Can I come in? You still haven't forgotten about your little brother, have you Yea Forums?
Posting on my homeboard is down
You can stay, /jp/, but you must put Cirno to work on all these pesky frogs.
Which board? is down as well.
Why are a few boards down?
Keep posting Koishis my man
The secondary server is down so all boards but Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /vg/, /pol/ and Yea Forums are frozen
How long until it's back, and why is it down in the first place?
It happens at times because either Hiro is a fucking hack or someone DDoS'd the server
/pol/ is hosted on a different server than the other boards mentioned. I know this because the server Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /vg/, and Yea Forums were hosted on went down a year ago and /pol/ wasn't affected.
Because Hiro is a cheap faggot who will insert more malware ads after the servers are restored.
Cute Koishi poster, I hope you're enjoying your stay.
Thank you
Okay, so does anybody have any estimates on when the server will be back up?
No idea, but knowing Hiro it'll take hours or even days. In the meantime please enjoy threads like
Cute Koishi op, but my personal favorite is Sumireko. Can you post some cute Sumireko?
I'm not OP but we have something very much in common, user. Perhaps its fate that brought us together.
I only have one dork to share
Look at that cute dork and her dumb hat.
>Yea Forums and /ck/ move to Yea Forums
>/k/ moves to Yea Forums
/ck/ should come here, we have the best food threads.
Ah, so we're running purely on skeleton Yea Forums. Only the "essential" boards. Oh, well, so be it.
>Yea Forums and /ck/ moved to Yea Forums, some general refugee threads up
>/k/, /lgbt/ and Yea Forums (and Yea Forums raiders) moved to Yea Forums
Why the worst boards come here
/pol/ needs to get the fuck out.
You /jp/ autists can stay though.
Accepting more cute little /jp/ brothers to give headpats to.
Any word on where Yea Forums might have gone?
But where’s Flanfly?
Sorry, but no.
Update #2:
>/pol/ already is making conspiracy theories about it, so far they blame the fbi, anonymous, another imageboard named nein chan and Yea Forums for what is happening
Goddammit, I hit submit too early.
>Yea Forums's raid, Yea Forums and /lgbt/'s threads are dead, only /k/'s thread remains
>one of the biggest general refugee thread on Yea Forums is dead too
>nobody remembers that Yea Forums exists for this kind of things
>Yea Forums exists for this kind of things
Wait, THAT'S what it's for?
And to be fair, it is Yea Forums
Just visited /pol/
Holy fuck, that's literally a shithole, a bunch of bbc threads and conspiracy shit.
/pol/ has been /x/ with flags and IDs for years.
Yea Forums is a youkai free board right?
You can say youkai without Yea Forums
Update #3:
>ABIB is on rizon, although he hasn't posted anything
>/trash/ moved to /pol/ lmao
Stop actually posting about otaku culture and make more Touhou threads and Japanese bird cooking spaghetti like the old days.
Meido doesn't like japanese birb anymore
I heard a rumour that the bird breaks the spaghetti first before boiling it.