. Also the final panel of the manga.

Lol no. They’re just teasing the Eremika shippers, that’s all.

It's leddit spam don't take it seriously, the blond girl got seeded by a farmer

No but yes.
Let me put it this way, in eva for example, was it confirmed that eva 02 was asuka's mother before End of Eva happened? No. But it was fucking obvious she was. Same shit here. It is not confirmed but it is fucking obvious eren is the father

Its not confirmed but at this point I really would be shocked if he isn't

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>t. Erwlevimod fujotrash

>but there are one million hints towards it
also deluded

Its not confirmed but there are too many hints for eren being the one that fucked historia. Only blind shipperfags and casual readers who don't pay much attention to the plot don't see it coming.

That's enough to make me angry. I won't watch it.

t. mentally ill shipper

BASED thread

Grisha and Dina
Grisha was 19th when he impregnated Dina, at 19th he also was in a revolution against Marley. He also traveled somewhereto steal a Titan (Eren stole warhammer and Grisha founding). Also zeke's quote "you are starting to resemble your father.
Historia and Dina besides being royal blood, got a direct pararel in the new opening.
The biggest foil of eren, zeke, wants to euthanize his entire race so eldians don't have to be born into the world anymore. Unlike eren, specially if he is the father. Talking about zeke, this final arc started with historia's pregnancy and eren caring about historia. He literally talks about doing the rumbling but when kiyomi's conditions are exposed he backtracks and says they should find another alternative. Also 106 and 107 are a pararel to 89 and 90 in which kruger says "make a family".
The theme of parents exists through the entire story. Eren was loved by his parents, and Carla saved him by reminding him how great he is just for being born into the world, being born means he is free, but Grisha ended up cursing his life by making him a titan. Historia and Zeke both had parents that didn't love them and in Historia's case also nearly turned her into a titan. But she fought against her father and decided to "be free", this is what inspires eren. (This is literally mentioned by isayama in an interview).
And finally the final panel of the manga is a guy that looks like eren that tells his kid "you are free". And not only that but isayama mentioned something about surpassing his father (Grisha) in finally letting the future generations be free of the titan curse and not making his wishes curse another life.
These are just a few of the many narrative reasons of why eren would be the father, but yeah, mentally ill shippers and deluded, amirite fujotrash? How about you tell me what your reasons are to believe he is not the father and people are "mentally ill and deluded" for thinking he is?

>has 3 or more girls after his dick

Thanks for confirming how hard eren fucked historia by your massive seething, erwlevimod

She got BUC as compensation though

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Honestly I would have no trouble if she had just told fatso to fuck off from the beginning, just tell him no and let things end there, but the way things ended, it was almost like she was keeping him on her book as an eventual backup if things did not go her way with milkman.

I actually had something like this happen between me and a friend of mine, it destroyed our friendship for four years, and we only went back to being friends because our old group of friends put some effort in getting everyone back together, and only after having an honest heart to heart did we discover that the girl had played us both, dating us both at the same time, but back then each of us was so angry at someone, specially a friend, was creeping on "his" girl that we could not see the truth.

In the end she left us both with debts because of her spending habits, and left the city as the girlfriend of an 35 years old restaurant owner.

Being told to fuck off hurts, but tomorrow you will be ready to try again, but discovering you were just someone else backup is so much worse, dont give people hope, just tell them no, its better for everyone that way.

Turned out she was just a slave to her Ackerman genes. Eren orders her to pin Armin down right after this.

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He is not edgy, armin and mankasa started trashtalking and saying he was being manipulated without knowing shit

Its not confirmed, but he 99.99% did

>cucked during her confession
>then gets cucked again on her deathbed by the person who killed her
I must admit, that was hilarious.

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Didn't mean to reply.

Historia is Erens freedom

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>Isayama killed both EM and ErwinLevi

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I'd personally prefer it if Eren isn't the father, but it's honestly getting really suspicious at this point. There's probably still a chance that he isn't the father, but I'd say it's more likely that he is.

>Manlet dies
>Eren isn't the father
>EM loses anyway
How good it would be

No, but it might as well be.
The only people who deny it are the same people who denied GRIM REMINDER 2.0:The Revengeance

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Kill yourself

The mangaka browses Yea Forums so anons have basically shitposted it into the story

Why would I-I mean GODyama do that haha.

by her mom

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>YHfag using EMfags again
Eren being the father would destroy YHfags and fujos

People have to remember that being partnered with futoshi wasn't Kokoro's choice. So why is it hard to understand that she wants out? She made that promise when she was put in a spot, not of her own volition and if she thought partner shuffle wasnt possible, there's no point in saying something that will only strain their relationship. Even when nana presented the option, she wasn't about to disrupt another pair, she only knew that she had a chance to be with Mitsuru when Ikuno released him and by then there was no time to discuss with futoshi. It was a now or never situation. And she grabbed it. No one should be made to stay in a situation they're unhappy in. Just to spare someone's feelings.

by a hoe

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They've already been destroyed. I want EHfags gone with them

She could've waited 15 years
She didn't have to fuck his best friend

>the same people who denied GRIM REMINDER 2.0:The Revengeance
So they're the ones who were right considering Grim Reminder 2.0 wasn't an act of revenge?

How did you miss THE shitstorm where Eren called Armong a bitch and Mankasa a slave who just follows him.

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So this devolved into relationship drama? Glad I jumped ship 6 years. Fell asleep during an episode of Annie running around in the forest and threw in the towel.

It's a figure of speech


Actually SnK is interesting now compared to first part.
Eren ate so many people who became distanced GRIM REMINDER himself, his OG personality is long gone.
Eren and Zeke are planning to sterilze Eldians (Titans) so they die out, plus Eren has his own plan and probably fucked Historia.

His people, the Eldians, are on the verge of getting exterminated or completely enslaved. Meanwhile Armin is acting like an indecisive pacifist and Mikasa can't think of anything else besides "muh EREN" due to her genetic predisposition to serve someone. This sickens Eren who strives for freedom which is why he calls Mikasa a slave.
Eren also just came out of jail and is looking for a very important person to carry out his plan. He wasn't in the mood to act nice, especially when the commanders were looking to kill him.

Not really, Eren dropped Armin/Mikasa long ago.
After he launched an attack and killed countless civilians in Libero, his old pals denounced him.

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>his OG personality is long gone.
No, it's not.

The mystery was what drew me in at first but it just petered out for me. What the fuck even are the titans and why do they eat people then hack them up in big wads? I guess there's probably a wiki about this if I really want to know. All I remember is basement memes.

They're trying to eat a shifter when they go biting people. If they eat a shifter they can regain their original form.

You're making it as if the story is now nothing but exposition. In fact, there's been intersecting character plots and development in the context of impending doom nearing the finale. The story is still consistent with previous arcs in the sense that it is a viable progression. The themes have been consistent and there are new ones introduced.

Eren wasn't shown in most pages. Secondary characters like Yelena got just as much attention. And he's not "edgy". He doesn't kill for the sake of killing or spout edgy edgy statements. Look back to his discussion with Reiner in Marley.

Don't listen to EH ledditors they lie compulsively to push their agenda, they're a bunch of weaselly creaturas with no sense of integrity.

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Eren will betray Zeke in some way for sure. Zeke does want to sterilize Eldians but doesn't want the living ones to get murdered or enslaved by other nations either.
There are only theories. Titans are likely the creation of Ymir the mother of Eldian people. They eat people when they aren't being under a leash so to speak, in the attempt of eating a shifter so they can regain consciousness

The post you quoted wasn't about EH, dummy.

Nah, dont bother. Some people either self-insert to that situation or the fatso too much to ever let go or accept it. They will be forever mad. So I advise to not bring this up and just let it be forgotten over time

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So the author still hasn't explained it. That's good, breaking everything down usually dispels the mystery and interest. Probably still not gonna pick it back up but that author is one of the most creative people in the industry at the moment.

Don't bother, fanbase is bunch of raving shipperfags.

dyel auschwitz then

He hasn't explained the full nature of Ymir, who gave her power, how she created Eldians, . She has appeared however in an important scene but she wasn't speaking, instead kneading and building the body of her descendant back up. There are lots of hints judging from clothes she wore, consequent reality since she got her power: empire apparently formed.

>doesnt even quote a post about EH
Dumb erwlevifujo

SnK fanbase is just retarded.
Ship shit ruins every fanbase.

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True, thank god EH is the plot


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He didn't deserve that

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i dont get it? isnt jean saying Erin could have hidden motives?

Yes, you are replying to our local fujo from the /snk threads/ she ships Erwin levi and Eren mikasa, calls hanji hongoloids and historia pisstoria, and posts decapitated edits of them. He also spams that "chadren" will destroy gabi's (a 12 yo character) pussy to try and make ehfags look bad. We even realized she wakes up roughly at the same hour (12:30 eu time).
Imagine shitposting so hard everyone recognizes her posts.
Also this thread and the first posts are also made by her, who as I said ships erwlevi and eremika

>decapitated edits
Retard, that's the LEpedo

>she left us both with debts because of her spending habits
>spending so much on some wench you're left in debt
The woman is bitch but you're a retard and deserved it.

since nobody answered correctly eren is pulling a lelouch

>but yeah, mentally ill shippers and deluded,
You said it, have you read what you just wrote?
What about dina and grish? Your extrapolation from mere coincidences is making fucking /pol/ look sane in comparison.


Eren is too redpilled to pull a lelouche

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According to everyone who's actually reading the manga rather than looking at the pictures, you mean. You can also count Isayama.

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Not confirmed but the hints have been piling up at an alarming rate since the beginning of this year, to the point that any other outcome would be legitimately more surprising to most mangafags hanging out in SnK threads.

>eren wants to sterelize eldians
Wait, so he is in the side of the normies? what the fuck i tought he wanted to save his own kind?

Yes he is, but EMfags interpreted it as Jean saying Eren actually told Mikasa he hates her because he secretely loves her, even though Jean himself has no idea of what was even said during the conversation beyond the fact that Eren was hurtful towards her.

read the manga or kill yourself

Holy shit when did eren become so based? I stopped reading after the meme time skip

>her genetic predisposition to serve someone

You're not even meming, are you? This is an actual plot point?

Not really, if anything it feels like he is trying to make himself looks like a villain so the two will distance themselves from him. It also feels like Eren has some kind of Masterplan he keeps secret from Zeke in order to pull it by using Zeke royal lineage to use the power of the founding titan.

>EHnigger got tired of getting BTFO in /snk/ so he makes this thread
No amount of seething will change the fact your redditfu got FARM'D

>Until my enemies are destroyed
You can be retarded but please don't be a speedreader

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You're missing out on some kino moments

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Eren has feet like a fucking cat

Focus on the 10 packs only, please.

The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist

Eren is turbo chad now.

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It's unnatural

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Based and truthpilled

>hug her and talk to her
Don't get ahead of yourself fatty. Remember how she ghosted you for months after becoming partners with Milkman, until her memory was wiped out

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The Ackerman clan was a product of titan experiments. That's why Mikasa and Levi are so strong

I actually feel bad for Mikasa. She was the only one competing for the Erenbowl since their childhood and lost to a girl who didn't even have to compete with her to win.

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Farmer-sama fucked Hisu(Eren watched it)

MANKASA never stood a chance, Eren not even once showed interest in her romantically.

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If Hisu didn't step in, Eren would die as a virgin. She let four years went by without doing nothing despite knowing that Eren is dying


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>Imagine wanting to fuck your shitty ex instead of a guy with four fucking balls
Yashuo is a brainlet confirmed

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Well, she tried to kiss him that one time but he dodged and never felt the need to bring it up again.

I really miss Erwin bros...

>wanting a mutant freak

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Shipperfaggots were a mistake.


The only real answer

Are we going to pretend now that one of the hooks wasnt about Mikasas love for Eren?

Well, WIT are dropping snk actually, who knows why

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Before Uprising there were tons of gay, yuri and EM shippers, after their ships were destroyed they are "this is not a romance manga XD" now. Sad part is that Eren and Historia if it really happened, it would be more about the family.

In the world of fetish sure (which both need to be hanged), but in a story where someone gets cheated on or leaves them that makes them a cuck sorry.

Isayama draws like shit, no surprises here

I don't remember this, when was it?

which anime?

>they see each other as family
If anime and manga has taught me anything it's that this opens more doors than it closes

Not in this case, the mangaka even thinks it's gross to hook up with someone you grew up with.

Eren being the father fits thematically with the story, so personally I don't have any problem with that

Fucken size 16 feet

Glad Mikasa lost. She ending up with Eren would've been too cliche anyway.

>all this blogshit
>engaging self-confessed newfag normalfags instead of telling them to fuck off
Jesus Christ mods, do your fucking job, nuke this thread.

S2EP12, chapter 50?

Mikasa dying would be surprising

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Since his balls are the only part of his body that isn't merged, if he knocked someone up, could they be only Kira's or Josefumi's kid?

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Isayama is a visionary man, that's why he killed the Mikasa x Eren cliche ship even through interviews.

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