
So after hearing praise about it everywhere, decided to give it a try. 4 episodes in, does this have an overarching plot or its gonna be episodic all the way through? It's quiet entertaining, I will give it that.

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lol you need to watch like 120 episodes of it to get it if you can't hack it just stop now faggot

it gots an overarching plot but mostly you'll be watching episodic comedies and mini-arcs where a plot develops for 4-8 episodes usually pertaining to one or two characters.
The overarching plot isn't really truly tackled until much, much later in.

>you need to watch like 120 episodes
I am willing to do so if it's not gonna be just episodic and actually has an overarching plot.

>The overarching plot isn't really truly tackled until much, much later in.
How much later are we talking about? 100 episodes? 200?

It essentially only starts to get resolved at the end, so 250+ episodes in.

If you're okay with just mini-arcs and small revelations about the over-arching plot until than it might work for you but in all honesty the characters are what makes Gintama work not the plot.

on and off mini arcs, its primarily a episodic with occasional arc based dramedy series, the actual plot just doesnt overtake it till the last 70 episodes

Thanks. Guess I will try to watch till the recent episode.

just know its widely considered the start is the worst part of the series, episode 20 and up is when it actually starts to get better

It's alright. The setting is interesting. The show is entertaining me a lot.

if your one of the few to enjoy the start then you are in for an incredibly good time going foreword when you get to the parts that actually are good

episodic, most builds to overarching plot though
the first serius arc is like in chapter 80

Isn't the manga confirmed to be ending soon? How many more episodes for the anime?

Just watch it dude. It has an overarching plot but the episodic episodes are where the series really shines. In my opinion episodic series are better for characters because it puts them in different scenarios and you can see different sides of them. As opposed to just battle after battle like most battle shonen.

Though I'm glad you like it so far. Most of the time it's dumb faggots that constantly ask "so when does this get get good" and bitch and moan the whole way through instead of just dropping it. It's easily a month long endeavor so don't burn yourself out if you don't enjoy it.

If you didn't liked episode 1 just drop it, is not for you. Now if what you want is "le eric shounen" then I think around episode 50-60 i when the first big arc happens, is a fucking classic and I think there are 4 different versions of the fucking arc, and all of them amazing but yeah, around 60 episodes or so.

Does gintoki ever gets any pussy? I Ship his with shipachi's sister. Would like to see them get together just for shipachi's reaction.

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He went to a red light district a long time ago.

it does, but you need patience

you have a plot arc once every 50 episodes

why read gintama manga when sunrise anime was perfect ?

Being an Edo chad, naturally he has tasted all kinds of pussy in his lifetime, even granny pussy.

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Unusually comfy thread. Hope you enjoy the show, OP.

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he has a harem of girls that like him, i like blondie with the scar, forgot her name

20 episode rule

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Gintama is one of these anime that needs at least 25 episodes
Back in the days i had dropped it 4 times until i realise its greatness
Btw it sucks now

who /speedofflow/ here?

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