What does Yea Forums think about it?

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These fucking reporters are retarded. Maruyama knew about piracy for his volumes, what pissed him of was the bonus volume that he was a literal Jew about

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piracy is wrong, never okay

Release it in English faster. Don’t complain if your translations are 3 volumes behind

Oh look it's the same bait thread. Again.

>they give shit for free
>trigger normalfags
>kill shitty isekai
Pirates are based

don't care. overlord sucks.

>Bad money drives out good.

Is this a Japanese saying? Like how much is he really getting from every Yen Press copy sold? Japanese publishers could get solid translations out by directly translating it to English, for more profit than having to go through Yen Press.

He's just tired of writing Overlord, blaming it on pirates is a standard cop out excuse

>ill go back to being a wagecuck
>that'll show them!
do it faggot

I love it

I don't see anything wrong with it.
It can't be help that my country is a shithole and can't do good translation.

Doesn’t he want to write his shitty wrestling romcom? Like, no one ever reads sports LNs, why does he think he’ll get any attraction with that?

>wrestling romcom
What the fuck? Is this real?

Looks like he is being sarcastic to me

Piracy only occurs because the service is not good enough to deserve money.
Also, intellectual property is a fucking theft anyway.

I'll be free at last.

Are you dense? Wrestling is normalfag tier, and lots of women read that shit.

Sarcasm doesn't exist in the japanese language

You had to buy the S3 BDs for it and Overlord S3 was a steaming pile of shit

Ring x Mama

I wonder how many people even read the fan-translated one.
I mean, surely normalfags are not reading these are they?

Yes it does

I always hear that the Japanese are completely incapable of using or understanding sarcasm. How true is that really?

If you don't like the line of work you're in, there are other industries you can work in.
It just seems like childish whining, from what I read about this "expression of frustration."

The fan translations are superior and have multiple proofreaders as well as changes made. While the official translation is made by some tranny

At least now I'll be able to know the ending of Overlord and it won't go on for 50 volumes!

> why does he think he’ll get any attraction with that?
Let me guess, are you American? Some people would prefer to write things they actually care about instead of whoring out their very souls to produce trash they hate for money.

The Anime/Manga industry is not created or sold for outside countries/fans besides Japan. They know this and they dislike any non japanese consumers.

Piracy is the RIGHT thing to do with manga/Anime. I've never really said this for any other industry but with Anime/manga it's only for 1 COUNTRY and that's it. These are not entertainment industries made to be shared with foreign countries in any way,shape,or form

Piracy of Anime/Manga is a service issue at hand.

It's not even his main job, he's still a salary man. Stephen King he ain't


Is this the guy?

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Its a she now. Kek

Holy shit what a faggot.
>stop spreading my soulless artistic work to be enjoyed by more people around the world and give me more moneeey
>baka gaijins only deserve shitty translations released at a snails pace as penance for not being born in the glorious land of the rising sun
>and they better be happy and pay for that privilege too or I'll fucking QUIT and go back to working myself to death as a corporate slave! That'll show them!
Good riddance.

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The only time i've payed for digital media was when i bought Diablo about 20 years ago. I used to feel guilty for pirating, but now i just laugh at producers and companies buttfucking the consumer for some shekels. When i see things like adobe threatening people for using outdated apps, i just laugh.

Maruyama can hang for all I care. His lack of interest for the story became obvious at Volume 11 and this doesn't surprise me in the slightlest. The real loss from Overlord ending is So-Bin art not drawing cool skeletons anymore.

Authors are Dead for a reason

is this true?
no wonder their imageboards are better than ours

Its an English idiom, or at least its been translated such that it resembles the English idiom.
The way he's using it is at best only loosely connected to its actual meaning though.

>These are not entertainment industries made to be shared with foreign countries in any way,shape,or form

It's reverse China: nothing goes out

Gonna need another Perry to open that country... culturally

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Ew, its legitimately being translated by a tranny?
Guess I'll keep reading the fan-translated one I supposed.

Never heard of the idiom before.

Of fucking course it exists, why wouldn't it?

I'm not sure why Japan is like this. I mean their video games have worldwide releases but not Anime/Manga.

>Let me guess, are you American?
Ah yes, it's a well known fact that only Americans release trash for years regardless of interest or quality.

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I think I do a lot of it

You stupid fucking cunt, it only took the Baidu microbes 20 fucking days to do a 416 page book, and that was working from fucking photographs of the book, and there are translators who are even faster than me, fucking kill yourself you dirty rabbit

>His tweet was a reference to Gresham's law, which states that if there are two forms of coin in circulation which are worth the same value by law, then the coins made out of cheaper material will drive the coins made of more expensive material out of existence. It is possible that Maruyama was applying this principle to fan translations, implying that freely distributed translations would drive the official product out of existence. The expression is also used in Japanese to generally refer to bad things spoiling good things.
This is in the article.

They don’t even like their video games being released world wide. They throw a hissyfit whenever a Japanese game is released outside of Japan. It’s why for so long most consoles were region locked, so only a Japanese game could be played on a Japanese console.

Only when videogames became a giant money making machine, did they slowly open up their games globally.

Maru got cold feet once he realized he'd have to actually come up with new content instead of adapting his WN stuff

I accused him of being an American because he seems to be incapable of understanding a person who would choose to make something he loves instead of choosing something profitable. That way of thinking is as American as it gets.

The chad Nigel vs the virgin tranny

Yes, and you can run a novel through google translate in five seconds, but it isn't worth reading. Good literary translation requires more than just fluency in both languages.

> it only took the Baidu microbes 20 fucking days to do a 416 page book
This, tbqh.
What the fuck is taking the tranny so long? Is he translating 2 page a day or something?
And these Baidu fucks doesn't even get the moolah as the tranny does for doing fuck all.

>Maru got cold feet once he realized he'd have to actually come up with new content instead of adapting his WN stuff
Volume 10, 11, 12 and 13 are all new content. 10 was never supposed to exist but he wanted to conclude empire

Did he really have the balls to sell a book for ~$315 and then complain about piracy?

Because litotes is a fundamental part of Japanese, so the use of it for comedic effect would undermine it's structural basis. There's a reason Japanese humour tends towards hyperbole. Sarcasm exists, but not in the same way, because you might say. 東京は外人ばかりだ without having the same sarcastic implication that you would in English because we tend towards hyperbole rather than litotes.

Seems you haven´t read the "oficial" translation you fag, it's shit, just like the translator

>I'm not sure why Japan is like this
Ask Yea Forums or Yea Forums

>theres a big market who, because of several barriers, cant buy your official translations but regardless make it themselves
>shouldnt we try and tap that market? I mean the people who look for or translated them are the hardcofe fans who already buy stuff like figures if we could give them the access to the official work maybe the hardcore fans would buy them and we would probably get a lot of casuals too since the anime did well
>nah fuck em, ill just stop writing.

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Japanese love that stuff. They buy blue rays with like 3 episodes for $80.

How the hell is it anyone else's fault this guy threw a tantrum? He isn't being forced to end the series at 17, he's being childish and threatening to do it because he's out of touch. It's not like the fan translations were done with the specific intention of pissing him off.

It was also supposed to be only 50 pages or so but he expanded the hell out of it. And it still took over a year to come out iirc

>blue rays

It's legitimately not always that easy, but even outside of that, you have to remember that the mentality of the Japanese has always been weird. The original Mobile Suit Gundam releases didn't have Japanese audio to prevent reverse imports.

All you can do is treating your paying customers better. You can't do much against piracy but trying to convert some of them.

Don't forget the books were limited edition shit, total print run of 7k. If he wants to be pissed off, blame Kikedokawa for locking it behind a full S3 purchase. Or he can blame himself for putting so much effort into it and not insisting that it be a mainline LN.

Stop spouting shit you read from google
I hear sarcasm here all the fucking days, it's pretty obvious the way the speak
Written sarcasm isn't as obvious the same way that in any other language

This feels like a Yea Forums thread.

How much does Maruyama even get from everything combined? Frankly, if I was a semi successful writer and at least made enough to live on, I wouldn't give a single shit about pirates if they produced enough OC based on my work and still purchased figures and stuff.

For the record I would have bought the BDs if the subject matter was better, but S2 was meh and S3 was trash.

It is a Yea Forums thread. Those fags are the only ones who whine about people pirating things.

Litotic device is caked into the structure of the language. This isn't debatable. Considering you can barely string a sentence together I imagine you just have no idea what Litotes is.


Then just buy S1 like S2 and S3 never happen.

I did buy S1, and I didn't even have a BD player

Triple H would be a harem involving himself the king of kings, the ceberal assassin and the game.

To support artists I like I just buy entire raw LN and Manga off of Amazon.jp for kindle.
It’s like $40 fucking leaf for an entire 12 volume series.
Cheap as shit compared to the $10 Naruto volumes I bought a decade ago from the bookstore.

Piracy increases sales. If I can't read it for free first I'm never going to buy it because why would I buy a car without a test drive?

I look at it with Japenese VNs. You literally refuse to sell it to me. What sale are you losing if you aren't even letting me buy it. If I have to translate it myself on top of that why should you even care about a product I have to translate, a service you don't provide, that you won't even sell me in the first place.

I see you are just retarded
My bad for taking you seriously

>Fans transalate the LNs faster AND more accurately than the "official translation"
>People are surprised that everyone reads the "pirated translation"

Then stop having shit translators who take 5 fucking years to translate a single volume while still getting shit wrong in the final text you faggots.

I see, you're just retarded. My bad for taking you seriously.*

I fixed your sentence, English is hard I understand. Feel free to actually make a point or provide an example contrary to the one I made about tokyo btw.

Somebody please adapt Wrestle Angels into a wrestling romcom anime.


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The funniest bit is, you aren't even actually disagreeing with me, we're making similar points. You just don't know it because you're not even ESL, you're EQL.

>what does a forum full of pirates based on an activity which they all accomplish via piracy think about piracy

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Regardless of how you feel about piracy, how retarded are you to take his words at face value? Sure, a successful author would give up on his extremely profitable series to go back to being a wagecuck just because a few baka gaijins read a side story that he is never going to sell to them anyway. You must be an idiot to think that they're not aware of online piracy since forever.

I'm gonna enjoy stealing literally everything you've ever made and claiming it as my own.

Go ahead and try

>has no idea what piracy is
user I'll give you a protip: you don't actually steal anything because the original product remains in the possession of the original owner.

He still is a wagecuck, he writes as a sideline

The normalfags and ecelebs sucking crunchyroll's dick are worse than Yea Forums.

It's not about piracy in general, but you retards only listen to what you want to listen anyway so there's no point in me telling you that you're wrong. Enjoy your shitposting I guess.

I'm indifferent to it.

He is using this as a excuse to quit right?

Isn't that pretty much a thing all mangaka and other Japanese media creators have to take into account now in this day and age? It sucks that they can't really make all that potential money but it is also how the anime industry is popular outside of Japan. I know most people would definitely want to support creators but the English publication groups that translate material officially take so goddamn long, slower than people that do this shit for free.

He's a hack writer anyways.

I will listen to you.

He is. The second post was an attempt at taking it more seriously, but it was still nothing as big as what people insist this issue was.

I think if you're going to complain about English speakers reading fan translations instead of buying official copies, you should make sure the English version is shipped out and ready to drop at the same time as the Japanese one.

I can't tell if this is a passive aggressive threat or a joke. Weird tweets either way.

I wonder if he's actually that upset? Like from the way he writes, the life of an office worker is hell so I could never take something he says seriously if it's tied to the idea of him going back to that life.
If he is though it's pretty fucking dumb. How long's this guy been a part of internet culture? piracy happens, especially when like 3 separate walls are placed between the product and a customer who would otherwise pay.

Should be encouraged.

It means that Overlord's Author is a bitch lol

wait really? it's one of the best selling LNs out there. did he just land the shittiest contract or something?




>giant money making machine
Money laundering machine and narrative pushing tool to brainwash the populace and ignorant children you mean.

No fucking way I'm ever paying for manga.

The baidu chinks raised an interesting point; I think any implied threat might be aimed at Kadokawa rather than the fans.

Maybe it's just Kadokawa being cunts. I mean, they deliberately shat all over Kemono Friends S2 to spite the director of S1, and OL S2 and 3 turned out shittier than S1.

this desu. if the stupid nips would release shit quicker there wouldn't be this problem.

Reminder that studies have already shown that piracy is, in fact, a victimless crime.

I don't think that he's serious about it either.
Maybe just a bit distraught by it, but I don't think he's serious about becoming a full time wage cuck.
Either way the person that tweet reddit to him is fucking dumb and should unironically consider suicide, like, what's the objective of that?

Either release the material in English and preferably in downloadable format or get pirated.

Also, the creators should consider setting up websites to access the material and make money off of ad revenue preferably the type of ad in the form of side banners that can be closed by clicking an x.

Give me simultaneous releases that are actually translated instead of rewritten and that are easily available from a single place for a reasonable price and I will consider it.

>I think any implied threat might be aimed at Kadokawa rather than the fans.
that actually makes a lot more sense to me. I can imagine a scenario where he's annoyed the novel he put out it permalocked behind the BD wall and Kadokawa's refusal to print it otherwise is costing him quite a lot. Kadokawa have been getting quite the reputation in the last few years.

>There were only three arcade machines ever built. All are in high-end collections. One collector had a tech come and work on some of his games. The unscrupulous tech copied the ROMS without permission and leaked them. The game was not broken and not one he was supposed to "fix." The owner is reviewing a couple of months of security video to see if he can catch him in the act. This is the first time that someone has actually had the balls to steal ROMS from a collector.
Can pirate-fags be stopped?

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leddit ruins everything, what else is new? They even took over the fan discord.

>no one ever reads sports LNs
Loliball and Lolishogi disagree.


Based. Fuck collectors. Fat jew bastards.

He already said he was pretty drained by writing it, knowing that there will only be 7000 copies ever printed and they cost a minimum of 3 BD sets (~ USD300?) to unlock must really be pissing him off. And if you want to buy it at auctions, the prices have hit 6500 RMB (~940 USD).


>buttmad because overseas fans are reading fan translations instead of the nonexistant official release
I knew you have to be retarded to write isekai, but still

Speaking of their imageboards, does anyone know how they're reacting to this?

Did this retard really think people who can't read Japanese were gonna read the LN?

Looks like all of you got fucked twitter.com/tiger/status/1133549941178023936

and nothing of value was lost

Someone should just spam his Twitter and tell him to just fuckin do it and go back to being a corporate slave. Fucking hate drama queens like these.

Feel bad for the overlordfags. us NGNLfags have gotten a pretty good translation, minus the first volume.

Is there a name for the good feeling you feel when you do something 'bad', and everyone who didn't do it gets punished because of it instead? Like when a game gets rediculus DRM that fucks up everyone's experience, but the pirated version has none of it, or if you put one banned word in a conversation on a site using a fake account and the mods ban everyone who posted on it (redit did this). Or the newest one, getting a guys YouTube vids demonotised by spamming pedo themed comments on his vids. Because that's what I'm feeling right now.


This. IP law in current year exists only to prop up the value of products in post-scarcity industries, when the true value of those products is irreversibly zero. It's like criminalizing looking at a naked person in a world with no clothes. Ethically it's complete nonsense and you'd have to be an idiot or a shill to think otherwise

How bad is the official OL translation anyway? I haven't touched it but I heard they made a bunch of questionable decisions like rendering "heteromorphs" as "grotesques" and whatnot.

Why would he go back to being a corporate slave? Didn't Overlord make enough money for him to NEET it up?

Шнат dо I тнiпк aбouт piгасу?

I think a competent and dedicated fan should rewrite the story starting from around vol. 10, because he really dropped the fucking ball.

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Go obratno v Andropovskii gulag, you Belka and Strelka.

>rewrite the story starting from around vol. 1
The premise is good, the story itself is garbage.

I think you have to be John Grisham or Stephen King tier to become a full time writer.

He wouldn't, he's been reducing the amount of planned volumes and looking for excuses to get to the end of the series for a while. He's just tired of writing the series and wants to do something else.

The arts should be entirely funded by patronage. Piracy is good because it encourages an environment where creators have an incentive to create in the hope that someone donates to them.

бuт шнy :(

It gives incentive to check their hubris too, artists are infamous for being prideful after all, and a prideful asshole artist wouldn’t have a pot to piss in if they piss off their patrons.

Not that high, but yeah you have to have either a super mega hit with movie deals and shit or else just have a ton of books that get semi regular reprintings. The money for authors is in paperback reprints and royalties. If you just one and done a couple hardbacks that don't get reprinted much you're not going to be living off your writing skills and need to find another job to support yourself. Its especially rough for newer writers who get a lower percentage of sales earnings compared to a more experienced writer (Last I checked new writers typically only get like 5% of the total sales if not like 3% or 4%).

I partially agree with you, but I think this only should apply to digital arts, due to material costs.

So basically this model encourages writers to churn out cheapass bodice rippers because they sell well (despite their low prices) and you can pretty much mass produce them