99% of Yea Forums won't understand this

>99% of Yea Forums won't understand this
Why doesn't anybody watch the classics anymore?

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The anime community in general has changed. It went from being very niche to near normalfag status. I don't think we can ever go back to the old days either lads


That's enough. Too far.

I'm gonna call the cops on you.

those lecherous eroge protags sure are funny with all their lechery, etc.


I don't get it. Can somebody spoonfeed me like the little baby I am?

what the fuck is a "classics"?

faggots and e-thots wear ahegao sweaters and make "Ironic" memes or video essays about naruto, truly anime is a dead hobby for those of us in the west.

The glorious age after 90's anime and before 2010 anime when words like "moe-blob", "deconstruction (of the magical girl genre)" and "isekai" were still yet to be spammed on image boards

I only know one

Memes that used to be here probably. The aww shit nigga is from clannad

something about the star being a metaphor for her asshole?

I know where the star and the party hat come from but the dildo?

The star is Fuko from clannad giving the star dildo idk

too far

Attached: [Doki] Clannad - 02 (1920x1080 Hi10P BD FLAC) [89B3DC80].mkv_snapshot_10.02_[2019.04.26_21.10.49].pn (678x678, 605K)


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More like the "anime community" entering Yea Forums is what ruined us

Majority of Yea Forums havent watched Clannad.

It aged not so well

Still salty about her lack of doujins

Must have been some party. I wonder who made most use of the dildo.

Can't make a doujin for someone who doesn't exist

I feel ya OP

Attached: desu.png (320x244, 139K)

It's that time again Yea Forums, how was your day today?

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more upset how she pretty much retired after getting married

I just finished it myself
Found it heart warming and charming enough
Then It kicked my heart in the dick, a few times
Then retconned to add insult to injury

8/10 would subject again
Only real gripe is the Art goes into aylmao territory on occasion

This, you eventually get used to the art. Then, after a couple months you see a screencap from the show and suddenly everyone looks like an insectoid.

glad i'm part of the 1%

what? Isn't Clannad super popular?

It's pretty underrated nowadays. Braindead action flicks are all retards care about anymore.

I get it but the orientation was confusing. Needs something else like her socks and bandaids on her fingers

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Please don't kid yourself OP, I bet you haven't even read the VN

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what do you mean? It was overrated as fuck when it came out, especially when AS ended. Now more people understood that it was not that good to begin with.

>the classics

I haven't seen Clannad yet but if it's anything near Kanon in quality it's extremely overrated.

the irony when moe blob originated with CLANNAD

I understand everything aside from the dildo.

The cure for autism.

If they've been forgotten they never were classics.

Fuuko is still nambaa wan in Japan.

They all look the ugly same with different hair color being the sole way to tell em apart

Is Clannad really a classic? It was the entry level cry-your-eyes-out show about a decade ago but it's not like it was ever critically acclaimed beyond "the first anime that made me ugly cry."

The starfish and dildo should be switched nigga.

They stole the only thing I loved away from me. Would shooting something up help the rest of Yea Forums?

But everybody knows Clannad on Yea Forums of all things, you posted this on the wrong site/board.

Shoot up ur mind with fun and positivity!!


Fuck off.

Clannad was my first serious foray into anime (outside stuff on TV like Pokemon), though I made the mistake of watching it dubbed and on Youtube when I was about 14 or so.