I don't care if I'm late this cunt is worthless
I don't care if I'm late this cunt is worthless
you're late
nice waste of a thread you dumb fuck normal fag.
suck my dick get aids from it and then eat my shit you fucking zoomer shit cunt
Please be patient, she has autism.
That's an awfully mean thing to say about Tenchou's wife.
why is she worthless?
the author clearly fucked up and went for the bait and switch ending instead of going for the Usagi Drop ending.
>am normally all about that degenerate shit
>watched this thinking the entire way 'oh fuck they need to not get together, this is unhealthy, just let her run again'
Shit taste. Instead we got both.
I really wish this show finished as strong as it started.
I'm late
Because his son is clearly going to fuck his new stepmom. She's so autistic she would do it.
> tfw almost all the characters in the restaurant got a bad ending.
Anime was 10/10 until the romance stopped.
She is just a dumb teen who doesn't know what she wants.
I really did wanted for the manager to get that JK pussy, they really did make a cute couple.
To be honest, it seemed like the author was the one who doesn't know what she wants. What a waste of a manga.
a ton of people hated the ending so much that she had to quit twitter.
the italian and latinamerican fans were specially vicious.
I liked the open but hopeful ending the cutie and the dumbass from the restaurant got, they were adorable
Tho I've heard it all goes to shit in the manga
The manager didn't deserve to be thrown away like that
it really does:
the dumbass and the cutie don't get together (he rejects her)
the jerk chef gets rejected by her stepsister?
and the manager has to find new staff since almost everyone quits in the end.
* his
How did this even end? NTR?
Japanese ending.
nothing happens, everyone goes their own way.
I only watched the live action movie inside the airplane.
Thought it was pretty decent actually. Didn't feel particularly rushed for a movie condensing several volumes/episodes
No, woman-writer ending. Nothing is certain, no one really commits to anything, leaving the way to backtrack if needed. Manager turns out to be just a stepping stone for the MC's personal growth.
This was one of the few cases where the anime ending was way better than the manga
Jesus, fucking author it doesn't even sound bittersweet just straight up bad ending
wasted chara design
It wasn't being powered up by daughter-wife fantasies and daddy issues unfortunately.
I've been readin the manga, is the anime any good? What chapter does the anime end?
Also those lovecharm figures are disgusting.
so how come Yea Forums didn't crash but everythingelse did?
the anime covers a few volumes but it's missing a good chunk of the manga, it also has an original bittersweet ending.
what do you mean?
Their age gap is uncommon but not unhealthy. Thinks won't be so awkward once she's in college. She won't be an athlete, running is just a highschool thing and it will stop in a couple of years. The love of your life is only once.
Anime artsyle is really good.
im not sure about the other boards, but Yea Forums is broken, it isnt allowing any new posts
Glad I dropped.
>female authors
Never trust them
> tfw Tachibana will never look at you like as if you were a bag of trash
Most retarded drama 2018.
Part 2 when?
She has nice eyes.
It wasn't the age gap, they were enabling each other in their avoidance of their goals.
any other manga out there were the old dude does get the young girl?
I honestly dont get it. If you were just gonna turn around and make her just get over it why not just keep the relationship as emotional support like it was? Did the author get death threats?
Must be why there's a bunch of crossboarder threads up.
She's so fucking cute. I don't care if it has a shit ending picked the fuck up
WIT really needs to do more romance adaptations.
She was chased out of twitter, which is based and completely deserved.
>set up age gap taboo romance
>renegg with "ACTUALLY ALL SHE WANTED TO DO WAS RUN, HE WAS REPLACEMENT FOR RUNNING" like that's how romantic feelings work
Sadly there are a lot of unconventional romance manga that pussy out in the end. That's why i wait for them to end. Still waiting to see if the on with the milf and the baseball boy will be worth reading.
I'm interested in reading this, does she end up with the old man
>Sadly there are a lot of unconventional romance manga that pussy out in the end.
Go read umineko then.
That's the point
in a way, 07 pussied out with ikuko and touya and their supposed marriage
but it's not like it was the most important part
Did you not read the thread? Turns out she was just using him as a emotional tampon.
>Manager turns out to be just a stepping stone for the MC's personal growth
And that makes it bad because.?
Shitty harems and shojo do that all the time. Even irl. The girl who gets the first fuck is often thrown away like a piece of trash. They were only a stepping stone for the MC to "become a man" before they go for the actual girl of their dream.
Miman Renai
Because this manga lured me in with
>Read this! It's about a old guy and a young girl romance.
Only for the mangaka to spit me in the face?
If it was clear this would turn out to be a dramashit i wouldn't have picked it up in the first place.
Dam daniel
>And that makes it bad because.?
>proceeds to explain why it's bad
No, they inspired each other to better themselves and advance their goals, during rough times. Sounds like a great relationship that the author royally fucked. This is a rare instance where an interesting romance based conflict was set up without tsundere headbutting, and yet the author fucked it with an unnecessary nonsequiter.
>it was never meant to be! age difference
My grandpa was decades older than my grandma, and they had a strong, 40 year marriage til they died. It can work out fine
>having a romantic relationship with your cousin born from grandfather having sex with his own daughter and your own aunt while your cousin is a hermaphrodite with a neutered penis in a romantic relationship with your other cousin and maritally engaged with your other other cousin
>b-But hE DidNt SaY bAtTlEr FuCKeD hIS SeLfiNsert!
It doesn't matter, it happens. We all get stronger and wiser through our past relationships.
Also the MC never intended to lead the tenchou on, hurt him, or use him to get experience for a future relationship. She was acting on her feelings and that's fine. It can't always work out.
Well, it's a romance manga, not twitter quotes wisdom manga. If you wanna subvert expectations, go to Hollywood, bitch.
>that greentext
Jesus i cant even begin to wrap my head around this. This sounds worse than the schooldays origin family tree
Any normal person would not expect it to work out though, especially for how fast things develop
You're just upset that the series isn't self insert wish fulfillment
>You're just upset
Yeah, me and a couple of other dudes. I'm sure author will do great in the future. Because making your fans upset is the whole point of entertainment!
It didn't work out because a young girl got talk no jutsu'd into have a psychological revelation that love is a spook and a 40-something man had no desire to hook up with a bizarrely perfect girl.
Turning a manga marketed to age gap romance lovers into dramacancer doesn't make you a deep author, it just makes you look like a piece of shit and you can expect the reaction to not be pleasant.
Well, sure, the manga being better written would prove the point better. But then again
It can't always work out :^)
That's a fine point, but this is not the manga to get that across, as evidenced by the poor reception of this resolution and the obvious shoehorning in the end.