Uh, SorcerorKingkeks? Maruyama disagrees with you. It's not Sorcerer King, but King of Darkness which is the most correct.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kek. The literal translated is dark while Sorcerer is high IQ translation. Also that MTL hurt my eyes fucking low class weeb
>trusting Elevens to determine English terminology
I disagree with him killing Arche, so I guess it balances out :3
What the fuck is a high IQ translation.
Trusting Maruyama when it comes to english is stupid
He's probably just agreeing because it's the "oficial" translation
So the author knows best about their own work, except when it gets in the way of dumping on jewpress?
No, the author just knows jack shit about english
Wait, didn't he say something about feeling depress and cutting down on Overlord vols due to fan translations? Guess he goes for offical translations, even when it blows.
He's the one who called volume 9 "Magic Caster of Destroy"
Dsmn he must be using an early version of Babelfish.
He was joking user. He's been talking about depression and wanting to end Overlord for ages.
Wow this autistic fag is hurting his 'cause' than helping it. He's probably one of those idiots that believes bombing the Middle East will end all terrorism.
Why does everyone bitch at the English fan translators, but nobody talks about the Japanese who upload the raws and the Chinese who create the baidu fan translations that Nigel uses?
We're the most visible ones. Incidentally, the chinks took down their TL thread for the gaiden.
I swear if this guy succeeds in changing the author's mind he's going to have a lot of unhappy people coming after him. From pirates to non-pirates and all. Thanks for ruining it for all of us stupid activist-chan.
Dead series.
Undead EE
We need more drawings by EE.
If you don't put furigana on it it's free game how to translate your chuuni shit
How to express an idea properly in foreign language
There is a readon why most works in the world aren't translated into foreign language by their original author
>I know better than the author what the author meant when he wrote this I swear!
Kill yourself jewpress
We do, she's a girl of many talents.
The nips TLed "fan translation" as "piracy" hardy har har
Yo ho ho.
Why are they calling a guy who just strings words together an “artist”
That’s word is literally only for people who can actually fucking draw
>That’s word is literally only for people who can actually fucking draw
So musician aren't artist anymore?
By the literal definition of the word, an artist is "a person who creates paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby."
14 volumes.
>Maruyama is being a retard again
And the water is wet
>you're so tired of writing your chuuni magna opus that you write full-blown AU volume just to break free from constraints of the setting you yourself created temporarily
>you've expanded your series and setting so much that there's no realistic way to finish it in the scope of your writer ability and not to disappoint bloated fan expectations
>yfw you learn that on top of licensed english releases some autists translate the novels by themselves
>yfw you learn that they've been doing it for years with practically no delay after nip release
>yfw your stomach ulcers get even bigger
A visual novel opening with animation and character drawings and singing is art. A single retard making shitty vocal noises in a recording studio or rapping like a dumb monkey isn’t.
So you're the one who certifies artists?
Do they create anything that is visually appealing to the eye? If not then they’re not a fucking artist.
>Do they create anything that is visually appealing to the eye?
To your eye you mean?
>implying your retarded opinions matter
What the fuck is this dumb bullshit? There’s 3 reasons why baka-gaijin are pirating this series:
1. They enjoy it. They want more of it.
2. They don’t want to wait 2-3 years for the current material to be translated. Waiting isn’t fun and hype dies down with time.
3. Fan translations exist and are the only way to read the material before hype dies down. Also it’s free.
Hope these publishers realize that if it seems like you don’t care much about the foreign audience, the foreign audience isn’t likely to support you. Making people wait YEARS for passable translations makes it really obvious you don’t care. Why should I be excited for a “new” release when other people have been reading it for months? It’s simple, and if you don’t want to cater to foreigners that’s fine, just don’t expect them to stand in line to hand you money.
Maruyama also used "The Magic Caster of Destroy" as a title
he doesn't into english
>tfw only read physical LN (localized) because can’t stand reading books on a tablet/phone/computer
>but only read manga on my tablet and never buy them
>just read vol10 in 4 hours after getting it by yen
I’m fine with fan translations but I’m never going to print a entire one again to read.
>objective taste owner
Seething but based.
It was a mistake. I wish I could read an entire book via a screen but it’s very difficult and I get lost much easier, probably in part due to dyslexia.
People who look worse and have shittier genetics than me don’t get to decide these things, if you can even call them people.
>Overlord opening drawn by EE
>don’t get to decide these things
Even for themselves? Is there a queue of morlocks around the block to ask you what to like?
It's okay friend just shell out $129 for distraction-free glare-free Kindle Paperwhite and you're set.
It’s not the sameness as flipping pageant and using a bookmark to look down a page user. YP translation should are by far not the worse I’ve read either outside some of the autism people here have about certain things.
t Jew Press shill
>It’s not the sameness as flipping pageant
Oh fucktidoo kind sir of refined tastes. Whatever are you doing on the internet just print Yea Forums out retard.
>but I’m never going to print a entire one again to read.
trees shouldn't die for your idiocy
My bad I’m phoneposting from work. And reading shitposts I can put down every five min is different than trying to read a novel.
I don’t care if you buy anything or not. I havnt bought anything outside LN and figures since middle school yet still watch seasonal and read manga. I just can only handle physical books.
Look man i really wanted to read it ok
I sort of understand the feeling, a real book just feels different than seeing stuff on a screen.
After years writing the WN Maruyama didn't even know the word "Overlord" wasn't spelled "Overload" until he got a professional editor, cut the guy some slack.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to Translate overlord. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Ainz's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who like unofficial overlord translation truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Demiurge's existential catchphrase "SASUGA AINZ-SAMA" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Maruyama's genius wit unfolds itself on their screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Nazarick tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>And reading shitposts I can put down every five min is different than trying to read a novel.
If you have legit ADHD that prevents you from reading a book on the screen - you have my condolences. Otherwise you're a retard and I'm not sorry for you.
is Maruyama a retard?
Nice pasta
An autist maybe. Like, he legit calls a monster in v6 an Over Eating. There are classes called Overed Dragon. He uses English like a weeaboo uses Japanese.
Vol.14 when?
I have dyslexia which makes reading blocks on a screen very difficult, yes. Beyond that I just dislike it (even though that isn’t probably because of that).
As stated, manga or shitposts are fine, probably since they are self contained in word bubbles or boxes.
Darkness is a bit of a simplistic word choice, but can't "madou" also be interpreted as meaning "heresy"?
that last line is the real -killer-
>probably since they are self contained in word bubbles or boxes.
just outline paragraphs in Calibre.
>Asking the Japanese about a translation
Jesus those translations
any word on when the EE story gets uploaded to the mega?
>pirates literally seeing their pirating ways kill a series they love
>pirating something unavailable in your country
>implying the series wasn't already dying since Maruyama was sick of his own series already long before he found out about the piracy
Someone actually still uses it? Sorry. I'll look into it today but have been overloaded by work for the past year.
The novel has been dead since Vol 11. If he actually kills it then it will be a lesson for weebs who bought his shit.
We probably should let the series die. Let those past memories and funny posts we have here be a happy one.
Why the heck Demi is smilling there? Is that his fetish or what?
Didn't you post the tattoo once before
It happens. He is a Devil after all.
They're all whores for Ainz.
Sasuga, Ainz-sama.
Those are pretty biased and manipulative translations though. The first answer sounds reasonable and respectful towards the author, the JP line makes it sound like "gimme the fucking translations"
>he thinks I still love the series
Why in the fuck would he call him self king of darkness when he is pretending to be momonoga the leader of the group darkness
>Be Maruyama
>Write a WN while working the long and soul sucking hours as a salaryman
>It gets some traction
>Publishing house gives you ¥ to make it into a LN
>Work on LN while working as Salaryman
>Just copy/paste right? WRONG!
>Pushy OL editor makes changes, has self insert
>Continue on
>Oh hey, it’s gettin an anime!
>Run out of WN
>Actually have to produce new content
>OL Editor says work faster
>Want to give something nice to fans for shilling out for all the BDs
>Disregard OL editor and make a full volume
>It gets translated
>Just want to write a Wrestling RomCom
Such is life of Maruyama
This S1 house has more detail than whole S3.
Have you seen the WN?
Editor was probably elbow deep in Maruyama ass to get it into shape for publishing.
>Write WN while working as salaryman in blackheart company
>Novel gets traction, start working with the publisher
>Quit your salaryman job after a while
Probably a traced photo.
I'm going to rewatch all seasons mark my words: even backgrounds suck in S2 and S3, especially in vol6 Re-Estize adaptations like they're shit straight out of low-budget hentai vn game: low-polygon blurred CG.
>they had to dumb down adaptation for the lowest common denominator to even keep track of what the fuck is going on
>secondaries are still plague these threads when season airs
>Be Maruyama
>work as salaryman and hate it
>confidence issues
>writes something and becomes popular
>get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per volume
>limit a 400 page volume behind 4 paywalls totaling $200 and less than 20K in stock
>Just want to write a Wrestling RomCom
He can do both if hes so great, pretty sure there is no rule about writing two different books at the same time. Clearly he barely touch Overlord as it is, with these results, so he could at least do -something-.
>get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars per volume
200K per volume at $13+
Even $1 dollar of royalty nets him that amount, so-bin gets less while 90% goes to kadokawa.
>implying kadokawa is above going into pennies
>breaking japanese royalty law
It's a thing? Well it's not like nip companies are known to break labor laws or something haha
>200k per volume
>13 volumes since 2012
>7 years
>~370k per year
>$30K per month
I'm ESL so I can't tell for shit if those are annual salaries or per month: investopedia.com
If they're annual Maruyama makes 36% more than Obstetrician
It's not breaking the laws when they're dumb enough to accept it in the first place.
See everyone needs to stop accepting it simultaneously. Like if I go outside right now and start screaming Putin is shit I'd be packed in by cops 10 minutes after. But if 30% of population go outside right now and start screaming it - that's something that cannot be ignored.
It's shit, like utter cringe written by 15 y/o fedoratipper dnd weeb. Editor did really great job at channeling and polishing it. Google frostdragon blog or something it's fully TLed there.
some examples would be great
Like find the scene with Clementine where Ainz throws a stone throne around the room I had to leave room three times to went my cringe gills before reading through those 2 pages.
Just try reading it yourself, I never saved anything locally so not about to go loooking for that blog. It's frostfire probably, not frostdragon.
Ainz bows to royalty and wastes a wish to make a noble young again and it's not even permanent then he kills him anyways.
>Matrix screensaver in background
What did they mean by this?
>"muh nukes"
Because it's the English readers that are dumb enough to tweet things to the author.
Point me to that shit, I want to cringe
fuck that I'm not reading it again, dig it yourself
Legitimately surprised WN didn't turn into NTR
Jet Testania's entire character.
literally who
We have Philip.
It seems i need to bring back the Nickposting.
A WN only character and for good reason. He was a teenage boy that Ainz just had to recruit to his side no matter what.
>Jet is described as sixteen year-old teenage human boy with dark atmosphere, a sickly skin tone, and has bags under his eyes that receive mention on more than one occasion but regardless of these attributes he is still held to be handsome. His most prominent feature however, is an eyepatch he wears over a single eye.
If Albedo existed in the WN would Ainz let Philip fuck her in exchange for premium deals on veggies for Nazarick?
Try not to faint.
Jesus that's Megumin with a dick.
He is near his master.
What if Slutbedo existed in the WN?
Someone tough go read wn and post the cringe.
Leddit fanart for you. You're welcome.
WTF I love Jet-sama now!
>ウルベルト・アレイン・オードル = Uruberuto Arein Odoru
>All translations use the name "Ulbert Alain Odle"
>"LOL baka gaijins, it is spelled "Urbelt Arraigning Odoru"
>"魔導王= King of Darkness?"
What /tg/ doesn't like to shitpost?
You didn't post the most updated one newfag lol
I'm tired of the world where Clementine is not real bros.
How are the other English LN publishers besides Jewpress?
Unironically great. J-Novel Club aren't even DMCAing fan TL and their TL is honest to original context. None of that Sir Ainz or rabbit bullshit.
>J-Novel Club
>When the madmen licensed the whole of the fan translation up to that point and hired the guy who worked on it
>Started dropping the volumes monthly
On yeah who was that the trololo guy?
I've tagged Nabe in these little red strips to the best of my ability.
I wonder if this drawfag managed to improve .
It's been a while.
We need to go drinking together at some point, my fellow regime-hating comrade.
Maybe after this LN is over.
And they still let you read the pre pubs of the volumes that were put out by the fan translator originally for free because they don't think a translation should be paywalled after it was originally free
Aye, do your best to survive comrade.
Why aren't you lifting user?
Does anyone have actual proof ESL fan-translations of lightnovels hurts official english releases? Cause I doubt any 'damages' come close to the one that comes from the massive delay between the original release and the official english release.
And, not only that, I seriously doubt they get paid by the number of copies sold. In all likelihood the english publisher is paying a flat rate for the license and taking all the risk, which means that if foreign sales of their work are lower than expected or low quality ESL translations did negatively influence sales, it does not affect their earnings. Foreign publisher bought a license for a single printing and if they all sell, they make money. It doesn't mean they'll make additional print runs, as they still need to print x-amount to cut down on what they're charged per printing.
I will try to tag another batch of red strips before going to bed.
Chair or Clem?
Art is not intrinsically good. Both are art.
I've just finished jogging. I have a complex about being fat and about my shitty cardio, so I want to fix that first.
My daily running routine is still less than a half of Saitama's though, so I have a ways to go.
Chair of course. Plenty of time to hug goats later.
decide to get /fit/
start walking home from work
right side piriformis acts up
do shots and therapy
build standing desk to counter it
accidentally sprain foot and get tenosynovitis in the left so can't stand anymore
piriformis inflames from all the sitting
tenosynovitis won't heal because there's inflammation
get gastritis from all the prescribed drugs
Fuck that shit I'll die fat.
J-novel guy gets brought up a ton in this, but pretty much because he's the only guy in the industry who'll tell us much about how things work.
I wouldn't consider this a condemnation of fan translations or anything, but it's an interesting point
I've finished showering and looks like Chair it is.
Baka-user, you need control your diet first and foremost.
Exercises are nice, but they are the side-dish and they do more harm than good if your current body can't handle them.
Imagine Aura gently blowing on your dick.
Why do you keep failing as a living creature user?
I'm not going to pretend to know a damn thing about that series, but according to wikipedia the official english release of volume 4 was Febuary 24th and a copy of their official release did not get uploaded to pinkgoddess til November 1st. That's 250 days since they released their novel before anyone publicly dumped their release, so it's not much of a surprise that it'd sell better than previous novels.
But that's got nothing to do with fan-translations. And I'd have to do a lot more number crunching to even take into account fan-translations. Which I don't seriously believe someone would skip reading the official versions and to jump strait into the latest official release, simply cause that's where it continued off.
>mfw no Clementine to welcome me home
Done. Sadly, it wasn't that much.
Every little helps.
I found a copy of it on nyaa released in June, so less than half that time
>But that's got nothing to do with fan-translations
It's entering nebulous territory of where fan translations meet piracy
>Which I don't seriously believe someone would skip reading the official versions and to jump strait into the latest official release, simply cause that's where it continued off.
I've done that with releases before, especially if the fan translation was a decent quality
And what other explanation is there? Sales should normally decline in a series unless there's a new jumping on point or something, a bunch of people who didnt feel the need to buy volume 3 suddenly bought volume 4.
I feel like people arent willing to accept any nuance in the fan translation argument; its either killing the whole industry or the lone bastion keeping it afloat. There's arguments to be made that even if less people bought the earlier volumes because they read the fan translations, some of those wouldnt have bought any of the later ones without the fan translations keeping their interest closer to the animes release
If you're licensing series with established fanbase - be prepared to provide same quality and speed.
If you're not ready for that - don't bitch about gaijins not lining up to give you shekels, basically this
>If you're licensing series with established fanbase - be prepared to provide same quality and speed.
What does that have to do with anything I said?
Nothing I just couldn't keep silent for some reason.
Fair enough
I'm going to do it, Minotaur-san, Clancy-kun!
As Gaben said, piracy is a distribution problem.
This. Nowadays it's easier for me to buy a game on Steam rather than torrent it apply the bitminer crack then struggle with saves location and manual updates etc.
If you want gaijins to buy your "licensed" novels - make TL good & quick. If you can't or don't want to - don't bitch about bunch of autists translating for free outdoing you.
poor bored retard wasting their time on this useless crap
I was already buying the official Overlord media but this smug snake/sore winner just costed YenPress my patronage
Okay, Im sorry, dont get angry.
>buying the official Overlord medi
I'm going to write it and I'm going to like it.
Basically it's complicated.
>fan translation shows demand for series
>fan translation can raise awareness of series
>fan translation that is fully up to date meets demand for readers to keep up to date while waiting for official to catch up
>most of J-novel's bestsellers had existing longstanding WN translations
>fan translation that is too high quality AND fully up to date can depress sales
>but only if that fan translation has been around for a very long time already
>most of J-novel's bestsellers' existing longstanding WN translations were MTL garbage
>Grimgar saw more sales for volume 4 than 3, and Nanodesu's translation was quite good
>Grimgar is still one of their bestsellers
So it's hard to say in absolutes one way or the other.
Excellently put
Ainz x TouchMe doujin?
One more point
>sufficiently high quality and caught up fan translation can form the basis of official translation if they buy the script and the Japanese licensor agrees e.g. Isekai Mahou, Rokujouma
>Isekai Mahou is a bestseller and is getting printed
>Rokujouma is not a bestseller and is not getting printed
>But Isekai Mahou is FOTM and matches modern trends, Rokujouma is old