Goblin Slayer

Looks like hiatus is over. It really took its time.

"Goblin Slayer Gaiden: Daikatana, Original: Kamu Kumo Sensei, I will be in charge of new comical art drawing! Since serialization will start soon, thank you!"


Attached: D7qhYdCXsAA-Kth.jpg (1536x2048, 770K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Please tell me is not BND artist.

Different guy, you can see some of his works on the link.

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Excellent, as thanks have a new page of the silly comics.

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So...is the new artist gonna redraw the previous three chapters for order sake?

That I don't know, I just hope mage girl doesn't change too much.

Attached: Whoosh.jpg (739x356, 109K)

Where is translation user? A new vanilla doujin has emerged.

Attached: 2.jpg (1222x1748, 414K)

into the trash it goes

>He doesn't like vanilla

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>It really took its time
It’s only been a single month.
What I want to know is what happened to make Minakuchi quit.

I was being sarcastic, 1 month or 2 are nothing compared to other series.

What the fuck was that ending?

One of the worst things I have ever seen. Even if this is a spinoff, you've just completely put me off Goblin Slayer. Have some goddamn standards, people, what the fuck is wrong with you brainless weebs?

This is not a spinoff, it's just a fan comic.

well he posted some character art

no cousin, sadly.

>not enough belts

Attached: D7t_B7FUcAAauzR.png-orig.png (607x860, 576K)

>not enough spikes

Attached: D7t_C03UYAADr5J.png-orig.png (607x860, 623K)

>not enough curves

but I'm nonetheless waiting for the new chapter.

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looked thicker in that preview of the previous artist

made for Gobbs

The first (light?) novel of Daikatana will also be released in August 16.


But for 1200 yen? Perhaps it's in a normal (larger) novel format, since it's not listed under the GA bunko label like the main series and the Year One spinoff, but the GA novel label. In any case, I hope for additional illustrations.

Attached: chapter 9a.jpg (841x1199, 191K)

comparison with the oiginal novel character designs

Attached: dai-katana-characters.jpg (600x582, 66K)

and a replay book of the rpg in August 9?

Attached: goblin slayer trpg art.jpg (783x1106, 185K)

Nice buns.

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There is something off with the new art but he surely will get better with time.

GS fucked so many girls that he turned into one.

>He thought that it was an official spin-off.
Is just a comic someone does for fun.


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Wait, is the web version over?

can you blame him?
* Goblin Slayer
* the SD Gob-Slay-san bonuses
* Goblin Slayer Side Story: Year One
* Goblin Slayer: Brand New Day
* Goblin Slayer Side Story 2: Daikatana

Attached: gob-slay-san strip 1.jpg (273x825, 107K)

no, they released the 9th part a few days ago (see ), but not every part is a full chapter, so they didn't finish the 9 planned chapters yet.


Yes, he is dumb.

Do we have any spoilers of this novel?

They already have a new artist? That was fast.

Goblin bump.


At least post pictures you niggers

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Thanks to the dice gods.

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I'd prefer the previous artist but he's not bad.

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At least is not the fucking BND artist.

Why are they referencing that awful video game?

Is this going to be licensed too?

The word existed before that game.

I didn't expect Haruhi and her party to appear in a doujin ever so that was a pleasant surprise. I also saw that other doujin with the evil Priestess where most of the girls got gobbed except for best girl, vanilla only for her.

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Can someone crop Haruhi and GS kissing?

Attached: Hero kiss.jpg (601x310, 130K)


I demand translation!

Why you deleted the crop of GS and Priestess kissing?!

I didn't spoiler that.

Attached: Slut.jpg (667x549, 276K)

>Spoilering a kiss.
Come on user.

>CG and Haruhi get vanilla kisses.
>Priestess gets super lewd tongue kiss plus anal.
What is the author suggesting?

That one of them is an experienced whore.

Attached: Future Canon.jpg (674x516, 218K)

I think my favorite is Haruhi's kiss.

>GG and Elf don't get a kiss.
>SM doesn't appear at all.

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Way too simple.

>Where is translation user?

Busy procrastinating, will take a look at it later.

I don't like their faces and SM staff looks bigger and heavier.

The standing naked elf is great, but I wish her foot wasn't cut off, and that her breasts were smaller.

>I kissed onii-chan and it was my first kiss...

I love those eyes.

Yeah... this need some work.


Title: In Gob-Slay’s room (Intrusion 2) (ゴブスレ部屋に(おじゃま2))
>Elf: Hmhmm, his room’s surprisingly clean, aint it? (ふっふーん、以外と片付いているじゃないっ)
>Elf: A boy’s secrets are held under his bed or deeeep in his drawer… Priestess: Badump-badump. (どきどき)
>Elf: This…. This iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!? (こっ…これわああああああああっ!?)
>Book Title: Orcbolg x Ogre (オルxオガ)
>Book Caption: ~Your ponytail is the same as mine~ (~お前のポニテはオレとおそろい~)
>Uncle: Kukuku! She found it! I prepared it just for this occasion… (くくくっ見つけたなっ!!仕込んでおいた…)
>Uncle: The pain of owning a doujinshi with you as the protagonist!! (自分が主人公の激痛同人誌っ!!)
>Uncle: I call it the「The boy I fancy has a strange kink!? Aaah, I’m so disillusioned!」Trap-u!! (名付けて「気になる男子が特殊性癖!?もお幻滅う」とらっぷ!!)
>Uncle: Once the rumors spread around your school, no girl will approach you except my little girl… (校内にうわさが広まればうちの娘以外の女子は寄り付かなく…)
>Elf: A new issue… (新しいわ…)
>Sfx: Kyun kyun Sfx: Elf-kyun Box: Strategy Failed We'll get 'em, next time (作戦失敗)

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Silly comics!Uncle is so bizarre.

What happened to the old artist in the first place?

Nobody knows, he just fucked off.

After reading volume 7 I'm not so sure Elf sees GS as only a friend or sibling, I mean the whole part where her sister tell hers she's going to grieve when he's gone is kind of revealing.

Why? That part proved that she doesn't want any more than that.

There was a part when her sister was about to ask if she was feeling something more for him and then she was interrupted when the elephant attacked, also the part when she keeps sayings she wants to know more about him and all that.

>T. Elf is my first Tsundere.
You are worse than the redditfags that are as dense as Priestess.

>elves sing songs about their beloved
>HEA sings GS's song
>traveled to meet the subject of the song
>after some initial reticence and expectations adjustment stuck around and defends him to the death
>a volume's worth of acting cutesy and clingy and having butterflies on her stomach

She has the elven 2000 year old maiden equivalent of a tween crush. With the caveat that she knows, intellectually, the man will die soon, very soon in elven years.

Is a fucking baby hydra and it looks more like a dinosaur than an elephant!

>With the caveat that she knows, intellectually, the man will die soon, very soon in elven years.

I actually liked the part when she compared her fleeting happiness to drinking, and when she said she has all the time in the world to spent what GS life has besides him.

Nah man, it's an elephant.

>muh tsundere meme
Grow up

>"Grown up"
>When you are an user.
>In Yea Forums.

Attached: mikumari (xenoblade (series) and etc) drawn by j@ck - ecd1f679547fde53ee04806762e36c9f.jpg (718x1100, 97K)

She could have children with him that would last much longer, or stay with a new descendant of his for the next few thousand years.

>an user
>in Yea Forums
>picking stupid fights over GS waifus

That's the mark of a grown man, don't you get it? Urgh.

Now I am wondering, do mixrace traitors I mean half elves live as long as regular elves?

Yeah but only nerds who play DnD and Video games give a shit about this shit series so it's clearly a reference to the game

I hope she'll get gobbed. She really needs one

Probably not as long but more than humans. That's why she should keep having more children with those until the amount of human is reduced.

Well yeah, she could have his child, on the other hand she could be the awesome aunt for eternity, but I don't think she really wants that.

Cope harder.

It's actually pretty good in my eyes. I'd prefer if they didn't make the waist so thin though.

Can't handle the bantz.

But waifuwars are the core of GS threads.

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What is the plot if this? I only understand that GS didn't went to that cave that fateful day and Priestess got gobbed...but she ended up controlling the goblins and now has a whole army which she uses to capture and rape all the girls, specially CG. My question is: why is so focused mind breaking CG if she never meet GS?


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Why the only person willing to do a massive multi-chapter GS doujins had to have such creepy artstyle?

Because we can't have nice things.

The staff is way too big.

I hope it gets translated.

Reminder that, for everything to make sense, Samurai must die.

Compared to the original mangaka, this is hideous.

We will know in September when vol 8 gets translated or in August if somebody translates the SM novel.

Attached: CuteSM.png (556x960, 170K)

At least is not the BND artist.

Several spoiler anons said not a single clue of the golden party present status was given in that volume.


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It's actually closer to the novel designs, the other artist made it too sexy.

Is the web serial done? Is this a compilation of the chapters, or an expansion of the story?
Is this just the companion story included with the game now being sold separately, or a novelization of the game’s narrative?

I'm feeling there is going to be a downgrade for my cute mage girl.

user, what the fuck can we do? The previous artist just fucked off without explanation.

The manga is still going to be released on Mangaup and that means no blood.

"Goblin Slayer Gaiden 2 Tsubanari no Daikatana" The new comicalized version, Manga UP! & Gangan ONLINE is scheduled to start serialization in the near future! Please expect!"


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At least it also means the rapefags won't get anything.

Look at all that shit taste.

What was he known for, sluts or ntr?

Nothing, nothing at all.

Erufuposting is the core of GS threads.

Attached: D7gwoFZX4AEf7Ov.jpg (2048x827, 190K)

You say this while posting a pic with ALL the girls? You are fake elf-fag.

Elf spamming only for when there's nothing to talk about. Which is why there's hardly elf-post in the thread about translated elf-volume.

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Attached: elfthread.png (1314x588, 335K)

That pic was for comparison. It shows that she is better than the other girls.

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I made that thread. I am so proud of her.

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Waifuism, TRPG autism, goblin autism, & healing. Those are the main reasons to follow this series & Priestess ticks all the boxes.

Attached: notgoblin.jpg (568x340, 135K)

That ending was because of her, I suppose.

Bad girl.

>No page with all the girls pregnant.

Reminder that her aura is pure.

Attached: PureMaiden.jpg (574x211, 72K)

Be careful, user, "pure is not good" exists.

Goblin Bump.

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So why do you guys think the other artist got the boot? Not enough money for the art? I thought it was really good.

Stop posting, Elf.

I read that he left to do FGO stuffs.

That'd be pretty gay, damn

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I seriously want to know how the girls would react to this. Would they despair? Would they find themselves"strangely aroused"?

But what if humans were the real goblins all along?

I think Guild Girl would be the most shocked by that.

I'm dying, doc. I need my rape

Poor gobbo.

Attached: Poor gob.jpg (602x647, 324K)

Have they shown Orcs in this universe yet? You think they're going to be "proper" big green orcs or that weird japanese "pig man" kind?

For the germanons

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What? Is GS very popular in Germany?

Apparently so. They get the manga volumes 1 month before the english version, got their own blu rays and even streamed the anime with their dub.

Attached: 73860132_p0.jpg (1400x3671, 876K)

Yet they don't produce fanart...

Germans love rape.

If you do go, ask for something good like this user.

Attached: 1555709777564.jpg (4032x3024, 2.9M)

Then they should have dropped this like the rapefags that were here and are now extinct.

That's weird as fuck because afaik, Yuropoors label anime as a harmful entertainment made by and for pedos.

I'm liking the expression, but so far I'm disappointed in the hair, which has been a personal favorite of mine in all the other versions of the characters.

Waiting for another angle.

Where do you think we will see Noble Fencer first, the movie or the manga?

Attached: LN_Vol_05-04.jpg (1434x2048, 359K)

You mean ask for something better/lewder.

we need more beefy girls like amazon.

Fuck waifufags, ask for GS and Lizardbro curbstomping goblins.

>dai katana
a compilation of the already pblshed parts (9 times around 30 pages gives around a novel orth of content).

replays are just that, a record of roleplaying sessions (probably from testing the rules of the game). The most famous would be Record of Lodoss War, I suppose.


We are going to get a lot of that in the upcoming chapters, I'd ask for GS punching Priestess in the face and her forgiving him.

Someone knows if year one is already over with its second LN volume or is there another coming?

DESU, I think Goblin slayer stomping things BESIDES goblins is ironically when its gets best-- him fighting the ogre mage for example is one of the high points of the series due to feeling like more than vermin extermination.

I get that his name is literally "Goblin slayer", but there has to be something more threatening behind it on occasion to really make it feel epic and not like following around the orkin man always.

You aren't going to like later novels when the one that start to kill non gobs things is Priestess.

The only thing priestess is slaying goblins with is her vag.

>Vol 3 Erufu killed the non goblin creature
>Vol 6 GS
>Vol 7 the elephant survives
>Vol 8 Priestess
>Vol 9 Priestess, the rabbit and GS

It's pretty balanced so far.

The baby hydra wasn't even the enemy, it was just mind controlled, plus hurting it is a bad idea, its mother is a literal Hidhorah. Also, for fuck sake, stop acting like you are GS with the whole elephant thing.

The trap only killed the witch because Priestess planned the whole operation. In the end the witch was blaming Priestess from everything.

But she literally didn't kill her. That's not something she can do by herself.

Elf only mercy kills him, the one that defeated Dark Elf is GS & sneaky Priestess.
Elf isn't really good in boss battle.

Doesn't matter, when they are under her orders, suddenly fucking scrubs can kill Epic level shits. Also, GS couldn't kill the ogre alone.

Sure he could of he just needed to pull out that scroll and it was an instant kill.

He was just so autistically obsessed with Goblins that he didn't pull it out till he knew how fucked they were because "I might need it to drown more goblins"

>Mercy kill him.
Except that he was about nuke everyone (himself included) out of rage for being mortally poisoned when Elf shut him up and killed him.

Doesn't matter I am saying who killed who.

He didn't have another scroll at that time, his "throw him into the lake" plan was really his last gamble and when that failed he was ready to die fighting. Only because his party appeared exactly in that moment (because certain dense mary sue's radar was screaming that he was in danger) he could use his party abilities to redo the plan with an extra effect.

I'm sure that user doesn't know about the second ogre.

user, I just noticed you think ai amntalking of the Ogre in the ruins. I am not, I am talking of the brother of that ogre that appeared in volume 9 trying to get revenge.

GS severs his arm & cut off his incantation before that, Dark Elf will still dead regardless of whether Elf shot him or not.

No, he was already dying but was about to nuke everyone with a AOE spell. It only stopped because Elf shot to his throat, shutting him off.

You need to check for Alzheimer disease user.

Attached: 33.jpg (586x429, 125K)

How about you post the part where he finally dies?

What user is talking about happens after that.

Anybody wants a goblin?

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GS cuts his arm and cancels his shield immunity, then cuts him with a poisoned knife, realizing he was fucked, dark elf tries to kill everyone with an AoE spell, but Elf shut his incarnation with an arrow to the throat, finally killing him.

This one? Which part from this say Elf cancels the AoE attack? He even still continues his rant after Elf pierces his throat.
The incantation already stopped when GS severs his arm.
That isn't what happens, his chant stopped long before Elf loose her arrow.

Sorry, forget the pic.

Attached: 34.jpg (558x299, 98K)

I'm pretty sure Priestess gets anal so she's still technically a virgin if they need to use the resurrection spell again.


That's a good enough reason for Priestess but what about Sage?

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lesbo. It doesn't count unless its a guy!


>drinking wine

kek, women

paladins are immune to all poisons. Ergo, paladins can drink to their heart's content because its all non-alcoholic to them.

they are surrounded by muslims and need an image of justice to sleep at night. GS is a good image for a german patriot.

Paladin Goblin saga could be a movie exclusive arc.

That is not gonna happen.

>Goblin slayer set in modern times
>the goblins are muslims

I have joked about that but Noble Fencer is needed for future arcs so that's unlikely.

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Mangaization of Volume 3 is moving at a slightly faster pace than the first 2 volumes. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets wrapped up and moves to Volume 5 by the end of the year. Even if it takes as long as before, I feel the OVA won’t premiere in the early part of the year, so it’ll probably be the manga that gets to show her first, assuming the mangaka doesn’t skip the prologue chapter.

the only problem is that Goblins are not religious and they don't rape children (yet)

>the only problem is that Goblins are not religious

They introduced a goblin paladin though-- they're learning!

Goblins are religious, though.

Attached: LN_Vol_05-02.jpg (2868x2048, 1.27M)

Religion of Rape

Like this?

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At least that much, but moving the hair to behind her.

Attached: DELET.jpg (532x658, 15K)

I know forgetting to mention moving her hand too was a mistake, but deleting it is a bit much.

Exactly, that thread is almost as bad as GuP thread.


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I was participating though, stupid things can be fun. Just know that it's not much different than goblin-bumpers.

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I don't know. The next volumes that will be released are three manga volumes, in June 25: GS 7, GSYO 4, BND 2. After that, and .

GG a cute.

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All this waifu talk

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Stop ruining girls by cutting their long hair.

But he is obedient when his waifu is talking.

Attached: who's the dogo now.jpg (851x433, 270K)

I think even GS actually got annoyed of the cut hair thing.

Getting gobbed turned her into a feminist

Nope, she didn't become lesbian.

Yes she did, she started cutting her hair and dressing like a man and hanging out with Slut Maiden with the blackened womb. Couldn't get dykier than that.

SM mind read showed she is not lesbian, in fact, she is nothing.

Of course not. A minimal quality is required to be part of the GSbowl and not a GOBBED.com flunky that will never appear again.

What was up with the old artist anyway?
Also someone told me yesterday the movie is cancelled? Can anyone confirm?

>bends spine 180°
pshhh nothin personell kid

Yes. Germans have a long history with vermin extermination. GS caters to their deepest desires.

>They get the manga volumes 1 month before the english version
Wait, for real? Shit, I gotta check that out.

>wanting scat
I don't know what the fuck kind of "european" countries you've been visiting, but you've been lied to.

You have been lied.

It features rape and scat, so yes.

Phew, thank goodness.

Only at first, then dropped.


>functional armor and tactics are a thing
>critical choices are a thing
>goblins are actually threatening
>Demon king is beated by three teenager girls in fantasy armor

And there the immersion was completely ruined. The spinoffs are still fun to read though I guess

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That's because Haruhi is trash and not the actual focus and just there to contrast how crap modern mango tropes are.


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>be super OP Mary Sue
>still need GS to save the day in some other place to debuff the army of demons

You mean Priestess, the other mary sue, it was she who ruined the resurrection plan and the one that killed the revived arm. The others, GS included, could only stall while she put her plan in action.

Not trying to overhype it, but the 8th volume have, in my opinion, the best Demon Lord battle from Japanese fantasy.
Then again, it is actually beaten mostly by teenage girl with no armor, and one spell, and no magic item. So if you put it that way it is actually worse.

>spearfaggot won't fuck the witch

Thread is dead. Commencing Erufuposting

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improved your elf

Attached: 1556809493238.png (1166x3000, 1.2M)

That's not an elf, it just looks like what the futanari affair between Erufu and Babu would.

>Improve the Elf
>Implying that's possible

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Elf is top bro tier. Hell the whole party is

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The one thing I have to complain about vol 7 is that lancer and witch weren't invited to the wedding. It would have been fun seeing Lancer and Priestess watching their crushes wearing a bikini.

Reminder that animeonly fags never saw this.

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They didn't see this either.

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>gets off on everyone seeing
What a slut.

She's letting everyone know she's already taken.

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He is aiming too high.

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Just like we never saw her nipples.

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>It's alright, Erufu mai waifu. I see your nipples all the time in doujins.

>non canon nipples

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Those are the only Erufu nipples I have. Don't judge me. I know my dick doesn't care

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It should care. No matter how good non-canon ones are, they can never compare to having canon nipples, even if the unofficial art style could surpass the quality of the official. Even edits using another character by the artist aren't the same.

Have you thought how stressful it was for Lizardbro having to deal with Erufu and Dwarf by himself and without cheese?

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