Eden's Zero 46


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Meanwhile in FT100YQ

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Whore looking skank

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the absolute madman

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This is foot fetish the chapter. Hopefully some good shots for Homura next chapter then

Delicious taste Mashima my boy!

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How did he get broken down to the point where he actually loves her

Persistence pays off. We sorta got teased in FT where he promised to give Juvia an answer after the final arc and where he snaps after he thinks she dies


Look in archive.

I hope Homura gets wrecked in public!

Based robot feet.

>Not-Juvia finds out there's an almost exact clone of her lover
>Immediately tries to seduce him into a threesome

Remind me again where I can read the new chapters?

Nevermind, found them

Isn't that anyone who actually cares about Mashima's garbage though

Finna Launch that BTmixup.