
How much IQ do you need to enjoy this show?

Attached: [SallySubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka 2 - 04 [BD 720p AAC] [935279DE] (00:06:57.417) 0002.png (1280x720, 3.27M)

Infinity IQ

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Attached: [SallySubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka 2 - 04 [BD 720p AAC] [935279DE] (00:07:03.340) 0003.png (1280x720, 3.18M)

Attached: [SallySubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka 2 - 04 [BD 720p AAC] [935279DE] (00:07:06.343) 0004.png (1280x720, 3.19M)

three digits I reckon

Attached: chiya I'd like some more sweet tea.png (640x360, 252K)

To enjoy it? not much, to understand it? that's another thing...

My wife Cocoa is so fucking smart


Can you understand 9th dimensional concepts and project thought forms? If not your IQ is not high enough.

Attached: 1475449576668.jpg (563x675, 90K)

If yours were high enough, you'd already know.

Onii-chan, welcome back!

Attached: 75046a133e77c6ddf568191f13190cbe.jpg (1500x1500, 164K)

With Chino.

Attached: chino slave.jpg (1024x576, 90K)

How am I supposed to do the singalong when they're all talking over each other?

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Just scream, user

Attached: chinpo.png (128x128, 42K)

was it you?

Attached: syaro sad.png (1107x1077, 733K)

Between an aborted emu and an abbo

I keep screaming but no one's listening
was by me but the thread archived when I was work.

Attached: 1522614584240.png (1280x720, 783K)

I am so LITERALLY Cocoa right now!

Attached: cocoa gas.jpg (1447x2047, 313K)

Truly the greatest philosopher of our time


>How much IQ do you need to enjoy this show?
Probably not much. I mean, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't anything close to great if you ask me. The story is pretty boring too, and some characters like Chino.

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low IQ comment

Attached: cocoa fractal.jpg (600x413, 87K)

Sing both lines separately then retard

I think im in love

Brainlet detected

oh man, i fell asleep while reading this thread and I was having an horrible nightmare, thanks God I woke up.

Attached: [SallySubs] Gochuumon wa Usagi desu Ka 2 - 07 [BD 720p AAC] [996059E4] (00:04:51.917) 0001.png (1280x720, 2.81M)

These girls were delightful I very much enjoyed the show.
(I don't believe in I.Q. it was actually a racist invention no serious look it up)

I want a tea house gf. Like Chiya or Char*p0

Attached: Chiya Ujimatsu.jpg (646x686, 433K)

have the mods finally decided to stop deleting these threads

Attached: chiya cow.jpg (800x1184, 272K)

3 iq

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>racist invention
is this a bait?

IQlet detected

Attached: chino pleb anon.gif (540x300, 1.75M)

Thank you user this post made my evening.

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Do you know this woman?

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Hey user! Want to play some Nintendo Switch™?

Attached: [Vivid-Taku] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka S2 - 02v2 [55233399].mkv_snapshot_15.12_[2018.04.21_08.28.45 (1280x720, 100K)

Rize chan.... I....

I want to give her a hug

Attached: rize headpat.gif (540x304, 1.86M)

Attached: D7furDUUEA.jpg (2048x1603, 527K)

I want to give her a fug
while she is dressed as Roze

Tippy sure has changed.

Who's Birthday is July 15th? Is it Syaro or Rize?
I got conflicting information while I was looking around.

My wife Rize is an amazing gamer

Sharo. Rize's birthday is on Valentine's Day which is fitting

did they had a birthday party for Sxaro in the anime? I kinda remember it or am i just imagining it? I'm pretty sure they had a Valentine's day ep.




I just watch the series for the first trime a few weeks ago and I don't remember a Valentine's episode. Unless it was an OVA I skipped over or something.

They had a bunch of friendly get togethers but, I don't think it they held any birthday parties.


thank you user

Attached: rize pose.gif (500x281, 1.45M)

I hate you Rize-san!

Attached: [Mori] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? ~Dear My Sister~ [BD 1080p FLAC][FD69DEF4].mkv_snapshot_00.1 (1920x1080, 196K)

Attached: [Mori] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? ~Dear My Sister~ [BD 1080p FLAC][FD69DEF4].mkv_snapshot_00.1 (1920x1080, 193K)


Attached: rize hair.gif (500x229, 289K)

Attached: rize wine.png (716x1011, 506K)

You ALL got together to pour your LOVE JUICE into these cawfee cups for me to slurp on?!

Attached: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - Ep10 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [427C72DD].mkv_snapshot_06.01_[2018.04.26_10. (1280x720, 91K)

It's filled with nutritious delicious milk

Attached: chino oppai.gif (640x360, 2.82M)

Stop lewding the loli's.
Chino isn't my favorite but, she doesn't deserve this!

>Chino isn't my favorite

Attached: Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka - Ep06 (BD 720p) [Kirakira] [41D00FA0].mkv_snapshot_16.45_[2018.04.26_08. (1280x720, 80K)

Can't wait to hear the Yea Forums sings and see how much IQ and autism can fit in one project.