Can we have a Girls Und Panzer thread? I just finished the first season, and despite the physics ignoring battles, I enjoyed it a lot. Was it ever explained how the ammunition shot from the tanks works? Also, big fan of Yukari.
Can we have a Girls Und Panzer thread? I just finished the first season, and despite the physics ignoring battles...
Other urls found in this thread:
squash ammo or something?
also carbon coated crew area, no penetration aloud
Man, I can't believe Saori is still single!
>magical carbon literally everywhere
Just enjoy the show user.
It's carbon coating.
Autism back to back generals when der film came out
more like FUN you idiot
If only we could carbon coat our threads
Go watch the film.
And the OVAs and Anzio episode before that
Also Yukari's Tank Corner for more Yukari and panzers
Those boys should act fast before Saori gets snapped up!
Fuck off, Saori.
Exactly, those boys should fuck Saori until she gets off!
Saori will be a cat lady soon.
Read Ribbon Warrior and also the other manga
God I want to rape Yukari against a tank.
threadly reminder
>have Dream Tank Match
>ps4 is set up with 'murica as home country
>can't get any of the dlc because asia only
GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BULLSHIT! This game is literally the only reason I have PS+, fucking hell.
I wish that more manga were translated.
It's because a lot of them are the most blatant /e/ threads one can think of. Retards need to stop making them.
Is not like other threads over here are same, is just hypocrisy.
We're almost there anons
Ova2 release soon
Can't wait to watch it in september!
Time to learn Nihongo.
why can't they release it on pc bros..
I could have done it 10 years ago, but here i am.
How many days until Das Finale 2?
Hey man, the BT5 is practically a race car/tank hybrid, design to go Fast with the added bonus of drivining without tread. The designer was an American who design race car before decide to make tank, which didn’t sell in Murica but the soviet eat it all up. In this case it an exception
only 17 more days until das finale 2!
holy shit that soon? I hope Netflix Japan suddenly pick it up for streaming
I set up a multiple PSN IDs on PC for that reason. Log in with Hong Kong account, download Asian DLC, leave that account logged in while I play on my main account with Asian DLC.
Watch it again, and this time, pay more attention in episode 2
based fluff alarm reminding me daily. Now that the time remaining it is no longer suffering to hear about the days left.
>holy shit that soon?
I know right. What happened to all those days?
How did they get a British Mark IV out of a closet deep within the school ship?
Same way it got in I'd imagine, smuggled in Murakami's butt
Cut a few rivets and move it in chunks.
She looks like she's nursing some unrequited love.
With a bassist.
Why does she look like a poodle?
>RW anime never
What a nice and good feeling.
Oshida > Marie > Andou
>above anyone
Marie is cute and BASED. Only literal plot armour saved the Oarai retards.
>this post was made by the escalator gang
I want to breed Miho.
Blitzed and Fluffpilled.
t. outsider gang
What if we punch Flint in the face?
>best girl beating the worst girl
197 days until BD of Dad Finale 2!
>Chrisdie susbension :DDDD
I LOVE Maho!
>Was it ever explained how the ammunition shot from the tanks works?
live ammunition, but the tanks are coated in carbon coating that magically protects the crew.
Only 17 more days until Maries unimaginable amount of mass will cause the earth to be sucked up by a newly formed black hole.
As long as I'm getting sucked close to her ass and thighs, fine by me
I wish they made Marie the MC for the new OVAs with the story being about her unifying the BC Freedom factions and defeating Ooarai at the end.
Only 17 days lads
Foxes are the worst animals on Earth!
Post more Alisa.
punch alisa
user, she would enjoy that.
Which gup would bear the least autistic children?
Only 6 more years for das finale 6
We can't have nice things
Drills are a sign of a slut.
More like best girls
>despite the physics ignoring battles
Most homosexual post of the year in Yea Forums. Congrats.
Oshida = Marie = Andou
Why do I hate Flint so much?
Andou = Oshida >> Fatie
The 2nd finale match needs to be postponed.
Please, save us from more Ooarai.
Big brown tats
I started lifting because of Murakami.
Because you are gay.
I'm gonna call her all kinds of racial slurs, see how she likes it.
>Not doing it before
>I just finished the first season
Good now watch the movie it's kino.
What manner of insane BS will MEXT pull this time now that even the Karl-Gerat didn't stop them
>lifting for anyone but yourself
Not gonna make it breh.
Why not both?
Those frogs and their fat thighs.
Watch Episode 5.5 and 10.5 particularly the latter.
Are they doing enjou kosai?
Stomping grapes all the time gives you muscles.
Makes sense.
Imagine the combined BC/Freedom & Maginot wine festival.
How can Marie even run?
Marie is the cutest, also big butt.
Those and the Anzio/Azul/Waffle food parties
Andou is so useless.
>cute uniforms
>cute tanks
>very cute girls
I'll really miss them.
do I spy asagani?
Marie should the MC, enough with the good girl Miho, a cute cunt like Marie is what we need.
Yuzu probably but I for one want to breed Erika.
How thicc will the plot armor be that allows the MCs to win in 17 days?
Can't be worse than last time.
>sitting ducks on a bridge
>no cover
>under a crossfire
>somehow escape with no tank lost
I mean, really?
Enough to let Momo wins
>Just after my midterm
Cinema booking isn't open yet fuck.
Momo completely fucked up, as it is Miho will carry her to university. Momo will probably fail there too because she's an idiot who can't into shenshado.
No user, we are not doing this again, still mad.
> Both of my favourite GuP doujinshi written by the same guy
Duality of man
These precious girls are the best thing about Der Film.
You're right, sorry about that.
Momo is such a failure.
Why do nips hate us so much? I'd buy a Switch just to play this game (and I am Setsuna I suppose) but I'm afraid that they'll pull shit like this on me because I'm a filthy gaijijn.
but those aren't drawn by aomushi, user
Fuck aomushit.
Based, he was warning us, but we didn't believe him.
Don't bully Momo.
Momo is only good for bulllying
This one was nice, wish it would be translated somewhere.
I'm still waiting for an Inu's frogs doujin.
Sexiest body on Yea Forums since Louise de la Vallière.
And here you are wrong.
But Anzu and Yuzu agree.
Does this look like bullying to you?
How can a girl be so flat?
Is a miracle.
Based Chad with good taste
Confidence sure is sexy.
Well, Anzu definately has confidence, given she shows up at the beach between Momo and Yuzu.
She knows that she owns those.
Momo is a free woman damn it!
redemption arc when
Momo is an useless girl, and her only hope for life, is to stick to Anzu forever.
Fuck not, she already had a manga for that.
She doesn't deserve redemption.
Anzu's boyfriend is so lucky.
>that "Come at me sis, I'll gut you!" expression on Miho's face
But that's her usual dumb face.
I don't know what you mean. None of the girls look intimidated. How pathetic can Momo be if even screaming at someone doesn't provoke the slightest reaction.
>Also, big fan of Yukari.
We like Erika here.
We like all guppies here. Except Erika.
I'm a slav and I'm gonna liberate Erika
I'm Israeli and I'd like Maho to Shoah my pelvis
>tfw don't like Erika or Yukari
You peasants can fight amongst yourselves.
Don't worry, we hate (your favorite GuP) too
Why would she need redemption?
I'm American and I'm going to explosively liberate you
Try getting off your fat ass first.
I want Kay to liberate me with her fat thighs and tits.
It's a turretless tank. You can be a tank without a turret. It's 2019.
Cute and sexy 5head
Quite so.
Is this show unrioncally good? I saw a review of it on some website that gave it a 10/10 and assumed it was a joke.
Fivehead so big I bet she dreams in IMAX
No, it's bad, now fuck off.
Why would anyone make Assam so big? What's the point of drawing an established character if you're going to fuck up their proportions?
Is not like they will give her bigger tits later, so is fine.
Consider the following rule:
> Atrocious anime
Yea Forums would talk about it often while it's airing and long after
> mediocre anime
Yea Forums would barely talk about it
> good anime
Yea Forums would talk about while it's airing
> great anime
Yea Forums would talk about it while it's airing and for a while after
> Magnificent anime
Yea Forums would talk about it often while it's airing and long after
Her 5head is perfect
Don't really need to when we have predator missiles.
He probably meant that it is a IFV.
And it has a turret, by the way.
> Americans give their weapons eating-themed named
Yeah, sure.
God I wish that were me
Slagposting not allowed.
Smelly Duce.
Punch Yukari and Erwin!
Make me.
Nina pls
I like her chubby.
Why is Kay so fat?
Imagine trying to princess carry her, only to have your spine snap and your head crushed by her giant butt
Rude and fake.
Your attempt is futile.
I never said anything bad.
We need to keep the thread pure.
>Things that need to happen in the Gupverse
Yay, girl abuse! Let's beat all girls! Flint is mine.
tell me about Darjeeling, why does she hate the spices
Butt too flat.
Oh it's clean. Trust me.
We need Earl Grey back
Imagine letting her sit on your lap
Rude but true
She's just thinking about taking spices from savages for safekeeping.
Classy and elegant.
Stop those lies about Marie.
Its really average and forgettable, I don't know why people say its 10/10. It's squarely 6/10. The thing that bothered me the most is how irrelevant and one dimensional all the characters outside of the main cast are, which baffled me because these threads always make them seem really fleshed out and interesting. And if you like tanks the show doesn't really offer any tank porn either, pretty much nothing is realistic or even related to the tanks they showcase aside from a few small references I guess (really enjoyed the Pantherfibel reference in the second episode iirc? That was a really nice touch).
Like you could take the tanks and replace them with mechs/literally anything else and the show would be the same. And for the record I only came in this thread because people were posting tank gifs.
What lies? The BIG FAT Marie lies?
I hope this cutie shows up in Das Finale.
>silver hair
I hope for a St Gloriana civil war sub-plot.
You are the enemy of the people, silver-hair-hater-kun.
I hope some slag bullying on this.
>Went from classy British leader to slag camouflaging with famous quotes
Let's hope the next generation manages to brush off Darj's cursed legacy.
Man, one Kay's thighs doubles Asaam's ones
>tfw like all the cute girls from the show but no matter how many times i try to watch it it's just too stupid and generic to get through so i just sit in this thread gathering fanart of girls despite hardly knowing who they are and feeling like an imposter
there were only a BMP-1 and 2 bt-5 gifs
But Earl Grey was wrong in the head.
Nothing wrong for a British-themed school, Hippu will therefore follow Earl Grey's footsteps and make a great leader.
At least she had good taste in tanks unlike that Churchill loving slag Darjeeling
Jokes on them, all the british tanks are shit.
> he fell for the meme
It's just American propaganda designed to get bongs to buy Sh*rmans
Imagine the smell.
me in the oven
But I was told that the Churchill was the best tank of the war
>400 yen for pizza
I don't know who you are but that is fucking affordable
More KMM girls, maybe ponytail was the old commander?
>they make the spaghetti fresh
how do they turn a profit with prices like those?
user, stop visiting Darjeeling.
She wasn't normal.
I finance them.
it's part hobby part job
it doesn't have to be profitable
Pepperoni is cute when she is not being a retard.
Keep trying.
Never watched this, and I already know Darjeeling is my favorite.
So you like prostitutes.
I never said I liked Mika.
Just wait to hear her quotes and experience her "charisma". Even a saint like Pekoe has her limits tested with the slag
That cute fish seems entirely too salty about something
I hope that Peko fixes St Gloriana
the slag muss weg!
Happy world otter day
The autism is cute.
Reminder Darj is going to be the end boss of Das Finale.
All these terrible Darjeeling sayings make me look the otter way
>Darj was molested so baldy that she become a demon
There's nothing to fix
St. Gloryhole is gonna get wiped off-camera again. You know this as well as I do, so let's not pretend.
Her autistic senshadou-style "Muh turtle" isn't suitable for a GuP boss
Is not like they can do better with the shit they use, look at Keizoku, they went full offensive and still lost.
Keep dreming
Nice try
I wish to have an officer's dorm room.
I wish to have an officer.
I wish to have an Alice.
I want to impregnate Alice
Even Nonna's powerless against Mika's boldness
That's far enough a-kun.
I'd impregnate her in a wholesome manner.
You can't do that because she's too small to safely bear a child. She, Katyusha, the Jatkosota girls and Orange Pekoe are off limits. You can't impregnate Darjeeling either.
Is that a challenge?
you can't stop me.
So many lies
It's all true. You can't truly love a guppie if you put your carnal desires ahead of her safety.
What if she is an android?
If it bleeds it breeds I say
based and redpilled
How to acquire tank gf
PepPep’s Bizarre Adventure
>finally get to Miho
>put your dick up to her pussy, trembling with anticipation
>carbon coated vag is too tight can't penetrate it
>virgin for life
My hype increases with each day
Enola Gay is legal in a match
dumb wani
if you enjoyed the anime you should read the manga
I want to bully it
Skin the wani
GuP has so many great butts.
I want to lovemaking it
>inb4 no one sleep in tokyo
There's a physical English Switch version with all the DLC included.
Fucking fat hobo let her lolis starve.
Saori is such a fat cow
tfw no saori pits
Fat brown tits.
Fucking rude.
Please don't. She can be very anal.
Lies and slander. She takes care of her lolis.
>he likes infertile women
>Mika eats the best food and lets them scraps
Don't kid yourself, she is bad girl and commander.
I hope all you cute boys have claimed your Saori by now!
>ywn hurt a gup's butt
If i want a thirsty girl, i'll go with the best.
Why of course. I like my woman super fertile like pic related. Saori is as barren as a desert
Really sad.
She sure is fertile, but the brain damage is a huge turn off.
She’s just dogmatic, that’s all
Saori could get knocked up by being texted sperm.
>Duce and a rock did more than several girls in the movie.
>my wife
Fake news
All according to keikaku.
>did more than the entirety of pr*v*da
absolutely based pasta merchants
Ducechads rise up
Fat slut
>ywn put your face in her butt
Even the retards did more than Pravda.
anchovy's feet don't stink! Delete this!
>two words that don’t describe my wife
>This game is literally the only reason I have PS+
First world problem.
Stop lying. Mika loves her lolis and protects them. She feeds them premium food when she can, and makes sure they get adequate training in Senshado and survival.
> being a third worlder
Stop posting Mika, you are not fooling anyone.
Give up Erika, Maho is not for you. She will never love you.
Where is the butt, user?
God i want those butts on me
I love my cute, autistic, lanky, floppy-haired, animal-loving wife Maho! I even love her in spite of her psychopath family and dumb stalker friend too!
inu better hurry up I need to see a proper Andou
Nonsense, Alice is ripe to breed already.
Yeah, more like chubby prostitute.
>Boko pals
so that's what she calls it
>Fuck him right away
What a slut.
I have never fapped to a Guppie before.
Your loss
Is there a full version?
leave Anchovy's otōto-san ALONE
>sweaty tits
user, that's not sweat...
germany surrendered because katyusha threatened to peel off her socks after being in her t34 all day.
They even tried to make her feet stink into a poison gas.
And we are back with the cancer.
>only way pravada can win a tournament is if the opposing team has near fatal accidents
anzio wins easily. Just put anchovy's foot odor inside the tank shells, even though chemical weapons are illegal.
Nishi a cutie
Nishi a dumb
I fucking love that dumb.
Poor little duck
How accurate is that translation?
Libyan guitar hero?
That's actually rather upsetting.
Looks familiar, user?
Iz dat sum ecks dee on Pekoe?
>no one quit the radio
>a proper Andou
Not to me, no.
what a swarthy french!
Do her brown feet smell too?
>mfw if you said this on this site now everyone would get pissed
What can I say? I'm a people person.
And then Taka-chan showed up and ordered one fresh Carpaccio to go.
Wasn't she described as actually very smart in the background material/Drama CD, helping her friends with school stuff and thing like that?
She's only retarded when it comes to senshado tactics.
Yeah, that doujin would be a lot better if it wouldn't inflate all the girls that much.
>Fondue calling her big idol a slut
That's propaganda, user.
>tfw read GuP hentai before watching the actual series
How am I gonna watch GuP without fapping and thinking of the hentai material I read online?
Exactly. Moreover they portray WWII Japanese officers accurately with muh honor and stuff
I’m happy that I could meet fellow sane people who don’t worship cows
Guppies are pure and they'll make you forget about filth.
>wojak crying edit
can we just delete everything past 2010?
To be honest...
I did it with Haruhi, you'll manage.
I mean, that doujinshi is funy and all, but it takes Nishi to Akebi or Nonna levels, which just doesn't fit.
Not even MLLSD made her that stacked.
A wani before I go to sleep.
How do I get a wife like Erika?
be this
Always knew Erika's a dogfucker
gib ihr den knoten!
I will genocide you
And we are back from the cancer.
Pekoe has suffered enough.
Dear Lord, that nose could be used as bayonet.
God I get so angry at this image every single time. Stop playing the victim, Yukari.
It’s called dedication to the Emperor
why is she crying??
What would a German (Kuromorimine) and an Italian (Anzio) Yea Forums post be like?
>the purpose of interleaving wheels on Tiger and Panther tanks were to supplement the tanks’s suspension quality on rough terrain and decrepit Russian roads
They're both Japanese aren't they?
Erika would ask for lots of Maho pics. For scientific reasons, of course.
I want to beat up Alice.
The Bermuda Trio already did that by mistake in MLLSD, that was pretty hilarious
I want to push Yukari up against a tank and have consensual sex with her!
Chances are good she would completely ignore you and just proceed to touch the tank.
She got diddled
This but with less beatings and more sex.
Everyone except Klara is.
holy shit, remember when it was 300 days away?
Wow he really just mirrored those two huh.
Subs when???
Why did Alice feel this was appropriate?
Is Maho gay?
if only
Why there's no more pics of gups playing with toy tanks? I need more.
Not that hard to design an ineffective tank round. Basically it's just pyrotechnics.
Gay for me, maybe
Carpaccio is half Italian, too. I wouldn’t be surprised if Akebi or any of the Saunders girls were part American or if Erika was part German, but there’s nothing to confirm that. The manga spinoffs have Emi, who is half German, and Sheska, who’s a German at KMM.
Yukari is gross
I agree, so is Erika.
Well, Erika HAS a foreign name. (Since it's obviously her real name, not some nickname like most of the other girls have).
No, only your taste is.
Toys are too small for them. All guppies are size queens.
erika is also a japanese name.
all of these are read as erika, though wani's name is written in katakana. it's probably something like darj or chovy though
Are they changing into their school uniform?
No they're changing into bunny girl suits for their part time jobs
They hardly ever wear them, from what we see in the show.
Could be like the cases of Saunders and Jatkosota where the names work for Japanese girls while also sounding like names from the appropriate country (with the caveat that Mika, Aki, and Mikko are male names in Finland).
Hello Erika
Klara's klaras!
why would Erika call her girlfriend gross
How is Oshida an escalator student? She doesn’t even have hair drills.
She's a petite bourgeoisie.
bully miho
Bully Flint
Got interested in GuP after reading this doujinshi.
I want to forget it all guys.
ITT we pretend to be tanks. I'll start
*creak creak rattle rattke
hurrr i'm a tank durrrr hurrdurrr
Kyaa! What are you doing Hoshino-san?! Why are you taking that off? Yamete kudasai! D-don't touch me t-there Hoshino-san! I-if you touch me there I'll go crazy... b-b-baka!
vrrrOooOooonblghh.blrghh...schzz... *stall*
Poor Tiger
>Thread devolved to making tank noises.
So this is what a year and a half of waiting does to people.
the definition of insanity
This is what an outdated 250 image limit does to people.
At least they are not doing "that" yet.
combine assburgers, a wait for a two-episode long movie and the frustration from not being able to post loli tojo cunny or darj feets or guppies in general and you get this
At least the tank noises are something new
I like tanks
I also like tanks. Tanks are cool.
I hate tanks
You may have come to the wrong thread then
Is this not a "Yukari a shit" thread?
Shit. Well I hate Yukari anyway, she's ugly and fluff is overrated.
>tfw here for the girls not the dumb tanks
lmao losers
This thread is a safe place for tanks, bullying us is not allowed
Yeah, let's just beat Yukari.
This is safe space for Yukaris
Only Alina deserves bullying
>they portray WWII Japanese officers accurately with muh honor and stuff
But not with their penchant for depredating civilians.
>>the purpose of interleaving wheels on Tiger and Panther tanks were to supplement the tanks’s suspension quality on rough terrain and decrepit Russian roads
I thought it was a means of compensating for a lack of rubber to coat their roadwheels.
Her manga was the opposite of a redemption arc. Based Saitaniya.
The show is pretty average. The movie is where it got good for me.
I think you mean Tigerfibel.
better than american """""tanks"""""
if you're on about that lindy video he's specifically referring to the churchill crocodile
she had to work for that tank
Last for Mika.
>better than american """""tanks"""""
Once they dispensed with the asinine concept of infantry tanks, yeah.
Last for a happy, lifelong marriage with Maho Nishizumi
Thanks buddy. I'll make sure to take good care of her.
*stab you in the balls* Fuck off kike, she's mine
Maho would never be interested in someone who would stab another man in the balls instead of honourably charging into battle. That's why she'll never be your wife.
Nor would she be interested in a man who now has a hole in his balls, checkmate
The Tank Museum have Lindy choosing his top five tank & he chooses Churchill MK VII as the number one.
But seriously, if you think Churchill is bad then you need to ask what tank is about & why it uses caterpillar track instead of wheels.
i don't think the churchill is bad at all (quite the opposite, it was definitely one of the best), just not THE best tank of the war